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Principles of Evolution


Only 400-500 Siberian tigers still exist within their range. SPATIAL ASPECTS OF SPECIATION ... Siberian Tiger (~300 Kg) vs. Bengal Tiger (~200 Kg) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Principles of Evolution

Principles of Evolution
  • Chapter 9
  • Speciation
  • James F. Thompson, Ph.D., MT(ASCP)

  • The evolutionary formation of new species in
    space or time, usually by the division of a
    single species into two or more genetically
    distinct ones.
  • Species share the same gene pool, or the sum of
    all genetic codes possessed by members of that
  • This process crosses the boundary between
    microevolution and macroevolution

Species Definitions
  • Morphological or Typological Species A set of
    organisms sharing structural similarities between
    members and discontinuities in structure between
    different species
  • Mayrs Biological Species Concept "Species are
    groups of interbreeding natural populations that
    are reproductively isolated from other such

Species Definitions
  • Ecological Species A set of organisms adapted
    to a particular set of resources, called a niche,
    in the environment.
  • Genetic species A set of organisms exhibiting
    similarity of DNA.

Species Definitions
  • Agamospecies A set of organisms in which sexual
    reproduction does not occur, represented
    typically as a collection of clones.
  • Chronospecies / Paleospecies a species which
    changes in morphology, genetics, and/or ecology
    over time on an evolutionary scale such that the
    originating species and the species it becomes
    could not be classified as the same species had
    they existed at the same point in time.
  • Note experts establish fine distinctions
    between chronospecies and paleospecies.

Species Definitions
  • Phylogenetic (Cladistic) / Evolutionary Species
    A set of organisms that shares a common ancestor
    and maintains its integrity with respect to other
    lineages through both time and space.
  • Ring Species A set of generally hybridizing
    species with a geographic distribution that forms
    a ring and overlaps without hybridization at the

Problems Defining Species Through Time
  • Morphospecies Viewed today, at one moment in
    time, species A, C, and E are clearly distinct
    species, demarcated by current natural
    discontinuities between them.

Problems Defining Species Through Time
  • Paleospecies (chronospecies). Viewed
    historically, through time, discovered fossil
    intermediates (B and D) fill in the missing gaps
    above, giving us a more or less continuous series
    with no obvious morphological discontinuities
    between them. still an over-simplification

What Interests Us About Speciation?
  • Speciation is evidence that evolution occurs.
  • Speciation provides important insight into the
    mechanisms of evolution.
  • Patterns of speciation provide insight into the
    distribution patterns of organisms.
  • Speciation explains patterns in the ecology and
    reproductive biology of organisms.
  • What are the causes of speciation?
  • What are the rates of speciation and do they
    differ among different taxa?

The Process of Species Formation
  • In the beginning, there is a single population
    with a common shared gene pool.
  • A discontinuity develops among some
  • Changes in allele frequencies develop at various
    loci in the gene pools (and, usually, changes in
    phenotypes) of the subpopulations.
  • Separate evolution of subpopulations continues
    until one or both has diverged to the point that
    each subpopulation now meets one of the
    definitions of a species concept.

An Important Reminder
  • Regardless of species definitions, a species, to
    be a biological entity, must exist in an
    ecological niche
  • Can a population of organisms which no longer has
    a niche still be a biological entity?
  • Only 400-500 Siberian tigers still exist within
    their range

  • Allopatric speciation a physical barrier
    divides a continuous population
  • Peripatric speciation a small founding
    population enters a new or isolated niche
  • Parapatric speciation a new niche found
    adjacent to the original niche
  • Sympatric speciation - speciation occurs without
    physical separation inside a continuous population

Allopatric Speciation
  • Four steps lead to speciation.
  • A single species is an interbreeding reproductive
  • A barrier develops, or a dispersal event occurs,
    dividing the species.
  • Separated into different habitats, the divided
    populations diverge through the accumulation of
    gene and trait differences.
  • The separate populations become so different
    that, if and when the barrier disappears and they
    overlap again, interbreeding does not occur.

Allopatric Speciation
  • The populations of Tamarin monkeys are separated
    on the sides of the Amazon River.
  • Where the river tributary is wide and individuals
    on opposite banks do not interbreed, the
    populations are diverging toward separate
  • Where the river tributary is narrow, the
    individuals still interbreed.

Allopatric Speciation
  • (sweepstakes) dispersal provides complete
    geographic isolation

Allopatric Speciation
  • Vicariance event provides complete geographic
    isolation for two robber fly genera

Incomplete or Peripheral Isolation
  • Ernst Mayr and Theodosius Dobzhansky, speaking
    for the Modern Synthesis, emphasized that most
    that speciation was allopatric, i.e.,
    geographical isolation required
  • Two modifications or variants have been proposed
  • Peripatric speciation a small population enters
    a new or isolated niche
  • originally proposed by Mayr, and related to the
    founder effect and genetic drift altering the
    isolates gene pool
  • Parapatric speciation a new niche found
    adjacent to the original niche

Peripatric vs. Parapatric speciation
  • Peripatric speciation is caused by being at the
    edge of the range and almost isolated
    geographically ? geographic isolation leads to
    genetic isolation.
  • Parapatric speciation is by becoming genetically
    isolated which leads the population to become
    geographically isolated ? genetic isolation leads
    to geographic isolation.

Less common and more difficult to demonstrate
since small niche and habitat differences rarely
have fossil records
Peripatric and Parapatric Speciation
  • Speciation triggered by partial isolation
    (peripatric and parapatric) are now argued as
    being as or more important in explaining
    speciation events than classic allopatric
  • Eldridge and Goulds Theory of Punctuated
    Equilibria is just one example of such

dispersal or vicariance
Systematists and palaeontologists needs more data
to resolve that technical debate
Peripatric Speciation
  • Potential peripatric speciation triggered by
    partial isolation in a Bolivian natural forest
    island isolated 3000 years from the larger
    continuous forest habitat.
  • Divergence in song and certain alleles
    frequencies between the two populations
    (reproductive isolation) suggest that incipient
    speciation is under way.

Parapatric Speciation
  • Potential parapatric speciation in sweet vernal
    grass/buffalo grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum,
    triggered by adaptation to heavy metal
    contaminated soils in many locations globally.
  • Divergence in flowering times (reproductive
    isolation) between the two populations suggest
    that incipient speciation is under way.

Ring SpeciesSalamanders
  • The ensatina salamander (Ensatina eschscholtzii)
    occurs from Canada to Southern California with
    interbreeding between adjacent populations
    through this range.
  • The Central Valleya dry, hot lowland areais
    divided into a coastal arm and inland arm.
  • However, where these two arms of the species meet
    again in Southern California, interbreeding does
    not occur.
  • Ring species are often considered examples of
    parapatric speciation.

Ring Species - Herring Gulls
  • As glaciers retreated, herring gulls (Larus
    argentatus) were released out of a north Pacific
    refugia spreading one way across North America
    and into western Europe and spreading in the
    other direction across Alaska into Siberia.
  • From Siberia, as the herring gull now extended
    its range further across Asia, it tended to
    differentiate, producing a subspecies (or species
    by some ornithologists) such as the vega gull
    (Larus vegae) and farther west the lesser
    blackbacked gull (Larus fuscus).
  • Eventually its current circumpolar distribution
    became established (dashed lines).
  • Adjacent subspecies interbreed (solid arrows),
    but where the ends of the circular range of the
    herring gull meet and overlap in Europe, there is
    very little interbreeding (dotted lines).
    (Simplified originally from Mayr, 1963)
  • Ring species are often considered examples of
    parapatric speciation.

Sympatric Speciation
  • Speciation without any geographical isolation
    within the continuous ancestral population
  • Reproductive isolation develops through changes
    in behavior, microhabitat, seasonality of
    breeding, or chromosomal mutation or ploidy
  • Common in plants less common in animals
  • Difficult to confirm sympatric origin

Sympatric Speciation
  • Sympatric African Indigobirds are host specific
    nest parasites.
  • Their hosts rear their young but their young do
    not destroy the hosts young, as cuckoos often do.

Sympatric Speciation
  • Sympatric Neotropical butterfly species
    Heliconius cydno l and H. melpomene r are
    Mullerian mimics.
  • Their common toxicity is cyanide derived from
    cyanoglucosides in various Passiflora host plants
    eaten by the larvae.

Sympatric Speciation
  • Crater lakes and oceanic islands provide optimal
    locations for studying sympatric speciation
    because differentiation between sister taxa found
    at these locations is likely to have occurred in
  • Clockwise from top left, Amphilophus citrenellus,
    A. zaliosus cichlid fish, Howea forsteriana, H.
    belmoreana palms, Lord Howe Island, S. Pacific,
    Craterlake Apoyo, Nicaraugua.

Sympatric Speciation
  • The composites, salsify plants, from eastern
    Washington include a tetraploid hybrid derived
    from two diploid species
  • The many polyploid hybrids such as these are the
    best examples of sympatric speciation, including
    a few animals

Speciation Types Summary
  • A population with common gene pool
  • Discontinuity develops among subpopulations
  • Different selection pressures applied in
    different niches drive evolutionary change
  • Reproductive isolation develops as the new
    species evolve

Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms (RIMs)
  • Different types of mechanisms can prevent
    reproduction between individuals of different
  • These may occur premating or postmating, as
    illustrated here with two species of salamander.
  • RIMs are also referred to as prezygotic versus
    postzygotic mechanisms

Geographical (Reproductive) Isolation
Iguana iguana
Amblyrhynchus cristatus
Conolophus subcristatus
  • The two Galapagos iguana genera are, themselves,
    ecologically isolated

Ecological (Reproductive) Isolation
  • Water or cotton-mough moccasin is semi-aquatic,
    feeds on aquatic vertebrates, and is aggressive
  • Copperhead is terrestrial, feeds on terrestrial
    vertebrates, and is less aggressive

Agkistrodon piscivorus
Agkistrodon contortrix
Behavioral (Reproductive) Isolation
Anolis trinitatis
Anolis garmani
  • Members of the genus Anolis on Jamaica chose
    different perches and use different patterns of
    head bobbing to attract female anoles
  • They also have separate ecological niches

Anolis opalinus
Temporal (Reproductive) Isolation
  • Members of the genus Magicicada, exist in
    temporily separated populations, three species of
    17 year cicadas, and four species of 13 year
  • There is also some geographical isolation with 17
    year cicadas in the northeastern US and 13 year
    cicadas in the southeastern US

a 13 year cicada
a 17 year cicada
Mechanical (Reproductive) Isolation
  • Members of the genus Parafontaria, Japanese
    millipedes, differ in body size and in the size
    and shape of their reproductive gonopodia

Reproductive Isolation
  • Prezygotic mechanisms Factors which prevent
    individuals from mating.
  • Temporal isolation Ecological isolation
    Behavioral isolation Mechanical isolation ?
    already discussed
  • Gametic incompatibility Sperm transfer takes
    place, but the egg is not fertilized.
  • Postzygotic isolating mechanisms Genomic
    incompatibility, hybrid inviability or sterility.
  • Zygotic mortality The egg is fertilized, but the
    zygote does not develop.
  • Hybrid inviability Hybrid embryo forms, but is
    not viable.
  • Hybrid sterility Hybrid is viable, but the
    resulting adult is sterile.
  • Hybrid breakdown First generation (F1) hybrids
    are viable and fertile, but further hybrid
    generations (F2 and backcrosses) are inviable or

Post-Zygotic Isolation
  • The four groups of leopard frogs resemble one
    another closely in their external appearance.
  • But early tests of interbreeding produced
    defective embryos (hybrid inviability) in some
    combinations, leading biologists to suspect that
    these might be different subspecies or even
    different species.
  • Research on males mating calls indicates that
    the various groups differ substantially, and that
    such prezygotic behavior separates and
    reproductively isolates members of each group,
    producing four species (1) Rana pipiens (2)
    Rana blairi (3) Rana utricularia (4) Rana

Hybrid Sterility
These hybrids have reduced, if not absent,
fertility, though they are often otherwise healthy
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms (RIMs)
  • Genetic and ecological isolation may be occurring
    at the same time, or before or after reproductive
    isolating mechanisms form
  • Not all RIMs are required for any particular
    speciation event
  • The sequence in which RIMs develops is also
    unique to each species

Speciation for Sexual Species
  • If species reproduce asexually, reproductive
    isolation is inherent in their formation
    offspring form clones
  • If species reproduce sexually, the degree to
    which species may hybridize varies greatly
  • The ability to hybridize does not necessarily
    contradict the reality of species distinction
  • Some sister species never have the opportunity to
    reproduce across populations for form hybrids in

Patterns of Speciation
  • Regardless of species definitions, a species, to
    be a biological entity, must exist in an
    ecological niche
  • Sometimes, the abiotic factors important in a
    species niche vary in a regular fashion across
    the range of the species
  • If so, we can map those abiotic and then,
    sometimes, find patterns within the species
    itself, tracking the patterns in the abiotic
    factors of the niche

  • The word cline comes from a Greek word meaning
    to lean think of incline
  • A cline can be a gradual change or transition in
    the average aspect of an abiotic feature across
    some geographic range.
  • A cline can also be a gradual change in a
    species gene pool for traits that are adapted to
    the transition in some abiotic factor in the
    geographic range of the species
  • Clines are illustrated with contour plot maps

Abiotic Clines
  • Thermocline by latitude, altitude, or oceanic
  • Average annual sunlight by latitude, altitude, or
    oceanic depth
  • Average partial pressure of oxygen by altitude,
    or oceanic depth
  • Average annual rainfall by latitude or altitude

Average Solar Radiation
Global Photosynthesis (July 2000)
Note the greatest primary production is in the
temperate forests.
Global Ocean Temperatures
Data from the Atlantic Ocean at 8 deg. 15' N, 47
deg. 36' W on May 17, 1957.
Global Ocean Salinity
  • Salinity map showing areas of high salinity (36
    parts/thousand) in green, medium salinity in blue
    (35 parts/thousand), and low salinity (34
    parts/thousand) in purple.

Annual Rainfall
Biotic Clines
  • A biotic cline, in reference to population
    biology, is a gradual change of phenotype (trait,
    character or feature) and underlying gene pool
    allele frequencies in a species over a
    geographical area, often as a result of
    environmental heterogeneity.
  • This meaning of "cline" was introduced by Sir
    Julian Huxley.

Species Richness ? Mammals
  • The numbers of mammal species, from high
    latitudes (north) to low latitudes (south), are
    shown along the lines.
  • Note the general increase in the number of
    species from north to south across the various
  • This is true for most organisms, not just mammals

Species Richness ? Birds and Plants
Species And Family RichnessAcross Biomes
What Explains Species Richness?
  • The tropics have the greatest species richness.
    The tropics have the advantages of
  • Longevity of ecosystems no ice ages to render
    the tropics practically uninhabitable
  • Climate stability reduced extremes of
    temperature and rainfall
  • Highest primary productivity the food webs are
    supported by a huge photosynthetic biomass at the
    base of the food pyramid

Biological Clines
  • Bergmann's Rule (1847) is a generalization
    which states that within a species the body mass
    increases with latitude and colder climate, or
    that within closely related species that differ
    only in relation to size that one would expect
    the larger species to be found at the higher
    latitude (a latitudinal cline).
  • German biologist, Christian Bergmann (1814-1865)
    formulated in reference to mammals and birds
    (endotherms), but some researchers have also
    found evidence for the rule in ectothermic
    species including Drosophila.

Bergmann's Rule
  • Siberian Tiger (300 Kg) vs. Bengal Tiger (200
  • Polar Bear (600 Kg) vs. Brown Bear (500 Kg)
  • Snow Leopard (50 Kg) vs. African Leopard (70
    Kg) violates the rule
  • Emperor Penguin (35 Kg) vs. Galapagos Penguin
    (2.5 Kg)

Clinal Variation
  • In the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), tadpoles
    exhibit a range of temperature tolerances,
    generally enduring colder temperatures in higher
    (northern) latitudes and warm temperatures at
    lower (southern) latitudes.

Reproductive Success
  • In a study by J. Moore in 1949 of the leopard
    frog (Rana pipiens), eggs from females in the
    north were fertilized with sperm from males
    progressively farther to the south.
  • The degree of embryo or tadpole abnormalities was
    scored, from A (normal young) through
    progressively more abnormalities to F (high death
  • This study and others prompted biologists to
    divide leopard frogs into several different

egg mass
Biological Clines
  • The flowering time of a plant may tend to be
    later at higher altitudes (an altitudinal cline).
  • In species in which the gene flow between
    adjacent populations is high, the cline is
    typically smooth, whereas in populations with
    restricted gene flow the cline usually occurs as
    a series of relatively abrupt changes from one
    group to the next.

Clinal Variation in Yarrow
  • Achillea, the yarrow, is a member of the
    Compositae along with daisies and sunflowers.
  • Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948) is a classic study
    of genetic and environmental differences between
    populations of this flowering plant.

Achillea millefolium lanulosa
Clausen, Keck, Hiesey
  • Clausen, Keck, Hiesey observed that in nature,
    low altitude populations of Achillea are taller
    on average than yarrow in high altitude
  • Yarrow will sprout from cuttings.

Variation in Height in Yarrow
  • Plant height has an inverse relationship with

Different Ecotypes of Yarrow Differ in Different
  • Three garden plots were selected at three
    different locations along the transect- sea level
    (Stanford), 4,600 feet (Mather), and at 10,000
    feet (Timberline).
  • Yarrow seeds collected from five locations along
    this transect-San Gregorio, Knights Ferry, Aspen
    Valley, Tenaya Lake, Big Horn Lake-were planted,
    grown into young plants, and then divided into
    equivalent tufts, clones, planted at the three
    garden sites-Stanford, Mather, Timberline.

Different Ecotypes of Yarrow Differ in Different
  • The resulting germination and growth of these
    five collected clones planted at these three
    garden sites is graphically indicated.
  • Note especially that sea-level clones (from San
    Gregorio) at high elevations did poorly (died),
    and high-elevation clones (from Big Horn Lake) at
    low elevations still did not grow to large

Clausen, Keck, Hiesey
  • Clausen, Keck, Hiesey took two cuttings from
    each of seven yarrow at two locations.
  • One set was planted in an experimental garden in
    Mather, CA.
  • The other set was planted in an experimental
    garden in Stanford, CA.

Stanford ? Mather
Clausen, Keck, Hiesey
  • The seven cuttings at each location grew side by
  • They shared identical environments at Mather and
    Stanford, CA.
  • Difference in height had to be due almost
    entirely to genetic variation.

High Heritability Within Populations Tells Us
Nothing About the Causes of Differences Between
  • Each lettered plant pair (A-G) are identical
    twins (cuttings) in terms of genome.
  • All plants were shorter at Mather, the higher
    altitude site.
  • Not all genotypes responded to the environments
    in the same way.

High Heritability Within Populations Tells Us
Nothing About the Causes of Differences Between
  • If you did not know that the gene pools of the
    two experimental populations (N 7) were
  • You might conclude that the Stanford population
    was superior in regard to plant growth (height).
  • That would be wrong!

More on Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948)
  • Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948) also collected
    sample cuttings from multiple individuals of
    Achillea (yarrow) on a larger east-west transect.
  • They grew all the cuttings under constant
    environmental conditions in a laboratory

More on Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948)
  • The blue figures are histograms of the variation
    in height of individual plants.
  • The upper part of the illustration shows the
    different appearances of Achillea lanulosa
    populations the green drawings represent the
    average of the plants' heights cultivated under
    identical standard conditions in climatic

More on Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948)
  • These results also illustrate the complex
    interplay between gene pools and environments.
  • The lower part of the illustration gives the
    natural geographic origin of the single
    populations by way of a profile of a west-to-east
    cross-section through California

Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948)
  • Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948) illustrated that
    subpopulations of yarrow species are well adapted
    to their own microhabitats.
  • This adaptive sorting of subpopulation gene pools
    suggests that speciation events could follow if
    selective forces increased on some of the
  • Speciation is driven by competitive reproductive
    success in particular niches!

Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948)
  • Clausen, Keck, Hiesey (1948) illustrated that
    subpopulations of yarrow species are well adapted
    to their own microhabitats.
  • This adaptive sorting of subpopulation gene pools
    suggests that speciation events could follow if
    selective forces increased on some of the
  • Speciation is driven by competitive reproductive
    success in particular niches!

After Speciation, What?
  • Species evolve into other species in periods of a
    few dozen hundreds of thousands of years
  • Over geological time, speciation has led to the
    evolution of all the higher taxa
  • We discussed the general trends in Chapters 4 and
  • Speciation events lead to Adaptive Radiations

Adaptive Radiations
  • An Adaptive Radiation is the evolutionary
    diversification of a species or single ancestral
    lineage into various forms that are each
    adaptively specialized to a specific
    environmental niche.
  • Adaptive radiation generally proceeds most
    rapidly in environments where there are numerous
    unoccupied niches or where competition for
    resources is minimal.
  • Adaptive radiations often also increase the
    variety of available niches over time within the
    ecological community or ecosystem

Adaptive Radiations
  • Speciation events drive Adaptive Radiations into
    new niches!
  • Adaptive Radiations drive Speciation in new

Adaptive Radiation of Species
Adaptive Radiation of Higher Taxa
Adaptive Radiation of Higher Taxa
Orders and Families
Adaptive Radiation of Higher Taxa
Orders and Families of Dinosaurs
Adaptive Radiation of Higher Taxa
Adaptive Radiation
  • Each species is unique
  • Each niche is unique
  • But habitats, ecosystems, and biomes have many
    similar features

Therefore, natural selection may find similar
solutions to adaptive challenges parallel and
convergent evolution (homoplasy).
Convergent EvolutionAdaptive Radiation of
  • Australian marsupials resemble placental mammals
    in the rest of the world.
  • Within the relative isolation of Australia, the
    marsupials entered similar habitats to those
    available to the placentals elsewhere.
  • Under similar selective pressures in similar
    biomes, similar features and ecological
    lifestyles evolved, but upon a marsupial theme.

Convergent Evolution ? Xeric Succulents
  • Different families of desert plants have evolved
    similar adaptations to the deserts dry, hot
    conditions - namely, succulent shoots with

Origin of Species Last Paragraph
  • It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank,
    clothed with many plants of many kinds, with
    birds singing on the bushes, with various insects
    flitting about, and with worms crawling through
    the damp earth, and to reflect that these
    elaborately constructed forms, so different from
    each other, and dependent upon each other in so
    complex a manner, have all been produced by laws
    acting around us. These laws, taken in the
    largest sense, being Growth with reproduction
    Inheritance which is almost implied by
    reproduction Variability from the indirect and
    direct action of the conditions of life, and from
    use and disuse a Ratio of Increase so high as to
    lead to a Struggle for Life, and as a consequence
    to Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of
    Character and the Extinction of less improved
    forms. Thus, from the war of nature, from famine
    and death, the most exalted object which we are
    capable of conceiving, namely, the production of
    the higher animals, directly follows. There is
    grandeur in this view of life, with its several
    powers, having been originally breathed by the
    Creator into a few forms or into one and that,
    whilst this planet has gone circling on according
    to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a
    beginning endless forms most beautiful and most
    wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
    Charles Darwin (1859)

The Tangled Bank of the Napo
End Chapter 9
  • Bird bill adaptations
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