Title: Liars, Damned Liars, and Clinicians
1Liars, Damned Liars, and Clinicians
Robert S. Crausman MD MMS Chief Administrative
Officer RI Board of Medical Licensure and
3Lying, situational ethics?
- What if in the patients interest?
- What if mutual interest?
- What if Doctors interest?
4Law of Unanticipated Circumstances or What a
Tangled Web We Weave
5Is it ethical to lie to third party payers to
secure insurance coverage?
- Data
- 1/2 physicians yes- CABG or IV pain meds.
- 1/3 physicians yes- mammography or psychiatric
Freeman, VG et al. Lying to patients. Archives
Int Med. 20001602223-4
6Have you ever
- Exaggerated or misstated a patients dx to a third
party to secure authorization? 21 yes overall
32 internists - Upcoded claims to make up for unfair downcodes?
7 yes 10 internists - Followed ins rx guidelines that you disagreed
with? 26 yes OBGYN 35
7The Public
- 26 of potential jurors believe that a physician
should mislead an insurance company in order to
persuade the company to pay for medical care. - www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-03/uocm-ssp03
1703.php Alexander, C et al.
8A different perspective
- Altruistic may not be so altruistic
- Lying to Medicare or Medicaid Fraud
- One count per incident!
9Lying to Colleagues
- Trainee Survey
- 1/3 would lie to avoid exchange call
- 1/6 would lie in medical record to protect
privacy - 1/20 would lie to cover a mistake
- 1/20 would substitute their own urine to protect
a colleague -
- Green, M et al. Archives Int Med.
10Lying and Patients
- For improved health benefits?
- Disability application
- To help business?
11System predicated on trust
- If lying is the norm, then physician input
disregarded - Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene
12Private Life
- What are the rules when the
- white coat is off?
- or
- Is Clark Kent also expected to fight
- for truth and justice too?
13Culture of Patient Safety
- Do we encourage self reporting or self deception?
- Case examples
14Lying to a Medical Board UPC
- Case Investigations
- Applications
- Renewals
- Medical Records
- Deposition
15I always tell the truth becauseI am not smart
enough to lie