Title: Etcetera Case
1Etcetera Case
2Sample Size? Number of Samples?
Enter the data as shown. What is n? nnumber of
observations in a sample (order). Thus, n4. If
you use the wrong value for n in your exam, you
will receive no partial credit for all work done
on the problem.
3Compute the sample means (X-bar column) and the
sample ranges (Range column). You take the
average and the range of each sample (order).
If you take the wrong averages in the exam, you
will receive no partial credit for all work done
on the problem.
Use Excel function AVERAGE() to take the
average. Use Excel functions MAX() and MIN() to
find the maximum and minimum, respectively. The
range is MAX()-MIN().
4Equations for the X-bar Chart
The average of the sample means (cell F32) is the
center line of the x-bar chart. Enter this value
in Column H (the same value for the entire
column). The average of the sample ranges is in
cell G34. This is R-bar.
Look up Table 10.2 (reproduced in next slide),
find the values of A2, D3, and D4 corresponding
to n. Compute the UCL and LCL of the x-bar
chart, and enter the values in Column I and J,
respectively (the same value for the entire
5N 4 A2 0.73 D3 0 D4 2.28 If you pick the
wrong values in the exam, you will receive no
partial credit for all work done on the problem.
6Equations for the R-Chart
The average of the sample ranges (cell G34) is
R-Bar. Add a column (Column K) and enter this
value. Compute the UCL and LCL of the R-bar
chart, and enter the values in Column L and M,
respectively (the same values for the entire
7Make 2 Copies of the Worksheet
- Now you are ready to plot.
- Click Edit, Choose Move or Copy Sheet.
- Repeat to make another copy of the worksheet.
Make sure the Create a copy box is checked.
8Plotting the x-Bar Chart
9Use the first copy of the worksheet to plot the
x-Bar Chart.Select and hide Columns B through E
as shown.
10Select and hide Column G as shown.
11Select A6J31 (shown as highlighted cells)Click
Insert and choose Chart.
12On the Chart Wizard, choose XY(Scatter) as
shown.Click Press and Hold to View Sample to
13Click Next.Then click Next again.
Note The Series in columns.
14Choose Bottom for the placement of the
legend.Before you click next, experiment on
the other options.
15Click Next. Choose Place chart as new sheet.
Name the new sheet x-Bar Chart as shown.
16Notice that all points are inside the limits.If
one or more points are outside, you have to
discard them and collect more data.
17Plotting the R-Chart
18Use the second copy of the worksheet to plot the
R-Chart.Select and hide Columns B through F as
19Select and hide Columns H through J as shown.
20Select A6M31 (shown as highlighted cells)Click
Insert, choose Chart, and select XY(Scatter).
21Click Next. Then click Next again. Choose
Bottom for the placement of the legend.
22Click Next. Choose Place chart as new sheet.
Name the new sheet R- Chart as shown.
23Notice that all points are inside the limits.If
one or more points are outside, you have to
discard them and collect more data.
24Now you are ready to use the charts to monitor
your process.
25The following day, we collected 10 samples
Note Data is not shown in the Etcetera Case.
Is the process in control?
26Compute the sample means (column F).
The process is out-of-control if a sample mean is
outside of the x-Bar chart limits. The limits
were determined earlier, i,e., CL
30.40309 UCL 34.733855 LCL 26.072324 The
limits are shown here in columns G, H, and I.
27Hide Columns B to E
28Choose, Insert-Chart
29Note The Series in columns.
30A point is above the upper control limit
31The process is out of control.
- One point (the 6th) is above the upper control
32Suppose all points are inside the limits of the
x-Bar Chart.
- Then you have to see if the sample ranges are all
inside the limits of the R-Chart.
33Compute the sample ranges (column F). For
example, F2MAX(B2E2)-MIN(B2E2)
The process is out-of-control if a sample range
is outside of the R-chart limits. The limits
were determined earlier, i,e., CL
5.932555 UCL 13.5262259 LCL 0 The limits
are shown here in columns G, H, and I.
34Hide Columns B to E
35Choose, Insert-Chart
36Note The Series in columns.
37The process is out-of-control.