Title: Inflation: particle physics models
1Inflation particle physics models
- Motivation for and status of inflation
- Slow roll inflation
- Hybrid Inflation
- Structure formation and CMB
- Curvaton approach
- Realistic hybrid inflation model
- Large scale structure from Higgs
- Extra dimensions and D-brane inflation
2 Motivation for Inflation
- Horizon problem
- Flatness problem
- Relic removal
- Structure formation
- Present universe is inflating
3How inflation solves the horizon problem
Physical scale
Horizon crossing
4Status of Inflation
- Observed Flatness
- Observed perturbations
- 3 peaks observed
- No evidence for non-Gaussianity
- CMB measures
- Gravity waves not observed
- Flatness
- Density perturbations
- Acoustic peaks expected
- Gaussian
- Spectral index
- Gravity Waves
DASI 2002
- CMB at last scattering surface is expected to be
polarised (just like reflected sunlight) - Polarisation probes gravity waves
- Gravity waves excite B-mode (curl) of
polarisation that density perturbations cannot - Planck will improve current limit by 50 times
- DASI made first observation of polarisation last
6New Inflation (Linde, Albrecht,Steinhart, 1982,)
Old Inflation (Guth 1981)
False-vacuum tunnels to true vacuum due to first
order phase transition. Bubbles of true vacuum
grow due to negative pressure. FAILS SINCE
False-vacuum slowly rolls towards the true vacuum
several mechanisms possible for ending
7Slow roll inflation
- slow roll in a false vacuum generates
accelerated expansion in the very early universe
Slow roll parameters
8see, e.g., Lyth Riotto
Types of slow roll inflation
High energy, not-so-slow roll 1.Large field
chaotic inflation Lower energy, very slow
roll 2. Small field new inflation 3. Hybrid
Single-field models
Multi-field models
9Linde 90
Hybrid inflation
- Involves two (or more) scalar fields slowly
rolling inflaton plus other fields
which are destabilised when reaches a
critical value - Reheating occurs when fields oscillate about
global minimum - Uses flat potentials expected in SUSY, SUGRA
- Predicts negligible gravitational waves
10Structure formation
- Usual lore quantum fluctuations of inflaton is
seed of structure
freezes in as a classical perturbation
curvature perturbation
(stays constant from horizon crossing to re-entry)
11CMB measurements
This provides a very strong restriction on the
inflaton potential which may be relaxed if the
inflaton is not responsible for curvature.
12Lyth, Wands, Ungarelli,K.Dimopoulos,Bartolo,Liddle
The curvaton approach
- Late decaying (curvaton) scalar gives large
isocurvature perturbations - Inflaton gives small curvature and decays into
radiation - Isocurvature perturbations ? curvature
perturbations before re-entry
Entropy -- isocurvature
- Initially and
- Then and
- This relaxes the COBE constraint on the inflaton
Realistic hybrid inflation model
NMSSM type Superpotential
Potential (Higgs0)
- Generates SUSY Higgs mass
at the end of inflation - Axionic solution to strong CP problem with
- Naturalness problems
- Slow roll requires only but
COBE - We can use Higgs isocurvature perturbations to
generate structure ?
14Bastero-Gil, Di Clemente, SFK
Large Scale Structure from the Higgs Fields
- Higgs slow roll during inflation
- Isocurvature Higgs perturbations transferred to
curvature perturbations at start of reheating
when energy densities become comparable
- Non-Gaussianity below Planck sensitivity
N.B. Higgs decays quickly unlike curvaton
- Relic isocurvature perturbations?
15Bastero-Gil, Di Clemente, SFK
Extra Dimensions and Naturalness
- Extra dimensions have been considered in
inflation models in different contexts - We focus on their application to the naturalness
problems of realistic model - Put Higgs and singlets in bulk, matter fields on
brane - Set string scale and SUSY
breaking scale
- Extra dimensions solves ALL naturalness problems
of the model
16Dvali, Tye, Shiu,Burgess,Cline
D-brane Inflation
- Brane-antibrane at large separation attract each
other and annihilate - The separation acts as an inflaton field with
effective potential
- When the separation string length branes
annihilate, and have tachyon condensation which
ends inflation rather like hybrid inflation - All energy goes into tachyon potential
- reheating of our brane?
17Prospects and Conclusions
- MAP in 2 weeks!! e.g. angular power spectrum to
l900 - Planck launched in 2007, extend out to l3000,
measure polarisation - MAPPlanck measure
- Inflation is a paradigm in search of a model
more work is required to relate inflation to
particle physics and string theory - Inflation could have happened at several
different energy scales (it is happening today)
but only the lowest scale is relevant for
observation - Hybrid inflation at intermediate scale looks most
relevant for particle physics, and provides a
link with the SUSY standard model - Perturbations need not arise from inflaton (e.g.
curvaton, Higgs,) - Each inflation model makes testable predictions,
so new data can rule out models, and help lead to
a standard model of inflation