Title: Reducing Greenhouse Gases
1Reducing Greenhouse Gases
Your Logo Here
- Wisconsin's Educational Initiatives
2- Presented by
- Lloyd Eagan
- Director, Bureau of Air Management
- Wisconsin Dept.of Natural Resources
- National Governor's AssociationFebruary 28, 2002
3Wisconsin Educates
- By developing informational materials
- that emphasize voluntary action
- based on informed choices
- and trains employers, teachers, and the general
public - using many channels of communication
4Wisconsins Educational Focus
- Builds capacity of citizens and the regulated
community - beyond the realm of regulation
- for inventive and practical choices that
- reduce greenhouse gases and other air pollutants
5Wisconsins air education models
- Model legislation green tier contractual
performance agreements - Environmental management systems
- International partnerships (Germany)
- Wisconsin Partners for Clean Air
- K-12 education
- Mass media
6Adult education audiences
- business, other employers and fleet owners
participating in Wisconsin Partners for Clean Air - the state legislature and other elected officials
- the general public
- the auto repair community
7Youth education audiences
- high school students statewide
- elementary school students statewide
- museum visitors in metropolitan Milwaukee
- radio listeners in the non-attainment region of
SE Wisconsin
8Features benefits of adult education
- Benefits of Wisconsin Partners for Clean Air
- Voluntary initiatives
- Employers customize transportation programs to
employee needs - Members also address operational improvements to
reduce emissions - Mass media campaign supports employer efforts
with community-wide awareness
9Some stellar WPCA initiatives
- The City of West Allis took a proactive approach
to improving the environment. In 2000, they
planted over 311 trees, built a new energy
efficient library and police station and
purchased a natural gas vehicle for their police
10The US Postal ServiceWPCA contd
- USPS Milwaukee Vehicle Maintenance Facility
reduced VOC emissions using - material substitution, employee commuting
options, vehicle maintenance, and use of
pre-painted panels. - Careers on Wheels promotes awareness of vehicle
11Wisconsin Electric/Gas WPCA contd
- 220 natural gas vehicles operates the largest
compressed natural gas vehicle fleet in the
state. - promotes sustainable building practices and
energy use through builder associations,
highlighting coal combustion products as
construction materials. - offer commuting alternatives to driving alone for
the 330 participating employees.
12Wisconsin Electric/Gas WPCAcontd
- Energy for tomorrow tm - customers purchase 25,
50 or 100 of their energy from renewable
resources. - Since 1996, reduced greenhouse gases and other
emissions planting 6,300 trees. - Environmental Cooperative Agreement with WDNR to
improve the environmental performance of its
Pleasant Prairie Power Plant.
13Wisconsin Paperboard Corp WPCA contd
- voluntary installation of a new low-NOx boiler.
- NOx emissions were reduced 2001 by 77 tons
compared to 2000 and 120 tons compared to 1997.
14Features and Benefits of K-12 Education
- Wheres the Air?
- Offers many activities for 5th grade classrooms
to explore air science and the impact of
transportation and other community and personal
choices on the air - Biomonitoring Education
- Trains 5th grade teachers, selected classrooms
contribute milkweed evidence to DNR
bio-monitoring program
15K-12, contd
- Easy Breathers
- Aims at teen age youth, early drivers
- Offers interactive website for home and classroom
activities www.easybreathers.org - Video introduces peer to peer youth leadership
about alternative transportation technologies and
personal choices - Provides related Auto Log to track car
16Easy Breathers, contd
- Created a partnership with Milwaukee Public
Museum to install a permanent transportation
exhibit attracting youthful drivers. - Created a national destination website about
mobile sources, transportation technologies, and
personal choices for high school students, their
teachers and families.
17Features and outcomes of mass media information
- USEPA campaign It all adds up to cleaner air
plus CMAQ funding for media buy, with WPCA
identity - Radio ads (only) at peak drive times
- Reached commuters and youth - results
- 85 market penetration - SE Wisconsin
- 80 consumer awareness of clean air choices
- 1-800 AQI calls increased from 180/mo in 5/01 to
1,234/mo in 6/01 (radio campaign start)
18Channels of distribution for education and
- WPCA programs
- Specialized employer meetings, staff training,
email communications kits - Employer recognition programs
- Cooperative programs
- Legislation developed with advisory committees
- Specialized business orientation meetings
- Contractual arrangements for specific projects
- International industry tour programs
19Channels, contd
- K-12 Education
- Teacher in-service training in cooperation with
Wisconsin Science Teachers Association Wisconsin
Environmental Education Association WEAC. - Direct mail distribution of K-12 kits to every
school, public library in the state. - Websites - as promotional as well as science
education tools
20Channels, contd
- Mass media tracking via public opinion survey
research - Drives selection of most effective media
- Buy media time, leverage PSA time and additional
placement, to target audience - Radio is number one media for general public
information linked to website for more info
toll-free phone number.
21For More Information
- Cooperative Environmental Assistance
- http//www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/cea/
- Wisconsin Partners for Clean Air
- http//www.cleanairwisconsin.org/
22For more information, contd
- Adult Education
- http//www.wnrmag.com/supps/2000/apr00/global.htm
- http//www.wnrmag.com/supps/2001/apr01/intro.htm
- http//www.wnrmag.com/supps/2000/jun00/log.htm
23For more information, contd.
- K-12 Education
- http//www.easybreathers.org/index3.asp
- http//www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/
24Thank you!
- Reducing greenhouse gases through education and
voluntary actions - presented by
- Lloyd Eagan
- -end-