Title: Pathology of Viral Hepatitis
1Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you
want to test a man's character, give him
power Abraham Lincoln
2Pathology of Hepatitis
Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar. Associate Professor
of Pathology Fiji School of Medicine
3Normal Liver
4- 1.5 kg, wedge shape
- 4 lobes, Right, left, Caudate, Quadrate.
- Double blood supply
- Hepatic arteries
- Portal Venous blood
- Acini / Portal triad.
- Lobules central. V
5Normal Liver - Infant
6CT Scan Normal Abdomen
7Structure of Liver Lobule
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Normal Liver - Microscopy
- Hepatitis Inflammation of Liver
- Viral, Alcohol, immune, Drugs Toxins
- Biliary obstruction gall stones.
- Acute, Chronic Fulminant - types
- Viral Hepatitis
- Specific Heptitis A, B, C, D, E, other
- Systemic - CMV, EBV, other.
12Pattern of Viral Hepatitis
- Carrier state / Asymptomatic phase
- Acute hepatitis
- Chronic Hepatitis
- Chronic Persistent Hepatitis (CPH)
- Chronic Active Hepatitis (CAH)
- Fulminant hepatitis
- Cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
13Acute Hepatitis
- Swelling and Apoptosis
- Piecemeal or Bridging, panacinar necrosis
- Inflammation lymphocytes, Macrophages
- Ground glass hepatocytes HBV
- Mild fatty change HCV
- Portal inflammation and Cholestasis
14Chronic Hepatitis
- Persistent Active types. CPH/CAH
- Lymphoid aggregates
- Periportal fibrosis
- Necrosis with fibrosis bridging fibrosis.
- Cirrhosis regenerating nodules.
15Pattern of Liver Damage
- Zonal Toxin/Hypoxia
- Bridging Viral severe
- Interface Immune
- Apoptotic - Viral
16Acute - Hepatitis - Chronic
17Acute viral Hepatitis
18Acute viral Hepatitis
19Acute viral Hepatitis
20Acute viral Hepatitis
21Liver Biopsy viral Hepatitis-C
22Acute viral Hepatitis C
23Liver Biopsy - CAH
24Liver Biopsy CPH
25Fulminant Hepatitis
- Hepatic failure with in 2-3 weeks.
- Reactivation of chronic or acute hepatitis
- Massive necrosis, shrinkage, wrinkled
- Collapsed reticulin network
- Only portal tracts visible
- Little or massive inflammation time
- More than a week regenerative activity
- Complete recovery or - cirrhosis.
26Liver Cirrhosis
27MRI Cirrhosis
28Liver Biopsy Cirrhosis
29Liver Biopsy Cirrhosis
30Liver Biopsy Cirrhosis
31Viral Hepatitis Microbiology
32Alcoholic Liver Injury
33Alcoholic Liver Injury
- Ethyl alcohol Common cause of acute/Chronic
liver disease - Alcoholic Liver disease - Patterns
- Fatty change,
- Acute hepatitis (Mallory Hyalin)
- Chronic hepatitis with Portal fibrosis
- Cirrhosis, Chronic Liver failure
- All reversible except cirrhosis stage.
34Alcoholic Liver Injury Pathogenesis
- Diversion of fat metabolism to alcohol fat
storage. - Acetaldehyde metabolite hepatotoxic
- Increased peripheral release of fatty acids.
- Alcohol stimulates collagen synthesis
- Inflammation, Portal bridging fibrosis
- Micronodular cirrhosis.
35Alcoholic Liver Damage
36Alcoholic Fatty Liver
37Alcoholic Fatty Liver
38Alcoholic Fatty Liver
39Micronodular cirrhosis
40Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live
long enough to make them all yourself!