Title: Prescription Drugs
1Prescription Drugs Lower Urinary Tract
SymptomsA pharmacoepidemiologic analysis among
- Susan A. Hall, Ph.D.
- New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA
02472 USA - shall_at_neriscience.com NIDDK DK-56842
- Prescription drugs a common exposure
- 52 of U.S. adults use 1 prescription drug
weekly - 83 of men 65, 30 use 5 weekly
- Overall drug use and polypharmacy (5 meds) ?
over time Raofi 2006, Kaufman 2005 - Potential intersection with LUTS through age
- Urologic symptoms as an iatrogenic consequence of
drug use?
3Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
- Age-related, occur commonly have large impact
on QOL - Commonly measured using the American Urologic
Association Symptom Index scale - Storage (irritative) Voiding (obstructive)
- Frequency -Incomplete emptying
- Urgency -Difficulty starting/stopping
- Nocturia -Weak stream
- -Straining
4Prior Epidemiology Studies
- SSRIs nocturia in Swedish community study
Asplund 2005 - Other cardiac drugs nocturia in Tierp, Sweden
community study (65) Rembratt 2003 - Antidepressants, antihistamines LUTS in Olmsted
County, MN USA study (men 40-79) Su, 1996 - Generally, data are sparse
5Study Objective
- To understand the association between 25
commonly-used - prescription medications
- urologic health
- (voiding and storage LUTS)
- among community-dwelling men
6Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey Design
- Epidemiologic study of urologic symptoms
- Community-dwelling men women
- Randomly selected, cluster-stratified sample of
Boston, MA, U.S.A. - N2,301 men
- Broad age range (30-79y)
- Diversity of race/ethnicity/socioeconomic
- Approx. equal Ns of black/white/Hispanic
- Data collected 2002-05, in-home interview
7BACH Measurements
- Outcome AUA Symptom Index
- Voiding disorders Score of 5 (range 0 to 20)
- Storage disorders Score of 4 (range 0 to 15)
- Exposure Medication collection methodology
- Drug inventory bottle collection/label
transcription - Query with prompts by indication
- Use in the past 4 weeks captured
- Risk factors
- Comorbidities-self report of physician diagnosis
- Depression (abridged CES-D scale)
- Body mass index (derived from interviewer
8Analysis Sample Methods
- Analysis sample
- Exclusions Missing data on outcomes (18)
- Taking outcome-related medications (152)
- alpha blockers or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors,
urinary incontinence or overactive bladder meds,
anticholinergics - 2,131 men in analysis sample
- 2,077 for models (no missing data on covariates)
- Estimating prevalence of exposure
- Prevalence of drug use for 25 popular
prescription medications - Weighted by the inverse of probability of sampling
9Multivariate Analysis Methods
- Preliminary models
- Preliminary logistic regression model 25 drugs
2 outcomes - Adjusted only for age and race
- Odds ratio (OR) and 95 confidence interval
- Large significant associations ( 2.0 OR) further
investigated -
- Fully-adjusted logistic regression models
- Included risk factors comorbidities
- Fully-adjusted linear regression models
- Using full scale for outcome
- Included risk factors comorbidities
Surviving associations
11Characteristics of analysis sample
12Prevalence of exposure, Use of 25 prescription
drugs, N2,131 men
13Outcomes defined using American Urologic
Association scale Voiding Score of 5 for 4
symptoms (incomplete emptying, starting/stopping,
weak stream, straining, range 0-20)
Storage Score of 4 for 3 symptoms (frequency,
urgency, nocturia, range 0-15) LUTS Score of 8
for all symptoms above (range 0-35)
14Multivariate Model ResultsVoiding Disorders
No relationship 20 drugs
1st logistic model Age, race adjusted
statins, narcotics, benzodiazepines, SSRIs, oral
2nd logistic model Fully-adjusted for risk
factors comorbidities
Adjusted for age, race, depression, history of
UTI or kidney infection, and other
statins, narcotics
No relationships
3rd model-Linear Fully-adjusted for risk factors
15Final associations-Voiding disorders
16Multivariate Model ResultsStorage Disorders
No relationship 22 drugs
1st logistic model Age, race adjusted
SSRIs, corticosteroids, loop diuretics
statins, narcotics
2nd logistic model Fully-adjusted for risk
factors comorbidities
Adjusted for age, race, BMI, depression,
history of UTI or kidney infection, diabetes
and other comorbidities.
statins, corticosteroids
statins steroids
3rd model-Linear Fully-adjusted for risk factors
17Final associations-Voiding and Storage
- Statins protective against storage disorders
- Urologic adverse events in atorvastatin clinical
trials - UTI reported 2 of participants
- lt2 urinary frequency, retention, urgency,
dysuria, nocturia incontinence - Recent clinical trial of statins to improve LUTS
non-efficacious Mills IW, Euro Urol, 2007 - More severe LUTS/BPH population (score of 13)
- No separate treatment of voiding vs. storage
- Mechanism? Effects on smooth muscle, improvement
in bladder fibrosis - Novel finding that should be replicated
- Positively associated with storage in both models
(nearly 3-fold increase) - Rare reported adverse events of the drug class
- Urinary frequency, urgency enuresis
- Asthma meds included
- Relaxation of smooth muscle of bladder?
20Strengths Limitations
- Broad range of medications considered
- Duration of use, compliance unknown
- Drugs used only in doctors office not captured
- Compliance unknown
- Large diverse population of community-dwelling-men
- Ability to understand influence of other risk
21Implications and Future Research
- Some reassurance that most popular prescription
drugs were not associated with voiding storage
disorders - Corticosteroids appear to aggravate storage
disorders among men - Statins result should be examined in future
studies - Clinical trial of storage disorders