Title: Chapter 11 The Jeffersonian Republic 18001812
1- Chapter 11 The Jeffersonian Republic
(1800-1812) - Federalists were weakened by
- Alien Sedition Acts
- The Hamiltonian wing of party
- and the LACK of a war with France
- Jefferson won the election, despite a tie with
Burr who got NY (Hamilton brokered a deal w/ NY
delegates for TJ) - Despite fears, TJ showed moderation in
appointments to office great at dinner parties
(not public speaking) - Excise tax was eliminated new Alien act back to
old setting funding assumption STAY - Judiciary Act 1801 puts federalist judges on the
bench John Marshall becomes Chief Justice
2Marshall Chief Justice for 34 years the
Supreme Court becomes THE final authority on the
meaning of the Constitution Marbury-v-Madison ?
established Judicial Review TJ allows Army to
shrink (fear of invading force) TJ less afraid of
having a good Navy Barbary Pirates Tripoli
change everyones attitudes 1800-France gets US
West from Spain (Napoleon unable to conquer Santo
Domingo due to slave revolt, conditions
disease) US negotiators sought New Orleans got
the entire area for 15 million
3Lewis Clark explore Jefferson upset that
purchase was not Constitutional The tradition
for land acquisition by purchase was
begun Because of the purchase, US stature grows
as does Federal Government Aaron Burr plots to
get NY/New England to secede duels w/ Hamilton
(to his death) conspires in Louisiana ends up
in ENG Britain France back at war in 1803 US
gets rich in the early phases via trade with
both 2 battles change situation Trafalgar
(Brits win seas) Austerlitz (France wins
land) New law ? Britains Orders in Council block
ALL ports to all trade (US included)
4British attack US vessels to take men into
service (impressment) attack on USS Chesapeake
leads to Embargo Act 1807 (US exports goods to NO
ONE) Non-Intercourse Act stops US trade to all
nations EXCEPT Britain France we underestimate
British resolve, overestimate our value
miscalculate self-damaging laws Macons Bill 2
offer to Britain France whoever drops
restrictions first becomes our trading partner
while we freeze out the other France steps up
(tactical move) Britain New legislators in 1811
Congress from South West are known as HAWKS
(John C. Calhoun SC Henry Clay KY they
call for war Tecumseh brother Tenskwataa use
unity British support to build weak
confederacy America wants to assert itselfwe
declare war on Britain on June 1, 1812.
5 Chapter 12 2nd War of Independence Upsurge
of Nationalism (1812-1824) War of 1812 ranks as
worst-fought, American war (disunity poorly
trained troops) US tries 3 prong invasion of
Canada easily beaten key US fort on Great Lakes
taken US ships do better on Great Lakes
(especially Oliver Perry) Napoleons defeat and
exile freed up British forces Brit invaders
attack Washington D.C in 1814 and set fire to
Capitol and White House Francis Scott Key wrote
Star Spangled banner watching attack on Ft.
McHenry as prisoner
6British invaders aimed toward New Orleans
encountered Andrew Jackson Jackson becomes
national hero and very well known (will parlay
fame into being President) Britain allied with
Russia Russia under attack by French forces
Tsar Alexander wants help and doesnt want
Britain to waste its energies on war in US Treaty
of Ghent (12/24/1814) ends war essentially an
armistice (cease fire) Small movement for
secession by New England Hartford Convention the
biggest product of this really a meeting to
discuss grievances and seek money to replace
trade Hartford delegates tried to eliminate 3/5
Clause from Constitution attempt to end VA
Dynasty (all Presidents from VA except 1)
7- Napoleon used 500,000 men to invade Russia
President Madison used 5,000 here (the War was
small potatoes) - US demonstrated it could resist what it viewed as
grievous wrongs - sectionalism dies out war heroes emerge (Jackson
Harrison) manufacturing booms Europe tired of
war - Biggest by-product ? NATIONALISM (US literature
from Irving Cooper textbooks written here new
Bank of US improved national capital rebuilt - Grand plan to build America seen in American
System of Henry Clay (strong banking system
protective tariff network of roads canals)