Test Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Test Planning


Ugly Dolls OX Mini ... Betty 9-5 10-6 8-4 7-3. Wilma 10-6 10-6 9-5 9-5. Fred 10-6 ... tr td scope='row' Betty /td td 9-5 /td td 10-6 /td td 8-4 /td ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Test Planning

US Government Section 508 Standards
  • What is 508 What does it mean for you?
  • A Little History.
  • The Requirements.
  • Questions.

Presented by David Thompson david.thompson_at_superv
US Government Section 508 StandardsWhat is
section 508?
  • In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act
  • This amendment ensures
    make their electronic and information technology
    accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Under Section 508, agencies must give disabled
    employees and members of the public access to
    information that is comparable to the access
    available to others.
  • 2 Sections are focused on software
  • 1194.21 Software applications and operating
  • 12 Requirements
  • 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet
    information and applications.
  • 18 requirements
  • This is the focus of todays presentation.
  • The standard can be found

Federal agencies
US Government Section 508 Standards What makes
something accessible?
  • Microsoft accessibility features found here
  • And here

US Government Section 508 Standards What does
section 508 mean for you?
  • Nothing, unless the contract youre working under
    specifies the website / software shall comply
    with the Section 508 standards.
  • Everything, if you want the website / software
    youre developing to be more accessible to people
    with disabilities or if you want to increase the
    positive user experience of the website /
  • Practically speaking, this means
  • Additional H/W purchases screen reader, an
    electronic tester, multiple computers
  • Additional S/W purchases test software to verify
    accessibility features
  • Additional testing

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(a)
1194.22 (a) A text equivalent for every non-text
element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt",
"longdesc", or in element content).
  • What to do
  • For each web page verify
  • All Images have alt or longdesc descriptions.

Ugly Dolls OX Mini
  • How to do it
  • Open the web page and place the mouse pointer
    over all relevant images A textual
    representation of that image should be displayed
    and is appropriate for the image.
  • View the source code and search for all the ltIMGgt
    tags an alt or longdesc attribute should be
    present and appropriate for the image
  • Perform similar searches for ltAPPLETgt, ltOBJECTgt,

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(b)
1194.22 (b) Equivalent alternatives for any
multimedia presentation shall be synchronized
with the presentation.
  • What to do
  • Check each multimedia presentation for the
    synchronization of captioning and audio
  • How to do it
  • Visual Inspection All audio presentation must
    contain text equivalent. All video needs to have
    an audio equivalent.
  • For example, many of the segments on NPR Newshour
    site include transcripts.

US Government Section 508 Standards Color, Were
all affected
US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(c)
1194.22 (c) Web pages shall be designed so that
all information conveyed with color is also
available without color, for example from context
or markup.
  • What to do
  • Identify all cases where information is conveyed
    with color, for example, "Fields in red are
    required to be filled out and ensure the meaning
    can be discerned when not using color.
  • How to do it
  • View the web pages on a black and white monitor
    and ensure the original content and meaning is
  • Print the web page out on a black and white
    printer and ensure the original content and
    meaning is preserved.

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(c)
US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(d)
1194.22 (d) Documents shall be organized so they
are readable without requiring an associated
style sheet.
  • What to do
  • Identify if any style sheets are used, (e.g. by
    looking for the ltlinkgt or ltstylegt elements, or
    the attribute style in any element) and ensure
    the web page is readable without the style sheet.
  • How to do it
  • View the pages using a browser with style sheets
    turned off or inactive and determine if the
    content is adequately readable.

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(e)
1194.22 (e) Redundant text links shall be
provided for each active region of a server-side
image map.
  • What to do
  • Inspect web content source to identify
    server-side image maps and identify the presence
    of appropriate redundant text links for each
    active region of all server-side image maps.
  • How to do it
  • The two methods to indicate server-side image
    maps are
  • the presence of an ismap attribute in the ltimggt
    image element. For example
  • ltIMG SRCgraphics/imgtest.gif
  • the presence of input type image within a
  • Place the mouse pointer over images to ensure
    image coordinates are not displayed. A
    server-side image map can be found at this site

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(f)
1194.22 (f) Client-side image maps shall be
provided instead of server-side image maps except
where the regions cannot be defined with an
available geometric shape.
  • What to do
  • Inspect web content source to help identify
    server-side image maps that could have been
    represented by client-side image maps.
  • How to do it
  • Refer to the previous slide to determine how to
    identify server-side image maps.
  • Examine the map - could the map region have been
    defined with an available geometric shape?
  • An example of a client-side image map can be
    found at this site

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(g)
1194.22 (g) Row and column headers shall be
identified for data tables.
  • What to do
  • Identify all uses of a data table. Establish
    that the table is a data table which needs column
    and / or row headers for understanding its
  • How to do it
  • Inspect web content source to help identify
    appropriate data table headers. Some tips for
    inspection of HTML to help identify appropriate
    identification of data table headers
  • Column headers the first data row of the table
    is composed of ltth scopecolgt elements instead
    of lttdgt elements.
  • Row headers the first cell of each data row is a
    ltth scoperowgt element instead of a lttdgt
  • Use screen reader to ensure the table is
    identified correctly.

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(h)
1194.22 (h) Markup shall be used to associate
data cells and header cells for data tables that
have two or more logical levels of row or column
  • What to do
  • See 1194.22h.

Example Spring Summer Autumn Winter Betty 9-5
10-6 8-4 7-3 Wilma 10-6 10-6 9-5 9-5 Fred 1
0-6 10-6 10-6 10-6
US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(g /
Spring Summer Autumn Winter Betty 9-5 10-6 8-4 7-
3 Wilma 10-6 10-6 9-5 9-5 Fred 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6
What does the html look like
lttablegt lttrgt ltthgtnbsplt/thgt ltth scope"col"
gtSpringlt/thgt ltth scope"col" gtSummerlt/thgt ltth
scope"col" gtAutumnlt/thgt ltth scope"col"
gtWinterlt/thgt lt/trgt lttrgt lttd scope"row"
gtBettylt/tdgt lttdgt9-5lt/tdgt lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt
lttdgt8-4lt/tdgtlttdgt7-3lt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt lttd
scope"row" gtWilmalt/tdgt lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt
lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt lttdgt9-5lt/tdgt lttdgt9-5lt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt
lttd scope"row" gtFredlt/tdgt lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt
lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt lttdgt10-6lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/
US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(i)
1194.22 (i) Frames shall be titled with text that
facilitates frame identification and navigation.
  • What to do
  • Inspect web content source to help identify
    frames and frame identification.
  • How to do it
  • For each frame check if either of the following
    cases is true
  • Is the frame clearly identified through the
    title attribute of the ltframegt or ltiframegt
    element? e.g. ltframe src"nav.html"
    title"Navigational Links"gt
  • Is the frame clearly identified by including text
    within the body of each frame that clearly
    identifies the frame?

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(i)
What does the html look like
ltframeset cols"30, 60"gt ltframe
src"navlinks.html" name"navlinks"
title"Navigational Links Frame"gt ltframe
src"geninfo.html" name"contents_page"
title"Contents Frame"gt lt/framegt
US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(j)
1194.22 (j) Pages shall be designed to avoid
causing the screen to flicker with a frequency
greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.
  • What to do
  • View the screen for any flicker.
  • How to do it
  • Visual Inspection - Because 2 Hz is relatively
    slow, it is possible to use visual observation to
    determine whether the blink rate is greater than
    2 Hz. Ideally, the blink rate should not be
    greater than 1 Hz, i.e., one blink per second. If
    no timing device is available, you may
    approximate a one-second interval by speaking the
    words "one thousand one".
  • An example of screen flicker of different rates
    can be found Here.

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(k)
1194.22 (k) A text-only page, with equivalent
information or functionality, shall be provided
to make a web site comply with the provisions of
this part, when compliance cannot be accomplished
in any other way. The content of the text-only
page shall be updated whenever the primary page
  • What to do
  • If any other provision cannot be accomplished
    then a text only link should be provided.
  • How to do it
  • Check for a text only link. If visible
    pressing the link should display a web page with
    text only. If any other provision cannot be
    validated then the text only link must be
    available. For example
  • http//www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(l)
1194.22 (l) When pages utilize scripting
languages to display content, or to create
interface elements, the information provided by
the script shall be identified with functional
text that can be read by assistive technology.
  • What to do
  • Identify all uses of scripts to display necessary
    information or create interface elements.
  • How to do it
  • Identify a script on an HTML document by the
    presence of
  • The ltscriptgt element
  • Event handler attributes, i.e. attributes whose
    name begins with "on" e.g., "onmouseover"
  • JavaScript URLs, i.e. href attributes that use
    the javascript protocol e.g., lta
  • OK
  • lta href"javascriptmyFunction()"gtStart
  • Not OK
  • lta href"javascriptmyFunction()"gtltimg
  • lta href"javascriptmyFunction()"gtltimg
    src"myFunction.gif" alt"picture link for
    starting myFunction"gtlt/agt

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(l)
From http//www.jimthatcher.com/webcoursea.htm
US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(m)
1194.22 (m) When a web page requires that an
applet, plug-in or other application be present
on the client system to interpret page content,
the page must provide a link to a plug-in or
applet that complies with 1194.21(a) through (l).
  • What to do
  • Identify all objects that requires a special
    program to interpret its content. For example,
    pdf files.
  • How to do it
  • Look for the ltobjectgt, ltappletgt, or ltembedgt
  • Look for links to files with extensions other
    than .html, .htm. jpeg .gif and .xhtml, or any
    proprietary tags that are not directly handled by
    a browser - some plug-in manufacturers may
    require these.

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(n)
1194.22 (n) When electronic forms are designed to
be completed on-line, the form shall allow people
using assistive technology to access the
information, field elements, and functionality
required for completion and submission of the
form, including all directions and cues.
  • What to do
  • View the web page for any types of user entry and
    ensure AT can interpret the contents.
  • How to do it
  • Inspect the source all items of the form should
    be identified for example, lttitlegt
  • Use a screen reader and ensure the form and all
    its objects are correctly identified.

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(o)
1194.22 (o) A method shall be provided that
permits users to skip repetitive navigation
  • What to do
  • View web pages for a standard navigation
    banner, usually found at the top of the page.
  • How to do it
  • Inspect the source There should be a mechanism
    for bypassing all standard navigation links on
    each page (multiple ways to accomplish).
  • Use a screen reader and ensure the repeated links
    are not stated and the navigation banner is

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(o)
  • This website can be accessed here
  • Notice the Skip to main content text in the
    above right of the page. This is often
    accomplished by created a 1bit pixel that a user
    cannot see but the AT will see.
  • On the next slide, well look at the underlying
    html code

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(o)
  • ...
  • ltbodygt
  • ltdiv id"container"
  • ltdiv id"skiplink"gtlta href"main-content"
  • Skip to main contentlt/agtlt/divgt
  • ltdiv id"header"gt
  • ...
  • lt/divgt
  • ltdiv id"navcontainer"gt
  • ltdiv id"nav"gtlt!-- BeginLibraryItem ...
  • ...
  • lt!-- EndLibraryItem --gtlt/divgt
  • lt/divgt
  • lt!-- InstanceBeginEditable name"Left Navigation"
  • ...
  • lt!-- InstanceEndEditable --gt
  • ltdiv id"maincontent"gtlta id"main-content"
    name"main-content"gtlt/agt (C/R)
  • lt!-- InstanceBeginEditable name"Title Search
    Bar" --gt

US Government Section 508 Standards 1194.22(p)
1194.22 (p) When a timed response is required,
the user shall be alerted and given sufficient
time to indicate more time is required.
  • What to do
  • Examine web page for timed responses and ensure
    you are notified before the timeout expires and
    that sufficient time is allowed to prevent the
  • How to do it
  • Inspect the source If there is no META-Refresh,
    or there are no forms, or if forms are present
    and there is no scripting, then there are no
    timed responses.
  • An example can be found here 1194.22(p) Example

Any Questions?
  • Im not sure, but I bet there is a good reason
    for that.
  • Donavan is our Web specialist here Im sure he
    can answer that.
  • Gee, can anyone answer that question?
  • I believe everything you want answered is on the
    next slide

US Government Section 508 Standards References
  • Government Website (standard and supporting
  • http//www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseActionCon
  • http//www.accessibilityforum.org/paper_tool.html
  • Web Accessibility
  • http//www.jimthatcher.com/index.htm
  • Section 508 Tutorial (for applications i.e.,
  • http//www.section508.gov/IRSCourse/index.html
  • http//www.access-board.gov/sec508/software-tutori
  • NASA PowerPoint Site on 508
  • http//www.section508.nasa.gov/resources/PPT_WebDe
  • Website Accessibility from W3C (an alternate
    standard for accessibility)
  • http//www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-19990505/
  • http//www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/full-checklist.html
  • Selecting safe colors for web pages
  • http//colorlab.wickline.org/colorblind/colorlab/
  • http//www.lighthouse.org/accessibility/effective-
  • http//www.vischeck.com/vischeck/vischeckURL.php
    (checks color combinations)
  • Free Web testing products (with limitations)
  • http//webxact.watchfire.com/ - WebXact (formally
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