Title: Chapter 9 The Structure of School Finance Systems
1Chapter 9 The Structure of School Finance
2Education Is a State Responsibility
- States have the responsibility to plan for and
deliver a system - of free, public education
- States also have the duty
- to equalize funding based on the localities
fiscal capacity to pay for educational programs
3School Finance Relationships
- Political
- Financial
- Control
- Direction
- Whoever funds schools controls its direction
and practices.
4Localities Operate Schools
- Although education is a state function, virtually
every state, except Hawaii, has delegated the
school systems operation to the localities - The states, for the most part, maintain an
oversight and compliance role in the local school
systems operation
5Consolidation for Efficiency
- Once local oversight was relegated to
neighborhood schools and school boards - The trend over the last 60-70 years has been to
decrease the number of school districts in the
United States - This consolidation has made for greater
efficiency. It has, however, depersonalized to
some extent schools operation administration
6Consolidation for Efficiency, cont.
- Gradually over the 20th century, the states
assumed more responsibility to oversee education - In 1937-38, the first year keeping such
statistics, the U.S. had 119,001 school districts - In 2000-01, the total number of school districts
totaled 14,859
7Consolidation for Efficiency, cont.
- More school districts brought together more
communities representing a wider geography
supporting the school - While school consolidation may have provided
greater efficiency, it also negatively impacted
citizens perceptions of their public school
ownership - In fact, this ownership issue has resulted in
some calling for replacing school boards with
local school councils
8Consolidation for Efficiency, cont.
- While this trend decreases resource duplication
and waste, it likewise decreases community
feelings of pride and investment in their local
9Number of Students per School District, 1939-40
and 1999-2000
10Revenues and Expenditures
- The federal share of public school revenue has
increased each decade from less than 1 in 1919
to a high of 9.8 in 1979
11 1959-60
1979-80 9.8 46.8
1989-90 6.1 47.1
12 of Revenue by Source
13Federal Revenue Sources
- The New England states have the lowest percentage
of federal revenue source at 5.3
14Federal Revenue Sources, cont.
- The Southeast states, on the other hand, have the
highest revenue percentage from federal sources
at 9.1
15State Revenue Sources
- The Mid East states have the lowest percentage at
39.9 while the Far West has the highest
percentage of state revenue at 61
16Local Revenue Sources
- The Far West has the lowest percentage at 30.6
- Mid East region has the highest percentage of
local revenue sources at 55.5
17Local Funding
- Local funding is at the heart of schools
- The range in local revenue percentages ranges
from a low of 12.6 in New Mexico to a high of
64.9 in Nevada
12.6 Local revenues
64.9 Local revenues
18Federal Responsibilities
- 1867 - Congress established the United States
Department of Education - Later downgraded to an Office of Education
- Became part of the Department of Housing,
Education, and Welfare. - 1980 Reestablished as the Department of
19Federal Responsibilities, cont.
- The federal education functioned primarily
providing grants guidance for states and school
systems under various programs - Title V of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965 strengthened the State Departments of
Education by providing funding for increased
state education personnel as well as for
training, equipment, research and development
20State Responsibilities
- The State Education Agencies (SEAs) are generally
empowered by the state legislature to coordinate
and oversee the local education agencies (LEAs) - State Boards of Education date back to 1784
- The first State Superintendent was appointed in
New York in 1812
21State Responsibilities, cont.
- State superintendents have the responsibility for
providing leadership to the State Department of
Education and carrying out the duties with which
the agency has been charged - In that process, state superintendents have been
in the position to become eloquent spokespersons
for education with the general public and with
the legislators, as was the case with Horace Mann
22State Responsibilities Politics
- The Governor influences education through their
campaign platforms, whom they appoint in
leadership positions once elected, and their
positions sheer bully pulpit
- The Department of Education is generally
responsible for carrying out the states
education legislation
23Federal, State, Local Interaction
- The federal No Child Left Behind legislation of
2001 focuses on states accountability to meet
academic standards
- What takes place at the federal, state, and local
levels varies depending upon how the grant
legislation is written
24Federal, State, Local Funding
- The Federal Department of Education announces the
latest authorization of the ABC Act once Congress
approves the legislation - DOE makes legislative details available to the
public - State Education Agencies (SEAs) are authorized to
submit applications for funding
25Federal, State, Local Interaction
- The SEAs make the application process available
to the Local Education Agencies (LEAs) - The SEA usually provides technical assistance to
the school districts in completing the grant
application package - The grant will usually have a list of assurances
with which the local school district must comply
to obtain the funds
26Federal, State, Local Funding
- The SEA collects LEA grant applications assures
the Federal Department of Education that they
have met grant provisions - The Federal Department of Education reviews
applications and awards grants to the states - The SEA, in turn, is allowed to take a
percentage of the grant for administration and
divides remaining funds to the localities - Occasionally, the states audits local funds and
the federal office audits state funds.
27Advantages of Layered School Financing
- Equalization due to fiscal capacity of the states
and the localities - Equitable adequate distribution of educational
services - Efficient provision of educational services
- More decentralized decision-making authority to
meet the states and localities needs
281st Advantage of Layered School Financing
- Some school districts lack the local capacity to
raise revenue and require a larger level of
government to spread the fiscal effort over a
larger base - The poor locality can draw on outside resources
- The resources available at the smallest level of
government, therefore, do not determine the
quality of education
292nd Advantage of Layered School Financing
- States can determine what level of adequate
services will be mandated and at what levels this
will occur - With the increased layers of government and
funding that come from a broader tax base, states
can devise different approaches to meeting needs
within the state
303rd Advantage of Layered School Financing
- In the multiple layered approach to providing
services, the state or the federal government may
use its influence to consolidate school
operations or the services delivery within school
districts - By encouraging efficiency, schools reap the
economic and instructional benefits of increasing
the achievement impact at a lower cost
314th Advantage of Layered School Financing
- Allowing individuals the opportunity to select
the services that match what they feel they need
and want is a powerful psychological phenomenon
that ties the all three prior advantages together
- Communities tend to coalesce around areas that
offer public services matching their personal
32Advantages to Layered School Financing
- With fiscal layering funding, the interplay
of the federal, state, and local services
provides distinct advantages for individuals to
select the type of environment in which they wish
to live and what services are important to them.
33Local Equalization
- Usually, the local level does little to equalize
for funding - Studies show that, within the same school
district, schools in wealthier locations receive
a greater funding share than poorer schools - School demographic, achievement, other data
make it necessary to fund schools based on their
individual needs for meeting district goals
34State Equalization
- States have a responsibility to equalize funding
based on the localities capacity to pay for
services - States use a formula to determine how the
equalized funds are determined - These formulae vary in complexity and
351st - States Determine the Floor Level of
Educational Services
- This is a basic, no frills level of services
and not what most educators would consider as a
program that meets everyones needs - This floor level funding of services usually
consists of computing a dollar figure for
professional education positions for a given
number of students, technology, special
weightings for students, and the like - What states consider in this floor level of
services varies
362nd - State Determines the Localities Fiscal
- States use a wide variety of factors in
determining this wealth formula - Every state uses a different formula
- Usually, property values, income tax, and an
estimate of locally generated business revenue
become a proxy for determining the localitys
ability to fund services - Designing a workable funding formula becomes an
increasingly difficult process
37- Urban locations with a large business and
industry tax bases tend to have more, different,
and much more expensive social, economic,
educational problems than suburban or rural
locations with fewer business and industry
38- Rural areas have problems that other areas do not
have, including isolation, difficulty attracting
teachers, and too few students to afford many
high quality educational offerings
39Coming to Consensus
- Coming to a consensus on community values for
educational results, the relative weighing of
various factors associated with wealth, and the
weighing the varying needs within a state can
tax even the brightest and most eloquent
403rd State Must Decide the Basis for
Distributing Funds
- Some states believe that the poorest localities
should pay nothing towards the floor level of
educational services - Instead, they believe the wealthiest localities
should pay the entire cost of providing these
basic services - Other states believe that every locality should
pay something towards the cost of providing these
basic services
41An ExampleEqualization in Virginia
- The poorest localities have a composite index of
.2 and the richest have a composite index of .8 - A poor locality with a .2 composite index would
be required to raise 20 of the funding for the
Standards of Quality through local sources with
the state funding 80
- A mid-range locality with a composite index of .5
would fund 50 of the Standards of Quality with
local funds and 50 state funds - A wealthy locality with a composite index of .8
would fund 80 of the Standards of Quality with
the state paying only 20
42Current School Finance Structures
- Forward-thinking individuals who saw the need for
equalizing school funding, had the ability to
sell their new ideas to progressive states and
localities - These pioneers included Ellwood Cubberley, Robert
Haig, Henry Morrison, Paul Mort, George Strayer,
and Harlan Undegraff
43The Next School Finance Leaders
- A 2nd generation of school finance scholars,
including Roe Johns and Edgar Morphet (around
1940), refined and extended the effort to
establish state equalization formulae throughout
the country
44The Next School Finance Leaders, cont.
- The 3rd generation of school finance scholars
(late 1970s through today) include Kern
Alexander, Richard Salmon, Allan Odden, Lawrence
Piccus, and others - They keep working to implement the democratic
ideals at the most basic level of education its
45Current U.S. State School Finance Systems
- Flat grants
- Foundation plans
- District power equalizing
- Full state funding
46Flat Grants
- This program distributes state aid to localities
based on a flat amount of money on a per-pupil
basis or on a defined personnel basis (funding x
number of teachers for y number of students) - It does not factor in student attendance or how
much additional funding the locality is able to
raise independently above and beyond the flat
47Flat Grants Model
- Amount of state aid per pupil
- Total State Revenue
- Number of Pupils in the State
48Example of Flat Grants
49Flat Grant Comparison
- In School District A, the state provides 50 of
the total per pupil expenditure or a 100 match
to what the locality can afford to pay - In School District E, the state provides only 8
of the localitys total expenditure - While this model does have a large age impact on
the poorest localities, it does very little to
equalize revenue - School District E spends more than six times what
School District A spends on a per pupil basis
50Flat Grants Advantages
- It can be used in conjunction
- with other models
- Every district receives a uniform per student
appropriation. Wealthier localities can
supplement - If the state provides sufficient funding in the
flat grant for a truly adequate level of
education, certain advantages exist for poorer
51Flat Grants Disadvantages
- Little provision for equalizing funding across
the state because the grants are not based on the
districts wealth - Unrelated to fiscal capacity, and unrelated to
effort - Assumes, wrongly, that the grant is sufficient to
cover adequate education costs expected within
the state
52Foundation Plans
- Most states use some type of a foundation plan
- The concept affirms that the state has a
responsibility an interest in providing a
minimum level of education - The foundation program holds that the minimum
education level can be costed-out, or financially
apportioned in a rational manner
53Foundation Plans, cont.
- A foundation program requires that a state
establish a minimum local tax rate and a minimum
education spending level for school districts in
the state - This minimum spending level is known as the
foundation amount
54Foundation Plans, cont.
- This minimum tax rate may or may not produce a
sufficient tax yield to meet the minimum spending
level - The state aid makes up any shortfall in the
required tax rate or yield and the spending level
(the foundation amount)
- Localities can tax at higher rates than the state
prescribes and provide even higher levels of
education services
55Foundation Plans Formula
- State Funding Guarantee of Pupils X
Guarantee of Plan (constant) - Local Share Required Local Tax Rate (constant)
X Local Assessed Valuation - State Aid Total Foundation Guarantee Local
Share -
56Calculation Foundation Funding
57- School District A (low capacity) has a per pupil
property value of 100,000. If the constant
required local effort is 10 mills, the School
District A must come up with 1,000 of the
foundation level of per pupil spending of 5,000.
The state share will then be 4,000. - School District E (high capacity) has 400,000 of
equalized property value per student. This
property value taxed at the required minimum of
10 mills produces revenue of 4,000 per pupil
they must pay to meet the foundation level. The
states share for School District E will be
1,000 per pupil.
58Foundation Program Allows Local Leeway
- Localities can raise more than the foundation
figure - For the next example, let us assume that School
District A cannot afford to raise additional
revenue while School District E can afford to
raise an additional 1,000 per student
59Summary of Foundation Formula
60- The equalization impact becomes obvious comparing
the foundation plan with the flat grant model - The local share for district with the least
capacity, A, is only 20 of the foundation
amount. The local share for the wealthiest
district, E, is 80 of the foundation level - Obviously, leeway funds are allowed, which in
this example, provide School District E with 20
greater per pupil funding than with School
District A
61Foundation Plan Advantages
- Equalizing impact towards a state-established
minimum foundation level as poorer districts tend
to receive more state funding - Minimum levels of locally-raised revenue
requirements (taxation and spending levels) for
the required local effort - Allows additional spending (local leeway)
62Foundation Plan Disadvantages
- Foundation level may be set too low to support a
realistic education plan - Minimum level must be adjusted periodically to
reflect practice cost changes - Fails to overcome the significant variances that
exist in local capacity to raise revenue - Uses local fiscal capacity, not local effort as
the variable for equalizing funding - Minimalist not adequate or quality education
63District Power Equalizing
- District power equalizing (DPE) is virtually the
same as - Guaranteed tax yield (GTY)
- and
- Guaranteed tax base (GTB) programs
64 DPE Model Concepts
- The ability to generate revenue should be
equalized among the districts in the state. The
locality should determine how much.
65 DPE Model Concepts, cont.
- Local variance in fiscal capacity is neutralized.
Education quality is a function of state not
local wealth. An equal yield for an equal
66 DPE Model Concepts, cont.
- 3. The state either establishes a schedule of tax
rates that guarantee a given amount per pupil for
the locality or the state provides a guaranteed
tax base per pupil across the state for the
67District Power Equalization Formula
- State Aid
- Local Tax Rate X
- Guaranteed Yield
- (Local Assessed Valuation X Local Tax
68District Power Equalization Formula Example
- Example
- (Equivalent to a 100,000 Guaranteed Tax Base)
- Guaranteed
- Tax Rate Revenue Yield
- 5 mills 500
- 10 mills 1,000
- 15 mills 1,500
- 20 mills 2,000
69Calculation of District Power Equalization
70In the DPE Program
- There is no single foundation level
- The districts are free to set their own mill rate
- Those districts electing to establish the mill
rate at the maximum by the state qualify for the
maximum per pupil funding - Those electing a lower mill rate qualify for
reduced per pupil funding
71Comparison of DPE Foundation Programs
- DPE Programs
- No required local effort
- Establishes minimum guarantee of revenue per
pupil per mill of taxation for equalized property
value - Locality can tax for leeway funds
- Equalize for local capacity
- Foundation Programs
- Required local effort
- Establishes minimum per pupil spending levels
based on required mill rate per equalized
property value - Locality can tax for leeway funds
- Equalize for local capacity
72DPE Model Advantages
- DPE tends to equalize for the ability to pay for
education (not on spending, however). There is
also a recapture provision for the state,
sometimes called negative state aid. This
allows the local school districts above some
determined level of fiscal capacity to levy a
minimum local tax and return a portion of the tax
yield to localities with lower fiscal capacity.
73DPE Model Advantages, cont.
- 2. It allows for the locality to set its spending
level. - 3. It provides for taxpayer equity allowing an
equal yield for an equal effort. - 4. To some degree, the model keeps property
values equal through the aid formula. -
74DPE Model Disadvantages
- This model does not equalize for per pupil
expenditures because the local districts have the
autonomy to determine spending levels. - If a wealthy locality exceeds the guarantee, a
recapture of funds goes back to the state to help
poorer localities. This serves as a disincentive
for localities to exceed the guarantee. - A locality loses a degree of autonomy because the
state may establish minimums and maximums.
75 Full State Funding
- The state collects all funding and is fully
responsible for financing public education - State distributes funds to schools on an equal
basis - Localities cannot supplement the state funding
with locally-generated revenue - This model eliminates disparities and differences
in funding the operation of schools
76 Full State Funding Formula
- State Aid Total Education Spending
- Number of Pupils in the State
77Comparison with Flat Grant Model
- Flat Grant Model
- Provides only the floor funding for school
districts - Allows for differences in spending
- Does not imply that this is all the funding
available to schools
- Full State Funding Model
- Provides the ceiling of funding for the schools
- Allows only for the equal state funds for
education - This is all the funding available to public
78Advantages to Full State Funding
- First, education is a state function and this
model places the financial burden of paying for
education squarely on the state - Second, this model does eliminate all spending
variance for schools and appears to be fair to
taxpayers and students by NOT making school
funding a factor of local wealth or poverty
79Advantages to Full State Funding, cont.
- Third, state funding virtually eliminates local
property taxes to fund education - Finally, reduced overhead costs occur as the
state takes over much control of schools from
local superintendents, central office staff
members, and school boards
80Advantages to Full State Funding, cont.
- Additionally, with local politics and fighting
for local funding out of the way, more time may
be allowed for curriculum, instruction, and
professional development
81Disadvantages to Full State Funding
- Reduces the appearance of local control.
Citizens may feel that they have little or no
impact on the large state operation of schools. - Minimizes the appearance of local fiscal control.
Wealthy areas may think their schools are not
receiving sufficient funding. Poorer communities
may not feel as if they have any investment in
the schools.
82Disadvantages to Full State Funding, cont.
- The state aid may not reflect schools diverse
needs. Equal funding for a school with 5 of its
students receiving special education services
versus 20 of its students in special education
programs may not provide what is actually needed.
- Finally, the state-set spending may not be
sufficient to meet the needs of the entire
educational system.
83- As Deborah Verstegan states,
- There have been no new approaches developed or
used to distribute state aid to school systems
since the 1920s and 1930s.
84- In that time frame, fewer than one third of the
eligible population attended high school much
less graduated. As late as 1950, only about one
third of the population graduated from high
school. The graduation rate for black males was
12.6 and 14.7 for black females.
85- Today, student performance accountability
programs expect all students to achieve to high
levels. Under the NCLB legislation, all
sub-groups must make Adequate Yearly Progress. - Nevertheless, our funding formulae to meet
these expectations have not changed. The older
funding models assumed a minimum education and
not the high quality, high stakes testing
programs that exist today.
86Need for EducationFinance Reform
Economic competitiveness in a global marketplace
sustainability of our Social Security
Medicare Programs require that all U.S. students
receive an ADEQUATE not minimum education.