SISD CHARACTER EDUCATION January, 20042005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Use a waiter-type character called 'Mr. Responsible' holding a bottle with ' ... No one slips through the cracks in this school! We appreciate supportive ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SISD CHARACTER EDUCATION January, 20042005


  • The goal of the SISD Character Education Program
    is to provide a foundation for academic learning
    and moral thinking, being, and doing through
    structured discussions and activities based on
    the character traits which can help students to
    begin to internalize how character is built.
  • The quotes, activities, and ideas contained in
    the monthly power points can help educators plan
    a variety of character education learning
    experiences. These activities capitalize on the
    daily teachable moments we encounter as well as
    utilize teachers creative resources to integrate
    the information into daily lessons. It is hoped
    that school principals and teachers will use the
    materials to help enhance the climate of their
  • Character education is about the connection of
    the head, the heart, and the hand which
    encourages civility, service to others and moral
    thinking and behaving.
  • _ Duane Hodgin
  • Character education creates the climate for
    learning and caring schools.

Resolve To Be Positive!
  • With the start of a new year on the horizon, its
    a good time to think about resolutions.
    Historically, the beginning of the new year is
    the time reserved for a little introspection and
    reflection. Its the perfect time to address the
    less-than-perfect areas of our lives.
  • In life, there are so many issues over which we
    have no control. What we can choose to control is
    our reaction and response to those things. We can
    choose to see lifes glass as half empty or half
    full. In other words, we can choose to be
    negative or positive.
  • A positive attitude is the foundation for a happy
    life! We cant have a bad day with a positive
    attitude, nor can we have a good day if we choose
    to see things in a negative light.
  • The choice really is ours!
  • The new year is on the horizon. We will sail
    through the new year facing all of the wonderful
    opportunities and challenges that wait ahead on
    the seas of life. How will we navigate these
    uncertain waters? How will we choose to see the
    journey ahead?
  • Attitude really is a choice! As you sail through
    the new year, what kind of sailor will you be?
    What attitude will you choose as your lens for
    looking at the world? Resolve to be positive! It
    will help keep your ship on a more even keel.
    Look for the joy in the new year. With a positive
    attitude, you will find it!

  • Put A responsible student brings at the top of
    a large bulletin board, and place a cut-out
    diagram of a student or students in the center of
    the board. Around the image of the student, put
    pictures of supplies that students need for class
    each day, such as pencil, paper, books, folders,
    and homework.
  • Use a waiter-type character called Mr.
    Responsible holding a bottle with Education
    written on it. Out of the characters mouth have
    a balloon with the phrase, It depends on me.
    Use the heading. Education served here.
  • Dedicate a bulletin board to Responsible
    Students of the Week. Take pictures or draw
    silhouettes of students and choose 2-3 each week
    for the spotlight. Look for opportunities to
    reinforce responsible behavior by putting
    students pictures on the board.
  • Light Bulb Showing your Good character is a good
  • Exclamation Mark Get excited about doing the
    right thing!
  • Woodpecker Keep Pecking away at ____________!
  • Picture Frame Picture it! Picture yourself doing
    the right thing!
  • Magic Wand Magic wont make you a person of good
    character. It takes work!

  • Building Blocks (ABC) Attitude Behavior
  • Mirror Look for the best in others and in your
  • Star Let your good character be a shining star
  • Chalkboard and Eraser Each day is a clean slate!
  • Toolbox Stock your toolbox with good character!
  • Ruler and yardstick Measure up to your true
  • Door Run through open doors of opportunity!
  • Pencil Write down your goals and see them
  • Basketball Goal Dont take your eye off your
  • Barbell Pump yourself up with good character!
  • Target Target your goals until you make them!
  • Candle Let your good character shine through!
  • Sunglasses Good Character shines so bright you
    need glasses!

Marquee Messages
  • Possible marquee messages
  • Our goal is personal academic excellence!
  • Dont do what is easydo whats right!
  • For a child, love is spelled T-I-M-E.
  • Character and academics taught here!
  • No one slips through the cracks in this school!
  • We appreciate supportive parents like you!
  • Teamwork in our community is always the best
  • Words can build up or tear down. Choose your
    words wisely!
  • We believe! We achieve! We succeed!
  • Teaching character changes things because it
    changes people!
  • A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You cant go
    anywhere until you change it!
  • No matter how far youve gone down the wrong
    road, turn back!
  • You dont have to attend every argument that you
    are invited to!
  • Dont do whats easydo whats right!
  • When things go wrong, dont go with them!
  • Just tell the truth. It will save you every time!

When We Cooperate
  • When we practice Cooperation we are a part of the
    SOLUTION... not a part of the PROBLEM.
  • Cooperation takes a daily personal commitment
    toward choices and attitudes that make a positive
    difference in our own lives and in the lives of
  • When I make a commitment to Cooperate, I will...
  • ...choose to work with others respecting their
    ideas and opinions and take responsibility for my
  • ...remember that while working with others on a
    sports team or project, I should appreciate how
    each individuals strengths and uniqueness
    combine in ways that result in the game/project
    turning out better than if I tried to do it
  • ...actively contribute through teamwork and
    leadership towards the good of my family,
    classroom, school, community, and country. I will
    help by working to improve conditions for
    individuals and the environment.
  • a good neighbor! I will treat others the
    way I want to be treated.
  • The law of life should not be competition, but
    cooperation the good of each contributing to the
    good of all.
  • Jawajarlal Nehru

What Does Cooperation Look Like?
  • What does Cooperation look like?
  • When you choose to Cooperate , you make a
  • A simple formula to use when you practice
    Cooperation is to remember the 3C Equation
  • Consideration Compromise Cooperation
  • Compromise means to blend your ideas and opinions
    with others so more is accomplished, more people
    are benefited, and peace and understanding is
  • Ask not what your country can do for you ask
    what you can do for your country.
  • John F. Kennedy

The Art of Listening
  • Listening is not something we do naturally it is
    a skill that must be modeled, practiced and
    expected from ourselves and from others.
  • Here are a few listening exercises that can
    help in the effort toward Cooperation
  • Dont confuse listening with hearing. You can
    hear something but not be listening In one ear
    and out the other.
  • Listening is active, not passive. To listen you
    must be thinking about and concentrating on what
    you are hearing.
  • Dont interrupt. You cant listen if you are
  • Ask questions when you have the opportunity to be
    sure you clearly understand what you have heard.
  • Look at the person talking. Good listening means
    you are paying attention.
  • Try to hear what is being said, not what you want
    to hear.
  • Listen with an open mind. Decide that you can
    learn something from every person you listen to.

  • 1.  Think of a really good experience you had as
    a member of a group. What made it good? Think of
    a bad experience. What made it bad? What can you
    learn from the comparison?
  • 2.  Are you a cooperative person? For each of the
    cooperative behaviors listed at the top of this
    column, rate yourself on a scale of one to five
    (1awful, and 5terrific). For each of these
    behaviors give an example of how you are either
    good at it or not so good at it, and what you
    could do to improve.
  • 3.  Describe a time you had difficulty
    cooperating. What made it difficult? What did you
    do about it? Is there something you could have
    done that would have made it easier?
  • 4.  Imagine that you get out of bed one morning
    in a rotten mood and you feel like being totally
    uncooperative for the whole day. Write about all
    the things you could do that would make your
    friends and teachers look at you and say, "Boy,
    are you being uncooperative today!"
  • 5.  Think of a time somebody (a friend,
    classmate, family member, etc.) was very
    uncooperative with you. Write a pretend letter to
    that person describing what he or she did, how it
    made you feel, and what you want this person to
    do differently in the future.
  • 6.  Write about a problem in the world that might
    be solved if people would cooperate more. Why
    aren't they cooperating now? How could they do a
    better job of cooperating?

Attitude is Everything!
  • Some indicators of a good attitude are
  • a friendly smile
  • good posture
  • talking in nice tone of voice
  • being interested in others
  • making complaints in  appropriate ways at
    appropriate times
  • being respectful and courteous
  • being calm
  • doing a  good job
  • handling anger appropriately.
  • Some indicators of a bad attitude are
  • unhappy look on face
  • slumping in chair or while standing
  • constant complaining
  • encouraging others to have a bad attitude
  • losing your temper
  • whining
  • mumbling
  • doing a poor job

The Equation Is Simple!
  • Below are listed a few equations to help you get
    started. Then let the brainstorming begin!
  • Think about, talk about, and write down a few
  • of your own. Be prepared to share a few with the
  • Positive attitude Cooperation Teamwork
  • Cheerful disposition Effort The job done!
  • Responsibility Hard work Good grades
  • __________ __________ __________
  • __________ __________ __________

Its A New Year!
  • Its a new year and a good time to set goals for
    yourself. By setting goals, you can begin
    measuring up to your full potential. Use the goal
    setting sheet below to fill in some of your
    personal and academic goals for the new year.
  • ____________________________________
  • ____________________________________
  • ____________________________________
  • ____________________________________
  • ____________________________________
  • ____________________________________

  • Use the following slides of quotes for
  • Discussion topic
  • Journal entry topic
  • Inspiration for the day
  • Part of the morning announcements
  • Making posters
  • Printing on paper and post onto a bulletin board
  • Using on the marquee
  • Posting on school web page
  • Copying in school newsletter

It is through cooperation, rather than conflict,
that your greatest successes will be achieved.
The nice thing about teamwork is that you always
have others on your side.
Individuals play the game, but teams win
Let the choices you make today be choices you
can live with tomorrow.
When all is said and done, the only thing
youll have left is your character.
Alone we can do so little together, we can do
so much.
Helen Keller
Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude
that separates excellence from mediocrity.
There is a great distance between said and done.
Love moreJudge less.
One act of kindness can start a ripple effect.
Let your efforts rise above your excuses.
Someday is not a day of the week.
Character is higher than intellect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A single twig may break, but a bundle of twigs
is strong.
You can always be a better person today than the
one you were yesterday.
Everything you need for a happy life is within
In matters of style, swim with the current. In
matters of principle, stand like a rock.
Thomas Jefferson
The best way to get the last word is to
Life is not a goal, it is a process. You get
there step by step.
How we treat one another matters.
If its to be, its up to me.
When one helps another, both are strong.
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