Educational implications of a dynamic approach in the assessment of learning propensity: case discussion Jo Lebeer, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Educational implications of a dynamic approach in the assessment of learning propensity: case discussion Jo Lebeer, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine


Educational implications of a dynamic approach in the assessment of learning propensity: case discussion Jo Lebeer, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Educational implications of a dynamic approach in the assessment of learning propensity: case discussion Jo Lebeer, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine

Educational implications of a dynamic approach in
the assessment of learning propensity case
discussionJo Lebeer, University of Antwerp,
Faculty of Medicine
  • Dynamic Assessment and Inclusive Education
  • International Network Conference 22 November 2004
  • Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Central problem
  • What to do with a child who does not learn
  • or keep up with our expectations?

Testing paradigm
  • 1. Test the child
  • 2. Adapt teaching to test results
  • How, what, what for?

Static testing paradigm
1.Subject the child to a number of diagnostic
tests to find out what goes wrong
  • IQ, DQ, EQ, neuropsychology, neuropsychiatrytesti
    ng of knowledge skills
  • psychometric testing

Statis testing paradigm
  • 2. Label

Learning disability, NLD, DYS-calculia, -
grafia, lexia, PDD, ASD ODD, .
Static assessment
  • Monologue
  • Essentially quantitative - normative
  • Static no examiners interference
  • Measurement of actual performance
  • Time-limited
  • Standardized
  • Pathogenic looks at defects
  • Individual out of context
  • Deterministic

Dynamic assessment
  • Dialogue
  • Qualitative
  • Evaluates change of cognition, motivation,
    learning disposition, efficiency
  • effect of context and mediation
  • examiner intervenes to obtain modifiability
    looks for optimal conditions, gives feedback,
    teaches, mediates

Case 1 Harry
  • 1989
  • History of autistic behaviour from kindergarten
    auditory hypersensitivity, withdrawal, screaming
  • Etiology ? Hypothesis perinatal brain damage
    due to difficult forceps delivery immune
    reaction after MMR vaccination
  • 5years Enrolled in international school (other
    language than mother tongue) big cognitive
    social difficulties needs individual instruction
  • Diagnosis of autism at age 9
  • 9 years Transfer to special school for children
    with learning difficulties learning remains
    difficult in group academic retardation (
    aritmetics, reading, spelling)
  • Parent-induced therapies Son-Rise ( Option
    Institute US Mass.), diet ( glutenfree,
    milkfree), auditory integration Tomatis,

Case 1 Harry conclusions static test reports
  • 9 years IQ 64, way below average limited
    cognitive potential , language retardation,
    information processing, perceptual organisation
    defects in social skills, personality
    disturbance, lack of phantasy, lack of impulse
  • 11 years WISC-R t IQ vIQ71 pIQ 78 difficulties
    with verbal comprehension, maths concepts,
    representational thinking, planning,
    eye-handco-ordination, visual memory, but
    improved as compared to 9 years problems with
    attention, self-organisation, oppositional, lack
    of perseverance
  • 12,5 years IQ 92 ( after cognitive-mediational
  • Referral to special school ZML low level
  • Offer structured environment
  • Reduce too stressing situations

Case 1 Harry, dynamic assessment
  • Method of assessment used Feuersteins LPAD (
    Learning Propensity Assessment Device)
  • 5x 2-3 hours individual assessment

Characteristics of Feuersteins LPAD
  • Profile of modifiability on 4 domains
  • Cognitive functions
  • Mental operations
  • Affective/ motivational factors
  • Efficiency
  • Modifiability test- mediation - retest
  • Evaluation of context family, support, school
  • Evaluation of the needs for mediation to bring
    about necessary changes

LPAD instruments
  • Tests for visuo-motor perception, organisation
  • Organisation of Dots (Feuerstein-Rey) (OD)
  • Complex Figure (Rey, adapted by Feuerstein
  • Test for analogical thinking
  • Ravens matrices (RCPM and RSPM)
  • Feuersteins Variations on Raven (VAR II,
    A,B, C )
  • Memory tests
  • Visual Memory Associative Recall Functional
    Reduction Test Feuerstein.
  • Auditory Memory 16 Word Memory Test (Rey,
    adapted by Feuerstein (WMT)
  • Spatial Memory Plateaux, (PTX) (Rey, adapted by
  • Higher logical relations
  • Representational Stencil Design (RSDT)
  • Organiser (ORG) van
  • Seriation
  • Numerical progressions (NP) ( Feuerstein)

Case 1 Harry test results Complex figure of Rey
First copy
First memory
Complex figure mediation
  • Analysis naming what structures can you
  • Important questions what? (Gives information
    about shape) Where? ( gives info about place),
    How? ( info about orientation and position) How
    long, how big ( size) when ( order), how many (
    number), how far from each other ( distance)
  • Vocabulary of shapes
  • Vocabulary of spatial concepts horizontal,
    vertical, diagonal, right angles, parallel, at
    the same height, etc.
  • Comparison where is that point in relation to
    the two others?
  • Regulation of impulsivity
  • Need to count and be precise
  • Relationships between parts and whole, and
    between parts
  • Planning what do to first in order to ensure
    that everything will be on the right place, the
    right size, etc.
  • Systematic exploration doing first the inside,
    then the outside
  • Precision of data gathering and of output in
  • Combining all the criteria

Case 1 Harry results after mediation
Second copy, 1st trial
Second copy, 2nd trial
Second memory
Case 1 Harry tests for analogical thinking
Case 1 Harry tests for analogical thinking
Case 1 Harry visual memory tests
  • Associative Recall Functional Reduction
  • Pre-mediation 12/20
  • Post-mediation 20/20

Case 1 Harry auditory memory tests
  • 16 Word memory ( Feuerstein, based on André Reys
    15 word memory test)
  • pre-mediation 6/16
  • Mediation of categorisation and summative
    behaviour 16/16 after 9 trials

Case 1 Harry Spatial Memory
  • Plateaux (André Rey)

Number of errors
Number of trials
  • Mediation of refraining impulsivity
  • Stop trial and error
  • Name position with 2 dimensions
  • Mediated repetition

Case 1 Harry higher tests
  • Organiser ( Feuerstein)
  • Potentially good inferential thinking, but bad
    reading, interprets wrongly
  • Poor hypothesis generation and verification
  • Normalizes after mediation
  • Numerical Progressions ( Feuerstein)
  • Inefficient arithmetics, but able to learn and
    apply rules
  • Representational Stencil Design

Case 1 Harry dynamic conclusions LPAD
  • Cognitive deficiencies, but highly modifiable
    with mediation
  • Unfocused look c focused
  • Unsystematic impulsive data gathering c more
  • Unstable spatial reference frame c adequate use
    of spatial concepts
  • Inefficient reading c after regulation,
    understands better
  • Diff. with hypothesis generation, checking,
  • Blocks stops searching c learns to be more
    flexible in choosing strategy
  • Affective/motivational factors
  • Autistic withdrawal symptoms stress induced, also
    highly modifiable
  • Cooperative, motivated, easy to mediate
  • Bright without mediation in some areas ( coloured
    pattern analysis, organisation according to
  • Bright in all areas with relatively little

Case 1 Harry recommendations
  • LPAD test report
  • Academic domain
  • Daily reading comprehension tasks
  • Daily maths, increase level steadily
  • General subjects
  • Cognitive rehabilitation domain
  • Feuersteins Instrumental Enrichment, individual
  • Mediation cognitive analysis in daily life
  • Modifying environment
  • Teach how to cope with changes
  • Schoolng with non-disabled children
  • Suggestions for incresing MLE by teachers
  • Suggestions for improving cognitive functioning
  • Static test report
  • Reduce stress
  • Lower academic level
  • Special school
  • Avoid too many changes
  • Medication for behaviour control

Case 1 Harry Suggestions for increasing MLE by
teachers parents (extract)
  • Example of mediation of intentionality and
  • Explain clearly what you want him to learn and
  • Explain your goals (short term and long term)
  • Start with something which elicits his motivation
    and curiosity
  • Obtain his cooperation by joining him a while, do
    a game, a physical game, or something else, and
    then take over the lead
  • Clarify the task what do we have to do here?
    Where would you start looking? What do you know
    already? Where is the information?
  • Vocabulary how do you call this?
  • Analysis what are the properties? (the ngive
    vocabulary to name the characteristics)
  • Repeat until mastery is reached
  • Etcetera for 12 criteria of MLE

Case 1 Harry sugestions for improving cognitive
  • 1. Suggestions to improve perception of data
  • First look carefully, focus what do you see
    here? (help focussing)
  • Be more systematic dont look here and there,
    but step by step, from left to right, from top to
    down, in the direction of reading. This by
    regulating strongly stop impulsivity, point
    trythmically here and here, etc.
  • Use the right labels a circle is a circle. A
    diamond is not the same as a tilted square. Name
    the shapes use the concept shape
  • Use correct words to indicate place and position,
    e.g. left, right, horizontal, vertical, in the
    middle, between, top-left, etc.
  • Use correct words to indicate time and sequence,
    e.q. what comes first? Is there any indication?
  • Be more precise when you gather the data
  • Help to consider two characteristics
    simultaneously ( e.g. height and shape), to
    combine sources of information

Dynamic Assessment 2 Michael
  • 1984
  • Brain tumor (R temporal lobe astrocytoma) at age
    2,5 and age 8 with epilepsy behaviour
  • Post-op good language development, positive
    behavioural changes but left spastic hemiplegia,
    wheelchair bound cognitive deficits, regression
    to mental age of 3, dependence on maternal care

Dynamic Assessment 2 Michael Schooling
  • Elementary school has to relearn to read and
  • initially wheel chair bound
  • Relearns to walk and leaves wheelchair behind
  • Serious depression because he feels he has lost
    many capacities
  • he works daily with a dedicated speech therapist
  • at 15 he finishes the medium school with a
    serious cognitive gap and retardation of
    schooling at that time a diagnosis is requested

Michael static assessment data (age 15)
  • medium to light mental retardation
  • IQ v75, IQp 48, IQt 59
  • defects in visuo-spatial functions
  • difficulties in linguistic integration,
    spelling, writing
  • STM and LTM memory and memorisation deficit
  • automatisation problems in arithmetics
  • Problem solution difficulties
  • typical problems with planning, control,
    generalisation and constant need for a mediator

Michael static assessment data (age 15)
  • work at adaptation skills
  • teach how to use public transport, money, social
    contacts outside school
  • vocational training

Michael dynamic assessment data (age 15)
Results pre-test Results post-test
Reys complex figure (parallel test) - With mediation 36/36
Ravens Coloured Progressive Matrices 23/36 36/36
Feuersteins Variations on B8-12 26/30 30/30
Feuersteins Variations I 9/12 12/12
Associative Recall and Functional Reduction 7/20 18/20
16 Word Memory 8/16 16/16 after 8 trials
Positional Learning Test 16 trials 14 10 trials
Representational Stencil Design 0/20 5/20
Michael dynamic assessment conclusions
  • Cognitive deficiencies unsystematic data
    gathering, lack of spatial concepts, lack of
    concepts to relate, to compare, to make
    hypotheses, to plan, to have strategies,
  • All cognitive deficiencies were modifiable, with
    relatively little mediation
  • Potentially bright
  • Memory skills O.K. when mediated to organise
    look for relationships
  • Visuo-motor function O.K. after mediation
  • Higher logical abstract thinking potentially O.K.
  • Learning disposition O.K. when properly mediated
  • Psychological difficulties with self-acceptance
  • Low learning efficiency improves when cognitive
    functions improve

Case 1 Michael dynamic recommendations
  • Academic continue general education in liceo
    scientifico with general knowledge subjects
    languages, maths, history, geography, philosophy,
  • IEP reduce level of complexity, select key
    concepts, reduce quantity, individualize
    evaluation, give more mediation for each subject
  • Cognitive rehabilitation Feuersteins
    Instrumental enrichment mediated learning
  • Intensive, daily mediation in academic matters
  • Modifying environments teach autonomy skills in
    a structural way how to get somewhere, learn to
    deal with complexity, how to make keep social

Michael progress
Maturità liceo scientifico Patente Entra la
Case 3 Willy, a boy with Down syndrome
  • 1994
  • 9th child out of 11 children
  • Goes to normal kindergarten
  • School refuses entrance to primary school on
    grounds of static test reports language delay
    and intellectual deficit are considered too big
  • Change to different primary school dynamic
    assessment (DA) requested IEP formulated on the
    basis of DA report
  • Successful 1 2nd elementary school problems
    in 3rd grade school requests testing

Case 3 Willy test results
  • 4 y Reynell language tests and SON IQ tests
    delay 2 years
  • 5 y static cognitive tests delay 2 years
    conclusion low concentration behavioural
    difficulties, difficult cooperation, too much
    withdrawal, language gap referral to special
  • 5 y dynamic assessment conclusions same
    cognitive, behavioural language deficits found
    as other tests, but modifiability is evident he
    is open to learning, has a very good LTM, can be
    taught concepts. Recommendation inclusive
    primary school, start reading writing
  • 6y DA despite big cognitive difficulties (lack
    of focussing, lack of concepts, lack of
    comparative behaviour) and attention span
    shortness (1/2 h) , signs of modifiability
    retention of learnt concepts, motivation to
    learn, less repetition needed, able to understand

Case 3 Willy primary school IEP programme
  • Participate with all classroom activities
  • Reading programme same as others
  • at home extra reading with other family members,
    with reading cards
  • at home extra individual work on maths
  • increased cognitive MLE activation home
    programme to teach concepts ( colour, size,
    shape, numbers, direction, time) operations
    (categorisation, seriation, analogies), executed
    by volunteers ,students, brothers parents

Willys IEP programme learning context
  • IEP is highly flexible, regularly evaluated
  • IEP works with some, but not all teachers
  • Person of teacher more important than programme
  • Characteristics of succesful teacher individual
  • - not necessarily specialists teacher never had
    experience with Down S.
  • - spontaneous good mediators
  • - synthesis of being very firm (good regulation
    of behaviour and clear intentionality), creative
    (in obtaining reciprocity) optimistic (strong
    beliefs in modifiability) challenging
    mediating feelings of competence welcoming (
    med. feeling of belonging) individualizing

Illustration of teacher as mediator
Teachers as mediators
Willys assessment age 10
  • 10y static tests add label of autism school
    threatens to exclude , either by referring to
    special school or by excluding him from
    classroom teaching
  • New DA requested

Willys dynamic assessment age 10
Visual organisation planning Feuersteins Organisation of dots Focussing vis.motor diff. concepts not acquired
Abstract thinking Ravens coloured Progressive matrices 11/36 pre to 30/36 post-med
Visual memory Feuersteins associative recall-basic 1/10 to 9/10 and 10/10 reduced
Spatial memory Tzuriel s cognitive modifiability battery CMB 3 trials to remember 4 positions
Logical inference Part-whole relations ( Feu LPAD-basic) 8/22 pre to 22/22 post
CITM Tzuriel ( inferential thinking) 100 mediation needed
Inclusion/exclusion ( Feu-LPAD basic) Retention of concepts
Case 3 Willy conclusions from DA
  • Potential for academic skills learning is
    present, but this is hampered by cognitive
    deficiencies ( unsystematic search, superficial
    perception, no model, lack of spatial reference,
    impulsivity, lack of integration of information,
    lack of control
  • Benefits from imitation, group learning
  • Withdrawal symptoms context dependent and because
    of lack of mediation
  • Strong, intensive mediation needed
  1. Organize a meeting with parents, teachers, school
    psychologist, assistants
  2. Make a new IEP based on DA outcome
  3. Intensify work on cognitive dysfunctions both at
    home school
  4. Child will stay in classroom most of lesson hours
    individual tutoring 5h/week at schoolpeer
  5. Teach teacher some principles of mediation

General conclusions
  • Static, psychometric testing , confirms IQ-based
    categorisation in different classes of mentally
    retarded, based on a static model of intelligence
    and makes minimalistic recommendations
  • Static, psychometric testing IS NOT a valid test
    for evaluation of learning processes, potential,
  • Static psychometric testing DOES NOT allow
    prediction of future educational performance
  • Static testing may do harm for the childs
    reputation and future

General conclusions
  • The deficiencies found in Dynamic evaluation (
    LPAD) - the pre-test scores - are usually
    compatible with static IQ other test results
  • The changes observed after mediation, however,
    give an indication of modifiability
  • Dynamic assessment is MORE VALID to assess
    learning processes, potential propensity

Planning of educational intervention should be
based on Dynamic Assessment
General conclusions Psychometrics - Dynamic
  • mechanistic paradigm
  • ecological paradigm

Macrosystem society
Mesosystem family, school, therapists
Microsystem child
Assessment without ecological intervention does
not make sense
General conclusion
  • Inclusive education, but with continuing classic
    static assessment, risks to block modifiability
  • Dynamic Assessment without vigorous, ecological,
    intervention does not make sense

  • Jo Lebeer, coordinator INCLUES
  • University of Antwerp (Belgium), Project of
    Learning Enhancement and Inclusion
  • UA, Campus Drie Eiken, S5
  • Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk
  • tel 32 3 820 25 29
  • The full text of this ppt. Presentation has been
    published Lebeer, J. (2005), Shifting
    perspective dynamic assessment of learning
    processes in children with developmental
    disabilities, Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle
    (Transsylvanian Journal of Psychology), Special
    Issue on Dynamic Assessment, 1,55-81
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