Title: History of People First of New Hampshire
1History of People First of New Hampshire 1992
2The first self-advocacy group started in the
Lakes Region in 1984 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Other
groups started soon after in Salem, Dover,
Keene, Concord. Â
3A steering committee was formed in 1990 and by
1991, People First of NH was established. It
became incorporated with a board of directors by
4The First conference was held in Manchester in
1991. Â People talked about their concerns
People shared their interests People listened to
each other Senator Tom Harkin joined us and
encouraged us
5Awards Members of the Lakes Region Self-Advocacy
Group, Allen Emerson and Clarence Leslie Moor
III, receive a Citizenship Award from the ARC in
1988. Â Â Â Â Amber Parshley also receives the
Citizenship Award, as does Belinda Hurd in later
years. Â Â Â Â Tony Thibodeau receives award for
People First from Roy Gerstenberger, Executive
Director of Community Bridges, for our years of
dedication to Self-Advocacy, 2002 Â
6Roberta Gallant Receives the 1992 Martin Luther
7Roberta Jocelyn Gallant at Closing Ceremony of
Laconia State School
8We attended our first international self-advocacy
conference in 1993 in Toronto, Canada Â
We have attended National Conferences every other
year in Alaska, Oklahoma, Virginia, Rhode
Island, New York, California and soon, Georgia Â
9People First of NH Produces Videos and Writes
Book  Large Pepperoni Pizza With An Advisor On
The Side A book for self-advocates to hire,
supervise and train their advisor, 1998 Â Â I Got
That Right A Video about rights produced by
People First of New Hampshire, 1994 Â Its My
Life - A Video Where Self-Advocates Discuss the
Importance of Self-Determination, 1997 Ten
Years of Self-Advocacy in NH A video about the
history of People First of NH, 2002 Â
10In 2000, People First of New Hampshire has
reading/discussion groups about Roland JohnsonA
National Self-Advocacy Leader. From this is the
creation of a presentation done across the
country titled Find Your Passion Voice
11In 1997, And again in 2001, Self-Advocates In NH
join others throughout the country to March For
Freedom. Close Institutions!
12Â Members of People First of New Hampshire Are
Active with Other Groups and Boards of Directors
Members attend a picnic with friends from the
Association For Persons In Supported Employment
Board Training at United Developmental Services
Members attend the first regional Self-Advocacy
meeting With Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New
York, Connecticut, Rhode Island
13Whose Life Is It Anyway? Self-Advocates Survey
Peers Using the Who Decides? Survey Who makes
the decisions in your life? Â
Then, based on the TV hit-show, Whose Line Is It
Anyway? - we show audiences across the country
that We make decisions about driving, about
getting married, living on our own, traveling,
running our own meetings about our lives...and
much moreÂ
14Our Board And Members Are Interested In Â
Learning About Our Benefits
Planning Events Computers Technology
15We Enjoy  Having A Meal Together  Learning
From One Another      Relationships, With
The Possibilities of Marriage    Visiting
Places, Such as Niagra Falls
16We Traveled To England In 2001 To Participate In
International Self-Advocacy Work   Tammy Mills
Presenting Songs of the Self-Advocacy
Movement   Having Dinner With New Friends From
Germany and England   Tammy Teaches American
Self-Advocacy Songs To The International Group Â
17We speak often to others about our livesand
encourage everyone to be leaders Â
18In 2002, People First of New Hampshire Celebrated
Ten Years By Hosting a Harmony Through Arts Event
Drumming PerformanceÂ
Singing Exhibiting Our
Painting       Toasting Our Ten Years
Together Â
19In 2004, we worked with the Disabilities Rights
Center and Granite State Independent Living and
held 10 different voter education workshops
20- Summer and Fall, 2004
- Held forums to train people about Medicaid in 5
different locations - Worked with Family Support Councils around the
Medicaid issues in at least 4 different regions
of the state
21- People First of New Hampshire Has 14 Local
Chapters - Capitol City
- Dream Team (Conway Area)
- Friendship Group (Littleton Area)
- Fun With Friends (Young Adult in Londonderry
Area) - Future Goals Group (Young Adult in Concord Area)
- Great North Woods
- Henniker Self-Builders
- Lakes Region Self-Advocacy Group
- Monadnock Action Group
- People Power (Salem Area)
- Seacoast Group
- Together Group (Nashua Area)
- Upbeat Group (Claremont Area)
- Upper Valley Neighbors
22Lakes Region Self-Advocacy Group Celebrates 20
Years in 2004!
23We frequently attend hearings of the House and
Senate regarding the budget and services
Patrick Chaloux's speaks to the House Finance
Committee regarding budget cuts March 29th 2005
24We ask that there not be changes in the service
system without us being at the table. We ask to
assure us that institutions and sheltered
workshops not be re-opened.
Left and middle photos reprinted from pages 12
103 of Christmas in Purgatory A Photographic
Essay on Mental Retardation with permission from
the Center on Human Policy, Syracuse University.
25In 2005, we presented at the Family Support
Conference about relationships Promoting the
start of new young adult groups
26- Worked with a state team for the Alliance For
Full Participation and prepared for The Summit in
September in Washington, DC - Our Priority Issues are
- Creating and sustaining welcoming and inclusive
communities - Ensuring quality education across the lifespan
- Creating and sustaining a quality workforce
- Ensuring access to affordable, quality healthcare
27In October, 2005, People First of New Hampshire
hosted and event guided by David Faye Wetherow
28In October, 2005, with help from Chester Finn and
Steve Holmes of NY, we met with several people in
our state who are concerned about the need to
support self-advocacy
Direction, future, planning, support, funding
29Advisor Appreciation Self-advocates from five
of our fourteen groups begin the new year to
recruit new advisors
30- Also in 2006, People First of NH members plan to
- Prepare a bill for legislation to fund regional
self-advocacy - Hold workshops on relationships and values
- Hold an event with members of the community to
celebrate who we ALL are - Hold voter trainings throughout the state
- Continue to recruit advisors
- Teach legislative action
- Work on changing the law that uses bad language
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