Title: Lina Nagel
1The Spanish-Language Version of the AAT Tesauro
de Arte Arquitectura History, Implementation,
and Dissemination
- Lina Nagel
- Centro de Documentacion de Bienes Patrimoniales
- lnagel_at_cdbp.cl
2- CDBP Projects
- 1995 Overall Program for DIBAM Museums
- Development of Documentation System - SUR
- Evaluation of International Tools
- Standardizing our vocabulary Art Architecture
Thesaurus equivalency work - From MS Word ? MS Access ? SQL ? current version,
T-SQL y XMLEditPro - Project Phases
- 1996 machine translation (disaster)
- 1996 1999 Basic translation with dictionaries
and glossaries - 2000 2003 and 2005 2008 special projects
3DIBAM Chile Our experience
- As a result, in September 2008
- Translated gt 31.000 English descriptors
- Added gt 700 specialized sources in Spanish,
documenting gt 31.000 Spanish terms - Online since 2003
- www.aatespanol.cl the first online
- thesaurus in Spanish
4- Audience
- The Tesauro de Arte Arquitectura TAA,
(www.aatespanol.cl) is consulted by - - Professionals from Chilean museums,
- Professionals from different countries on the
American continent, - Specialists from English-speaking countries,
- and by publishers, documentation and
investigation centers that work in topics related
to Western Art and Architecture. Also American
and Pre-Columbian art.
5For a painting
6For a scultpure
escultura ? estatua ? tallado ? imagen?
7For a container
8For a percussion instrument
kultrun kultrung cultrún
9For a delicious mapuche dressing ?
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11- Research new terms to suggest in the AAT
- Art Achitecture Thesaurus, also in the Spanish
version, lacks some widely-used terms
corresponding to - Pre-Columbian objects,
- Colonial American objects or activities,
- Religious objects
- Often, this lack of terminology prevents the use
of the TAA or doesnt allow the community to
make full use of it.
12Singular vs. Plural Use of the singular for
terms in the TAA English
Spanish pastels
pastel martyria
martyrium tippets
mantón - Plural is used as alternative terms,
links with the AAT Spanish plurals are formed by
adding s to nouns. Some exceptions in which
terms ending in s are both singular and plural,
e.g. pisapapeles (paperweights)
13- Searching Terms
- Ability to retrieve records by searching on
either Spanish-language, English-language, or
some original-language - English/original language Spanish
/original language - dolls muñeca
- Queen Anne Style Estilo Reina Ana
- dotted manners criblé técnica del cribado
- kakemono-e kakemono
- tableaux (sculpture) tableau-objects (escultura)
14Prefixes, Suffixes, and Compound Terms The TAA
has the ability to retrieve records by searching
independent particles such as prefixes and
suffixes, or by searching compound terms.
Prefixes / Suffixes
pre Prerrafaelita cillo cordoncillo Com
pound Terms pisapales
pisa pisapapeles papeles pisapapeles
15New candidate terms proposed for the
AAT Religious and Liturgical Objects
Pyx-chrismatory of the sick Crismera Host
press sick Prensa para Hostia
16Hispanic-American Terms Sarga 1. Wall
Painting in Spain and Latin America 2. Material
17Maguey (agave)Se usaba como material para la
armazón de las figuras, las cuales se modelaban
luego con yeso y finalmente se policromaban. En
el período virreinal fueron hechas muchas
imágenes religiosas utilizando este material como
San Antonio de Padua Iglesia Barraza
18Barroco 1. Barroco Americano 2. Barroco
Popular 3. Barroco Indígena 4. Barroco Mestizo
5. Alto Barroco Nacional o Mestizo, 1680 - 1740
19Pre-Columbian Terms Aribalo There is also a
lack of terms for pre-Columbian archeological
objects, ceremonies, events, and materials that
are frequently used in research and for
cataloguing museum collections. 1. Ariballoi
(Greek Vase) 2. Aribalo (pre-Columbian Vase)
20Alternative Terms Different usage in various
Spanish-speaking countries 1. brown (color)
café (uso en Chile) carmelita (uso en
Cuba) marrón (uso en Spain, Argentina,
etc.) pardo (other countries) Baldoquin (form
used in Latin America) for baldachins (English)
or baldaquino (Spanish) Historic forms 2.
Arquilla (historic term) for vargueño or bargueño
(contemporary Spanish)
21- For a successful translation and equivalencies
- Use of appropriate bibliography, e.g.
- - Fleming y Honour, Diccionario de Artes
Decorativas - - Lucien-Smith, Diccionario de Términos
Artísticos - Miller, Enciclopedia de Antigüedades
222. Use of protocoles When so many people work in
the translation and equivalences search, is very
important to have protocoles 3. Work with
qualified researchers (art historians) - For much
equivalency work, fluency in English is much less
important than subject expertise and engagement.
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27Algunas vistas del TAA
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31Projections 2008 and abroad
- the work of maintaining online standardization
instruments never stops new terms have to be
entered - old ones revised
- new designs need to be made
- new links posted and then there are the constant
changes suggested by our users - Terms with photos Images