Chapter 16 Tortora - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 16 Tortora


Innate Immunity-Nonspecific Defenses. Types of immunity ... Adaptive or specific immunity is the defense that kicks in once the innate has been breached ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 16 Tortora

Chapter 16 Tortora
  • Innate Immunity-Nonspecific Defenses

Types of immunity
  • Innate immunity-defense present at birth
  • Rapid response
  • No memory component
  • First line of defense and second line of defense
    is in this category
  • Adaptive or specific immunity is the defense that
    kicks in once the innate has been breached
  • This involves lymphocytes (T and B cells)

First line of Defense
  • Skin and mucous membrane
  • Contain both physical and chemical features
  • Physical-intact skin is First barrier!
  • Epidermis has keratin (protein) that helps
    waterproof skin
  • Cells are closely packed and dry usually
  • Mucous membrane-line openings to outside
  • Mucus keeps these openings moist
  • Some bacteria can penetrate the membrane like
    Treponema pallidum

Physical barriers continued
  • Lacrimal apparatus-produce and drain tears
  • Tears wash eye and cleans it
  • Saliva also washes out mouth and dilutes the
    number of bacteria
  • Very small hairs found in nose help filter air
    and trap bacteria
  • Cilia in lower respiratory tract move dust and
    microorganisms trapped in mucous upward toward
    throat and you swallow it (cigarettes are toxic
    to this ciliary escalator)

More physical barriers
  • Epiglottis-prevents microbes from entering lungs
    during swallowing
  • Urine-cleans urethra
  • Vaginal secretions-remove microbes from female
  • Defecation-removes waste
  • Vomiting-rids the body of harmful substances

Chemical factors
  • Sebaceous glands produce sebum which prevents
    hair from drying out and forms a protective film
    over skin
  • Contain unsaturated fatty acids which inhibit
    growth of some pathogens and fungi
  • Helps provide a pH of 3-5 which also discourages
    bacterial growth
  • Sweat glands produce perspiration which helps
    flush bacteria from surface of skin
  • Contains lysozyme which breaks down cell wall of
    gram positive and some gram negative

Chemical continued
  • Lysozyme is also in tears, saliva, nasal
    secretions, and tissue fluids
  • Alexander Fleming was studying lysozyme when he
    accidentally discovered penicillin
  • Gastric juice is a mixture of HCl, enzymes and
    mucus and provides a pH of 1-3
  • Some bacteria are protected by food or are not
    bothered by this acid (Clostridium botulinum and
    Staphylococcus aureus)
  • some like the acid (Helicobacter pylori)

Second line of defense
  • Blood includes plasma (liquid portion) and formed
    elements (solid portion)
  • During an infection the total number of WBCs
    increase (leukocytosis) or decrease (leukopenia)
  • Determine white blood cell count with
    differential white blood cell count
  • See table 16.1 for normal values and photos

Types of WBCs
  • Divide into 2 categories
  • 1. granulocytes-large granules in cytoplasm that
    are present during staining
  • Neutrophils-or polymorphonucleocytes (PMNS)
  • Enter early in infection, can leave blood and
    enter infected tissue
  • Most abundant type and are highly phagocytic
  • http//

Granulocytes continued
  • Eosinophils-can leave blood too
  • Major function is to produce toxic proteins
    against parasites
  • Increase during parasite infestation and allergy
  • http//
  • Basophils-release histamine and other substances
    that are important in allergy and inflammation
  • http//

  • 2. Agranulocytes-no visible granules in cytoplasm
    after staining
  • Include monocytes-phagocytic after mature into
    macrophages and leave blood
  • One reason your lymph nodes swell during
  • Destroy microbes and old blood cells
  • The other type is the lymphocyte-including T, B,
    and Natural Killer (NK) cells-these have their
    own chapter

  • Click here for a video clip of phagocytosis
  • http//
  • Watch the video and remember the steps!
  • Order of importance-initial infection-neutrophils
    are first then macrophages take over
  • Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas! (order of WBCs in
    normal differential)

Steps in phagocytosis
  • Chemotaxis
  • Ingestion
  • Digestion (then releases waste after eating)
  • Remember to watch the movie. This one has a
    little more kick http//
  • OR http//

Microbial evasion of phagocytosis
  • Some have M protein and or capsules that
    interfere with adherence
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae (must trap these to
  • Some are ingested but arent killed in phagocyte
  • Staphylococcus may kill phagocyte by producing
  • Some can live inside phagocyte
  • Coxiella burnetti (Q fever), Listeria
    monocytogenes, Shigella, Rickettsia can escape
    the phagocyte
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HIV, Chlamydia,
    Plasmodium can multiply inside the phagocyte and
    kills the phagocyte

  • Triggered by damage to tissue
  • 4 signs
  • Pain (dolor)
  • Redness (rubor)
  • Swelling (tumor)
  • Heat (calor)
  • May have a 5th sign-loss of function
  • Functions are to remove infectious agent or limit
    its effects on body and repair or replace
    damaged tissue

Steps in inflammation
  • 1. Blood vessels dilate (vasodilation) and
    increase blood flow (causes rubor and calor)
  • Increased permeability due to dilated vessels is
    responsible for edema
  • Vasodilation and increased permeability are
    caused by histamine and kinins
  • Prostaglandins are released by damaged cells and
    intensify effect of histamine and kinins
  • Leukotrienes are produced by mast cells and
    basophils and increase permeability and help
    phagocytes attach to pathogens
  • Clots may form around the infection and prevent
    spread of pathogen or toxin and help form pus

Steps continued
  • 2. phagocytes migration and phagocytosis
  • Phagocytes stick to inner surface of blood
    vessels (margination) and squeeze through
    endothelial lining to enter infected area
  • This is called emigration or diapedesis
  • 3. tissue repair-dead and damaged tissue is
  • If only parenchyma (functional part) cells are
    involved the reconstruction will be perfect (no
  • If stroma (supporting connective tissue) is
    involved scar tissue results

  • Abnormally high temperature in response to
    infection, toxins, etc
  • Hypothalamus controls body temperature
  • Pyrogens reset this thermostat
  • Body responds by shivering, increased metabolism,
    and blood vessels constriction
  • Body temp is climbing but skin is cold causing
    the chill
  • After infection the blood vessels dilate and
    sweating occurs, helping lower temperature
  • Crisis is when the person sweats and skin becomes
    warm (fever is breaking)
  • Fever is good defense up to a point
  • Death results if fever gets 112 degrees

Antimicrobial substances
  • Complement system-complex series of 30 proteins
    produced by liver that circulate in blood and
  • Help destroy microbes by cytolysis, inflammation,
    and phagocytosis
  • These proteins stay inactive until split into
    fragments called a and b
  • Use C to designate which is which C1-C9
  • Acts as a cascade, one triggers another.
  • C3 is one of the most important!
  • Have 3 pathways classical, alternative, and
  • Some bacteria can resist complement (capsules)

More antimicrobial substances
  • Interferon-IFNs antiviral proteins that are
    produced by certain cells like lymphocytes and
    macrophages AFTER viral stimulation
  • These proteins interfere with viral replication
  • Have found 3 types so far alpha, beta, and
  • Produced by viral infected cells and spread to
    neighboring uninfected cells, inducing them to
    make antiviral proteins that disrupt viral
  • Studying these as possible cure for cancer, etc.

One more time!
  • Transferrins-iron binding proteins that inhibit
    bacteria growth by reducing the amount of
    available iron
  • Iron overload can suppress chemotaxis and
    phagocytosis and increase risk of infection!
  • Antimicrobial peptides-newly discovered, produced
    by mucous membrane cells and phagocytes
  • These bind to microbial plasma membrane and cause
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