Title: The%20Cognitive%20Perspective%20in%20Information%20Science%20Research
1The Cognitive Perspective in Information Science
- Anthony Hughes
- Kristina Spurgin
- Illumynyd she is wyth clere cognycyoun In hyr
soule -Osbern Bokenham Seyntys, 1447 (L.154) - Cognition
- The understanding, acquisition, and processing of
knowledge, or, more loosely, thought processes.
3Cognitive Science
- Cognitive science
- Kinds of knowledge underlying cognition
- Details of cognitive processing
- Computational modeling of these processes
- Computers Psychology Linguistics Cognitive
4General Topic Areas in Cognitive Science
- Perception
- Thinking
- Learning
- Knowledge representation
- Language
- Stimuli ? simple perceptual objects
- Matching of simple perceptual objects to stored
representations of objects - Visual processing and imagery
Applications in LIS
- Human Computer Interaction
- Reasoning
- Problem solving
- Decision-making
Applications in LIS
- Information seeking
- Relevance judgments
- Information literacy training
- Think-aloud research methods
- Machine and human learning
- Psychology and representations of learning
- Memory
- Encoding and retrieval
Applications in LIS
- Information retrieval
- User studies
- Bibliographic instruction and reference work
8Knowledge Representation
- Methods by which information is stored in the
mind for later use - Understanding, designing, and implementing
representations of information in computers
Applications in LIS
- Taxonomy
- Thesauri
- Classification schemes
- Ontologies
- The relationship between language and cognition
- Rules of language and their processing
- Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics
- Language acquisition and comprehension
Applications in LIS
- Natural Language Processing
- Latent semantic indexing
- Controlled vocabulary development
- Information extraction
10Measures of Cognition - Quantitative
- Cognitive ability
- Absolute judgments of stimuli
- Cognitive style
- Embedded Figures Test (field dependence vs. field
independence) - Cognitive Styles Analysis (holistic vs.
analytical cognitive style) - Cognitive Style Index (intuitive vs. analytic
cognitive style)
11Measures of Cognition - Quantitative
- Cognitive space
- Stimulus pairing
- Linguistic
- Spatial
12Measures of Cognition - Qualitative
- Concept mapping
- Think-aloud or verbal protocol
- Card sorting
- Free-listing
Cognitive Information Science as it was applied
in the readings
Kim Allen
14Cognitive and Task Influences on Web Searching
Behavior (Kim Allen)
- Independent Variables (across both studies)
- Cognitive style (field dependence vs.
independence) - Problem solving ability/style
- Search engine used
- Cognitive ability (perceptual speed, spatial
scanning, logical reasoning - Task
- Dependent Variables (across both studies)
- Search performance/outcome (precision/recall)
- Search activities (mouseclicks, links followed
etc) - Findings (across both studies)
- Task had main interaction effect across studies
- Cognitive ability and problem solving style
interacted with task effect to influence search
activity - Questions
- Do you agree with the way cognitive science
measures were applied in this study? - If task if main determinent, how do we design
systems that support breadth of searchers and
their tasks?
15Back to our beginnings(R. Todd)
- Information utilization
- acting/doing
- thinking/acting/doing
- Cognitive Behavioral change
- Measurement
- Instrumental symbolic
- Conceptual what is happening in peoples minds
when they do something with information. - Bertram Brookes
- KS ?I KS ?S
- Study
- Change in knowledge states regarding heroin
- Initial knowledge map
- Exposure to information
- Successive mapping and exposure
- Findings
- Complete picture / changed picture / clearer
picture / verified picture / position in picture - Questions
- Is this empirical research?
- Can we hope to measure cognitive change?
16Cognitive Information Retrieval (Ingwersen, P.)
- See Figure
- Questions
- Where does cognitive science fit within this
picture? - What does it have to add?
- Is the holistic cognitive view of IR a theory?
- Where does the role of affect or emotion fit
within this theory?
17Holistic view of IR cognition
Individual view of IR cognition
Communication through information processing
Cognitive Free Fall
Human or System
FeedbackQuery Expansion
Work Task
18Model of Ingwersens IR process
From Wilson, T.D. (1999) Models of Information
Behaviour Research. Journal of Documentation,
vol.55(3) pg. 249-270