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Cky J. Carrigan, Ph.D. Interfaith Evangelism. North ... Meet the Roman Catholic Church ... Perpetual Virginity-virgin before, during & after birth of Christ ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sharing the

Sharing the Genuine Gospel with your Roman
Catholic Friends By Cky J. Carrigan,
Ph.D. Interfaith Evangelism North American
Mission Board, SBC
Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • The Roman Catholic Church is Roman because it
    is exclusively in communion with, and under the
    authority of, the Bishop of Rome
  • Also Known As
  • The Holy Father
  • The Roman Pontiff
  • The Pope

Pope John Paul II
THE HOLY FATHER The Roman Pontiff, as the
successor of Peter, is the perpetual and visible
principle and foundation of unity of both the
bishops and of the faithful. (LUMEN GENTIUM or
Light to the Nations, 23)
Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • The Roman Catholic Church is Catholic because
    it sees itself as the Universal Body of Christ
    composed of
  • All believers
  • In every location
  • Throughout all the ages

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Headquarters in Vatican City-State (Rome)
  • 1Billion Roman Catholics worldwide
  • -1 in 6 of the worlds population
  • -Half of all persons calling themselves
    Christians are Roman Catholic

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Roman Catholicism is the main religion of...
  • -Central America
  • -South America
  • -Western Europe
  • Roman Catholicism is a prominent religion in
    regions of the United States that were formerly
    Spanish or French possessions, and regions with
    high immigration patterns from France, Spain,
    Italy and Ireland

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • There are about 75 Million Roman Catholics in
    North America (U.S. and Canada)
  • About 62 Million Roman Catholics in U.S.
  • - 1 in 5 Americans are Roman Catholic

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • RCC membership grew by 16 in U.S. from
    1990-2000, while Southern Baptist membership grew
    by 5 for same period
  • RCC membership grew by 42 in Western U.S. by
    30 in the South from 1990-2000

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Official Roman Catholic Doctrine is well-defined
  • -Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994
  • But, there is a diversity of beliefs in the RCC
  • -No constant body of doctrine over time
  • -No constant practice in all present locations

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • 21st Century Roman Catholicism in the main is
    post-Vatican II Catholicism
  • Vatican II described
  • -Worldwide Roman Catholic Church Council convened
  • -Liberal theologians, Hans Kung Karl Rahner,
    highly influenced the outcome
  • -Mass permitted in local languages
  • -Non-Catholics designated as separated brethren

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Vatican II citation
  • The church knows that she is joined in many
    ways to the baptized who are honored by the name
    Christian, but who do not however profess the
    Catholic faith in its entirety or have not
    preserved unity which unites them to Christ.

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Many Evangelicals have since reciprocated the
    ecumenism of Vatican II by declaring that Roman
    Catholicism is genuinely Christian
  • The joint statement entitled, Evangelicals
    Catholics Together The Christian Mission in the
    Third Millennium, 1994, affirms the Christian
    identity of Evangelicals and Catholics alike

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
ECT quote... Evangelicals and Catholics are
brothers and sisters in ChristWe thank God for
the discovery of one another as brothers and
sisters in ChristThe love of Christ compels us
and we are thereforeresolvedto explore patterns
of working and witnessing together in order to
advance the one mission of Christ.
Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Back to Roman Catholic Diversity...
  • Latino Catholics and Catholics in under-developed
    countries often practice medieval Catholicism
    are critical of Vatican II
  • -highly superstitious
  • -obsessed with Santa Maria
  • -Protestantism is anathema (accursed)
  • Anglo-Saxon Western European American Catholics
    enthusiastically tolerate Protestantism embrace
    Vatican II

Meet the Roman Catholic Church
  • Another Way of Describing Roman Catholic
  • There are six primary categories of Roman
    Catholics today
  • Ultra-traditionalists highly critical of Vatican
  • Traditionalists conservative, but accept Vatican
  • Liberal critical of the Bible papal
  • Charismatic/Evangelical emphasize rebirth
  • Cultural womb-to-tomb Catholics, but not
  • Popular Folk combine medieval Catholicism with
    spiritism and nature religions

Why Do Roman Catholics Need to be Evangelized?
  • The Roman Catholic Church has a Corrupt Gospel
    that cannot produce salvation
  • The Roman Catholic Gospel is...
  • NOT based on the Bible ALONE
  • NOT by means of Christ ALONE
  • NOT by Grace ALONE
  • NOT through Faith ALONE

Why Do Roman Catholics Need to be Evangelized?
Those who affirm the official teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church may have hope of salvation
but no valid basis for that hope.
Why Do Roman Catholics Need to be Evangelized?
If the gospel of Rome is a different gospel
than that of Scripture, if Mary is not the
exalted personage Roman Catholics make her out to
be, if the pope is not the visible representative
of Christ on earth who makes infallible
statements on matters of faith and practice, if
the doctrine of the Mass has no biblical support
whatsoever, then those who place faith in such
doctrines have a false hope for the future. The
may believe they have been made right with God
when they are not right at all. --Ron Rhodes
Roman Catholic History
  • Roman Catholic History Begins with Peter
  • The Supreme Apostle Upon this Rock I will build
    My Church
  • Went to Rome in AD 42
  • Established the Church in Rome
  • Was the Bishop of Rome
  • Pope Leo I (Bishop of Rome) was first pope to
    assert the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome on the
    Basis that Peter was first Bishop (c. 450)

Roman Catholic History
  • 1054, The Roman Catholic Church Splits
  • Western Church (a.k.a. RCC)
  • Eastern Church (a.k.a. Orthodox)

Roman Catholic History
  • 1378-1417, Great Schism of Western Church
  • Period of Competing Popes of the RCC
  • Pope in Avignon France
  • Pope in Rome
  • Pope Appointed by Council

Roman Catholic History
  • 1545-63, Council of Trent
  • Convened to Stop the Reformation
  • Chrystalized Dogmas on...
  • Scripture
  • Apocrypha
  • Original Sin
  • Human Will
  • Atonement
  • Grace Works
  • Justification
  • Sacraments
  • Transubstantiation
  • Priesthood
  • Purgatory

Roman Catholic History
  • , Pope declared the dogma of the Immaculate
    Conception of Mary
  • 1869-70, First Vatican Council Convened to
    settle Papal Infallibility
  • 1950, Pope declared the dogma of the Bodily
    Assumption of Mary
  • 1962-65, Second Vatican Council Convened to
    Update the Church (aggiornamento)
  • 2000, Pope John Paul II grants plenary indulgences

Six Distinctive Catholic Doctrines
  • Scripture Tradition
  • Papal Infallibility
  • Meritorious Justification
  • Sacraments
  • Mary
  • Purgatory

Catholic Doctrine Scripture Tradition
  • Biblical Canon includes the Apocrypha
  • -Tobit, Judith, Esther (additions), Daniel
    (additions), Wisdom of Solomon,
    Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), Baruch, Letter of
    Jeremiah, 12 Maccabees
  • Two Streams of Authority
  • -Bible (w. Apocrypha)
  • -Tradition
  • oral tradition transmitted by apostles
  • official decrees from popes councils

Catholic Doctrine Scripture Tradition
  • Rejects Evangelical doctrine of Sola Scriptura
    (Scripture Alone)
  • Bible does not argue for Scripture Alone
  • Bible affirms the authority of Tradition
    (2 Thes 215)
  • Bible can not be correctly interpreted without

Evangelical Defense of Sola Scriptura
  • Scripture (Bible w/o Apocrypha) is a perfect
    source of divine revelation, but Tradition is not
  • Scripture has God for its source. It is
    God-breathed (1Tim 316) therefore inerrant
    infallible because God Himself is inerrant
  • Tradition is known to be errant, therefore its
    source can not be God (Self-contradictory)
  • If Traditions source is not God, then it should
    not be an authoritative source for doctrine

Evangelical Defense of Sola Scriptura
  • If Scripture is a perfect source of Truth and
    Tradition is not...
  • Then only Scripture should form the authoritative
    basis of Christian doctrine
  • Any other errant or fallible source (Tradition)
    would be an errant or fallible basis for
    Christian doctrine

Evangelical View of Tradition
  • Tradition is valuable and helpful for forming
    doctrine, but it can not be an authoritative
    basis for doctrine. Consider the
    helpful-though-not-authoritative-teachings of
  • -Athanasius
  • -Augustine
  • -Anselm
  • -Aquinas, and others

Catholic Doctrine Papal Infallibility
  • Papal Supremacy Bishop of Rome is superior
    because Peter was superior and was the Bishop of
  • Papal Succession Every successive Bishop of Rome
    is supreme
  • Papal Infalliblity The Pope and Teaching
    Magisterium are infallible when officially (ex
    cathedra) defining faith and morals for believers
  • Mat 1613-19, John 2115-17 Tradition are basis
    for these doctrines

Evangelical Rebuttal Papal Infallibility
  • No biblical basis for Supremacy of Peter
  • No biblical basis for Peter in Rome
  • No biblical basis for Apostolic Succession
  • How can a Pope be a heretic? (Honorius I)
  • What about the anti-popes?
  • What about Galileo?
  • The doctrine is presently so qualified as to be

Catholic Doctrine Meritorious Justification
  • A person is justified fully before God because he
    is righteous (based on his own merit measured by
    moral purity)
  • Initial justification occurs at baptism ex opere
  • A man is justified by faith as well as works, not
    by faith alone
  • Evangelical position is Forensic Justification
    meaning declared righteous -- justified by
    faith alone on the basis of the righteousness of

Catholic Doctrine Sacraments
  • The Sacraments are the heart of the RCC religious
    practice, especially the mass
  • The Sacraments are the CAUSE of Gods Grace in
    His Church and some are necessary for salvation
  • The Sacraments confer grace ex opere operato
  • Seven Sacraments are
  • 1. Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Eucharist
  • 4. Penance 5. Extreme Unction
  • 6. Holy Orders 7. Matrimony

Catholic Doctrine Sacraments-Baptism
  • Baptism produces Initial Justification
  • Only the guilt of original sin is remitted upon
    baptism, actual sins have other remedies
  • Baptism is a one-time sacrament that should never
    be repeated
  • Baptism is necessary for salvation, but not a
    guarantee of salvation
  • Vatican II provides for the baptism of desire

Catholic Doctrine Sacraments-Eucharist
  • The Eucharist is also known as Communion or the
    Sacrifice of the Mass
  • Based on Mat 2626 This is my body and John
    653 Unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of
  • RCC understanding of the Eucharist is called
  • Upon consecration by a priest
  • The bread and wine are transformed
  • Into the actual body and blood of Christ

Catholic Doctrine Sacraments-Eucharist
  • The Eucharist is a continual, real sacrifice of
    the body and blood of Christ
  • Evangelicals object to the RCC dogma of the Mass
    on the basis of Heb 1012-14 (Jesus sacrificed
    Himself once for all)

Evangelical Rebuttal of Transubstantiation
  • Not dogma until AD 1215
  • Eastern Church holds older mystical view
  • Not necessary to interpret this is my body in a
    non-figurative way
  • This is my body is in the present tense
  • One body can only be in one location at a time
  • There is no evidence that a miracle takes place
    at the consecration

Catholic Doctrine Sacraments-Holy Orders
  • Upon ordination to the Priesthood
  • Priests are conferred with supernatural powers
  • To consecrate the bread and wine so that they
    become the actual body and blood of Christ
  • To absolve sin
  • To administer the sacraments ex opere operato

Catholic Doctrine Mary
  • Perpetual Virginity-virgin before, during after
    birth of Christ
  • Immaculate ConceptionMary herself was conceived
    of a virgin in the same way as Christ
  • Sinless Lifeshe never sinned
  • Bodily Assumptionshe never died
  • Co-Mediatorshe mediates between men and Christ
  • Venerationshe should be venerated (less than
    worship, but more than the veneration of saints)

Catholic Doctrine Purgatory
  • Baptized Catholics must be purified (or purged)
    before entering heaven for their personal sins
  • Purification involves pain and suffering
  • Purification can be assisted by prayers and
    devotion of the living
  • Duration in Purgatory depends on extent of venial
    sins (more sin more time in Purgatory)
  • Several other distinctive doctrines associated
    with Purgatorytreasury of merits, indulgences,
    prayers to and for the dead

Catholic Doctrine Treasury of Merits
  • The RCC is the Repository of a Treasury of
    Meritorius Works for the Dead
  • Saints have accumulated excess merit beyond what
    is needed to atone for their own personal sins
  • One persons duration in Purgatory can be
    shortened or eliminated on the basis of the
    excess merit of the Saints stored in the Treasury
    of Merits
  • The Pope has the keys to this Treasury and
    dispenses its benefits

Catholic Doctrine Indulgences
  • When duration in Purgatory is shortened or
    eliminated, this is called an Indulgence
  • A Partial Indulgence shortens ones term in
    Purgatory, while a Plenary Indulgence eliminates
    ones term in Purgatory
  • The sale of Indulgences were used to fund the
    construction of St. Peters Cathedral in Rome
    during the time of the Reformation
  • Pope John Paul II granted plenary indulgences
    during the Jubilee 2000

Catholic Doctrine Prayers To/For the Dead
  • Catholics on earth can come to the assistance of
    Catholics in Purgatory by interceding for them
  • Prayers for the dead
  • Indulgence for the dead
  • Mass for the dead
  • Catholics on earth can also pray to the Saints to
    grant personal requests

General Evangelism Strategy
  • Prepare in prayer
  • Develop personal relationships
  • Be kind but firm
  • Encourage an honest evaluation of beliefs
  • Gently persevere in truth-telling
  • Dont assume all Catholics believe same things
  • Be very patient
  • Anticipate family conflicts
  • Ask leading questions

Particular Evangelism Strategies
  • Challenge Apocrypha
  • Challenge Tradition
  • Challenge Papal Magisterial Infallibility
  • Challenge Meritorious Justification
  • Challenge Sacramentalism
  • Challenge Baptismal Regeneration
  • Challenge the Mass
  • Challenge RCC view of Mary
  • Challenge Purgatory
  • Challenge Treasury of Merits
  • Challenge Indulgences

Particular Evangelism Strategies
  • Show the Superiority of ..
  • A Body of Doctrine Based on the Bible Alone
  • An Atonement Based on Christ Alone
  • Salvation by Grace Alone
  • Salvation through Faith Alone
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