Title: Niels Hendriks 2004
1Niels Hendriks - 2004
- Presentations
- Maria
- Maarten
3Last Lesson
- Drafting a communication plan
- Likes dislikes?
- Questions?
- Problems?
4Last Lesson
Problem analysis
Objectives and target groups
strategy and content
media selection
Planning and budgeting
5Last lesson
- Topics of todays lesson
- Why do we choose what medium?
- Some announcements, forecasts,
- Main Sources
- Wijngaert, van de, L., Het internet in context,
in Communicatie in de informatiesamenleveng
(Bouwman). - Other Dennis Kinney, Testing Media Richness
Theory in the New Media The Effects of Cues,
Feedback, and Task Equivocality. - http//pubsonline.informs.org/main/pdfstore/Testin
gMediaRichness_article.pdf - You need to read know this article
- Digital Divide
- Sodexho Company in cooperation with Belgacom
(largest ADSL-operator) - Launched Surf_at_home
- Extra-legal voucher to pay your surf-bill
- Part of the PC Privé-plan of the government
- Good initiative?
- Yes, but
- Why do people choose for a certain medium?
- Why?
- Physical access is just one element
- Whether or not one will use the internet depends
upon several aspects - Each user has a certain question which needs to
be solved via a medium - Whats the Question
- Who is asking this question
- What is the (social) context?
- What other media are available?
- We will deal with the question WHY we use the net?
- From the beginning of the 20th century
- Q Why do we use which media gt relevant
question - First theories mass media gt had a direct effect
on the passive audience - Media are powerfull
- EG propaganda in WWII
- First theories
- Dealt with the effect media had on the audience
- Eg war propaganda
- Eg election kennedy nixon
- Critique
- Waples
- what reading does to the people is not nearly so
important as what people do to reading - What does this mean?
- It is not the MEDIUM which will realise the
EFFECT, but its the USER of this medium
- After the effect-theories we had the what the
user wants-theories
- Uses Gratifications theory
- media is to satisfy certain needs
- Eg the need to be amused gt watching television
- Eg the need to stay up to date gt reading a
newspaper - We want information
- We want to cope with personal feeling of
uncertainty - We learn about society the world
- We seek support for our norms values
- We search for an insight on our lives
- Empathy for others
- A coin of exchange for social contact
- A replacement for lost social contact
- A way of being connected to others
- Escape from problems of daily life
- We step into a world of imagination
- Its a way to get Katharsis
- We search for structure in our day
- Uses Gratifications not this good
- with BROADCAST MEDIA (Traditional Mass Media TV,
Radio,) only SELECTION is possible - NOW interactive possibilities (like the
internet) user is central element - Will I use this medium
- Which information will I use
- If you try finding answers for media use, think
about the USER, not the sender, channel or the
16Internet technology
- Internet characteristics
- Interactivity
- Complex
- The level of steering the communication process
changing roles - STEERING at what time, content, sequence
- Demassification
- The personal becomes important
- The possibility to perform transaction
- Synchronity
- Synchronous Asynchronous comm
- Mediated communication
- No unique characteristics, but the combination is
- After
- Effect theories
- What user want theories
- New idea what about these mass/personalised etc
media like the net
- First characteristic to use a certain medium
- To have Access
- Barriers for accessability
- TechnologyWhat technology is needed to acces the
medium? - Physical access is the equipment available?
? - Context is the technology easy accessible (em
access) and usable? - Not a cognitive burden
- Eg trying to look at the football scores when
watching The Others together with my girlfriend - When is it appropriate to use what medium
20Ph A
- ! GPRS, i-mode
- Physiscal access changes
- WAP!!! gt appropriateness, emotional
- Conclusion
- If one medium is not available gt choice for
another is quite evident - Someone searching for a fulfillment of his
information or communication needs will choose
between several alternatives. - If context OK gt Appropriateness
- Second Barrier
- Contingent-principle Is this medium suited to
fulfill my needs, to answer my question? - 1 medium
- can not fulfill all my needs
- answer all my questions
- perform all my tasks
- 1 need, question, task,
- Can not be performed, answered by 1 medium
- Uses and gratifications-theory
- Showed WHY people used media, not WHY they use
WHICH medium - Media-choice-theories WHICH tasks are best
performed by WHICH media - So, Contingent-principle the choice for a medium
depends upon the way a certain medium can
EFFECIENTLY and EFFECTIVELY perform this task - TUNING-theories
- Afstemmingstheorie gt medium afgestemd op de taak
- Media-richness-theory
- Message-equivocality
- Communication needs to decrease/diminish
uncertainty ambiguity - E is a certain message liable to
misunderstanding - low E anouncing a new train time table
- High E discussion on the best strategy to have
in negotiations gt much chance of
misunderstanding - Tasks can have a high a low equivocality
- Media Richness-theory
- Certain criteria to define whether medium is rich
or poor - Possibility to direct feedback
- Possibility to use several cues
- Can we use natural language to convey a message
- the personal focus of the medium
- What would be the richest medium
- What would be a poor medium
- Rich face-to-face
- Poor flyer, brochure
- Tuning-principle (afstemmingsprincipe medium
afgestemd op taak) - Low Equivocality poor medium
- High E Rich medium
- Changing date hour of a course low E, so
e-mail is possible - E-mail
- Direct feedback /-
- Several cues no
- Natural language yes, but
- Personal focus ok
26(No Transcript)
- Critique on the media richness theory
- Too rational equivocality (whether a certain
task is complex, can cause ambiguity) is not a
MATHEMATICAL thing, but a PERSONAL - Someone performing a task for the first time
- High equivocality gt repetition, low equivocality
- This is a theory which was originally about tasks
performed in an organisation. Media Choice???!!
- Conclusion
- Physical access some barriers to communication
- Now the characteristics (rich, poor) makes a
certain medium more appropriate for a certain
task - If at one point you got many alternative media
too choose from, then the third barrier starts to
become important Emotional Accessibility
29Emotional Accessibility
- Emotional access
- Is the medium compatible with the social
environment of the user (de leefwereld) - From a user point of view
- Knowledge of the medium
- Behaviour of the user
- Eg user always uses telephone for a certain task
- New task using teleph too
- Using this medium to find answers perform
task is an everyday use - Compare C-md students always use the net to
perform their assignments - When having to write a paper not searching in a
library or calling an expert gt internet
30Emotional accessibility
- From a mediums perspective
- The characteristics of a medium determines the
medium - Eg, the internet is felt as being a modern thing
- So if I want to look as a modern guy gt using the
net - Usability is an issue too
- ! Usability is not only related to the technical
characteristics - ! Level of experience is important too
- Eg, UNIX gt very usable, but only to an
experienced user - Usability the relation between the experience of
the user and the difficulty in use of the system
- Everything has got to do with the TUNING
- The relation between the question (what task)
the offer what media, what characteristics
what can tis medium do. - het afstemmen tussen vraag welke taak- en
- aanbod welke media, welke mediakenmerken wat
kan dit medium)
32(No Transcript)
33The context micro-context
- So we now have found some theories on how to
choose for which medium - But then you need some choice, you need
alternatives - What convinces someone to choose to accept a
certain medium - Rogers
- Verspreiding/diffusion is the process by which an
innovation is communicated through certain
channels among the members of a social system
34The context Micro-context
- Rogers Diffusion (verspreiding) of media depends
upon - 1. What kind of innovation? an innovation
- Relative advantage will this innovative medium
have some advantages to the way I am working now? - Compatibility will this innovation be compatible
to the way I am working now? - Triability can I experiment with this
innovation? - Obeservability is this innovation visible to
35The Context Micro-context
- Rogers 2. Communication is important in the
diffusion of innovations is communicated - Rogers TIME 5 types of users
- Innovators actively seeking for new tech
- Early adopters people with some influence
- Early Majority right before the majority they
switch to new ideas/technologies - Late majority Sceptic, wait
- Laggards conservative, not willing to change
- If one group follows, they other will too
36(No Transcript)
37The context Micro-context
- Rogers social context
- If a certain social group chooses to take up a
certain technology gt others will follow - Domestisering gt domestication gt to tame
- New information technologies become part of the
pattern of everyday life of consumers - Technology starts to enter the house private
place - This technology influences the private place
private life the private plce/life influences
the way to use the technology - Mutual adaptation TAMING gt DOMESTICATION
38The Context Micro-context
- Domestication
- Appropriation buy a product due to certain
status or because of the desirable ideal use of
the product - Eg mobile phone to telephone STATUS
- Objectification the product, service is accepted
gt it gets a natural place in the household - Incorporation users USE the products in their
household as they think is fit - Eg Computers original idea very functional
thing - NOW Games!
- OR answering machine using it as a buffer and
not as a safety net when impossible to answer a
call - Eg, a radio becomes a good thing to wake up
- Eg a microwave to save time (not to heat food-
- Conversion how the enclosed technologies in
the household, and the meanings and uses they
hold, fit into the wider public spaces
39The Context Micro-Context
- Micro-Context individual level
- Media Choice is not only an objective thing
(media richness) - BUT also a subjective issue/ a social
construction - Social Influence
- overt statements about media characteristics,
task features and choice making shape views about
different media - Observing experiences of others may strengthen or
change perceptions by vicarious learning when
experiences are positive. - Group norms affect individuals' media choice
- Social opinion may even prevent rationally most
efficient behaviour - When situations are ambiguous social opinion
effect most - When task is often repeated, social influence is
40The Context Micro-Context
- Not only a social, but also a situational Context
- Individual differences
- preference for the auditive use the telephone,
preference for the textual send email - Reliability, flexibility, compatibility,
- Elements which can narrow the accesTime Place
- Internet
- Time accessible 24h/24
- Place difficult, not everywhere
41The context Macro-context
- Macro-context the amount of media (aanbod)
- Critical Mass theory
- So far, we have only dealt with the individual
making choices - Collective Level?
- Critical mass large group of users
- The acceptance of new media is related to the
presence of other users - Eg it makes no sense at all to use email if there
are no other users using it - ! Some media Chicken Egg problem
42The context Macro-context
- No critical mass?
- What happens then?
- Too much effort to take to use technology
- Cost of the usage of a new medium must be payed
by too few a group - Technologies which do not have a critical amss
yet? - Paying on the net, e-commerce
43Back to the digital Divide?
- Sodexho PC-Privé-Plan
- Good initiative, try to create this critical
mass, - BUT too much focus on the technological
- What about the appropriateness emotional access
44Research of the use of the Internet
- Most of these theories sterm from a pre-Internet
time - Can we use these theories for a new medium?
- Because of the characteristics of the new medium
interactivity, individualising, mediated gt new
form of communication - Whats the effect of this demand for an active
45Research of the Use of the Internet
46Next some announcements
- Starting from 06.12
- My class will be on wednesdays.
- Probably it will start at 14.00h (after JLs
class which will be some earlier that day) - From 12.12
- You will have a research class
47Next usability
- Starting from next week, we will deal with
usability for three weeks - Week 1
- You will have to read chapter 4-5-6-7-8-11-12 of
User-Centered Website Development A
Human-Computer Interaction Approach - Bring examples of BAD webdesign (screenshots of
urls). Make sure you can tell us why you do not
like this website - Week 2
- Week 3
- Assignment, will be anounced next week.