Title: Biochemistry 530
1Mandatory adj., adv. Obligatory, required.
- Biochemistry 530
- All Students Requirement of Graduation
- 1) Attendance and participation mandatory for All
grad students, All years - Evaluation forms for each speaker should
be filled out and turned in at the end of each
530 session. Please put your name on it so you
are credited for your attendance as well. Only
constructive critique should be provided.
Comments are collated by the grad secretary and
passed onto the speaker in an anonymous fashion. - 25 minute talk, 5 minute questions
- Term 1- 3rd year PhD students will compete for
the Zbarsky award to be voted on by all attending
students after the last 3rd year talk. Attendance
at all 3rd year talks is mandatory in order for
your vote to be valid. - 2nd year students
- Term 2 1st year students, then 4th year
students. -
- PhD students will give a mandatory 45-50 minute
talk on their PhD thesis upon the point of
graduation. This will be part of the BMB seminar
series. Once you have chosen a defense date,
arrange an appropriate talk day with your
supervisor (preferably a Monday 1200 slot (BMB),
but other days can be accommodated). - 3) Attendance is mandatory for all students, all
years at the BMB seminar series.
Both speakers should arrive at 1130 to make
sure their presentations are working properly.
Put on one computer if necessary
2First and Second Year Students (Second Year Term
One Only) Biochemistry 530 - Assigned Grade -
Seminar in First and Second Year. Based on the
presentation not the science. -
Attendance/Evaluations of each 530 speaker. -
One paragraph evaluation of each BMB speaker
stating why you thought it was or wasnt an
effective seminar. At the top of each evaluation
put your Name, Year of graduate studies (1 or 2),
Title of the BMB seminar, and date. At the end of
each term email your evaluations to the grad
secretary. - Must ask a question of each
seminar speaker on the 530 week following your
Seminar Introduction Sell your topic! Why is
this worth studying? What is the system? What do
we know so far? What questions are you going to
address? 5-10 minutes Clarity Keep slides
simple and focused on one or 2 points. Not too
many words!! Avoid reading. Use visuals when
possible. Reference others work appropriately
(Authors Name et al., Full Journal Name, Volume
number, Page numbers, Year). Check font
size/color on big screen. Results Explain the
experiments/results in detail! Dont overestimate
your audience. They are unlikely familiar with
your area. Better to explain one or 2 experiments
well than several superficially. What have you
learned (both from positive and negative
results)? 10-15 minutes. Future Goals Where will
the work go from here? Why is it important? 5
3Zbarsky Award For the best 3rd year Biochemistry
530 seminar as judged by the graduate student
body in Biochemistry. Only students who have
attended all seminars (as judged from the
evaluation sheets) will have a valid vote. In
honor of Professor Sid Zbarsky, the first member
of the Dept of Biochemistry formed in 1950. An
honorarium is provided courtesy of the family of
Dr. Zbarsky as well as a reception hosted here in
the department. Recent winners 05-06
Jennifer Cox (Overall) 04-05 Mark Wilke
(Strynadka) 03-04 Eduardo Vottero (Mauk) 02-03
Mike Johnson/Winco Wu (Cullis/Molday) 01-02
Daniel Lim (Strynadka) 00-01 Michael Page
(MacGillivray) 99-00 Natalie Rundle
(Roberge) 98-99 Cameron Mackereth
(McIntosh) 97-98 Manish Joshi (McIntosh) 96-97
Amy Olson (Sadowski) 95-96 Michelle Illing