Title: Fabrication: between C and rhino scripting
1Fabricationbetween C and rhino scripting
- Offset surface planar ?solid tiles
- Exploit connectivity information of voronoi cells
- Unrolling
- Rotation arbitrary position orientation ?
common ground plane - Bolt placement
- Record features for bolted edges
- Vertex merging
- Remove seams from lofted surfaces
2User Interfacecreating and visualizing tiles
- tile depth - unroll - save as - visualize
3User Interfacecreating and visualizing tiles
- tile depth - unroll - save as - visualize
4User Interfacecreating and visualizing tiles
- tile depth - unroll - save as - visualize
5Voronoi Propertiessmart cells ? connected and
- Cells planar
- Constraint
- All vertices lie on a plane
- General case
- Always true for 3 vertices
- Rarely true for gt3 vertices
- Only 3 cells meet at a point
- 2 planes intersect on a line
- 3 planes intersect at a point
- gt 3 planes do not
- Intelligent each cell knows
- Neighboring cells
- Plane normal
- Edges and vertices
6Voronoi Propertiessmart cells ? connected and
- Cells planar
- Constraint
- All vertices lie on a plane
- General case
- Always true for 3 vertices
- Rarely true for gt3 vertices
- Only 3 cells meet at a point
- 2 planes intersect on a line
- 3 planes intersect at a point
- gt 3 planes do not
- Intelligent each cell knows
- Neighboring cells
- Plane normal
- Edges and vertices
7offset surfaceexploit connectivity of voronoi
- back face vertices
- give all cells constant thickness
- back face also planar
- for (every cell)
- for (every vertex)
- // find 3 neighbor cells sharing vertex
- // offset planes along normal vector
- // create new vertex at intersection pt
- Special case cell on surface boundary
- only 2 neighbor cells
- new vertex along line intersection
- Offset along average of 2 normals
8unroll tilesarbitrary orientation ? common
ground plane
- Rotate each cell
- ? align normal with z-axis
- the math
- axis of rotation
- ( z-axis ) x ( normal )
- vector perpendicular to both
- angle of rotation
- angle between z-axis, normal
9Bolt placementembedding edge information for
rhino scripting
- Extra geometry in obj file
- Triangle on each bolted edge
- Vertex 1 midpoint
- Vertex 2 normal to tile face
- Vertex 3 normal to tile edge
- Size ¼ edge length
- Boundary of surface
- Test number of neighbor cells to recognize
boundary - No bolt, no triangle
10Seam removalmerging vertices on loft surfaces
Lofted surfaces create copied vertices ? 2 copies
of each vertex Case 1 Start and end curve Case
2 Curve midway through loft Result Interpreted
as a boundary
11Seam removalmerging vertices on loft surfaces
Obj file format list of vertices ? each with
x,y,z coordinate list of faces ? References
vertex index v 0.2761 1.1840 0.5920 v
0.2546 1.0462 0.5291 f v v
v f 10 24 15 f
11 24 15