Title: AllDay Kindergarten Nayatt School Mrs' Bertoncini 20062007
1All-Day KindergartenNayatt SchoolMrs.
Bertoncini 2006-2007
2Welcome to Kindergarten!
- I am delighted to have this opportunity to share
information about kindergarten with you and your
family. Take a moment to sit together and view
the - ABCS of Kindergarten
- presentation to learn all about kindergarten.
- Mrs. Bertoncini
3The Importance of Kindergarten
- All I really need to know about how to live and
what to do and how to be I learned in
Kindergarten. - Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school
mountain, but there in the sand pile in
Kindergarten. - -Robert
4The ABCS of Kindergarten!
- A is for Awesome! Kindergarten is awesome and you
are going to have an awesome year of learning!
5B is for Bertoncini. Mrs. Bertoncini is the
All-day Kindergarten teacher.
A new teacher at Nayatt?
An experienced teacher at Nayatt?
6Although All-Day Kindergarten is new to Nayatt
School Mrs. Bertoncini is not a new teacher.
7Mrs. Bertoncini
- Cherylann Bertoncini has been teaching at
Nayatt for over sixteen years. She has a BA in
Early-Childhood Education, an MA in Elementary
Education and a newly achieved MS in Library and
Information Studies. She is thrilled to be
teaching the all-day kindergarten program at
8- C is for class. Our class of sixteen students
will be ready for an exciting year of learning in
kindergarten. - D is for drive. Many of the students in our class
will drive to school in a car or on the school
bus. Some children will even walk to school. How
will you get to school?
9E is for Enchanting!
- Visit Enchanted Learning _at_ http//www.enchantedlea
rning.com/Home.html for exciting kindergarten
10F is for friends. You will make new friends in
kindergarten. G is for Gym. You will
have gym with the gym teacher once a week.
11H is for hours. The hours of school are from 815
AM until 240PM.
- I is for interesting ART. Kindergarten students
create interesting masterpieces in Art class each
week. - J is for journals. Kindergarten students write in
their journals daily.
12- K is for Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy is the principal
of our school. He will visit our classroom and
read one of his favorite stories to our class. - L is for library. You will visit the library at
school each week. - M is for music. Each week you will participate in
Music class. -
13N is for Nayatt School!
O is for Our Room. Our room number is 6. We
are located two doors down from the office.
14P is for pack. For school you will need to pack
- A backpack (Big enough to fit a folder, your
lunch and your morning snack) - A lunch
- A snack for morning recess
15Q is for questions. If you have questions about
kindergarten, please feel free to contact Mrs.
- Email bertoncinic_at_bpsmail.org
- Phone Nayatt School 247-3175
- Website http//www.nayattschool.org/default.aspx
16 - R is for recess. Kindergarten students will go
outside for recess twice a day. The playground is
a hit with all the children! - S is for Science. We will begin collecting items
found in nature for our Science Center.
17T is for terrific. If you are looking for
terrific websites for kindergarten students,
visit the American Library Association Web Site.
You will find terrific sites for children to
explore. Visit http//www.ala.org/greatsites and
check out the terrific sites.
18U is for Up, Up, and Away With Learning!
- You will be soaring to new heights and learning
how to read and write. You will become a
confident mathematician and an amazing scientist!
- V is for volunteers. Volunteers in and out of the
classroom will be a big help to Mrs. Bertoncini.
19W is for writing. X is for eXcellent.
- Kindergarten students learn to become excellent
writers and write everyday. They create stories,
write in their daily journals and write letters.
Be on the lookout for some excellent writing done
by kindergarten students.
20Y is for year. We are going to have a wonderful
year of learning together!Z is for
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Be sure to get to bed early on
school nights so that you are alert and ready for
21 Share everything. Play fair. Put things back
where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Say
youre sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your
hands before you eat. Warm cookies and cold milk
are good for you. Live a balanced life- learn
some and think some and draw and paint and sing
and dance and play and work every day
some. When you go out into the world, Watch out
for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
All I Ever Needed To Know I learned In