Title: Annual Report 2004/05
1Department of Public Service and Administration
- Annual Report 2004/05
- November 2005
2Outline of presentation
- Overview of DPSA Programmes
- Programme performance
- HR Performance and indicators
- Budget allocation and financial performance
3DPSA Programmes
- Administration
- Integrated Human Resources
- Information and Technology Management
- Service Delivery Improvement
- Public Sector Anti-Corruption
- International and African Affairs
4Programme performance
- Ministers regional and international activities
- 3rd Annual meeting of the UN Committee of Experts
- The Need to Revitalise Public Administration as a
Strategic Action for Human Development - Visit to India
- Discussions on e-government, human resource
capacity - Visit to Brazil
- Discussions on service delivery mechanisms,
e-government and anti-corruption - MOU with Democratic Republic of Congo
- Public service census and anti-corruption
- GA Programme of Action
- Integrated into the work of the Department
- Major projects for dpsa
- Capacity reviews
- Macro-organisation of the state
- Government-wide ME System
- Community Development Worker Programme
- 716 completed learnership in period under review
- Successful study tour to India by 29 CDWs
- National launch planned for 23 November
7Integrated Human Resources
- Remuneration and Conditions of Service
- Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS)
- Cabinet approved registration and implementation
of a restricted membership medical scheme for
public service employees - GEMS registered with effect from 1 January 2005
- Interim Board of Trustees and Principal Officer
appointed - Management Policy and Procedure on Incapacity
Leave and Ill-health Retirement for Public
Service Employees (PILIR) - Pilots undertaken in Free State, Correctional
Services and SAPS - Cabinet has approved rollout to the public
service - Implementation strategy developed
8Integrated Human Resources
- Remuneration and Conditions of Service
- Coordination of evaluation of transversal jobs in
the public service - Benchmark job descriptions for social workers
- Housing allowance (extending allowance to
tenants) implemented - Transfer framework to facilitate transfers of
staff between spheres of government - Scarce skills framework introduced
- Support to departments in developing strategies
to address scarce skills - Foreign Service Dispensation implemented
9Integrated Human Resources
- Negotiations and Labour Relations
- Negotiations for a multi-term agreement on
improved salaries and other conditions of service - Agreement concluded in September 2004
- Salary adjustment of 6.2 with effect from 1 July
2004 - 2005 and 2006 adjustments to be based on CPIX
plus 0.4 - Introduction of scarce skills framework
- Review of remuneration of identified categories
of employee - Review of certain benefits and allowances
- Labour Relations policy implemented
- Management of excess employees reduced from 13000
to 5000 by the end of 2004
10Integrated Human Resources
- Employment Practices and Career Management
- Competency assessment system endorsed by Cabinet
- SMS PMDS reviewed
- SMS Conference held
- SMS Handbook updated
- HIV and AIDS
- Minimum standards for managing HIV and AIDS in
the public service workplace implemented - Communication strategy to include print material
- 4th HIV and AIDS Indaba held
- Programme widened focus to encompass health and
11Integrated Human Resources
- Human Resource Development
- Workshops held to facilitate alignment of
provincial plans and HRD strategies - Internship and mentorship guides developed
- Public Service Trainers Forum held
- Public Service Sector Education and Training
Authority (PSETA) - Application for re-certification made
- Core senior staff recruited
- SAQA accredited the PSETA ETQA
- 11 MOUs signed with other SETA ETQAs
- 2500 unemployed learners registered in different
transversal learnership programmes - Sector Skills Plan for 2005-2009 was submitted to
12Information and Technology Management
- Batho Pele Gateway portal
- Phase 1 launched on 3 August 2004
- Various projects aimed at enhancing phase 1
underway - Migration to a more robust infrastructure
- Content updates
- Translation of content
- e-IGIS (electronic Inventory of Government
Information Systems) - e-IGIS developed and gathers information on IT
systems and IT projects from national and
provincial departments
13Information and Technology Management
- CabEnet
- Phase 1 pilot underway
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) Exchange
- MOU between dpsa and ICT industry is under
development - CIO Code of Ethics
- Code under development
- Government Information Technology Officer (GITO)
Council - Capacity building for CIOs undertaken
- SITA regulations and procurement
- Consultations underway to finalise the
regulations - A new procurement process was developed by SITA
14Service Delivery Improvement
- Support initiatives
- 24 projects were identified and supported as part
of the Integrated Provincial Support Programme
(IPSP) - Public Management Watch and Red Tape Audit
supported by the Good Governance Programme - Review of KZN departments conducted and report
prepared as part of support to KwaZulu-Natal
provincial government - Support to DRC Ministry of Public Services in
carrying out a census of public servants
15Service Delivery Improvement
- Macro-organisation of the state
- Policy framework on the governance and
administration of public sector institutions
(focusing on national public entities and
government business enterprises) - Alternative service delivery
- Framework to guide support interventions
developed - Framework for the management of joint programmes
developed - Discussion document on the outsourcing of state
functions developed
16Service Delivery Improvement
- Batho Pele
- Proposals on revitalisation of Batho Pele adopted
in August 2004 - Batho Pele Change Management Engagement rolled
out in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo - Batho Pele Change Management Toolkit developed
- Red Tape Audit conducted
- Project Khaedu launched
- Sectoral research and analysis
- Research support to the Minister
17Service Delivery Improvement
- Learning and Knowledge Management
- 3rd Service Delivery Academy in July 2004
- Service Delivery Review published
- Monitoring and evaluation network launched
- Batho Pele Learning Network workshop held
- Human resource learning network revived
- SA Public Management Conversation held
- Database on service delivery improvement projects
- Implementation of the Public Service
Anti-corruption Strategy consolidated - Public Service Anti-corruption Training Strategy
developed - Visits to provinces conducted to ascertain level
of compliance with minimum anti-corruption
standards - Guidelines and reports published
- Case referral handbook for departments
- Case studies on anti-corruption capacity in
departments - Report on compliance with minimum standards
- Project on the training of judicial officers
implemented - Assessment of anti-corruption capacity of
Correctional Services conducted - Provided leadership and coordination for the
public sector planning and preparations for the
National Anti-corruption Summit held in March
2005 - Provided support to the public sector
representatives on the National Anti-corruption
- International and regional anti-corruption work
- Deposit of the instrument of ratification of the
UN Convention against Corruption - Co-author of the Legislative Guide for the
implementation of the UN Convention against
Corruption - Consultations and preparations for the
ratification of the AU Convention on Preventing
and Combating Corruption - Preparation for SA to accede to the OECD
Convention on the Bribery of Foreign Officials in
International Business Transactions - Assistance to Brazil to organise the 4th Global
Forum - Assistance to the DRC to establish an
anti-corruption framework
21International and African Affairs
- Regional conference on Re-inventing Government
hosted (preparatory for 5th Global Forum in
Korea) - Supported Minister in her role as chair of the
Pan-African Ministers of Public Service
Conference - Established capacity building programme on public
sector leadership with UNDESA - Study on HR practices in Africa conducted
- Major study on donor support to public sector
reform in Africa conducted - Planned for the launch of African Management
Development Institutes Network (AMDIN)
22International and African Affairs
- Minister nominated as Focal Point for the African
Peer Review Mechanism in South Africa - Engaged with APRM secretariat
- Discussions with Chinese Public Sector
Restructuring and Human Resource Development - Negotiations with the European Union
- Discussions with the AU Commission and NEPAD on
the funding of NEPAD programmes
23Financial management
24Programme Expenditure for the 2004/05 FY
25Total Expenditure Comparison for 2003/04 and
26Economic Classification Comparison for 2003/04
and 2004/05
27Age analysis receivables current
28Increase in Professional and Special services
29 Human resource management(oversight report)
- Slide refers to Tables 3
- As at 31 March 2005, 254 (77.4) of 328 posts
were filled. - The vacancy rate was 22.6 (74 posts)
- Slide refers to tables 3
- The employment of staff profile per level is as
reflected in the chart below
- Challenges to filling vacancies
- people decline employment offers after the
department has spent at least 2-3 months trying
to recruit - Terminations of service 17.6 (41) occur faster
than filling posts could occur
- Slide refers to tables 4
- Job Evaluation
- 39 jobs were JEd and of the number
- 15 posts were upgraded and
- 2 posts were downgraded
- 17 employees were upgraded
- 10 posts occupied by females and
- 7 posts occupied by males
- 10 employees salary levels exceed the grade
determined by JE. Five Males and five females, 8
African and 2 White employees. This was done to
either attract or retain staff.
- Slide refers to tables 5
- The annual turnover rate was 17.6
- Slide refers to tables 5
- The annual turnover rate was 17.6
- Slide refers to tables 5
- Overall Turnover Rate (17.6)
- Reasons why employees leave
- Resignations-employment in the private sector,
own employment, relocation elsewhere - Contracts expired
- Death
- Promotional Transfers to other departs
- Slide refers to tables 6
- The race and gender breakdown of 254 people
employed is
- Slide refers to tables 7
- 83 (35.6) employees received performance awards
- 74 (31.8) on levels 1-12
- 9 (3.9) on Senior Management Level
- Slide refers to Tables 8
- Foreign workers
- 3 (1.3) employees residence status,
- two SMS members
- and one highly skilled in IT
- Slide refers to tables 9
- Sick leave
- 127 employees used a total of 871 normal sick
leave days, within the first year of the 3 year
leave cycle, which started in January 2005 - 3 employees utilised an additional 18 days for
incapacity leave, approved all leave was
supported with medical certificates and verified - At 31 Dec 04, (5,615.78) capped leave days were
available to 208 employees. 85.5 capped leave
days were used by employees. - Due to operational reasons a total of 24 days was
paid out to 12 employees, (average of 2 days per
employee) and - On termination of service a total of 103 days was
paid to 8 employees, (average of 13 days per
- Slide refers to tables 10
- An SMS has been designated to implement the
provisions of Part VI.E of the PSR, Ms Brenda
Hendricks, Manager People Management and
Development - A practitioner and team deals with the promotion
of health and wellness in the department - The committee has an integrated committee dealing
with wellness and occupational health and safety
issues - Policies are reviewed in line with amendments to
PSR - Legal frameworks deal with specific measures of
discrimination - Although the department encourages people to
undergo VCT, no records are kept or required - M E part of comprehensive departmental health
and wellness policy
- Slide refers to tables 11
- Misconduct and Discipline and Grievances
- 4 misconduct cases
- 2- procurement 1-insubordination and
1-Incapacity/poor work performance - one was finalised and two still pending outcomes
- 8 grievances were lodged
- all resolved
- 2 disputes were lodged
- One upheld and one dismissed
- 2 employees were suspended and suspension
- Slide refers to tables 12
- 135 (53.1) of the 254 employees identified
training needs in their personal development
plans. Of this number 115 employees went
on/received training. 49 Females and 66 Males