Ecological and Toxicological Aspects of the Partial Meltdown of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Re - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ecological and Toxicological Aspects of the Partial Meltdown of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Re


Ecological and Toxicological Aspects of the Partial Meltdown of the Chernobyl ... Exposed to internal irradiation from 131I and other radionuclides. Thyroid doses ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ecological and Toxicological Aspects of the Partial Meltdown of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Re

Ecological and Toxicological Aspects of the
Partial Meltdown of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power
Plant Reactor
  • Presented by Clair Morris

  • Background of the accident
  • Release, dispersion and deposition of
  • Dose estimates
  • Local effects
  • Non-local effects
  • Conclusion

Radiation Units
  • Bq Becquerel
  • measure of Activity
  • Gy Gray
  • measure of Absorbed Dose
  • Sv Sievert
  • measure of Dose Equivalent

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
  • 80 miles North of Kiev in Ukraine
  • 4 nuclear reactors, 2 more under construction at
    time of accident
  • Pripyat (pop. 49,000) 1½ miles from reactor
  • Total population 125,000 within 30km radius of

Reasons for the Reactor Meltdown
  • Mismanaged electrical-engineering experiment
  • Human error
  • Operators overrode built-in safety mechanisms
  • Ignored plant safety rules
  • Poor reactor safety design

The Accident 123am April 26th 1986
  • Reaction accelerated out of control
  • Reactor exploded - unit 4
  • Plume of smoke, radioactive fission products,
    debris from core building sent up to 1 mile
  • Heavy debris deposited close to site
  • Lighter components (fission products noble
    gases) blown to NW of site

Fires at reactor
  • Conventional fire
  • Extinguished within 4 hours
  • More than 100 firefighters
  • Graphite fire
  • Extinguished after 10 days
  • Uncertainty about firefighting measures
  • May have led to high releases of radionuclides
    after 1 week

Release of Reactor Core Products
  • Noble gases 100 released
  • 131I 50-60 released (1760 PBq)
  • 134Cs 20-40 released (54 PBq)
  • 137Cs 20-40 released (85 PBq)
  • 132Te 25-60 release (1150 PBq)
  • Other elements in reactor core released to lesser

Dispersion Deposition of Radionuclides
  • Largest particles (fuel particles) deposited by
    sedimentation within 60 miles of reactor
  • Smaller particles carried by wind large distances
    deposited primarily by rainfall

Release Rate of Radionuclides Following the
137Cs Deposition Ukraine, Belarus Russia
European Plumes of Contamination
Local Response to Exposure
  • Town of Pripyat evacuated April 27th
  • All people within 30km of reactor (135,000) were
    later evacuated
  • Exposure prevention in surrounding areas began
  • Wetting areas to reduce dust
  • Cleaning and washing streets, buildings
  • Efforts mostly unsuccessful

Relative Contribution From Individual
Radionuclides to Absorbed Dose Rate Following the
Dose Estimates - Liquidators
  • Liquidators
  • Power plant staff people who participated in
    clean-up operations
  • Up to 800,000 people
  • Workers in plant April 26th 400 people
  • All dosimeters worn over-exposed
  • Whole-body doses between 1 16 Gy
  • Thyroid dose up to 20 Sv

Dose Estimates Liquidators
  • Cleanup operations
  • 1986 170 mSv
  • 1987 130 mSv
  • 1988 30 mSv
  • 1989 15 mSv
  • Small group working inside plant
  • Whole body doses 0.5 to 13 Gy

Dose Estimates - Evacuees
  • Evacuees
  • Nearby residents evacuated from 30km zone
  • Exposed to internal irradiation from 131I and
    other radionuclides
  • Thyroid doses
  • 1 Sv small children
  • 70 Sv adults
  • Whole body doses average 15 mSv

Dose Estimates former SU
  • People who lived in the contaminated areas of the
    former Soviet Union
  • Consumption of cows milk with 131I
  • Internal exposure
  • Thyroid doses up to 40 Sv
  • Activity of 137Cs deposited on ground
  • External exposure
  • Doses 5 to 250 mSv
  • Dependent of food control

Dose Estimates - Europe
  • Variable based on deposition
  • Exposures higher if rainfall occurred during
    passage of radioactive cloud
  • Annual Dose Estimates
  • Southeastern Europe 1.2 mSv
  • Northern Europe 0.97 mSv
  • Central Europe 0.93 mSv
  • (Former Soviet Union 0.81 mSv)

Local Effects - Human
  • Acute Effects
  • 31 people died within 3 months
  • Acute radiation doses gt 4 Gy
  • 137 treated for acute radiation sickness

131I Milk
  • 131I more hazardous radionuclide
  • Easily transferred pasture ? animal ? milk
  • Rapidly concentrates in thyroid gland
  • High specific activity
  • 131I half-life
  • 3.9 days pasture grass
  • 5 days cows milk

Local Effects - Human
  • Chronic Effects
  • Psychological effects
  • Increase in thyroid cancers
  • More prevalent in children aged 0 to 5 at time of
    accident in high 131I contaminated areas

Local Effects - Trees
  • 1 stand of pine forest (400 ha) died
  • Dose 80100 Gy
  • Other stands with 3-4 Gy dose
  • 95 necrotization of young shoots
  • Leafy trees undamaged
  • More radioresistant than pines

Local Effects - Animals
  • Fish
  • High levels of 134Cs 137Cs in young fish
  • Game animals
  • Moved into area because of evacuation
  • Rodents
  • High deaths in areas of high contamination
  • Populations recovered 1 year later

Non-local Effects
  • Plants
  • Wildlife
  • Domestic animals
  • Aquatic life

Plant Uptake of Radiation
  • Plant uptake of radiation dependent on
  • Exposed surface area
  • Developmental season of the plant
  • External morphology
  • Type of radionuclide affects uptake
  • Chemical similarity to essential nutrient
  • Example Cs and K

Non-local Effects - Plants
  • Mosses and lichens
  • Some areas of central Norway - concentrations gt
    100,000 Bq/kg in lichens
  • Alpine trees, lichens, lake sediments
  • Agricultural crops had high 137Cs activity
  • Some harvests rejected

Key Species - Reindeer
  • Key species in transfer of radioactivity from
    environment to humans
  • High transfer from feed to muscle
  • High percentage of diet is lichen
  • Diet not significantly supplemented with food low
    in radioactivity

Reindeer Exposure
  • Annual estimated dose estimate (Norwegian
    reindeer) 500 mSv
  • 1986 1987 75 Swedish reindeer meat unfit for
    human consumption (gt300 Bq/kg)
  • 1987 increased permissible level
  • 1987 1999 25 still exceeded limit (gt1500

Non-local Effects Reindeer
  • Calf survival
  • Decreased 25 in 2 Norwegian herds with high
  • Chromosomal aberrations
  • Female reindeer showed aberrations positively
    correlated with 137Cs flesh
  • Calf aberrations decreased over time showing
    dose-dependent induction

Non-local Effects Other Wildlife
  • Mutagenicity in mice (Sweden) increased
  • Increased tissue concentrations of radionuclides
    found in
  • Caribou Quebec
  • Moose - Sweden

  • Little or no food chain biomagnification measured
  • Wolverine, lynx arctic fox (Norway)
  • Radioactivity
  • Highest in muscle
  • Lowest in fat
  • Lower levels of radioactivity in top-level
    carnivores than at lower trophic levels

Transfer Coefficient of Radionuclides
  • Transfer Coefficient proportion of
    radioactivity transferred from diet to muscle
  • Radiocesium transfer coefficient
  • 2.5 adult cattle
  • 16 calves

Non-local Effects Domestic Animals
  • Radiocesium isotopes transferred easily to farm
    grazing animals
  • Radiocesium ingested concentrated in muscle
  • Radiocesium activity in milk increased
  • Transfer coefficients vary by species
  • Cattle 2.5
  • Sheep 24

Non-local Effects - Sheep
  • Sheep absorbed high 137Cs from food
  • 4.25 million sheep in UK initially restricted for
    movement and slaughter
  • 438,000 by January 1994
  • Decreases in 137Cs activity dependent on food
    source (in study after 115 days)
  • Contaminated pasture 13 of initial
  • Uncontaminated pasture 3.5 of initial

Non-local Effects Aquatic Life
  • Consumption fishing declined
  • Radiocesium concentrations in fish muscle
  • Increased 3-5 times in southern Baltic Sea
  • Increased 5 times in Danube river
  • Bioconcentration in some species

Chernobyl Now?
  • Sarcophagus erected over reactor, completed
    November 1986
  • Ukraine reluctantly shut down Chernobyl power
    plant in December 2000, over 14 years after the

  • Accident at Chernobyl was preventable
  • Large amounts of radionuclides were released
  • Contamination found across Northern Hemisphere
  • Long-term effects of the accident are still being

  • Book chapter 24 Hoffman et. al. 1995. Handbook
    of Ecotoxicology. Lewis Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public
    Health, Nov. 1995. Chernobyl 10 years on
    Radiological and Health Impact.
  • NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public
    Health, April 2001. Chernobyl 15 years on. USA
    Health Physics Soc. Newsletter.
  • Meyers, Robert A. (Ed.), (1999) The Wiley
    Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution and
    Cleanup. Vol.s 1 2. J. Wiley Sons, New York,
  • Liu, David and Bela Liptak (Eds.), (1997)
    Environmental Engineers Handbook (2nd Edn.) Lewis
    Publ., Boca Raton, FL.

  • Why is it that young cattle absorb ( retain in
    their tissue) a higher proportion of ingested
    radiocesium than adult cattle?
  • Why were the exposures to radioiodine mostly
    short-term compared to the exposures from

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