Title: The%20Senior%20Thesis:
1The Senior Thesis
- The Senior Thesis
- It seemed like a good idea at the time
3Gina Sampson BA(Hons), MA, BEdThe Writing
CentreImmaculata Hall867-5221http//people.stfx
4What brings you here?
- What is the one thesis survival question you need
5The Graduate/Masters Thesis presents challenges
on many levels
- Intellectual
- Creative
- Personal
- Organizational
6- "We have not even to risk the adventure alone,
for the heroes of all time have gone before us -
the labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only
to follow the thread of the hero path " - Joseph Campbell
7Whos here to help?
- Your supervisor
- Your peers
- The Library
- The Writing Centre
- The Counseling Centre
8How your supervisor will help you
- Your first and most important support for dealing
with all challenges. - Some will be very hands on.
- Some will let you lead.
9How the library staff can help you
- Book an appointment for an individual
consultation to plan your research approach. - Ask for support using RefWorks.
- Use Novanet Interlibrary loan.
- Consult Undergraduate Thesis Collection
- http//libmain.stfx.ca/newlib/collections/
10How the Writing Centre can help you
- Create a time management plan.
- Discuss your ideas.
- Review and strengthen your writing.
- Review documenting.
11Meeting the Organizational Challenge
- Organizing your time
- Organizing your search
- Organizing your findings
- Organizing your writing
12A thesis requires multiple organizational plans.
You need to allow yourself time to create
these plans.
13Can you explain the systems you already use?
- Time management system
- Research strategy
- Strategy for organizing your references
- Strategy for organizing information
- Strategy to guide your writing
- Plan for revisions and editing
14The Time Management Strategy
15TM strategies
- Big tasks become manageable when broken into
small tasks. - Schedule fixed dates first. Plan backwards.
- Block off thesis time.
- Dont wait for feedback to move on.
- Allow adequate time for revision.
- Ask you supervisor for input into your TM plan.
16Sample TM Plan Term 1
Summer Read something -- Get ideas
September Learn RefWorks Create TM plan with supervisor Create research plan with Librarian Create bibliography
October Oct 1 Title, outline, bibliography to supervisor Thesis Fridays/Saturdays
November Nov 15 Detailed outline due Thesis Fridays/Saturdays
17Sample TM Plan Term 2
December Nov 28-Dec 5 Rough Draft Chapter 1
January Jan 2- Jan 8 Rough Draft Chapter 2 Jan 12 -Jan 16 Rough Draft Chapter 3
February Feb 8- 15 Draft Chapter 4 Feb 15 Complete rough draft to supervisor Feb 22- March 3 -- corrections
March March 5 Final draft to supervisor March 15-30 Final corrections March 31 Thesis Due!
18Time Management Tools
- Not all planners are created equal. Use a
combination of long term and short term planners.
- Daily Plan To Do Lists
- Post-it Notes
- Weekly Planner
- Monthly Planner
- Four Month Calendar
19On line Time Management Tools
- Rainlendar Customizable Calendar
http//vapaa.dc.inet.fi/rainy/Rainlendar.html - Countdown Events http//www.contactplus.com/produc
ts/freestuff/count.htm - Online Post-it Software Note http//www.3m.com/mar
ket/office/postit/com_prod/psnotes/ - Microsoft Outlook
20The Research Strategy
21Research strategy
- Work with your supervisor to create a research
plan. - The library can help as well.
- This strategy will produce a complete examination
of past and/or current academic discussion on the
22Search within an academic discourse
- Web of Science
- http//libmain.stfx.ca/newlib/
- Google Scholar
- www.scholar.google.com
23More about research
- Research is an organic process new directions
grow out of findings. - Look from broad to specific.
- Go back and forth between outlining, writing and
research. Consider this when planning your time.
24The Organizational Strategy
25It is crucial to develop a system for recording,
integrating, and organizing research
findings.Why?What systems have worked for you?
26How the note card system works
- Each card contains only one idea plus
bibliographic information. - Add a category heading to each card.
- Add some critical or analytical reflection to
each card. - Cards are easily shuffled to outline paper.
27Source Category
- Your quotation or paraphrase one idea per card
- Bottom or back of card Your reflection,
questions, etc.
28Advantages of using a note card system for note
- Easily integrate information from multiple
sources - Ideas do not get lost or forgotten
- Facilitates critical thinking
- Facilitates paraphrasing
- Easy to maintain organization
- Highly visual and kinesthetic
- Not technology dependent portable
29Possible Disadvantges
- All that writing?
- Transporting?
30Try using PowerPoint instead
- Gives you the flexibility of note cards in an
electronic format - You can even print the slides ( in handout
format) and cut them to give you the advantages
of note cards.
31Jacobs 2003 self esteem
Sample Note Card Note taking using PowerPoint
- Compare Burns 1997 for suggestions about
classroom strategies to deal with this. - Is it possible that LD G students have lower
self esteem than LD students in general?
- DQ High ability/learning disabled (LD) students
perceive themselves as deficient more frequently
in academic areas, which most likely increases
their motivation to avoid school tasks. - Para Gifted/LD students are critical of their own
performance and this can lead to underachievement
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33Organizing Bibliographic Material
34What is RefWorks
- RefWorks is web-based bibliographic software
package that enables you to - Organize your research
- Include citations while you write your paper
- Build a bibliography in a variety of formats
- Import references from many data sources
- Create bibliographies in different document
formats (Word, RTF, HTML, etc.) - http//libmain.stfx.ca/newlib/
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39Furious activity is no substitute for
understanding. - H.H. Williams
40Additional Resources
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- http//www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/honors.htm
l - Simon Fraser University MS Word and the Thesis
- http//www.lib.sfu.ca/researchhelp/writing/theses
formatting/WorkshopPlan051.pdf - PurdueUniversity
- http//www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/dec/essay.dissertat