Title: AGF Working Group
1Monitoring and evaluating capacity-building at
multiple levels
UNFCCC Meeting on monitoring and evaluating CB,
Rio, Brazil 6-7 November 2008 David
Watson Consultant
2Scope of Presentation
- Background perspectives and approach
- The story so far ME of CB under UNFCCC
- How other global programmes tackle ME of CB
- The big picture ME of CB in international
development - Alternative paradigms esp. systems thinking
- Towards a tool-kit for practitioners
- Sorry about late distribution of paper! (See
Section X for a potted summary!) - Personal points of departure building
institutions and governance - A touch of scepticism about ME practices
pragmatism incrementalism practicality process - Broadening debate constructively
- Not selling any particular approaches
- Cognisant of the seriousness of the challenges of
slowing climate change, and of enhancing the
effectiveness of CB to that end
4Levels of Capacity and CB
- May be helpful to bear in mind two complementary
dimensions - Horizontal from individuals, through
organisations, to social / national systems or
networks - Vertical from local, to regional, to
national, to global.
5Other Global Programmes Experience with ME of CB
- GAVI / Roll Back Malaria
- Programme Based Approaches (PBAs)
- Lessons pertinent to CB to address Climate Change
6Lessons from other global progs.
- Several (GAVI and RBM) had specialised groups
focussed on ME, plus Task Forces on specialised
subjects (e.g. CB) - At country level a Secretariat may have a ME
Cell use existing ME structures where they
exist keep it simple minimise number of
indicators. - Empirical evidence of enhanced capacities is
often scarce - Strategic incrementalism attracted PBA-ers
attention pursue quick wins and peer-learning
7..lessons continued
- Clarify objectives of CB, based on thorough needs
assessments, as a basis for a simple results
framework - Try to avoid a missing middle indicators for
the steps between outputs and outcomes - Reflect on whether the ME process should feed
more into national political processes, (engaging
e.g. with parliaments, media, civil society) AND
be a precondition of partnerships nationally and
with the international community. - Dont be naïve in your theory of political
change participation is not enough.
8A poignant quotation
- ME practices do not provide a framework for
re-presenting (or making meaning from) the
complex and multiple processes of institutional
and individual learning and change that are
sought in strengthening institutional capacity - Source Unitar Challenges and Constraints in ME
of Capacity Building presentation to first
(Antigua) workshop Nov 2007
9ME of CB recent insights
- Theme paper for ECDPM Study on Capacity Change
and Performance 2003-8 (Baser Morgan Watson on
Theme Paper) - On ME of CD tended to agree with UNITAR!
- Often, performance improvement indicators are
used as proxy for capacity increases - not many e.g.s of capacity being monitored
- Accountability (to donors) the main driver
- Most public sector CB experience
disappointingpolitical and institutional factors
seem important - Donors have a poor record on ME of CB
..including their own capacities and incentives
10Capacitated organisations
- 1. ..carry out tasks effectively
- 2. ..engage, decide, act
- 3. ..relate, attract resources support
- 4. ..adapt and self-renew
- 5. ..balance diversity, and build coherence
across the organisational system - Capacity that emergent combination of
individual competences and collective
capabilities which enables a human system to
create public value
11..and implications for ME of CD..?
- Agree on the nature of capacity to be monitored!
- ..need to focus on more complex issues
- Information on change and progress should not be
sent up but shared internally for purpose of
learning - Pay more attention to the contextand
inter-relationships in capacity processes.. - to the changes taking place (intended or not) and
their contributions to capacity - ..i.e. need more participative approaches to ME
and to learning and reflection..
12Alternative Paradigms to ME (of CB)
- Critical reactions to monitoring abilities to
performand meeting pre-determined objectives - Wheatley measurement anathema (when looking
at human behaviour) - Cause and effect logic inapplicable
- ..change processes are complex..involve
inter-dependenciesand are not linear or
stable, nor necessarily visible - ..but may well be long-term, and more political
than technical -
13Systems Thinkings relevance
- Growth in interest in ST as an analytical
framework for development and natural resource
management - Explicitly examined as part of ECDPM study helps
address implications mentioned - Human institutions seen as complex adaptive
systems e.g. climate! - See Box 1 for a summary of basic concepts
- Mess problems unbounded in scope, time and
resources no clear agreement on optimal solution
or how to achieve it goals and strategies are
contested perspectives differ no clear cause
and effect uncertainty prevails.
14What about Capacity?
- Capacity is an emergent property of human
systems (ECDPM Study) - (Emergent properties are those which have no
meaning in terms of parts making up the whole
system. They are the outcome of system behaviour
or synergy.) - Two examples ENACT Jamaica (Box 2)
- And IUCN Asia (Box 3)
- Formal performance monitoring system abandoned
- Empowerment of frontline staff for rapid response
- Absence of a model to assess performance
- Let partners adapt and adopt measures
- Donor modified its approach..more
learning-friendly faced with diversity
- Unusually diverse membership
- Flexibility demonstrated by funding agencies
- Permitted experimentation, innovation and
creativity - Evolution of IUCN learning processes
- Teaming process
- Ownership by governments IUCN credibility /
legitimacy - CB continuous process no road map, only a goal
16Cases commonalities c.f. ST
- Identification and recognition of goals
- Emphasis on values to be reflected
- Clarity and awareness of mission amongst clients
too - Leadership encourages experimentation
- Opportunities for learning from experience
self-assessment and stories of positive
experience or changes or errors - Flexibility to adapt (thru new skills-building)
to new needs / priorities, thru OJT hands-on - Informality of ME systems responsive to needs
of clients / network members - Ability to learn from experience is crucial
17BUT Reductionist approaches are still
- It is possible to define required capabilities
unambiguously and specifically - ..and to assess existing ones gap
- Therefore easy to define indicators
- Where stakeholders able and willing to define
their shortfalls and sign up - Incentives exist to improve performance
- Leadership, and all above combine into
ownership - BUT ..this combination of circumstances is rare!
(e.g. public financial management IMF and WB
forged consensus)
18Towards a Tool Box for ME of CD in Climate
- Principles pragmatism acknowledge weaknesses in
all ME systems main aim sense-making - Seek out what ME exists, and what works,
already - Acknowledge that the best ME systems are
customised adapted by participants, based on
local conditions
19Some existing frameworks
- GEF Resource Kit on ME
- GEF Indicators for 5 key capacities
- Engagement generate access to and use of
information policy and legislation development
management and implementation monitor and
evaluate - Scoring / indicator system for each
- Obliges actions / next steps / link to outcomes
- UNEP Lessons Trees
- Trying to improve quality of learning (especially
about common problems) and application of
learning to future programmes
- Examples from CB in research and development
organisations - SA workshops after applying qualitative and
quantitative tools - Managers, staff and stakeholders identify
strengths and weaknesses, and set new directions
.Advantages - (1) those with knowledge of and interest in the
organisation gain in-depth insights whats
working and why..where improvements needed - (2) Well-prepared to address the changes needed
- E.g. ME of past CB in Mekong Farming RD Systems
Institute (Box 4) - Preparation of work stories on past CB efforts
- interviews with key staff on changes and
21A Balanced Approach to ME of CB
- Framework generated to address ME of CB a la
ECDPM Study dimensions of Capacity - Piloted in PNG legal and judicial reform
- Time-consuming and exhaustive but national
practitioners did find it helpful in
conceptualising all dimensions of capacities
being built up. - See extra handout
22Appreciative Enquiry in Formative Evaluation
- Evaluators form more of an understanding of the
political, cultural and historical landscape - Encouraging organisations to develop their
relationships with primary stakeholders - Community Development Corporations in US
- Seeking out what enabled effectiveness, and what
hindered it - Evaluator regularly listening to stories
- Regular visits and sharing of reports
- Recipients able to co-create the initiative and
develop OWN capacity for assessment - Evaluator chosen by NGO not donor NGO employed
not as expert but for its ability to learn
23Most Significant Change (MSC)
- First applied in evaluation of a complex RD
programme in Bangladesh - Process managers identify domains of change which
are important to evaluate - Stories (descriptions of changes deemed
significant with reasons why significant?)
periodically collected from stakeholders - Analysed and filtered up thru committees
- Criteria for choosing stories are collated and
fed back to stakeholders - Final selection made (annually?) with reasons
- Circulated to all
- Site visits to check deepen understanding of
24MSC features
- Focuses attention and direction of work in
programme towards valued directions - Dialogue and deliberations crucial
- Takes place over time responsive to changing
contexts - Policy makers, funders, field engaged looking at
the value of changes - Stories help all relate to information
- Non-experts (the story-tellers) involved in
evaluation - Dialogue based on real experience and concrete
outcomes not abstract indicators - MSC positively evaluated as technique in Laos
(Willetts 2004)
25Annotated Bibliography
- ..use as a part of the tool-kit!
- Sections on
- Climate Change-related sources
- Broader CB literature and ME
- Other Global Programmes Materials
- Civil Society CB and ME
- Systems Thinking and Complexity literature and
ME examples
26Summary why ST has potential for ME of CB in
Climate Change
- Avoids pitfalls of logical framework in what is
an amorphous field CB - Emphasises clarity of objective-setting, AND of
learning collectively from reality - Generates, relates to, and values stories
- Potential to enhance team-work and
inter-relationships of hitherto disparate
institutions and groups in their ecosystem
context - Climate change context politically-charged,
formal and informal, amenable to negotiation - Evidence indicates ST ME approaches can work
for and strengthen social change (Guijt 2007