Unit 8 Body Language In Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 8 Body Language In Communication


... chest to signify 'me', but think it is funny when Chinese point to their nose. ... says someone is a sneak, and in Italy it insults someone for being a homosexual ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Unit 8 Body Language In Communication

Unit 8 Body Language In Communication
  • Main Points
  • ?. Leading In
  • ?. Text A
  • ?. Text B
  • ? Vocabulary Practice
  • V. Practical Writing

  • Leading in Introduction about the topic
  • I. Group Discussion
  • 1) what is body language?
  • 2) Is body language, in your opinion, as
    important as written and spoken language or in
    some way more important? Why?
  • 3) Do all the body language mean the same thing
    in the world? Please give more examples

  • 2. Some gestures used in sports, look at the
    following pictures, find the meaning of each

  • Body language
  • Even body language has a cultural accent.
    Chinese stamp their feet (??) to show anger
    Americans interpret this as impatience. Chinese
    clap (??)for themselves after a speech. Americans
    may see this as immodest. When giving or
    receiving a gift, Chinese use two hands to show
    respect. Americans never even notice.Americans
    may pat other adults on the head to show
    sympathy, affection(??)or encouragement. This
    behavior could insult(??)Chinese.

  • Americans point to their chest to signify
    me, but think it is funny when Chinese point to
    their nose. Even laughter has the potential
    either to communicate or miscommunicate. An
    American who fell off his bike was very angry
    when on-looking Chinese laughed at him. I myself
    was angered when my son fell down and bystanders
    (???)laughed. but I learned later that their
    laughter conveyed sympathy or understanding, not
    ridicule (??). when east meets west, how often is
    offense taken when none is given?

Everyone uses body language People can not live
without each other, we are social beings. As soon
as we are in contact with others we are
communicating. For this we can make use of spoken
and written language. In these ways we make the
content of a message clear to each other. However
we can also communicate without words. This kind
of communication tells us something about the
relationship between people.
  • Often this is more important than getting the
    content of the message across. The communication
    about this non spoken communication, which tells
    us something about the relationship between
    people, is called Meta-Communication.
    Communicating about communication!
  • Words are inadequate
  • When we connect with a person, we also have to
    make it clear to each other how the content of a
    spoken message needs to be interpreted

  • How we do this says something about the
    relationship we have with the other person, or
    think we have anyway. Often words are inadequate
    for this purpose. For instance we do not tell
    each other that easily how we feel about each
    other, or how the words of a message need to be
    interpreted. To make the meaning of our words
    clear we use body language.

Usually body language occurs unconsciously. Yet
the body language we use decides to a large
extent the quality of our communication. It
follows that therefore it would be good to become
conscious of our own and others' body language.
We can learn to use our body language for a
purpose. As well as learn to understand and
interpret body language of others. It is
important to note that body language has
different meanings in different cultures.
  • How we can interpret body language depends on
    the situation, the culture, the relationship we
    have with the person as well as the gender of the
    other. This means that there is not one signal
    that has the same meaning all over the world. If
    you do not take this into account you may get
    yourself in some serious trouble! Body language
    is also interlinked with spoken language and a
    whole pattern of behavior from a person.

  • Body language is used especially to express
    feelings. For instance if we do not like someone,
    it is often difficult to say that directly to the
    person. However we can make it clear either
    intentionally or unintentionally through body
    language. The opposite is also true. We may say
    that we ARE angry through words yet our body
    language may be saying loud and clear that we are
    NOT. This can be very confusing for the receiver.
    This is usually described as giving out double
    messages - one message in words and an opposite
    message in body language.

  • It is also difficult to lie or cover up our
    feelings through body language. People may give
    their true feelings away by not being aware of
    their body language. Research has shown that most
    people pay more attention to, and believe more
    readily, their impression of how a person acts
    through body language than what is said through
    words. As a consequence we tend to doubt, or put
    a question mark behind, the spoken words if they
    do not correspond with the language of the body .

  • Text A
  • Body language in Daily Use
  • I. Pre-reading activities
  • 1. When we talk to each other, do we send
    messages only by words? What other ways do we
  • 2. Can you give examples of body language you use
    every day?
  • ( Ask some students to come to the front to
    give performances, others try to guess the

  • II. While-reading activities
  • 1) Read the text through and try to answer
    the questions on page 132, then find the main
  • 2) Read the text paragraph by paragraph and
    try to find the topic sentence in each paragraph.
  • 3) Language Points
  • 1.daily adj. happening every day
  • daily work lives morning paper
  • adv. every day
  • The patient was told to take the medicine
    daily so as to keep his blood pressure at a
    normal level.

  • 2. verbal adj. We need not only the pictures,
    but also the verbal instructions from you.
  • nonverbal nonverbal means of expression
  • prefix non nonstop nonstandard
  • 3.gesture v. The traffic police gestured the
    driver over with a movement of his head.
    n. He made a gesture to the left with his
    hand to show me the direction of the bookstore.
  • 4. random adj. a random choice
  • Random rain showers will pass through this
    area tomorrow.
  • 5.along with together with
  • She went downstairs to get the newspaper
    along with a letter in the mailbox.

  • 6. end with bring something to an end with
    something or doing something.
  • He ended his letter with good wishes to the
  • 7. lower v. She felt a little shy and lowered
    her eyelids when the man talked to her.
  • Lower oneself
  • adj. Although he comes from a lower-class
    family, he is well educated.
  • 8. finish up be in the end
  • Having no children or relatives, the old
    couple thought they would finish up in
  • 9.widen v. A student should
    widen his knowledge.
  • adj. en ---v. strengthen broaden

  • 10.whats more also, and more importantly
  • The price they charged was reasonable, and
    whats more, the service was good.
  • 11.pick out She picked out the suspect in the
  • 12.dub give new or different sound effects
    to, or change the original spoken language of
  • The voices in this Chinese action movie were
    dubbed into English.
  • 13. flat adj. Everything seems so flat after
    the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over.
  • 14. put across communicate, cause( ones
    ideas, feelings, etc.) to be understood
  • The teacher knows how to put his thoughts
  • 15. efficient adj. he is very efficient in
    doing his homework.
  • efficiently adv. He tells us that the
    secret to his success is to study efficiently.

  • 16. total adj. The total number of the
    textbooks is 50.
  • Vt. The cashier totaled the bill at the
  • n. How much should I pay in total.
  • 17. spell out explain in the most detailed way
  • I dont understand the process, would you
    please spill it out for me?
  • 18. in conversation with talking with
  • I saw her in conversation with a young man
    in the meeting room.
  • 19. challenge n. One of the challenges facing
    her is that whether she should accept this new
  • vt. He challenged me to play another
    computer game.
  • 20. authority n. Mr. Li is an authority on
    bridge designing.

Text B Using Gestures to Communicate
Look at these pictures, try to guess the meaning
of the gestures in different cultures
  • Answers for these pictures
  • The ring gesture (Figure 1), where you form an
    O by holding the tip of your fore finger to the
    tip of your thumb, means in Britain and America
    that you think something is good something is
    OK. Take a trip through the Channel Tunnel from
    England to France, however, and you may find that
    you fail to impress your French host when you use
    it to tell him your opinion of his new car. For
    in France it means zero or worthless. Travel
    further south and you are in even greater
    trouble, for in Tunisia it means "I'll kill
    you"!When a British or an American businessperson
    shows the ring gesture to a Japanese, the
    Japanese might say to himself Oh!He's giving me
    the sign for money Is he asking for a bribe?
    In Japan, the thumb and forefinger making a
    circle is used as a symbol for money.

  • The single finger beckon (Figure 2), where using
    the index finger to beckon some- one to come to
    you may be acceptable in America, but would be
    impolite in Malaysia or Yugoslavia where it is
    only used for calling animals. In Indonesia and
    Australia it is also used for beckoning ladies
    of the night.
  • Holding up the palm of your hand towards
    someone's face (Figure 3)is a signal for Stop!
    or That's enough. in Britain and the US. In
    Greece the same gesture is known as the moutza,
    which dates back to ancient times when facial
    matter and dirt was pushed into the faces of
    defeated enemies, now meaning the greatest
    insult. In West Africa this gesture means You
    could have any one of five fathers! which is
    another way of calling a person a bastard

  • pulling down the lower lid of your eye with
    one finger (Figure 4)is usually used to indicate
    alertness. In France and Greece it means much the
    same as when British people say "My eye!" in
    England, meaning Don't you think I can see it?
    You can't fool me. In Spain and Italy it is also
    related to being alert, but here it is used as a
    warning, Keep your eyes open. In South America
    it means you think that a woman is an eyeful,
    very attractive.
  • The ear-tug gesture (Figure 5) means as many
    as four different things in different
    Mediterranean countries. In Spain it accuses
    someone of being a sponger , in Greece it is a
    warning, in Malta it says someone is a sneak, and
    in Italy it insults someone for being a homosexual

  • Patting a child's head (Figure 6) shows
    affection in China, yet a Chinese seldom pats the
    head of a teenage or adult. This is because it
    may displease the teenager or the adult, as they
    may resent being treated like a child. Patting
    the head, in Britain or America, also means
    giving comfort, consolation or encouragement, and
    is occasionally used between close friends.
    However, in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand,
    patting a child on the head would be shocking and
    offensive because the head is believed to be the
    seat of the soul.

  • While Reading of Text B
  • I. Read the text through and answer the questions
    on page 141
  • II. Group discussion on the details of the
    text and the teacher give the answer to their
  • III. Language points
  • offend vt. I hope what I said did not offend
    you and I beg for your forgiveness if I really
  • Be offended at sth.
  • I really felt offended with him for
    his behavior.
  • 2. upset vt. It upset him to know that his
    classmates would not support him.
  • 3. conclude v. we concluded after careful
    search that there was no one in this house
  • To conclude, I wish you all good health
    and a long life.

  • 4. observe v. Did you observe anything
  • Its our responsibility to observe
    traffic rules.
  • 5. worthless adj. Nobody likes to be with a
    worthless member of society.
  • This is a worthless necklace, because
    it is just an imitation
  • 6. confusion n. There was confusion as to
    which classroom we should go to have the music
  • The sudden death of the president
    caused confusion in that country.
  • 7. incidentally adv. I must get in touch with
    Tom. Incidentally, do you have his e-mail
  • 8. hitchhike vi. As his car couldnt start,
    he had to go hitchhiking to the nearest garage to
    get a mechanic.

  • 9. fortunate adj. He was fortunate enough to
    escape the accident without injury.
  • Unfortunate adj. Many unfortunate people
    were left without food and houses after the
    natural disaster.
  • 10.mean adj. It was mean of you not to let the
    children play in the snow.
  • Hes very mean with his money.
  • 11.direct vt. I dont think what he said is
    directed at you.
  • Adj. He is a direct, open and
    honest young man.
  • 12.horrify vt. Everyone was horrified to hear
    that his father was murdered.
  • 13.hell n. Go to hell! I want to be with
    myself here!
  • The troops at the front went through
  • 14. thanks to thanks to your help, we were able
    to complete our work ahead of the deadline.
  • 15. hold back from The firefighters held the
    man back from rushing into the burning house.
  • 16. instant Can you give us an instant reply to
    our mail?

Vocabulary Practice
  • I. Complete each sentence with the correct form
    of the word given.
  • 1.They had a (verb) ________ agreement for her to
    receive 2,000 a month.
  • 2.Researchers have discovered in their study that
    boys and girls may behave (different)__________.
  • 3.Much as she (like) _________ going to the
    party, she knew had to be there.
  • 4. I think USA Today is a national newspaper, not
    a (region)________ one,
  • 5.Do you know his (race) ________ origin?
  • 6.It would be very (interest)_________ to compare
    the two cultures.
  • 7. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of
    (move) __________.
  • 8. She (cheer)__________ admitted that she had no
    experience at all.
  • 9. Most of the people in the town were (horrify)
    ________ at the bad news.
  • 10.There are no (significance) __________differenc
    es between the two groups of students.

  • II. Choose the best item to complete each of the
    following sentences.
  • 1. People now have different views about who
    first________ America.
  • A. invented B. discovered C. found
    D. learnt
  • 2. I couldnt __________what the word meant as it
    wasnt in my dictionary, but John told me, so now
    I know it.
  • A. find out B. put across C.
    communicate with D. pick out
  • 3. Dont get __________ about it --- Lets just
    forget it.
  • A. Influence B. emphasize C.
    dislike D. upset
  • 4. He ______from their remarks that they were not
    in favor of the plan.
  • A. concluded B. said C. answered
    D. replied
  • 5. In our company only the manager has the ______
    to sign checks.
  • A. control B. rule C. authority
    D. knowledge

  • 6. His facial___________ told us that he was
  • A. gesture B. expression C. sign
    D. symbol
  • 7. She does not like anyone_____________ her
  • A. Influencing B. directing C. finishing
    D. challenging
  • 8. He was eager to _________ his ideas to the
  • A. direct B. remind C. communicate
    D. observe
  • 9. Television can be a useful way of
    putting__________ health messages.
  • A. away B. across C. in
    D. on
  • 10. The man was killed in the traffic accident
    along __________ three other men.
  • A. On B. down C. with
    D. at.

?. Practical Writing
  • The most important items in taking a telephone
  • a. the date, the exact time
  • b. the callers name
  • c. the content of the phone call
  • d. the callers telephone number
  • e. the name of the message taker

  • Match the following expressions with their
    Chinese equivalents, then do tasks that follow.
  • A
  • 1. Called You a.
  • 2. Returned Your Call b.
  • 3. Will Call Again c.
  • 4. Please Call d.
  • 5. Wants to See You e.
  • 6. Was Here to See You f.
  • 7. Urgent g.
  • 8. Area Code h.
  • 9. Phone Number i.
  • 10. Extension j.

  • Suppose you are a secretary and youve just
    received a phone call from Mr. George Smith of
    the English Department of ABC University, who
    wanted to speak to Mr. John Brown. Mr. Brown Was
    not in at the moment. So Mr. Smith left a
    message. Now put the following message into the
    message form.
  • Tell Mr. Brown I called. I would
    like to talk to him about the possible exchange
    of our students. I am the head of the English
    Department and Id like to talk with Mr. Brown
    about the details of the exchange. Im afraid he
    cant contact me by telephone, as Ill be
    traveling around. Id like to arrange a meeting
    with him urgently. The most convenient time is
    330 tomorrow afternoon. Could you ask Mr. Brown
    if he is free around 930 tomorrow morning? Id
    like to phone him then and confirm the meeting
    time and the place. Have you got all that?

(No Transcript)
  • You work for Blue Circle. Mr. Horner, your
    manager, is not in this afternoon. You received a
    phone call for him. The callers name is Mrs.
    Hill. She works at Cambridge University. She
    asked Mr. Horner to call her back tomorrow
    morning. Her number is 071-4871. Use todays date.

(No Transcript)
  • The End
  • Good-bye
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