Title: Life After Napoleon
1Life After Napoleon
June 22, 1815 Napoleon Bonaparte is exiled to
the island of St. Helena May 5, 1821 Napoleon
dies on St. Helena He is later entombed at the
Church of the Dome at Les Invalids in Paris (a
military hospital)
2Life After Napoleon
1814-1824 - Reign of Louis XVIII
he actually dated his reign to 1793 with the
execution of Louis XVI, his older brother
fled to Ghent when Napoleon returned from Elba
for the 100 Days in 1815 would not have
become King if Louis XVI and Maries son, Louis
Charles, had lived
3Life After Napoleon
1824-1830 - Reign of Charles X
Brother of Louis XVI and XVIII His brother
called him more royalist than the king Louis
XVI ordered him to leave France as he feared for
his life Good friends with Marie Antoinette and
Catherine the Great
4Life After Napoleon
1830-1848 - Reign of Louis Philippe Last King to
rule France
Member of the Orleans Family (not a Bourbon,
the Orleans were next in line to the throne)
Cousin to the Louis Supported the revolution
served well in the army during the revolution
Lived in exile from 1793-1815, including the USA
5Life After Napoleon
1830-1848 - Reign of Louis Philippe
Feb. 24, 1848 King Louis (during the February
Revolution) surprises everyone and abdicates the
throne in favor of his 9 year old grandson and
escapes to England The National Assembly
rejects this move and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is
elected President of the Second Republic
6Life After Napoleon
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
1848 - Louis Napoleon Last Monarch to rule France
- Elected first president of the Second Republic
- 1852 - Louis Napoleon crowned Emperor Napoleon
7Life After Napoleon
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
Third son of Hortense Bonaparte, daughter of
Napoleon Is first wife, Josephine Not sure who
his father really is, Mom was a loose Woman,
but is assumed to be Louis Bonaparte, a younger
brother of Napoleon I -therefore-
Charles Louis is Napoleons step-grandson because
Hortense was Napoleons step-daughter
(Josephines daughter) -and- He is also
Napoleons nephew because Louis Bonaparte was
Napoleons brother ..got all that?