Chapter 2: Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2: Networks


Week 3 - NetWorks. 6. Token Ring. This topology uses a token-passing mechanism to ... They also work in asymmetric fashion. Week 3 - NetWorks. 25. T1 Lines ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 2: Networks

Chapter 2 Networks
  • COMP 2073
  • Week 3
  • Winter 2003
  • Professor Kona Sirohi
  • Email

Networks - Basics
  • A network consists of two or more computers
    connected to each other to share data.
  • Networks makes sharing of data much faster and
  • Networks also allow use of shared hardware
    resources such as printers etc.
  • Two types of networks are LAN and WAN
  • In LAN, computers are connected to one another in
    one physical location.
  • In WAN, computers from different geographic
    locations can connect to each other.

Networks Basics (contd)
  • All networks have certain general components,
    functions and features. These include
  • Computers that provide shared resources to
    network users (Servers)
  • Computers that access shared network resources
    provided by the servers (Clients)
  • Hardware resources provided by the server
    (Printers and other peripherals)
  • Shared software (Applications, documents, audio,
    video etc)

Networks Basics (contd)
  • Networks can be divided into two categories
  • Peer-to-peer Network No dedicated servers, no
    hierarchy among computers. Sharing capabilities
    are defined at the individual level.
  • Server-based Network A dedicated server acts as
    a leader and computers act as clients. The server
    provides sharing permissions to individual
  • The decision to deploy one network over the other
    depends on the size of the organization, the
    level of security needed and the level of
    administration support needed.
  • Streaming media solutions should always follow
    the second option.

Various LAN Topologies
  • Token Ring
  • Ethernet
  • Fast Ethernet
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • Fiber Distributed Data Interface(FDDI)
  • Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM)
  • (Click on each hyperlink to learn more about
    these topologies)

Token Ring
  • This topology uses a token-passing mechanism to
    pass information. Computers pass information to
    another in a cycle.
  • A token, which is a special bit pattern, travels
    around the circle. To send a message, a computer
    catches the token, attaches a message to it, and
    then lets it continue to travel around the

Token Ring(contd)
  • Initially, token ring networks used a data
    transfer rate of 4 Mbps, which have now been
    upgraded to 16 Mbps.
  • This method is not a supported technology for
    streaming media.
  • If a single client is not operation in the
    network, the whole data transmission stops.
  • If a single client uses its allocated bandwidth
    to run other applications, the transmission of
    data slows down significantly.

Ethernet (also called IEEE 802.3)
  • Ethernet uses either a star or a bus topology and
    is a widely used base for network technologies.
  • It normally operates with a transmission rate of
    10 Mbps.

Ethernet (contd)
  • Ethernet uses Collision Sense Multiple Access/
    Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) algorithm which can
    be described as below
  • Listen over the medium before you transmit.
  • If the medium is idle, then transmit.
  • If the medium is busy, wait until idle, then
    transmit immediately.
  • Look for collision.
  • If a collision is detected, wait for a random
    period of time and then reattempt.

Fast Ethernet
  • It uses combination of 100BaseT (this is the most
    common standard today) and 100VG-AnyLan standard.
  • The data transmission rate is 100 Mbps.
  • 100VG-AnyLAN uses a demand priority scheme.
    Demand priority works like a traffic signal the
    hub polls each client to determine if it has
    data to transmit and then allows transmission in
  • This method generates fewer collisions.

Example of 100VG-AnyLan method
  • If there is a request waiting on port one and
  • three the hub begins by servicing port one.
  • Next, the hub checks to make sure that no new
  • requests have come in for port two, the next in
  • line. Assuming no requests have come in, the
  • hub proceeds to service the request on port
  • three. If a request came in from ports two and
  • four while the request at port three was being
  • serviced, port four would be the next one
  • serviced and then the hub would start back at
  • port one. This "round-robin technique" allows
  • equal access to network media.

Gigabit Ethernet
  • This operates with a data rate of 1000 Mbps.
  • Its fully compatible with existing Ethernets.
  • Used as server connection and backbone
  • Uses CSMA/CD algorithm.

Fiber Distributed Data Interface(FDDI)
  • FDDI networks are enhanced token-passing
    networks, and support data rates of up to 100
  • Uses fiber-optic cable to transmit digital data.
  • FDDI networks are typically used as backbones for
    wide-area networks.
  • FDDI uses dual-ring architecture to provide
    redundancy in case of a failure.
  • An extension to FDDI, called FDDI-2, supports the
    transmission of voice and video information as
    well as data.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
  • It is a broadband network topology used to
    transfer high volumes of data within LAN and WAN.
  • It allows to integrate voice, video and data.
  • Common data rates used by ATMs are OC-3(155 Mbps)
    and OC-12(622 Mbps).
  • It is a connection oriented technology - Every
    cell with the same source and destination travels
    over the same route.
  • Perhaps the best networking topology but the
    cost of deployment is substantially high.
  • Commonly used for connecting various segments of
    a network together.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
Various WAN Technologies
  • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
  • Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
  • X.25
  • Frame Relay
  • Cable Modems
  • Analog Modems
  • T1 Lines

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
  • DSL, which stands for Digital Subscriber Line,
    provides high-speed remote network access using
    regular telephone lines.
  • The total bandwidth data transfer speed ranges
    between 56 Kbps to 14 Mbps.
  • Some versions of DSL support concurrent voice and
    data over the same phone line.
  • It is a dedicated line between the end-user and
    the phone company and its always on for use.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL contd...)
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
  • ATM is also used in WAN environments. Most of the
    new backbone segments added to the Internet, use
    ATM topology.
  • ATM is designed for high-performance multimedia
  • The benefits of ATM are the following
  • High performance
  • Dynamic bandwidth
  • Support for multimedia
  • Scalability in speed and network size
  • Common LAN/WAN architecture
  • International standards compliance

Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN)
  • ISDN, which stands for Integrated Services
    Digital Network, is a system of digital phone
    connections which has been available for over a
  • An ISDN modem established a much faster
    connection to the remote machine than an analog
  • Voice and data are carried by two bearer channels
    (B channels) occupying a bandwidth of 64 kbps
    each (total of 128 Kbps).
  • A data channel (D channel) handles signaling at
    16 kbps or 64 kb/p, depending on the service

  • X.25 is an international standard developed for
    point-to-point transmission of data.
  • It uses packet-switching technology, which is
    very much different from IP-based technology.
  • Used to connect terminals to mainframe computer
  • The technology performs constant error checks
    rectifications if any, and thus creates overheads
    on the network.
  • Not used so widely these days.

Frame Relay
  • This is a packet-switched architecture similar to
    X.25. It also works on a network that uses
    IP-based technology.
  • Used mostly with digital technology, where the
    probability of an error is less.
  • It provides better stability and less error
    checking, making it a faster technology.
  • It is widely used to connect point-to-point
    segments on the WAN.

Cable Modem
  • Its a new technology that offers high-speed
    network access over traditional cable television
  • Cable modems share the same bandwidth among many
    customers using the same fiber-optic line.
  • It follows asymmetrical design that means
    downstream is greater than upstream.

Analog Modem
  • They use standard plain old telephone service
    (POT) lines.
  • The bandwidth is between 28 Kbps and 56 Kbps.
  • A large number of users connect to the Internet
    using analog modem.
  • They also work in asymmetric fashion.

T1 Lines
  • These are digital circuits used by the corporate
    world for connecting to remote networks.
  • Its a standard digital line that carries both
    voice and data at equal up and downstream rate.
  • The bandwidth is guaranteed 1.544 Mbps.
  • Its extremely reliable and much faster than the
    ordinary telephone line.
  • Very popular with many corporate sectors for over
    a decade now.

Internet Protocols
  • Streaming media technology, apart from using some
    special protocols, use the very same protocols
    that are used to transmit documents over a
  • They rely on Transmission Control Protocol /
    Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) architecture.
  • Some common network protocols are
  • IP (Internet Protocol)
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
  • HTTP (Hyper Text MarkUp Language)

IP (Internet Protocol)
  • IP is a network-layer protocol responsible for
    transmitting blocks of data called datagram from
    sources to destinations.
  • Source and destinations have a fixed length,
    unique identification number called IP address.
    IP address are divided into five major classes
  • Class A from to Mostly used
    by ISPs for their large and complex network.
  • Class B from to Used in
    mid-sized networks such as college campuses etc.
  • Class C from to Used
    by small networks in an enterprise.
  • Class D from to, Used for
  • Class E from to Used for
    experimental purposes.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
  • It is a standard, low-head, connectionless,
    host-to-host protocol that is used over
    packet-switched communication networks.
  • It allows an application program on one machine
    to send datagram to an application program on
    another machine.
  • The connectionless service allows the transfer of
    information among subscribers without the need
    for end-to-end establishment procedures.
  • The term connectionless refers to the fact that a
    connection to the destination host is not
    required. If any UDP application sends messages
    to a host, it does not know whether the host
    received the message because the host does not
    respond with an acknowledgment by default.

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
  • This protocol facilitates the transfer of
    hypertext-based files between local and remote
  • This protocol is used to transmit web-pages
    across the Internet.

Streaming Media Protocols
  • All the three streaming media technologies use
    either TCP/IP, UDP or HTTP protocols to transfer
    data packets between the host server and the
    client media player.
  • These technologies use a 3 level rollover
    mechanism for transferring data
  • First UDP is used as a preferred mode of
    transferring data packets.
  • If UDP cannot be used because of Firewall issues,
    then TCP is used.
  • Windows media player rolls over from TCP to HTTP
    automatically whereas RealPlayer and QuickTime
    needs manual rollover.

Networks - Advanced
Streaming Protocols
  • QuickTime and RealVideo use the RTSP protocol,
    that provides a framework to enable the
    controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time data.
  • This protocol is intended to
  • Control multiple data delivery sessions
  • Provide a means for choosing delivery channels
    such as UDP, Multicast UDP and TCP and
  • Provide a means of choosing delivery mechanism.

Streaming Protocols (contd)
  • Microsoft uses its own MMS protocol.
  • MMS is the default method of connecting to
    Windows Media Unicast Service.
  • Both RTSP and MMS can handle clients request
    (such as Play, Stop, Fast Forward or Rewind) over
  • Both protocols ensure that media packets arrive
    in a format recognized by the player.
  • Data Packets are carried over either UDP, TCP or
    HTTP by using the rollover mechanism.

Streaming Protocols (contd)
  • A significant factor in facilitating streaming
    data in a healthy network is to properly map the
    network topology and determine the capabilities
    of the network.
  • Hubs often suffer increased collision from a
    consistent streaming of data because they
    broadcast to every port.
  • Switches perform better in Multicast traffic
    handling by transmitting the signal to the
    designated IP address.

Creation of Streaming Media
  • Capture the audio and video contents.
  • Convert it to a computer-format.
  • Encoding Conversion of video or audio content
    into a computer format is known as Encoding.
  • It uses mathematical algorithms to compress the
    information into smaller media format for
    streaming it live or archiving it for on-demand
  • Distribute and Stream Once the content has been
    encoded, this format can either be streamed live
    or archived for on-demand broad

New Culture
  • The challenge is
  • to help people feel comfortable while recording,
  • produce the information using new media tools,
  • create applications that will be easy to use and
  • encourage the users to start using these
    applications to replace the conventional phone
    calls, faxes, face-to-face meetings etc.
  • Enterprises must provide basic training for the
    video and IT personnel in the process of creating
    and delivering digital media.
  • Standards and workflow templates should become a
    part of our daily routine for consistent and
    quality delivery of the final product.

New Roles
  • New business roles must be created, not only to
    develop and maintain the digital infrastructure
    but also to maintain an environment that promotes
    and supports the use of the new media. The roles
    can be
  • Digital Media Support creates the streaming
    content, understands audio, video and networking
    issues, create templates to be used in the
    production, encode live streams and create
    interactive applications to display the archived
  • Producer or Coordinator Coordinates the
    production of the content, receives pre-recorded
    content from various departments, ensure that
    media is properly converted and submitted into
    the corporate network.
  • Content Distribution Ethernet is the preferred
    LAN topology to distribute Unicast and Multicast

Choosing a Streaming Architecture
  • Centralized Architecture
  • Few low user concurrent remote sites.
  • High bandwidth network between remote users and
  • Normally servers live broadcasting.
  • Multicast enabled between server and remote sites.
  • Distributed Architecture
  • Many remote sites with high user concurrency at
    those sites.
  • Comparatively low WAN bandwidth between clients
    and server.
  • Normally hosts media on-demand content.
  • Multicast not enabled between the remote sites.

Centralized Architecture
  • Hosts a farm of media servers at a single
    location, supporting all the users from the same
  • Can be used only when there are few low user
    concurrent remote sites.
  • Allows simple content management.
  • Allows more efficient use of hardware.
  • Allows single-site management. No need to
    redirect users to different servers.
  • Does not scale very well.
  • Increases load on the central location.
  • Does not allow efficient use of WAN bandwidth.

Centralized Architecture
Distributed Architecture
  • Involves placing several servers known as
    splitters, reflectors or stations in strategic
    locations to server the users.
  • User requests are directed to the closest server.
  • Creates a more fault-tolerant, scalable media
    on-demand solution.
  • It can extend multicasts to parts of the network
    where multicast is not possible otherwise.
  • Introduces technical challenges as to how the
    user be redirected to the nearest server.

Distributed Architecture
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • CDN emerged as a result of poor delivery of
    content on the Internet.
  • CDN provides an architecture of web-based network
    elements, arranged for efficient delivery of
    digital content.
  • CDN provides an arranged set of distributed
    caching, load-balancing and web-request
    redirection service.
  • CDN ensure that based on user proximity and
    server load, the content is served in the most
    efficient manner.
  • CDN benefits the content provider as well as the
    network connectivity providers.

Content Delivery Network (Contd..)
Load Balancer redirects user to the closest media
Cache server finds media in cache storage and
sends stream to user. Cache server cannot find
the media.
Cache server requests media from the original
media server.
Client Requests media
Original media server sends media to cache server.
Cache server sends the media to the user
Content Delivery Network (contd..)
  • Benefits of CDN
  • Reduces the response-time delays by minimizing
    the number of stops a request has to make from
    the content source.
  • CDN brings order and quality of service to the IP
  • Load-balancing can be facilitated by the CDN
    network provider it directs the traffic to the
    least loaded server.
  • Recently, CDNs are using application-layer
    switching software that not only examine the IP
    of the client but also calculate the specific
    response time of the content being requested.This
    helps in efficient delivery of the content.

What is Quality of Service(QoS)?
  • QoS refers to the performance of a specified set
    of rules to deliver high-quality transmission
    over a communication system.
  • QoS is indicted by certain parameters like
    signal-to-noise ration, bit-error-ratio, message
    throughput rate and call blocking probability.
  • RSVP, the Reservation Protocol, is one of the
    mechanisms available for Q0S. Others schemes are
    Diff-Serv and IP Precedence.
  • If the protocol chosen for QoS on the local loop
    is not same as the backbone, then QoS translation
    software is required specially for interactive
    video applications.

How does Streaming Video work?
  • Regardless of the technology used, all streaming
    technologies follow the same schema
  • Live Feed captured by encoder
  • Encoder transmits to Media server or Media server
    pulls media on-demand from storage.
  • User Requests media from the Web server.
  • Web Server requests streams from media server
    and sends back to the user.

How Streaming Video works?(Contd..)
  • The Source media is either located on a storage
    or is captured live by a camera.
  • Video and audio cables transfer the audio-video
    signal from the source device to a capture card
    on the encoding workstation.
  • The capture card converts the analog signals to
    digital signals.
  • The software encoder detects the digital signal
    and converts it into streaming format.
  • This formatted signal is either sent to the
    distribution server or is captures as a file.
  • The Media server responds to user requests that
    are made by using a web-page.
  • The Media server servers the LAN users as well as
    distributes the signal to other media servers
    over WAN.

Firewall Issues
  • A firewall is a hardware, software or a
    combination of both for providing security to
    computer networks.
  • Firewalls act an interface between two networks
    and regulates traffic between them to protect the
    network from electronic attacks originating from
    external network.

Firewall Issues
  • Isolates internal and external traffic.
  • Makes internal addresses invisible and
    inaccessible directly from outside.
  • Allows only authorized traffic to come in after
    proper checking.
  • Facilitates encrypted connections.
  • Filters outgoing traffic for security and network
    use rules.
  • Filters incoming traffic for rouge data like
    viruses, spam etc.

Firewall Issues
  • Blocks forbidden external services and addresses.
  • Provides login service for authorized users.
  • Caches network traffic.
  • Converts between different network protocols.
  • Diverts traffic for cost-optimizing, network
    planning etc.
  • Provides consistent open entry to internal
  • Facilitates public network address and connection
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