Title: GeoBook Data Visualization Tool
1GeoBook Data Visualization Tool
originally developed to assist the distribution
and understanding of the Southeastern Ecological
Neil Burns, PhDUS EPA Region 4Policy, Planning
and Environmental Results Branch Cory Berish,
PhD John Richardson, PhD and Rick Durbrow
Special thanks to University of Florida Geo Plan
Center 2006
2Southeastern Ecological Framework
Southeastern Ecological Framework
- Covers 8 states
- 90 meter resolution
- Useful at local level
3- The GeoBook Data Visualization Tool
- What is it?
- Why is it needed?
- What kinds of information does it have?
- How can it help me?
4Click Here to Open the GeoBook
5Navigate using the Table of Contents or the
Tabs on the side
6Navigate using the Table of Contents or the
Tabs on the side
7Navigate using the Table of Contents or the
Tabs on the side
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Watch a video on the importance of connecting
ecological areas You can substitute another video
into the GeoBook
11Easily view the SEF and overlay other landscape
layers Text provides a short description of items
in the maps legend
12Identify agricultural land with poor quality
riparian buffers Text provides a short
description of items in the maps legend
13Locate urban and transportation
infrastructuresText provides a short description
of items in the maps legend
14View and query water drainage systems Text
provides a short description of items in the
maps legend
15Easily view aerial photos and topo maps
16Contact information and web links can be
customized for users
Click on a feature to get to their web page
17Toward a National Ecological Framework
Goal Develop a GIS based tool for evaluating
critical ecosystem functions and protecting
connected ecosystem processes across the
continental US.
Provide a baseline ecological framework
assessment that is A. Consistent across the
US B. Temporally repeatable with new NLCD
data C. Extendable/adaptable for multiple
Regional uses D. Linked to programmatic needs
and activities
18Neil Burns US EPA Region 4 (404) 562-8289