Title: Race to the Science Museum Race 8
1Race to the Science Museum -Race 8-
2(No Transcript)
3Topic 1 Title 100
What is the smallest unit within a living thing?
4Answer - Topic 1 100
A cell is the smallest unit within a living
5Topic 1 Title 200
What are the two types of cells?
6Answer - Topic 1 200
What are the two types of cells? Plant and Animal
7Topic 1 Title 300
What is the stiff covering that surrounds plant
8Answer - Topic 1 300
What is the stiff covering that surrounds plant
cells? Cell wall
9Topic 1 Title400
What is the jelly-like substance inside the cell?
10Answer - Topic 1400
What is the jelly-like substance inside the
cell? cytoplasm
11Topic 1 Title500
What is the structure that controls the
activities of a cell?
12Answer - Topic 1500
What is the structure that controls the
activities of a cell? Nucleus
13Topic 2 Title100
What part of a cell contains chlorophyll?
14Answer - Topic 2 100
What part of a cell contains chlorophyll? chloropl
15Topic 2 Title200
What is the layer around the plant and animal
cells that allows molecules to pass in and out?
16Answer - Topic 2 200
What is the layer around the plant and animal
cells that allows molecules to pass in and out?
Cell membrane
17Topic 2 Title300
What is the material in a cells nucleus that
identifies the cell and fives the cell its
particular characteristics?
18Answer - Topic 2300
What is the material in a cells nucleus that
identifies the cell and fives the cell its
particular characteristics? Chromosomes
19Topic 2 Title400
What type of cells contain chloroplasts?
20Answer - Topic 2400
What type of cells contain chloroplasts? Plant
21Topic 2 Title500
What is the green substance in plants that allows
plants to make their own food?
22Answer - Topic 2500
What is the green substance in plants that allows
plants to make their own food? chlorophyll
23Topic 3 Title100
What part of a cell is most like a gatekeeper who
lets people in and out?
24Answer - Topic 3100
What part of a cell is most like a gatekeeper who
lets people in and out? Cell membrane
25Topic 3 Title 200
What part of a cell is most like a control tower
at an airport
26Answer - Topic 3200
- What part of a cell is most like a control tower
at an airport? nucleus
27Topic 3 Title 300
What part of a cell is most like a bar code that
identifies a grocery item?
28Topic 3300
- What part of a cell is most like a bar code that
identifies a grocery item? - chromosomes
29Topic 3 Title400
What part of a cell is most like a gelatin
dessert containing fruit?
30Answer - Topic 3400
What part of a cell is most like a gelatin
dessert containing fruit? Cytoplasm
31Topic 3 Title500
What part of a cell is most like the shell of a
32Answer - Topic 3500
What part of a cell is most like the shell of a
nut? Cell Wall
33Topic 4 Title100
What part of a cell is most like the kitchens
refrigerator in a house?
34Answer - Topic 4 100
- What part of a cell is most like the kitchens
refrigerator in a house? Vacuole
35Topic 4 Title200
What part of the plant cell is indicated by the
1 and 2?
36Answer - Topic 4200
1 Chloroplast 2 Cell membrane
37Topic 4 Title300
What part of the plant cell is indicated by the
3 and 4?
38Answer - Topic 4300
3 Chromosomes 4 Nucleus
39Topic 4 Title400
What part of the plant cell is indicated by the
5 and 6?
40Answer - Topic 4400
5 Cytoplasm 6 Cell Wall
41Topic 4 Title500
What part of the animal cell is indicated by the
1 and 2?
42Answer - Topic 4500
- 1 cell membrane
- 2 chromosome
43Topic 5 Title100
What part of the animal cell is indicated by the
3 and 4?
44Answer - Topic 5100
3 nucleus 4 cytoplasm
45Topic 5 Title200
What do plant cells have that animal cells do not
46Answer - Topic 5200
What do plant cells have that animal cells do not
have? Cell wall
47Topic 5 Title300
All living things have ____?
48Answer - Topic 5300
All living things have Cells
49Topic 5 Title400
What part of a cell determines if a person has
blue or brown eyes?
50Answer - Topic 5400
What part of a cell determines if a person has
blue or brown eyes? chromosomes
51Topic 5 Title500
What are three way that cells differ from one
52Answer - Topic 5500
What are three way that cells differ from one
another? Color, Shape, Size
What do all cells have the ability to do?
What do all cells have the ability to do? grow