Speculative Computation by Consequence Finding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Speculative Computation by Consequence Finding


Speculative Computation by Consequence Finding. Katsumi Inoue. Kobe University. Koji Iwanuma ... Default theory and Consequence-finding for speculative ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Speculative Computation by Consequence Finding

Speculative Computation by Consequence Finding
  • Katsumi Inoue
  • Kobe University
  • Koji Iwanuma
  • Yamanashi University

  1. Speculative computation for incomplete
    communication environments Satoh, Inoue, Iwanuma
    Sakama, ICMAS 2000.
  2. Default theory and Consequence-finding for
    speculative computation Inoue, Kawaguchi
    Haneda, CLIMA 01
  3. SOL tableaux Skip-regularity and TCS-freeness
    Iwanuma, Inoue Satoh, FTP 2000.
  4. Conditional answer computation in SOL as
    speculative computation Iwanuma Inoue, CLIMA
  5. Skip-preference for avoiding irrational
    conclusions Iwanuma Inoue, CLIMA 02
  6. Process maintainence for avoiding duplicate
    computation Inoue, Kawaguchi Haneda, CLIMA

Communication under Incomplete Information
Communication between agents is guaranteed.
Under incomplete communication environments
(e.g., Internet), this assumption does not hold
in general. Messages between agents might be
lost or delayed.
  • Satoh, Inoue, Iwanuma Sakama, 2000 proposed
  • a method of speculative computation for reasoning
    / question-answering under incomplete
    communication environments in MAS.
  • Use default answers as expected without waiting
    for responses too much
  • Reduce suspended processes
  • Reduce the risk

Speculative Computation Satoh, Inoue, Iwanuma
Sakama, 2000
  • Master agent makes planning with default answers
    for slave agents.
  • When responses comes from slave agents,
  • if the answer is the same as the default, keep
    the current computation process
  • if the answer is different from the default,
    recompute a plan.
  • top-down SLDNF-like proof procedure
  • all literals asked by Master have their default
  • slave agents cannot change their answers, once
    they return answers.
  • Applet is used in implementation.

SOL-based Speculative Computation Inoue,
Kawaguchi Haneda, 2001 Iwanuma Inoue,
  • Define a logical framework of MAS with
    speculative computation
  • default logic Reiter, 80
  • Data-driven approach and bottom-up computation
    (reactive behavior)
  • consequence-finding procedure (SOL)
  • avoidance of duplicate computation
  • Implementation in a distributed environment with
    delayed inputs
  • Servlet (or Java-RMI) and emails

Partial Default Answers andTentative Answers
  • Default answers can just be partially determined
    in advance.
  • Answers sent from agemts are tentative, i.e.,
    answers may often be changed later.

Speculative computation must have the ability to
handle not only default values but hypothetical
Here, we introduce a conditional answer format
for handling both default and hypothetical
reasoning, and a skip-preference rule for
refining the SOL calculus to avoid irrational
A (Modified) Meeting-Room Reservation Problem
  • There are 3 persons A, B C.
  • If a person is free, he/she will attend the
  • The chair asks each person whether he/she is free
    or not.
  • If only 2 persons are free, the chair reserves a
    small room.
  • If all persons are free, the chair reserves a
    large room.
  • If neithre A nor B is free, the chair reserves
    no room because A and B are key persons.
  • Suppose that the chairperson gets no answers
    from A, B, C.
  • What should/can the chair do in this

Multi-Agent System
  • Agent framework lt?,?, P, D gt
  • ? slave agent identifiers
  • ? askable literals, ? ?D ? ?U , ?D
    ground literals, having default answers,
    ?U ground literals, called uncertain
    literals, having no default truth
  • D (partial) default answer set for every L
    ??D , D contains either L or ?L , but not
    both. Note L ? D means that the default
    answer of L ??D is true.
  • P first-order clauses, called a program.

Example Agent Framework
  • ? a, b, c agent identifiers
  • ??D??U askable literals
  • ?D free(b), free(c) literals having
    default values ?U free(a) uncertain
  • D free(c) default answers
  • P program
  • ?free(a) ??free(b)?free(c) ? meeting(small_room,
  • free(a) ??free(b)??free(c) ?
    meeting(small_room, b,c).
  • ?free(a) ?free(b)??free(c) ? meeting(small_room,
  • ?free(a) ??free(b)??free(c) ? meeting(large_room,
  • free(a) ??free(b) ? meeting(no_room, ).

Reply Set
  • Reply set (at time i )
  • is a set of literals of the form L or ?L,
  • where L is an askable literal in ?.
  • For any literal L??, L? Ri and ?L? Ri
  • do not hold simultaneously.
  • A reply set is used to store the latest answers
    from slave agents.

Ex. R3 ? free(b)
Tentative Answer Set
  • Tentative answer set (at time i ) TRi
  • is a union of a reply set Ri at i and the set
    of default answers with respect to the askable
    literals that have not yet been answered at i
  • Ex. TR3 ?free(b), free(c)

Formalization in Default Logic (1)
  • (?,?, P, D ) agent framework
  • Ri reply set at time i
  • TRi tentative answer set at time i
  • If P ? TRi is consistent, then the default
    theory (D, P ?Ri ) has exactly one extension E
  • TRi Ri ? (E nD).

Formalization in Default Logic (2)
  • Suppose that the same conditions hold. E is an
    extension of the default theory (D, P ? Ri )
  • if and only if
  • E Th ( P ? TRi ).
  • Tentative answer set TRi can be used to compute
  • Extensions can be computed by consequence-finding
  • from P ? TRi .

Consequence Finding
Given an axiom set, the task is to find out some
theorems of interest. These theorems are not
given in an explicit way, but are only
characterized by some properties. Consequence
Finding is clearly distinguished from Proof
Finding or Theorem Proving. In fact, Theorem
Proving is a special case of Consequence
Finding Interesting Consequences
The set of theorems is generally infinite, even
if they are restricted to be minimal wrt
Solutions Production field and characteristic
clauses plus SOL procedure (Skipping Ordered
Linear resolution), a model-elimination-like
calculus with Skip operation
Production Field
  • Production field P ltL, Cond gt
  • L the set of literals to be collected
  • Cond the condition to be satisfied (e.g.
  • ThP(S) the clauses entailed byS which belong
    to P.
  • P1 ltANS, nonegt
  • ANS is the set of positive literals with the
    predicate ANS.
  • ThP1 (?) is the set of all positive clauses of
    the form ANS (t1) ? ? ANS (tn) being
    derivable from ?.
  • P2 ltL?, length is fewer than k gt
  • L? is the set of negative literals.
  • ThP2 (?) is the set of all negative clauses
    derivable from ? consisting of fewer than k

Characteristic Clauses
  • Characteristic clause of S (wrt P )
  • A clause C such that
  • C belongs to ThP(S)
  • no other clause in ThP(S) subsumes C.
  • Carc(S, P) µThP(S) ,
  • where µ represents subsumption-minimal.
  • New characteristic clause of C wrtS (and P )
  • A char. clause of S?C which is not a char.
    clause of S.
  • NewCarc(S,C,P) µThP(S?C) - Th (S)
  • Carc(S?C, P) -
    Carc(S, P) .

Example Group theory Lee, 1967
length ? 1 and term depth ? 1gt
Applications in AI
  • Nonmonotonic Reasoning
  • Abduction
  • Prime Implicants/Implicates
  • Knowledge Compilation
  • Diagnoses, Design
  • Query Answering, Planning
  • Inductive Logic Programming
  • Knowledge Discovery
  • Bioinformatics
  • Multi-Agent Systems

Computing Characteristic Clauses
  • NewCarc(S,C,P) (C clause)
  • can be directly realized by sound complete
    consequence-finding procedures such as
  • SOL resolution Inoue, 1992
  • SFK resolution del Val, 1999
  • NewCarc(S,F,P) (F CNF formula)
  • and Carc(S, P) can also be computed.

SOL Resolution Inoue, 1991 1992
  • (Skipping Ordered Linear resolution)
  • Model Elimination Skip rule
  • Skip, Resolve, Reduce rules
  • complete for consequence-finding in
  • C-ordered linear resolution format
  • complete for finding (new) characteristic clauses
  • connection tableau format
  • Iwanuma, Inoue Satoh, 2000

Connection Tableaux Letz, 9498
Clausal tableau whose every non-leaf node has an
immediate successor labeled with the
complementary literal.
Example S (1) P?Q (2) ?P?Q (3) P??Q
SOL TableauxConnection Tableaux Skip
Complete calculus for deriving logical

S (1) ?P??Q (2) P??R (3) Q??R
merging to a skipped literal
Soundness and Completeness
  • 1. If a clause S is derived by an SOL
  • deduction from SC and P, then
  • S belongs to Th(S?C) and P.
  • 2. If a clause F does not belong to Th(S)
  • but belongs to Th(S?C) and P, then
  • there is an SOL deduction of a clause S
  • from SC and P such that S subsumes F.

Answer Completeness Iwanuma Inoue, JELIA-02
  • The completeness of SOL resolution implies the
    answer completeness.
  • In particular, SOL resolution is complete for
    finding the minimal (length) answers.

c.f. P. Baumgartner, U. Furbach and F.
Stolzenburg Computing Answers with Model
Elimination, Artificial Intelligence, 90
(1997) pp.135-176. Not all answers in
condensed form can be computed.
Meeting-Room Reservation Problem Abbreviated
  • ? a, b, c agent identifiers
  • ??D??U ?D f(c) askable literals
    having default answers ?U f(a), f(b)
    uncertain askable literals
  • D f(c) default answers
  • P ?f(a) ??f(b)? f(c) ? m(s, a,b).
  • f(a) ??f(b)??f(c) ? m(s, b,c).
  • ?f(a) ? f(b)??f(c) ? m(s, a,c).
  • ?f(a) ??f(b)??f(c) ? m(l, a,b,c).
  • f(a) ? f(b) ? m(no_room,
    ). (5)

1st Step Speculative Computation in SOL with
Answer literals
  • Theorem Suppose that P ?TR i is consistent.
    Let ? Q(X) be a query. If Q(X)?1?... ?Q(X)?n
    belongs to Th (P ?TR i ), there is an
    SOL-deduction D from (P ?T R i) s.t.
  • The top clause is ?Q(X)?ANS(X).
  • The production field P is ltANS , nonegt.
  • D generates a clause ANS(X) s1?... ?ANS(X)sk
    which subsumes ANS(X)?1?... ?ANS(X)?n .
  • Note The uncertain literals are not
    considered here.

Query and Conditional Answer
  • Query ? Q(X) Q(X) is a conjunction of
  • Conditional answer for ? Q(X) wrt a production
    field P a clause in the form of
    A1??Am?Q(X)?1?... ?Q(X)?n s.t. A1??Am
    belongs to P .
  • Conditional ANS-clause (CA-clause) wrt a
    production field P a clause in the form of
    A1??Am?ANS(X)?1?... ?ANS(X)?n s.t.
    A1??Am belongs to P

Why Conditional Answer Format is Valuable in
Speculative Computation?
Conditional answer format can explicitly
  • SOL tableaux can reduce redundant computation
    which derives irrational conclusions in the
    conditional answer format by means of the
    skip-regularity and TCS-freeness constraints.

Constraint Skip-Regularity
Any complementary literals of skipped literals
can be forbidden to appear in an SOL tableau,
without losing the completeness.
Irrational Answers Violating Skip-Regularity
The tableau violates the skip-regularity wrt f(a).
Constraint TCS (Tableau Clause
Any tableau clause C (i.e., a disjunction of
sibling literals in a tableau) is not subsumed by
any clause in an axiom theory ? other than origin
clauses of C.
? a clausal set as an axiom theory
a tableau clause C
Irrational Answers Violating TCS-Freeness
The tableau clause (3) is subsumed by newly added
clause f(b).
Skip-regular but not TCS-free for the new
underlying theory P ?f(b).
Rational Answers Satisfying Skip-Regularity and
f(a) ? f(c) ? m(l,a,b,c)
2nd step Speculative Computation in SOL with
Conditional Answer Format
  • Theorem Suppose that P ?TRi is consistent.
    Let ? Q(X) be a query. If A1??Am?Q(X)?1?...
    ?Q(X)?n is a member of Th(P ?TRi ) and A1??Am
    belongs to lt(?U), nonegt, then there is an
    SOL-deduction D from P s.t.
  • The top clause is ?Q(X)?ANS(X).
  • The production field P is lt (TRi)- ?ANS
    ?(?U), nonegt.
  • D generates a CA-clause
  • B1??Bs?C1??Ct ?ANS(X) s1?... ?ANS(X)sk
  • B1??Bs belongs to lt (TRi)-, nonegt.
  • C1??Ct belongs to lt (?U), nonegt.
  • C1??Ct ?ANS(X)s1?... ?ANS(X)sk subsumes
    A1??Am?ANS(X)?1?... ?ANS(X)?n .

Problems Not Solved Yet
Answers are often tentative. These tentative
answers should not be considered as newly added
  1. The extension (Resolve) with tentative answers as
    newly added unit clauses becomes impossible.
  2. TCS-subsumption by tentative answers as newly
    added unit clauses becomes inapplicable to
    tableaux. Hence, many irrational tableaux cannot
    be pruned.

? Skip-preference rule
? G-subumption rule
SOL-S(G) calculus SOL Skip-Preference
  • Skip-preference Apply Skip as much as possible
    by ignoring the possibility of other inference
    rules. The extension (Resove) with tentative
    answers can completely be simulated.
  • G-subsumption check Check whether a selected
    subgoal is subsumed by a tentative answer or not.
    G-subsumption check only partially simulates
    TCS-subsumption, but is enough for speculative

Irrational Tableaux Example
Tentative answer f(b).
?f(a)?f(c) ? ANS(no_room,)?ANS(
f(a)??f(c) ? ANS(l,a,b,c)?ANS(s,a,c
Survived Rational Tableaux in SOL with
Skip-Preference and G-subsumption
3rd step Speculative Computation in SOL with
Skip-Preference and G-subsumption
  • Theorem Suppose that P ?TRi is consistent.
    Let ? Q(X) be a query. If A1??Am?Q(X)?1?...
    ?Q(X)?n is a member of Th(P ?TRi ) and A1??Am
    belongs to lt(?U), nonegt, then there is an
    SOL-S(G) deduction D from P s.t.
  • The top clause is ?Q(X)?ANS(X) . 2. G is (TRi)-
  • The production field P is lt(TRi)- ?ANS ?(?U),
  • D generates a CA-clause
  • B1??Bs?C1??Ct ?ANS(X) s1?... ?ANS(X)sk
  • B1??Bs belongs to lt (TRi)-, nonegt.
  • C1??Ct belongs to lt (?U), nonegt.
  • C1??Ct ?ANS(X)s1?... ?ANS(X)sk subsumes
    A1??Am?ANS(X)?1?... ?ANS(X)?n .

Computation Process
  • Pri ltRi , TRi , Si , Hi gt
  • Ri reply set at i
  • TRi tentative answer set at i
  • Si tentative solution set at i
  • Hi history set at i (i?1)
  • Si (Ai1, Oi1), , (Ain, Oin)
  • Hi Hi-1 ? Aik ? Oik (Aik, Oik) ? Si
  • Aik assumption set at i (TRi ? Aik is
  • Oik solution set at i (ANS-clause)
  • Pro0 ltf, f, f, f gt
  • Pro1 ltf, D, S1, H1 gt

Updating Computation Processes (1/2)
  • Input Pri ltRi , TRi , Si , Hi gt
  • Rnew new replies from slave agents
  • Output Pri1 ltRi1, TRi1 , Si1 , Hi1 gt
  • Step1 Rold ?L? Ri L? Rnew
  • Ri1 Rnew ? (Ri \
  • Step2 Told Rold ? ?L? TRi L? Rnew
  • TRi1 Rnew? (TRi \ Told)
  • Step3 If TRi1 TRi , then Si1 Si and
    Hi1 Hi

Updating Computation Processes (2/2)
  • Step4 Check if there is a CA-clause Ajk ?
    Ojk (j?i) in Hi such that TRi1 does not
    contradict Ajk
  • if exists, then Hi1 Hi and collect all
    such pairs (Aik, Oik) as Si1
  • else recompute SOL-deductions to obtain new
    CA-clauses, which is added to Hi1. Si1 is the
    set of all pairs (A, O) for such new A ? O.

Process Example (1/2)
  • Pro0 lt f, f, f, fgt
  • Pro1 lt f, f(b),f(c) , S1, H1 gt
  • where S1 (f(a),f(b),f(c),
  • (?f(a),f(b),f(c),
  • (f(b),f(c),
    ans(l,a,b,c), ans(s,b,c))
  • and H1 f(a)?f(b)?f(c) ? ans(l,a,b,c),
  • ?f(a)?f(b)?f(c) ?
  • f(b)?f(c) ?
  • Agent B returns the answer free(b)
  • Pro2 lt f(b), f(b),f(c), S1, H1 gt

Process Example (2/2)
  • Agent B changes the answer into ?free(b)
  • Pro3 lt?f(b) , ?f(b), f(c), S3, H3 gt
  • where S3 (f(a),?f(b),f(c),
  • (?f(a),?f(b),f(c),
  • (?f(b),f(c), ans(s,a,c),
  • and H3 H1 ? f(a)??f(b)?f(c) ?
  • ?f(a)??f(b)?f(c) ?
  • ?f(b)?f(c) ? ans(s,a,c)?ans(no
  • B again changes the answer into free(b), and
    Agent A returns the answer free(a)
  • Pro4 ltf(a),f(b), f(a),f(b),f(c), S4, H3 gt
  • where S4 (f(a),f(b),f(c), ans(l,a,b,c)).

  • Speculative computation at each time is
    formalized in default logic.
  • Default computation is significantly simplified
    using the notion of tentative answer sets.
  • An agent can derive new conclusions according to
    incoming new information. This is easily
    realized using a consequence-finding procedure.
  • Conditional answer format is useful for
    representing speculative computation.
  • Skip-preference and G-subsumption prevents
    generating irrational consequences.
  • The history set is used for updating computation
    processes without recomputing the same goals.

Future Work
  • Efficient implementation of SOL and SOL-S(G)
  • More appropriate incremental computation
  • (Integration of top-down and bottom-up
  • Avoidance of recomputation when updating requests
    are arrived during previous computation of
    SOL-deductions (using lemmas)
  • Extension of speculative computation in more
    general frameworks of MAS
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