Title: ROBOTICS An Introduction
1Production Planning, Scheduling and
Control by Ed Red
2INMASS/MRP Modules MRP (Materials Requirements
Planning) Inventory Control Bill of
Materials Job Cost/Work in Process
Purchasing Sales Order Entry General Ledger
Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable
Payroll Shop Floor Control Bar Coding
Forecasting StarShip Shipping Module
Customer Histories Vendor Histories Each
module includes built-in reports and the INQUIRE
Report Generator allows you to create customized
reports and forms.
- Objectives
- To review modern production control
technologies - MRP - JIT - Shop floor
control - Inventory control - To study costs and complexity of manufacturing
systems - To consider application conditions (student
presentations) - To test understanding of the material presented
3- Production planning, scheduling, and control
- Objective ...managing the details of what and
how many products to produce and when, and
obtaining the raw materials, parts, and resources
to produce those products. (Groover) - Four activities of production planning
- Aggregate production planning enterprise level
planning for product lines and output levels. - Master production planning - Breaking down the
enterprise product plans into a master production
schedule (MPS) for producing models within each
product line. - Material requirements planning (MRP) computer
plan to convert MPS into a schedule of raw
materials and parts used in the end products. - Capacity planning determine labor and equipment
needed to achieve master schedule.
4- Production planning, scheduling, and control
- Four production activities
- Shop floor control compare progress and status
of production orders to production plans (MPS)
and release production orders to the factory as
needed. - Inventory control - techniques for managing
inventory. - Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)
integrates MRP, capacity planning, shop floor
control and other production functions. - Just-in-time production systems (JIT)
scheduling discipline in which materials and
parts are delivered to the next production
station (cell, FMS, etc.) just prior to their
being used.
5- Shop floor control
- Three phases
- Order release soft (modern factory) and/or hard
(manual factory) documentation needed to process
a production order through the factory. - Order scheduling - assigns production orders to
the plant work centers...often referred to as a
dispatch list. - Order progress monitors the status of the
orders in the plant, WIP (work-in-progress), and
any other characteristics which can be used to
measure progress and performance. May depend on a
factory data collection system for information.
6- Shop floor control order release
- Documentation consists of
- Route sheet documents process plan for part to
be produced. - Material requisition - draw necessary materials
from inventory. - Job cards report labor required to produce part
. - Move tickets authorize parts to be transported
between work centers. - Parts list needed if the product requires an
assembly of component parts
7- Shop floor control order scheduling
- Concerned with machine loading and job
sequencing - Machine loading allocating orders to work
centers. - Job sequencing - determining the order in which
parts are processed through a given work center. - Priority control maintains the proper priority
for the production orders under the dispatching
rules first-come-first-serve jobs are
processed in order received earliest due date
orders with earlier due dates have higher
priority shortest processing time those
finished faster have higher priority least slack
time jobs with least slack time have higher
priority critical ratio ratio of time
remaining until due date divided by remaining
process time. Orders with lowest
ratio given higher priority.
8- Shop floor control order progress
- Concerned with progress reports
- Work order status reports status of production
orders. - Progress reports - report performance of shop
during a time period, including orders completed,
orders not completed, etc. - Exception reports deviations from the
production schedule and other exceptions.
9Shop floor control software
10Shop floor control software
11Shop floor control software
12- Inventory control
- Concerned with minimizing cost of holding
inventory and maximizing customer service. These
seem to conflict. - Types of inventory
- Raw materials
- Components
- Finished products
- Inventory costs
- Investment costs
- Storage costs
- Possible obsolescence costs
- Spoilage costs
- Inventory as a function of demand
- Independent demand (order point inventory method)
demand for a product is unrelated to demand for
other items (e.g., final product and spare parts) - Dependent demand (MRP method) demand for an
item is directly related to demand for some other
item (e.g., product component, raw material)
13- WIP inventory costs
- Concerned with minimizing costs of processing
materials before the final product can be
released to the consumer. - Costs considerations
- Production consists of a series of operations
- Time is consumed in each operation (and time is
cost) - Time and costs are consumed between each
operation (e.g., material handling with no value
added) - WIP represents money expended for material and
processing, still considered inventory because
goods are not yet delivered to the customer!
14WIP inventory cost analysis - terms
Cm material cost Tp average production time
(setup plus operation time) Tpk production time
for process k (setup plus operation time) Tsu
average machine setup time for a batch
process Tno average non-operation time for a
machine Tc average operation cycle time for a
machine Ta average operation cycle time for a
machine including setup and non-operation
times Q average batch quantity for batches of
parts being processed
15WIP inventory cost analysis - terms
Co production costs rate Cok operational
costs for process k Cno average non-operational
costs (material handling, inspection, etc.) Cnok
non-operational costs for process k (material
handling, inspection, etc.) Csu setup costs
and/or ordering costs for an order(/setup or
16WIP inventory cost analysis - terms
Cpc part costs accumulated through all
processes, inspections, and material
handling no total number of operations/processes
MLT manufacturing lead time (the longer the
MLT, the greater the
WIP) t time of part
spent in process sequence h holding cost
rate Ch holding costs HCpc holding cost per
part TCpc total cost per part including WIP
carrying costs
17WIP inventory cost analysis graphs
Linear approximation of part costs as function of
time in factory
Part/product costs as function of time in factory
18WIP inventory cost analysis graphs
Linear approximation with WIP holding costs
19WIP inventory cost analysis
Equations avg batch operation cycle time Ta
Tsu Q Tc Tno MLT (batch process) MLT no
Ta cost per operation Cok Co Tpk Cnok
total cost after all operations Cpc Cm
Sk Cok ( k 1, .. no) total cost
after all operations Cpc Cm no ( Co Tp Cno
) assuming Tpk and Cnok are the same for each
20WIP inventory cost analysis
21WIP inventory example
Problem Inventory Holding Cost for WIP During
The cost of the raw material for a certain part
is 100. The part is processed through 20
processing steps in the plant, and the
manufacturing lead time is 15 wk. The production
time per processing step is 0.8 hr, and the
machine and labor rate is 25.00/hr. Inspection,
material handling, and other related costs
average to 10 per processing step by the time
the part is finished. The interest rate used by
the company i 20, and the storage rate s
13. Determine the cost per part and the holding
22WIP inventory example
Problem Inventory Holding Cost for WIP During
Solution The material cost, operation costs,
and non-operation costs are from Cpc Cm Cp
Cm no ( Co Tp Cno ) 100 20(25.00/hr
x .8 hr 10) 100 600
700/pc Next, determine the holding cost rate h
201333. Expressing this as a weekly rate,
h (33)/(52 wk) 0.6346 /wk 0.006346/wk.
The holding cost/pc HCpc (Cm Cp/2) h
(MLT) (100 600/2)(.006346)(15 wk)
38.08/pc This gives a total cost of TCpc Cm
Cp HCpc 700.00 38.08 738.08/pc
23JIT production systems
Problem - to reduce inventory costs by delivering
the correct components to the manufacturing
operation exactly when needed, minimizing WIP and
MLT. JIT is the solution.
24JIT production systems
JIT must have Pull system of production control
Kanban (card) system is often used to implement
a pull system. The cards authorize 1) parts
production (P-kanban) and 2) parts transport
(T-kanban). A P-kanban authorizes an upstream
process to produce only the parts that will fill
a batch container, no more. A T-kanban authorizes
the transport of the batch to a downstream
station. These procedures are duplicated in
sequence, eliminating much of the paperwork, but
uses more labor, although said to promote
teamwork among stations.
25JIT kanban examples
The withdrawal Kanban shows that the preceding
process which makes this part is forging, and the
person carrying this Kanban from the subsequent
process must go to position B-2 of the forging
department to withdraw drive pinions. Each box of
drive pinions contains 20 units and the shape of
the box is B. This Kanban is the 4th of 8 issued.
The item back number is an abbreviation of the
26JIT kanban examples
The production ordering Kanban to the right shows
that the machining process SB-8 must produce the
crankshaft for the car type SX50BC-150. The
crankshaft produced should be placed at store
F26-18. The production-ordering Kanban is often
called an in-process Kanban or simply a
production Kanban.
27JIT production systems
JIT must have Small batch sizes and reduced
setup times uses improvements in fixturing,
part handling, group technology, automation, etc.
to minimize batch size and setup.
28JIT production systems
JIT must have Stable and reliable production
operations also includes a stable supplier
base, good relationships, committed workforce,
defect free materials and components (in other
words, you must have your act together from A
29Lean versus agile production systems
Lean production Agile
manufacturing Enhancement of mass
production Emphasis on mass customization Flexible
production for product variety Flexibility for
customized products Focus on factory
operations Scope is enterprise wide Emphasis on
supplier management Formation of virtual
enterprises Emphasis on efficient use of
resources Thriving environment with continuous
change Relies on smooth production
schedule Responsive to change
Minimize change! Embrace
30Production planning, scheduling and control
What have we learned?