Title: Jeopardy Template
1This is a template for you to use in your
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Figurative Language, ETC...
From the Literature
3Daily Double!
4Vocabulary 100
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right or wrong answers
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to be used.
What is not easy to control?
What is breaking the rules?
What is quiet and shy?
5Vocabulary 200
What is to throw back from a cavity?
What is unbeatable?
What is to get back?
6Vocabulary 300
What is to think carefully, again about something?
What is not aware?
What is hostile, quarrelling?
7Vocabulary 400
What is not very smart?
What is not able to disappear?
What is not able to defeat unbeatable?
8Figurative language 100
Reference in a work of literature to another work
of literature or to a well-known event, person,
or place.
What is a simile?
What is connotation?
What is an allusion?
9Figurative language 200
School. For the last week or so its like
getting jabbed with a little needle every time I
hear the word. This is an example of
10Figurative language 300
The literal meaning dictionary definition
What is irony?
What is connotation?
What is denotation?
11Figurative language 400
Which literary device is the author using in the
following excerpt? Maybe he wont have to stay
home, the Fair Gwen says, and she and Gram kind
of lock eyeballs for a second, that secret code
that mothers have. This is just incase, Max.
What is foreshadowing?
What is denotation?
What is cliffhanger?
12From the Literature 100
Ah, yes. Television, the opiate of the massives.
What is foreshadowing?
What is rationalization?
What is sarcasm?
13From the Literature 200
Me rescuing Freak. What a joke right?
What is suspense?
What is irony?
What is theme?
14From the Literature 300
Killer Kane, Killer Kane Had a kid who got no
What is the theme?
What is allusion?
What is a couplet?
15From the Literature 400
He really does keep a dictionaryand he pulls it
out like Arnold Schwarzenegger pulling out a
machine gun or something
What is foreshadowing?
What is simile?
What is metaphor?
16Literary Devices 100
Freak has this thing about American chop suey.
He loves the stuff and when he holds up his
plate, he always says, Please, sir, more
gruel. The author employs which literary device
in this passage?
What is irony?
What is suspense?
What is allusion?
17Literary Devices 200
Friendship allows people to connect in a
meaningful way.
What is allusion?
What is a compound sentence?
What is theme?
18Literary Devices 300
I never had a brain until Freak came along
What is first person point of view?
What is third person point of view?
What is verbal irony?
19Literary Devices 400
Freak explains how its okay to break a promise
if youre on a quest.
What is symbolism?
What is rationalization?
What is allusion?
20Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy!
How does Kevin define Butthead in the dictionary
he gave to Max?
One who has a posterior positioned on his
One who can sneeze a hot dog through his nose.
One who thinks one is not smart.
22Thanks for playing