Title: Presented by: MTM Inc'
1Chapter 18
Manual Material Handling
- MMH accounts for
- 27 of industrial injuries
- 670,000 injuries/yr in US
- 60 of all money spent on industrial injury
- 93 million work days/yr of industrial injury
- Trauma typically occurs to skeletomuscular system
- Acute- due to one-time event
- Chronic- result of cumulative events
- Biomechanical
- Focus on force/torque to body during MMH
- Measure force/torque, body dimensions/strengths,
compute effect - Concentrate on the back the weak link
- Intra-abdominal pressure test
- Physiological
- Focus on energy requirements, effect on
cardiovascular system - Limiting when task done gt 4x minute
- Keep metabolic rate lt 5kcal min
- Psychophysical
- Measure while workers actually perform MMH task
- Combines biomechanical and physiological
4MMH Variables
- Goals
- Increase strength of worker
- Decrease stress due to task
- 3 variable categories
- Individual
- Unique to individual
- Ex gender, age, back strength, arm strength,
etc. - Technique
- Come with training
- Ex body posture, hand/foot orientation,
acceleration, lifting technique - Task
- Ergonomic variables
- Ex object, weight, clothing, ease of handling,
angle of rotation
5Pushing and Pulling
- Pushing/Pulling is better than lifting/lowering
- Use carts in all areas, not just production areas
- Force Limits
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Task Modification
6Horizontal Push and Pull
- Amount of force is influenced by force
direction - Can push harder than can pull
- Can push left harder than right
- Can lift more than can press down
- Perpendicular vs. parallel to shoulders
- Operators at workstations may move objects
parallel to shoulders - Most exertions are perpendicular to shoulder line
7Force Perpendicular to Shoulders
- Recommended force limits (Tables 18.1-18.4)
- Conclusions
- 2 hands are better than 1
- Ability to apply force increases as frequency of
application decreases - Females are weaker than males (???)
- Push at waist level rather than shoulder or knee
level - Pull at knee level rather than at waist or
shoulder level - Tools can increase efficiency rails and
rickshaws - Arms/shoulders are limiting for repetitive tasks
- Lack of solid support also causes problems (Table
8Vertical Push and Pull
- Recommended force limits (Table 18.6)
- Task Modifications
- Wheel maintenance
- Avoid muscle-powered pushing/pulling for ramps,
long distances, or high frequency moves USE
FORKLIFTS ! - More modifications for proper material handling
(Figures 18.1-18.5)
- Gives a static load
- Involves
- Load from body weight
- Load from object weight
- Problem
- Working on an object 0.5 m away from the spine
centerline vs. working on an object .6 m away - Additional torque ? lower back pain
- Solutions
- Reduce torque
- Reduce duration of torque (Figure 18.6)
- 2 main categories
- Back and shoulders (long distance)
- Hand carrying (short distance)
- Poor job design! (Table 18.7)
- Push or pull instead ? less strain on body
11Carrying Back Shoulders (Long Distance)
- Use mechanical aids
- Human beast of burden last resort
- Key guidelines
- Minimize the moment arm of the load vs. the spine
- Carry large loads occasionally rather than light
loads often - Carrying ladders
- Have a short and a long ladder
- Have a shoulder pad
- Have the upper rail on the shoulder and the arm
through the rungs - Teamwork for loading/unloading
12Hand Carrying(Short Distance)
- Harder to mechanize
- Try balancers, manipulators, robots, or conveyors
- Use of different grips (Figure 18.10)
- Continuous carrying limited by the cardiovascular
system - Handles on boxes and bags
- Dont forget non-production activities
- Dont take the stairs
- Move loads between levels with hoists
13Revised NIOSH Lifting Guidelines
- National Institute of Occupational safety and
Health (NIOSH) - Primary purpose is to rank alternatives, not give
absolute risks
14Basic Formula
- RWL Recommended weight limit, lb
- LC Load constant
- HM Horizontal multiplier
- VM Vertical multiplier
- DM Distance multiplier
- FM Frequency multiplier
- AM Asymmetry multiplier
- CM Coupling multiplier
15Horizontal MultiplierHM BIL/H
- HM Horizontal multiplier, proportion
- H Horizontal distance from the large
- knuckle at the end of the third
finger - to the ankle midpoint
- BIL Body interference limit
- 10 for inches
- 25 for cm
16Vertical MultiplierVM 1 - VC V - KH
- VM Vertical multiplier, proportional
- V Initial vertical height of knuckles
- KH Knuckle height of typical lifter
- VC Vertical constant
- 0.0075 for inches
- 0.003 for cm
17Distance MultiplierDM 0.82 DC/D
- DMDistance multiplier, proporiton
- .82Multiplier atmaximum hand height of 70 inches
(175 cm) - DDistance moved vertically
- DCDistance constant
- 1.8 for inches
- 4.5 for cm
18Frequency Multiplier (FM)
- Can range from less than 1 in 5 minutes to 15
lifts/min - Mean number of lifts in a 15 minute period
- Varies depending on lifting duration/session and
whether the initial vertical location of the
hands is above or below typical knuckle height
19Asymmetry multiplierAM 1 - 0.0032A
- AM Asymmetry multiplier, proportion
- A Angular deviation of the midpoint of
- the two hands from straight ahead
20Coupling Multiplier
- Depends on the height of the initial and final
hand-container coupling and whether the coupling
is good, fair, or poor
21Recovery Time
- The person is resting or has light work (such as
sitting, standing, walking, monitoring) - If a person does not meet the recovery criterion,
omit the recovery time and add the work times
22Control Over the Object
- Input Information depends on whether control over
the object is needed, and where - 1) Only at the origin of the movement
- 2) At both origin and destination
23Control at Destination is Implied by
- A regrasp near the destination
- A momentary hold near destination
- A need to carefully position or guide the load
near the destination
24Control Only at the Origin
- Initial horizontal location of the hands from the
ankle midpoint - Initial vertical location of the hands
- Initial angle of asymmetry of object center
- Vertical travel distance between the lift origin
and destination - Frequency of lifts per minute
- Hand-container coupling classification
25Control at Both Origin and Destination
- Final horizontal location of the hands
- Final vertical location of the hands
- Final angle of asymmetry of object center
26Force LimitsFL A F DIST
- FLForce limit, kg
- AAge factor
- FFrequency factor
- DISTDistance factor
27Manual Material Handling
- Guidelines for Manual Material Handling
28Guidelines for MMH
- Selecting an individual
- Teaching technique
- Designing the job
29Guidelines for Occasional Lifting
- Select the Individual
- Select strong people based on tests
- Teach Technique
- Bend the knees
- Dont slip or jerk
- Dont twist during the move
- Design the Job
- Use machines
- Move small weights often
- Get a good grip
- Put a compact load in a convenient container
- Keep the load close to the body
- Work at knuckle height
30Select Strong People Based on Tests
- JSI f (weight/capacity)
- Where,
- JSI Job severity index
- Weight weight lifted or moved
- Capacity capacity of worker for specific task
31Select Strong People Based on Tests
- What is Capacity?
- A function of fat-free body weight
- Though females have more, worker selections
should be made through tests
32Select Strong People Based on Tests
- What types of tests?
- Fat-free weight
- Isometric strengths of specific muscle groups
- Previous back injury
- Uneven leg length
33Select Strong People Based on Tests
- Benefits to analyzing the task requirements
- Permits a larger proportion
- of the population to do the job
- It reduces the stress on everyone doing the job
34Bend the Knees
- This concept should work, but
- no one practices
it ! - Requires too much energy to lower the torso
- Also called squat lifting
35Bend the Knees
- For bulky loads use straddle stance to keep load
closer to the spine - One-hand lift
- When the worker grabs on the one side of the
container with the hand not in use, to support
the back
36Dont Slip or Jerk
- Problem with slipping is the
- unexpected load on the back
- To reduce the chance, have a high coefficient of
friction between shoes and the floor
37Dont Slip or Jerk
- Clean and jerk movements
- Practiced by professionals
- Within standardized situations
- Have worker recognition of load type and weight
38Dont Twist During the Move
- Twisting especially when bent is very bad
- Instead focus on moving feet around
39Dont Twist During the Move
- To reduce lifting and lowering loads (which
therefore reduce twisting) - Have the two surfaces at the same height
40Use Machines
- Helps to eliminate and reduce
- manual material handling
41Use Machines
- Common machines
- Balancer or manipulator
- Lift trucks
- Conveyor
- Lever arm
- Carts
42Move Small Weights Often
- Small weights are better than large
- Weights must be reduced or loads moved more
frequently - 15 kg or less is an ideal load
43Move Small Weights Often
- Things to pay attention to
- If there is added resistance to the load
- Size of the package
- Use shipping personnel
44Move Small Weights Often
- Ways to reduce a weight
- Let gravity do the work
- Lift with a partner
- Can the job be changed to be done by one person ?
45Get a Good Grip !
- Cardboard boxes with gripping holes are bad
because - Hand cant rotate as object
- is lifted from the knee to
- above the waist
- Small surface area and puts too much pressure on
the hands
46Get a Good Grip !
- Best way to get a grip
- Boxes without handles with one had on the upper
outer corner and the other on the opposite lower
inner corner - Gives more stability
47Put a Compact Load in a Convenient Container
- Keep load close to the spine
- Spinal torque
- SPINET spinal torque person exerts, kg-m
- OBJWT object weight, kg
- OBMARM Moment arm of the object, m
- DISTO distance between spine and object, m
- DISTCG distance from closest portion of the
object to - center of gravity
48Keep the Load Close to the Body
- Revised equation should read
- UBWT upper body weight, kg
- BMARM upper body moment arm, m
49Keep the Load Close to the Body
- Reduce reach distance by
- Moving object closer to person
- Moving person closer to the object
- Modifying vertical distance of conveyors
- Consider food position when turning with the load
- Consider railing on containers
50Keep the Load Close to the Body
- MISBCK 0.4WT sin(a / LTSLPR)
- MISBCK max isometric back muscles strength
needed to avoid back pain while working standing
stooped at angle a, kg - WT body weight, kg
- a acute angle between the back and the line of
gravity, degrees - LTSLPR max long term static load proportion of
max isometric strength (10-15)
51Work at Knuckle Height
- Knuckle height
- Change machine height, dont use it just because
it comes that way from the vendor - Dont put a load on the floor
- Use racks or trays when applicable
- Strains the back
- Only light items should be about shoulders
52Work at Knuckle Height
- Dont lift above shoulder
- High lifting is bad for two reasons
- Muscular strength is poor above the shoulder due
to small muscle groups - Dangerous to remove an object from top shelf
because it may be dropped and damaged
53The Birth of a Paradigm
- A group of scientists placed 5 monkeys in a cage.
They also placed a ladder with bananas in the
top. When a monkey went up to have a banana, the
scientists sprayed the rest of the monkeys with
cold water. Later on, when a monkey wanted a
banana the others started to beat him. - After a day, and despite the temptation, no
monkey went upstairs for a banana. - Then the scientists exchange one monkey for a new
one. Of course the first thing the new monkey did
was to get into the ladder to get a banana, but
the other monkeys very quickly get him down and
beat him. After a short wild the new monkey
give-up for the bananas. - A second of the initial monkeys was then
replaced. The same thing happened, but this time
the first fresh monkey participated on beating
the new monkey. - Then a third of the old monkeys was replaced, and
then a fourth, and finally the fifth initial
monkey was replaced. The story still was the same - Finally the scientists were left with a new set
of 5 monkeys that, although none of them got a
cold water bath, they still continue beating any
other monkey that even tried to get a banana - If we could Ask them why are you beating every
one of you that tries to get a banana ? - The Answer most probably would be I dont know,
things have always been done like this here ! - Sounds familiar ? Why do we do things in a
certain way, even if we can change them ? - It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a
pre-conception - Albert Einstein.
54Your Assignment
- From the book in Ch.18
- Problems 2, 6, 8, 12