Egypt Power Point Assignment Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Egypt Power Point Assignment Overview


In the tomb they buried the persons favorite items and religious tools. Middle Kingdom ... Now the mummification would really start. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Egypt Power Point Assignment Overview

Egypt Power PointAssignment Overview
  • 6th Grade Social Studies
  • By Ann Bowen

  • Standard 6.2.
  • Students analyze the geographic, political,
    economic, religious, and social structures of the
    early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and

  • Students were to research and create a PowerPoint
    Presentation on the development of Egyptian
  • Required topics include
  • The impact of geography on the development of
  • Religious beliefs and burial practices
  • The Social Pyramid/Daily Life
  • Important people and rulers
  • The development of civilization/government
  • A summary of Egyptian achievements
  • Free choice items
  • Students needed to include graphics to enhance
    their presentati0n.

Project Summary
  • Students were given the assignment parameters,
    rubric and time to research their topics.
  • Research consisted on time in class with the
    text, reference materials and time in the Ibrary
    to research online.
  • Students were shown sample projects to set the
    standard for excellence.
  • Projects were submitted online via Moodle or on a
    flash drive.
  • Students presented their projects in class.

Ancient Egypt
  • By Jeffrey A. Kramer, Jr.
  • Period 4
  • December 3, 2008

  • Egypt has one of the worlds best geographical
    features. This feature is the Nile River one of
    the largest rivers. The Nile River is were
    civilization was formed. It provided supplies
    for the settlers. The Nile Delta provided a
    fertile piece of land for farming. The fertile
    land was a result of the often flooding of the
    river. The flooding a also caused silt to cover
    the bank. In earlier times the Nile was covered
    in marsh and swamp.

Nile River

Early Civilization
  • The early civilization was split into parts Lower
    Egypt and Upper Egypt. The civilizations were
    started by wealthy farmers. They created kingdoms
    by joining with other wealthy merchants. So the
    kingdoms became bigger and stronger. Soon the
    small rulers became pharaohs.

Map of Civilization
The Two Kingdoms
  • Lower Egypt
  • The lower kingdom is located north-west of the
    Nile delta. The capital was called Pe. They used
    the red crown to symbolize the pharaoh.
  • Upper Egypt
  • The upper kingdom was located on the west bank of
    the Nile. The Capital was named Nekhen.They use
    the white crown to symbolize the pharaoh.

Egyptian Crowns
  • To the left is the upper kingdoms white crown.
    To the right is the lower kingdoms red crown.
    They are both used to symbolize being the

  • The pharaoh has many jobs and responsibilities.
    There were many different details and myths that
    go behind a pharaoh. As you flip through the next
    few pages you will learn more.

Pharaohs jobs
  • The pharaoh wasnt just the ruler of the kingdom.
    They were also the head of the government. They
    control the army. They decide on taxes. They are
    also judges of the people. They were also the
    high priest of the worship of the gods.

The myth of the pharaohs
  • The pharaoh was thought to be the god, Horus. The
    Egyptians believed that Horus the son of Osiris
    was born on earth to rule. They held high
    religious believe of the pharaohs.

Meaning of the pharaoh
  • The word pharaoh has not only religious
    background, but also a word meaning. The word
    pharaoh is comes from the word per-aa which
    means great house. The word derived from a
    Latin word.

Who was a pharaoh
  • The pharaoh was usually a man, but when push come
    to shove there was a women. The pharaoh didnt
    have to be old. There were a few young rulers.
    The pharaoh usually was a single ruler, but there
    was two rulers at times. With two there was
    usually a dominant ruler. So there wasnt a equal

Social Order
  • The social order was just like you see it. The
    Pharaoh was at the top and slaves at the bottom.
    It also show which group populated the area the
    most. There were more slaves than scribes. Since
    there is only one pharaoh he is on the top.

Egyptian Social Pyramid
  • The Egyptians worshiped more than one god. They
    had over twenty gods. Each god had a different
    job. Some of the gods were married to one and
    another. They gods had stories about thee
    interaction with other gods. Some of the gods
    were married. The Egyptians did all there
    religious practices through the pharaoh.

Burial Practices
  • The preparation for the burial took seventy days.
    Many people were involved in the preparation. The
    ceremony when they put the mummy in the tombs it
    was extravagant. The family hired professional
    mourners. The priest were involved in the
    process. There were servants and maids to help.
    The died were faired across the river. In the
    tomb they buried the persons favorite items and
    religious tools.

Middle Kingdom
  • Dynasty XII ruled The middle kingdom. The kingdom
    started 1991 B.C and ended 1788B.C.
  • During the Middle kingdom period they restored
    all of Egypt's wealth. They conquered Nubia.
    Palestine and Syria trade was promoted at that
    time. Architecture, literature, and other arts
    flourished at this time.

The New Kingdom
  • During these times the kingdom developed a
    permanent army. They became an empire.
    Established it territory and conquered Kush and
    Nubia. They gathered more recourses such as
    slaves, copper, gold, ivory, and ebony.
  • The new kingdom was ruled by Dynasty XVIII. The
    new kingdom started in 1554B.C. The kingdom
    ended in 1054B.C.

  • Mens job
  • Mens jobs varied from how wealthy you are. Most
    rich men were priest or scribes. Some men were
    soldiers in the army. While other men were
    merchants and craft men. Most men were farmers
  • Womens job
  • Womens jobs were very much the same. Most women
    were house wives. But there were a few jobs a
    women could hold. There titles would be
    Supervisor of cloth or Supervisor of wigs.
    Still they could not hold positions like men.

Daily Life
  • Drink
  • The main drink in Egypt was beer. The had wine
    and milk for the upper class. The children had
    watered down beer. They had alcohol because it
    killed all the germs.
  • Food
  • The Egyptians had a small variety of food. There
    main dish is bread, but you didnt want to eat to
    much of this because they mixed sand in it. They
    had fruits and vegetables. Also cheese was eaten.
    For the upper class there were geese and fish.

Daily Life
  • Hair
  • The hair style was pretty simple. Common folk
    wore their hair short. Some people worn wigs both
    men and women. For the young boys they had a
    shaved head except for a braided lock to one
    side. The young girls wore pig tails to each
  • Clothes
  • The women and the girls wore robes and dresses.
    The older men wore skirts from waist to knee. For
    the young boys they had no clothes on. On some
    occasions they wore skirts to.

  • The Egyptians had many achievements. Theres a
    long list. Here is a few Obelisk, Cartouche,
    pyramids, mummification, gods, language,
    calendar, number system, papyrus, laws, court,
    and Book of Dead. One of the achievements is the
    flat roofed house. They made there own brick by
    mixing straw and mud. The purpose of the flat
    roofed house was to watch activities. The doors
    were three feet off the ground to keep out dust.
    To reach the doors they went up ramps. You had to
    go outside and go up an ramp to reach another
    level. Some people had anywhere from 25-30 rooms.

Important People
  • Some important people are Thutmose III,
    Akhenaten, Hatshepsut, Ramesses the Great,
    Tutankhamen, and Cleopatra VII. These are some of
    the important pharaohs. Some of the pharaohs
    are famous for richness, being a female,
    religious reasons, and for being war heroes.

Ancient Egypt
The Nile River is also known as the gift of
Egypt. Their civilization began there. 2/3 of
Egypts fertile was located in the Nile Delta.
Early Civilization (two kingdoms)
  • The two kingdoms were called Lower Egypt and
    Upper Egypt. To be protected from invaders, the
    villages of Egypt grew. The wealthy farmers
    became village leaders. The strong leaders grew
    to have control over several villages. When 3200
    BC came, the villages had grown, came together
    and formed two kingdoms. Having a lot of
    Egyptians turned out to be a great advantage.

  • Pharaohs were rulers of Egypt, also a king and
    a god. The people believed that pharaohs come to
    earth to direct and control Egypt while the gods
    were at rest. Pharaohs took big responsibility of
    dangers such as the crops didnt grow or a
    disease struck. The people also demanded that the
    pharaoh would make trade profitable and to
    prevent wars. The Pharaoh menes combined the
    white crown (from upper Egypt) and the red crown
    (from lower Egypt) as a symbol of his rule of
    Egypt as one whole kingdom.

Social Order
  • A Pharaoh was a ruler of Egypt as a god. Nobles
    were officials and priests helped run the
    government and with the temples. Scribes and
    Craftspeople wrote and produced goods. Most
    people were farmers, servants, or slaves
  • Pharaoh? Nobles? Scribes and Craftspeople?
    Farmers, Servants, and Slaves

Religion and Burial Practices
  • The Egyptians strongly believed in gods, here
    are a few
  • Re, sun god Osiris, god of the underworld
    Isis, goddess of magic Horus, sky god Thoth,
    god of wisdom Geb, earth god Hathor, god of
    music Seth, god of the desert Anubis, god of
    embalming Maat, goddess of justice and Bastet,
    god of cats.
  • The Egyptians also believed that after you die,
    you must go in the process of mummification. They
    even had jar called canopic jars to hold a
    certain part of the body. Hapy is the baboon
    headed god who holds and protects the lungs.
    Imsety is the human headed god who holds and
    protects the liver. Duamutef is the jackal headed
    god who holds and protects the stomach.
    Qebehsenuef is the falcon headed god who holds
    and protects the intestines.
  • In the process of mummification, you first have
    to take the body would be taken to a tent called
    the ibw, the place of purification. There, the
    body would be thoroughly washed in a solution of
    natron (a naturally occurring compound of sodium
    carbonate and sodium bicarbonate). After being
    washed, the body would go to the tent called the
    per nefer. Now the mummification would really
    start. The internal organs (viscera) would were
    removed, dried, rinsed, bandaged and put into the
    canopic jars they belonged in. Once you were done
    with removing and preserving, the dry natron
    would be mounded on the corpse and left to
    dehydrate for some forty days. After the
    hydration, the stuffing would begin and the dried
    remaining parts would be saved for burial and
    body captivity would be re-stuffed and packed
    with clean natron, resin soaked bandages, and
    various amounts of sweet smelling aromas. The
    brain cavity was filled with linen or resin, the
    openings in the skull packed and artificial eyes
    often added. The whole body would be covered in
    resin but cosmetics were sometimes added to give
    the life-like appearance. The body was the
    bandaged up, this process took about fifteen

Egyptian Achievements
  • One of the inventions the Egyptians made was
    the obelisk. The obelisk was said that after your
    death, (if you did not own one) you would be
    forgotten and not known. The cartouche is an
    oblong enclosure with a horizontal line on the
    bottom indicating that the text that is enclosed
    is a royal name. Flat roofed homes were big and
    made out of sun-dried bricks. The bricks were
    made out of mud and straw. Egyptians often sat on
    there roofs to watch the sunset or to catch fresh
    air. Most pyramids were tombs for pharaohs and
    their consorts during the Old and Middle kingdom.
    Mummification is the system to taking care of the
    dead ant to let them live in peace in the after
    life. Egyptians strongly believed in unique gods
    and goddesses. Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs as
    written language. The Egyptians also invented the
    solar calendar (365 days) and Egyptian calendar
    (360 days). Papyrus is a thick paper like
    material that was made from the papyrus plant.
    The Book of the Dead contained the conception of
    the afterlife, hymns, spells, and the
    instructions to pass the obstacles in the after
    life. Irrigation was the most successful way to
    control water. The number system (including
    fractions) was a great advantage for the
    Egyptians because they used the number system to
    measure, counting, etc.

The Middle Kingdom
  • Since there was more than one civilization,
    bureaucracy wasnt very effective. Religion was
    controlled by the government, regular people that
    had the right to reserve for royalty alone. They
    could use spells to receive the royal Pyramid
    text on the walls of their own coffin or their

The New Kingdom
  • The new kingdom began in 1570 - 1070 BC. Ahmose
    reestablished the borders, goals, and government
    of the Middle kingdom and its land reclamation
    program. Ahmose controlled the balance of power
    between the nomarchs and himself with the support
    of the military. The military was then rewarded
    in thanks of their support. In the new kingdom
    the womens importance is illustrated by the high
    titles and positions of the royal wives mother.

Food Food gets cooked in ovens or open
fires. For flavoring for bread, some people
sesame seeds, honey, fruit, butter, or herbs.
Food was either baked, stewed, boiled, fried,
grilled, or roasted. Beer was the most popular
beverage. Beer was made out of barley, The
Egyptians used jars, bowls, pans, ladles, sieves,
and whisks to store food and as utensils.
Jewelry Every person in Egypt wore
rings, amulets, earrings, armlets, bracelets,
anklets, or some type of jewelry.

Work and Daily
Hair Girls usually had pigtails or a ponytail.
Boys shaved their heads or put their hair in a
ponytail to the side, top, or back. Boys also
left their hair to be bald.
Marriage Girls get married around the
age 12, boys marry a few years older.
Important People
  • In Egypt, people made a lot of differences and
    changes. Some important people are Cleopatra and
    Ramesses. Cleopatra the VII was queen of Egypt
    from 51 to 30 B.C.E. She fought with Mark
    Anthony, ruler of Rome, and became a strong
    leader. According to legend she died of a bite by
    an asp to avoid being captured by Octavian.
    Cleopatra lived from 69 to 30 B.C.E. Another
    person is Ramesses the III. He ruled during the
    rest of the Mediterranean World was at flux.
    Ramesses then died and was buried in the Valley
    of the Kings.

  • I still feel the same about Egypt Egyptian
    life and culture is amazing in many ways. The
    culture has developed and improved so much that I
    am still amazed by the art work it has brought to
    us, and our minds. There are so many facts to
    learn and share with others. If there were
    anything I could tell someone, it would be to
    study Egypt because Egypt is important and
    interesting. Those facts may come in handy in a
    various amount of ways. My favorite part of my
    research was learning about the mummification
    process. The reason why that part was most
    interesting was because the details and steps
    interest me. Those facts will probably stick with
    me forever because I am blissful about that
    subject. The worst part about my research was,
    well nothing. This topic interests me so nothing
    is really wrong while doing my research.
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