Title: LowLevel Plumbing for Media Integration
1Low-Level PlumbingforMedia Integration
- Turner Whitted
- Microsoft Research
- Part I Implementation chronology
- Then, Now, Then again
- aka Wheel Of Reincarnation
- Part II Architectural musing
- Perceptual/content requirements
- Data paths, data types
- Not about programming models
3Starting points ES Frame Buffer
- NO fixed function units
- mCode for basic logic
- mController programmable by designer only
- Treated as peripheral
Ref Kajiya, J.T., Sutherland, I.E., and Cheadle,
E.C., "A Random-Access Video Frame Buffer,"
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer
Graphics, Pattern Recognition, and Data
Structure, UCLA Extension, Los Angeles,
California, May 14-16, 1975
4Starting points Ikonas RDS3000
- Single, 32-bit wide datapath based on 2901
bit-sliced DSP - Programmed in C (Garys Ikonas Assemler)
- NO fixed function units
- Bound later memory mapped to single application
Ref N. England, A graphics system architecture
for interactive application-specific display
functions, IEEE CGA, pp. 60-70, Jan 1986.
5Starting points Pixar CHAP
- SIMD processors
- Loops, conditional execution
- Focus on parallel programming issues
Ref Adam Levinthal and Thomas Porter, Chap A
SIMD Graphics Processor, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH
84, (18) 3, July 1984, pp. 77 82.
6The pipeline
- Mostly Fixed structure, programmable nodes
- Vector graphics legacy
7Structural evolution
- Texture engine with remnants of line drawing DNA
- Ikonas RDS3000 (1980)
- 20 MB/s processor to memory
- 20 MIPS equiv.
- Pixar CHAP (1984)
- 240 MB/s processor to memory (P-bus)
- 64 MIPS peak
- ATI 9700 (2002)
- 20800 MB/s chip to memory
- 8400 MIPS
9API abstractions (OpenGL, DX)
- Fixed structure pipeline accessed through API
- API tracks hardware through several generations
while maintaining consistency - Integrated with mainstream computing
- Easy to program
- Single largest key to commercial success of
graphics systems and applications
10Complete the circle
- FPGAmemory
- NO fixed function
- Programmable in C (Verilog actually)
- Good for simple prototyping
- No API
- No device drivers
- No SDK
11Part II Going forward
- Motivation
- Weve tacked every imaginable feature onto what
was initially a line drawing pipeline - Its time to start over
- The window of opportunity is wide open
12Going forward with graphics processors
3D Raster Graphics
13Integrated media(partial illustration)
Concentric mosaics
Image centric
Geometry centric
Sprites with depth
View-dependent geometry
View-dependent texture
Light field
Fixed geometry
Polygon rendering texture mapping
14Geometry Image
3D geometry
completely regular sampling
geometry image257 x 257 12 bits/channel
Ref X. Gu, S. Gortler, H. Hoppe, Geometry
images, ACM Transactions on Graphics 21(3)
355-361 (2002)
15From first principles function
U-VWL Content
Line drawing
Display Processor
Display Device
Still photos
Animated 3D shapes
Ultra-Vast Wasteland
163D text experiment
- Extend IBR/volume rendering to text
- Superior image reconstruction
- Higher image quality than mip-mapped texture
Olynyk, Mitchell, Snyder, MSR
17Generic physical blocks
- General purpose front end
- Fixed function back end
Struction/ Filtering
Ref T. Whitted, Overview of IBRHardware and
Software Issues, ICIP 2000.
18From first principles implementation
- Dont count on quantum GPUs soon stick to CMOS
digital logic - Count on CAD more than feature size
- Heat is the enemy
- The economy of commodity DRAM is hard to beat
- But there is huge performance pressure on DRAM
- Designers are restricted only by a lack of
19Design challenges
- Essence of the problem
- We dont have a function to implement
- We must design specifically for unknown methods
- Brute force is prohibited
- Feeds and speeds What do we know?
- Regulated by content
- But we rarely turn content conventions into
quantitative measures - Limited by perception
- Which we dont fully understand
- Function of representation
- If we dont know the representation, we dont
know the flows - In my groups research we limit flow to HW
sanity and then work backwards
- Graphics hardware has nearly completed the
circuit back to its starting point - Flexible, powerful, programmable
- Media processing requirements extend beyond the
classic 3D pipeline - Unusual window of opportunity
- to match architecture with a broader range of
applications and content
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