Title: Kid Pix
1Kid Pix
Getting into Kid Pix
Directions for Slides or Pictures
Directions for a Slide Show
Making Your Own Slides and Slide Show
All of the Kid Pix Tools and What They Can Do
Ideas for How to Use Kid Pix in Your Classroom
Tips and Tricks When Using Kid Pix
2Kid Pix
Using Kid Pix to Make Slides
Saving a Kid Pix Slide
Opening a Kid Pix Slide
3Slide Show
Making a Slide Show
Saving a Slide Show
Saving a Stand Alone Slide Show
Opening a Slide Show
Opening a Stand Alone Slide Show
4Click on Start
5Move your mouse up to Scott Apps
Then click on Kid Pix Deluxe.
6Click on Students
7Click on Start
8This is the Kid Pix Picker to choose where you
would like to go.
9Click on Kid Pix
10This is where you will be making your slides. At
the left side of the screen are the tools you can
use to make your slides. At the bottom of the
screen, are the options for the tool you are
currently using.
Please refer to your handouts about the different
tools and options that are available for you to
use in making your slides.
Hand Outs on Tools
11To change the stamps that you are able to use in
making your slides go to Goodies and then Pick a
Stamp Set.
12Choose a Stamp Set that you would like to use in
making your slide. Refer to your hand out to see
all of the stamps that are in each set.
13To use a picture or a map as a background go to
Goodies and then Pick More Pictures.
14Double click on background, clipart, or map.
This will put choices in the box under file name
and then double click on one of the choices.
15To save a slide click on File and then click on
Save a Picture.
16Change the Drive to H.
Click in the box under File name and type in a
name for your slide. Click OK. Click File and
then New to start a new slide.
17To open a slide that you have saved click on File
and then Open a Picture.
18Change the drive to H.
Look in the File Name box to find the name of the
slide you would like to open. Click on the name
of that slide and click OK.
19Click on SlideShow
20This is what you will see when you enter the
Slide Show part of Kid Pix.
21This button is the picture button. You use this
button to put your slide (picture) into the
22Double Click on h in directories.
Click on the name of your first slide in files
and then click OK.
23This is the sound button. You use this button to
add sound to your slide.
24Click on a sound and then on Preview to hear the
sound. When you have chosen the sound you would
like to use click Select.
If you would like more choices, click on More.
25Double click on deluxe or kidpix.
Then click on a sound. Click OK.
26This is the transition button. You use this
button to add a transition to your slide. A
transition is what happens between two slides.
27Pick a transition and click preview to see a
After you have chosen a transition, click Select.
28Now your first truck should look like this. Put
each of your slides into a truck.
29To play your slide show once click this.
To play your slide show continuously click this.
30To save your slide show click File and then Save
a SlideShow.
31Change the drive to h. Type in a name for your
slide show in file name. Click OK.
32If you save your slide show as a Stand Alone, it
can be played without having Kid Pix on your
33To save your slide show as a Stand Alone, click
save as StandAlone
34Change the drive to h. Type in a name for your
slide show in file name. Click OK.
35To open a slide show that you have saved click on
open a SlideShow.
36Change the drive to h. Click the name for your
slide show in the file name box. Click OK.
37When opening a stand alone slide show, you do not
have to be in Kid Pix. If you are in Kid Pix
follow the directions for opening a slide show.
38To open a stand alone slide show without being in
Kid Pix double click on My Computer.
39Double click on the h drive. This is the one
with your last name.
40Double click on the dog. The slide show will
automatically start playing
41Making Your Own Slides and Slide Show
- http//www.learningspace.org/prof_growth/training/
Kidpix/KidPixOverview.html - We are going to use the directions at this site
to create our own slides and slide shows using
Kid Pix.
42All of the Kid Pix Tools and What They Can Do
- http//t4.jordan.k12.ut.us/Inservice/KidPix/kid_pi
x_tools.htm - This site explains all of the Tools that you can
use when making slides and their options. - http//www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/sbeck/wackypaint.htm
- This site explains the options when using the
wacky brush. - http//www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/sbeck/wackymixer.htm
- This site explains the options when using the
mixer. -
43Ideas for How to Use Kid Pix in Your Classroom
- http//www.feist.com/mueller/ttt/links.htm
- http//members.aol.com/MrsGoudie/kidspix.html
- http//www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/littlekids/ki
dpix_activities.htm -
- http//san-miguel.lausd.k12.ca.us/kid_pix_resource
44Tips and Tricks When Using Kid Pix
- Slide Tips
- Slide Show Tips
- Lab Tips
45Slide Show Tips
- A Note to Remember If you loop your slide show,
you must double click on it to stop it! - When saving a slide show make sure it is saved in
the same place as your slides. (ex. H drive)
46Slide Tips
- When choosing Kid Pix from the picker, you might
get an error message. Click close and then click
close again. At the bottom of the picker it will
say Kid Pix, click on this before clicking on Kid
Pix again.
47Slide Tips
- When using the typewriter tool, you can move the
textbox by clicking on the box holding the mouse
button down and then moving the box. - When using the fill tool, the tip of the paint
coming out of the pail should be inside the area
that you would like to fill with color.
48Slide Tips
- The face at the bottom of the tools is the undo
guy. He can only undo the very last thing that
you did.
49Lab Tips
- If the computer freezes up, try pushing Ctrl,
Alt, and Delete all at the same time and then
click end task. If this doesnt work hold the
on/off button in on the computer for about 8
seconds to turn off the computer and restart it.
50Lab Tips
- After exiting Kid Pix and logging off the
computer, a message may appear that windows will
restart now. You will need to restart the
computer by holding in the on/off button for
about 8 seconds and then turning the computer
back on.