Title: P1251328605ijrAZ
1 Proteins Synthesis - Translation How amino
acids are linked up to form a protein. Synthesis
of proteins is a process of informa- tion
conversion from mRNA sequence to amino acid
2Codon dictionary Due to different combination
of four RNA bases, there are 64 different
codons. Among the 64 codons, there are three
stop codons and one start codon. Sequence a
between start codon in the beginning and a stop
codon at the end open reading frame.
3- Protein synthesis occurs on a ribosome, which
provides a platform for protein synthesis. - You can think of a ribosome as a tape player,
- where the tape is mRNA.
- Ribosome moves along mRNA, recruits proper
- amino acids, and catalyzes the formation of
- peptide bonds between a.a. to form a peptide
- chain.
4The mechanism that links mRNA and amino acids
together is tRNA which works as an adapter to
recognized the appropriate codon on mRNA.
- Anticodon on tRNA is complementary to
- codon on mRNA.
- 3 end of tRNA is the binding site for the
- corresponding amino acids.
3 end
5 3
6The first step of protein synthesis is the
attachment of an amino acid to the specific tRNA
activation, which is catalyzed by aminoacyl
tRNA synthetases, a family of 20 members.
7- Then the aminoacyl tRNA approaches to
- mRNA.
- Anticondon will base pair with the
- corresponding codon on mRNA.
- Ribosome works as a coordinator for the
- whole event.
8Where protein synthesis begins
- It has been verified that protein synthesis
begins at the amino terminus.
9Steps in protein synthesis
- Step One Initiation
- mRNA associates with ribosome
- The initiation codon on mRNA, AUG, is
thenrecognized by the first aminoacyl tRNA, - methionyl-tRNAinit or met-tRNAinit, which
- binds to the P (peptidyl) site on ribosome.
10 Methionyl tRNA or Met-tRNAinit
P site
A site
11- Step Two - Chain elongation
- The second aminoacyl-tRNA enters A
- (aminoacyl) site of ribosome.
- Peptide bond is formed between the first
- a.a. (Met at P site) and the second a.a.
at - A site.
- Peptide bond formation is catalyzed by
- peptidyl transferase.
12Peptide bond
13- In the mean time the bond between the 1st a.a.,
Met and tRNAinit is cleaved. First tRNA is
released from P site. - The dipeptide is shoveled from A site to P site
so that A site is available for the new
aminoacyl-tRNA to enter. - In the mean time the ribosome is moving down on
mRNA or the mRNA advances through the ribosome -
14(No Transcript)
15- Step Three Termination
- Three termination codons, UAG, UAA, UGA
- do not specify any amino acids and have no
- complementary tRNAs.
- When these three codons are encountered,
translation is terminated. - The ribosome complex then falls apart into
- the original subunits.
16Protein synthesis and energy
- The energy requirements for synthesis are quite
high. - Two anhydride bonds in ATP are cleaved on
activation of each amino acid and synthesis of an
aminoacyl-tRNA. - One GTP is required for entry of each amino acid
into the ribosomal unit. - One GTP is required during each translocation
17(No Transcript)
18Fig. 4.11 Aspartame or Nutrasweet.
19Post-translational processing of
- Protein synthesis establishes the primary
structure for a protein. - Additional processing is required to convert it
to its biologically active form. - This may include
- Folding
- Chemical modification
20Protein folding
- ? helix and ?-sheets fold into a tertiary
- structure.
- The purpose is to form a stable 3-D structure
- and to form maximum chemical bonding
- between side chains.
- Protein folding is catalyzed by chaperone
- proteins.
21- Possible side chain interactions
- Hydrophobic interaction
- Ionic attractions
- Covalent bonding
- Chemical modifications
- Proteolytic cleavage
- Phosphorylation
- The attachment sites of P groups are often at
serine, threonine and tyrosine residues. - Attachment of carbohydrates (glycosilation)
- Attachment of prosthetic groups
- Heme, FAD, biotin, metal complex ...
23Protein Targeting
- Most proteins are synthesized by the ribosomes in
the cytoplasm. - However, they may be required in other cellular
regions and organelles - Protein targeting deals with the process of
sorting out and moving proteins to where they are
24Nascent protein
Endoplasmic reticulum
25- I. Secretory and membrane proteins must be first
transported into endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - These proteins are produced with an extra
sequence of 15-36 amino acids at the amino
terminus signal peptide (sequence). - The sequence marks it for transport to ER.
- The sequence leads the protein into endoplastic
reticulum and is removed by hydrolysis upon
26- SRP (signal recognition particle) binds to the
signal - sequence
- 2. SRP, peptide chain and ribosome bind to SRP
- receptor on ER membrane
- 3. SRP dessociate from peptide chain signal
sequence - binds to the translocon (a channel) and makes it
open. - 4. Signal sequence and the adjacent peptide
chain enter - the translocon
- Signal sequence is cleaved and the peptide chain
- continue to elongate and extrude into the ER.
- (protein folding )
SRP receptor
Translocon Translocon closed opened
Hsc 70
28- Protein transport to nucleus
- Proteins including histones, DNA and RNA
polymerases, - transcriptional factors etc. are synthesized in
sytoplasm and - imported into the nucleus.
- All these proteins contain a nuclear-localization
- signal (NLS), which is a seven amino-acid
- oligopeptide Pro-Lys-Lys-Arg-Lys-Val (mostly
- basic), first found in SV40 (simian virus 40)
- large T antigen.
- Large T antigen was found in the nucleus of the
host - cell after virus infection.
29Research case Fusion protein of pyruvate
kinase (a sytoplasmic enzyme) and NLS was found
to be expressed in the nucleus.
30Left pyruvate kinase is normally expressed in
cytoplasm. Right Chimeric pyruvate kinase
containing SV40 NLS in the N terminus is found
in the nucleus.
31- Materials needed for nuclear transport
- - Importin ?
- - Importin ?
- - Ran (a GTPase)
- - ATP
Transport mechanism not very well known.
33III. Protein transport to mitochondria Mitochondr
ia contain many proteins including citric acid
cycle enzymes, DNA and RNA polymerases,
cytochromes, ATP/ADP translocase , which are
synthesized in cytosol and transported to the
mitochondria. All mitochondria destined proteins
contain uptake-targeting sequences, which can be
recognized by specific receptors on mitochondria
34 Newly synthesized precursor proteins first bind
to mitochondrial-import stimulation factors
(MSF) to remain unfolded (cost ATP). The
protein-MSF complex then binds to the cell
surface receptors. First Tom37/Tom70, then
Tom20/ Tom22, and finally Tom40, a protein
35Nascent precursor protein
The uptake of mitocondrial proteins requires
Tom 40
Tom 40
Tom70 Tom 37
Tom20 Tom 22
Tom 44
Tom 37/ Tim 17
Hsc 70
Hsc 60
36- Steps in mitochondrial protein transport
- Precursor protein (a peptide chain) binds to MSF
- MSF hydrolyzes ATP to maintain peptide unfolded
- MSF-peptide binds to receptors Tom37/Tom70
- MSF is released, peptide binds to Tom20/Tom22
- Tom20/Tom22 linked to Tom40 (a transport channel)
- and peptide pass through the channel
- Peptide chain pass through Tim 23/17 on the inner
- membrane
- 7. Protein folding
37(No Transcript)
38IV. Protein transport to chloroplasts Example
small unit of Rubisco is synthesized in
... Stromal-import sequence on N-turm of the
precursor protein first binds to receptors Toc34,
Toc 75 and Toc 86. Hydrolysis of GTP causes
Toc 75 to change conformation, the precursor
protein enters the stroma of chloroplast. Protein
binds to Hsc70 cheprone. Large subunit produced
and folded by Hsc60. Large and small subunits
39Rubisco S subunit precursor
Stromal-import signal
Toc 75 Toc 86
Toc 34
Hsc 70
Rubisco S subunit precursor
Hsc 60
40Regulation of protein synthesis
- A typical bacterial cell has about 4000 genes in
its DNA genome. - The human genome has an estimated 30,000 40,000
genes (coding for 100,000 to 150,000 proteins). - Only a small fraction of these genes is used by a
cell at any given time, if at all. - The amount of each protein generated must be
carefully regulated to meet the needs of the cell.
41- The existence of a protein can be regulated at
these levels - - Transcription
- - Post-transcriptional processing (alternative
splicing) - - mRNA stability (poly A tails and instability
elements) - - Post-translational processing
- - Protein degradation
- The major control step is at the level of
transcription initiation.
42- Two types of gene expression.
- Expression of constitutive genes (house keeping
genes). - Continuous transcription which produces a
constant level of certain proteins. - Expression of inducible or repressible genes.
- Genes that can be activated (induced) or
deactivated (repressed). This allows for varied
levels of RNA.
43Principles of regulatinggene expression
- In most cells, a structure gene contains
- - Promoter region - responsible for RNA
polymerase binding and transcription initiation. - - Binding site for inducers (enhancers).
- - Binding site for repressors.
44- RNA polymerase activity is mediated by regulatory
proteins of two major types. - Activators - Bind to promoter regions or
enhancers to stimulate the activity of RNA
polymerase. - Repressors. Bind to specific sequences outside
of promoter region to inhibit the activity of RNA
45RNA polymerase
46- Regulatory proteins have common, discrete DNA
binding domains (20-100 amino acid residues). - They bind because the domain is an exact fit for
the outer edge of the DNA helix. - Held together by hydrogen bonding that is not
disruptive to DNA.
47Classes of regulatory proteins
- Helix-turn-helix motif
- About 20 amino acid residues, in two helical
regions and a turn.
48- Zinc finger motif
- Only found in eukaryotic regulatory proteins.
49- Leucine zipper motif
- Features an ?-helix region of approximately 30
residues. Leucine occurs as every seventh one.
This allows two molecules of the protein to form
a zipper like region.
50Protein degradation
- After a protein has served its purpose or
becomes damaged, it is marked for destruction.
51- Ubiquitin pathway
- - Important route for protein labeling and
degradation in eukaryotic cells. - Ubiquitin
- A small protein with 76 amino acid residues.
- It is highly conserved.
- Yeast and human ubiquitin differ at only 3 of the
76 residues.
52Ubiquitin pathway
- Ubiquitin is covalently attached via a peptide
bond to lysine residues. - Several ubiquitin molecules are often attached to
a single protein. - ATP is required for the attachment.
- Degradation then occurs via proteolytic action.
53 Intracellular unwanted proteins are degraded in
proteasomes. Ubiquitin labeled proteins enter
barrel- shaped proteasomes and are degraded by
trypson and chymotrypson