Title: Proactive Research Approaches: Design and Action Research
1Proactive Research Approaches Design and Action
- Professor Matti Rossi (Helsinki School of
Economics) - Professor Maung Sein (Agder University College,
Norway) - This workshop is based on an ongoing
collaborative effort with Dr. Sandeep Purao, Penn
State University, USA, Dr. Ola Henfridsson and
Dr. Rikard Lindgren both of Viktoria Institute,
- To present the proactive research paradigms in
IS research - Design Research
- Action Research
- To map the similarities between the two methods
and discuss how each can learn from the other - Action Design an integrated approach
- To illustrate the concepts through an example
- 0900 - 0920 Proactive research approaches
- 0920 - 1000 Design Research (DR)
- 1000 - 1030 Action Research (AR)
- 1030 - 1040 Break
- 1040 - 1130 Mapping AR DR
- Action Design - integrated approach to designing
in action - 1130 - 1230 lunch
- 1230 - 1330 discussion of possible research
projects and wrap-up
4Mattis background
- Acting professor of information systems at
Helsinki School of Economics - Held visiting assistant professorships both at
Georgia State University and Erasmus University
Rotterdam - All studies at University of Jyväskylä
- Thesis on advanced CASE tools 1998
- Minority owner and former board member of
MetaCase Consulting (www.metacase.com) a spin off
of the thesis project
5Maungs background
- Personal background
- Ethnically Arakanese, Born in Pakistan/Bangladesh
- Moved to USA in 1982, to Norway in 1995 and
back in 1998 - Educational background
- Undergraduate (Electronics Engg.), Masters
(Finance and IS), PhD. (MIS) - Work experience
- Industry Hardware, software, systems analyst,
consultant - Academic Indiana, Florida International, Georgia
State Universities (USA), University of Bergen
(Norway) - Main research areas
- End-user training and learning (Conceptual
frameworks, best practices) - IS development (Methods, projects, conceptual
modelling) - Theoretical/conceptual issues (Relevance of
research, Research methods) - Societal issues of IT (ICT and national
development, e-Government)
6Proactive Research Approaches Design and Action
7Research perspectives
- Natural sciences typically observe reality
- Social sciences interpret organizational and
social phenomena - Computer science assumes natural science as the
way of doing research - Information systems take a more
multi-paradigmatic view
8The Complex world that we operate in
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Information Systems
Information Systems Practice
9Reactive and Proactive paradigms
- Reactive approaches take the world as a stable
environment governed by laws that need to be
discovered by scientists (i.e. are descriptive in
nature) - Proactive approaches aim at developing ways to
achieve human goals (i.e. are prescriptive or
constructive) - The distinction between the two
- natural vs. artificial phenomena
- the intent of the research.
10Reactive and Proactive paradigms
- Goals of research in Reactive paradigms
- Explanation research Truth Seeking and/or
Understanding - Knowledge for its own sake
- Goals of research in Proactive paradigms
- Design and Action Research Improving Practice,
solving problems - Utilitarian perspective
11Link between Reactive and Proactive paradigms
- Proactive (Design) creates artifacts, giving the
phenomena that Reactive (Explanation research)
can study - Proactive (Design) may depend on knowledge
created by Reactive in creating new artifacts - Proactive (Action) may depend on knowledge
created by Reactive as a basis for intervention
12Proactive Research Approaches Design Research
13Why use Design Research approach?
- Things that do not exist cannot be observed
- "... without research efforts directed toward
developing new solutions and systems, there would
be little opportunity for evaluative research"
Nunamaker et al., 1991
- Design is the core of all professional
training it is the principal mark that
distinguishes the professions from the sciences. - business schools have become schools of
finite mathematics. - Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial.
The MIT Press, 1981.
15Design Research
- Reference disciplines
- Psychology, sociology, ethnography, computer
science, economics, management - Level of analysis
- Society, profession, inter-org, org, project,
group, individual, concept, system, component
16Design research premises
- Ontology
- Realist (real world exists but we are not seeking
it) - Epistemology
- We can intervene in the world to improve it
- Methodology
- Development/Design of systems, models
- Qualitative and exploratory way of thinking, but
could lead to quantitative confirmations - Axiology
- Relevance is stressed
17When to use Design Research?
- New areas
- There are theories, but they cannot be tested
- There are clear deficiencies in former systems
18Products of Design Research
Purao 2002
19Steps in Design Research
- Identify a need
- Problem solving
- Build
- Model, Instantiate
- Evaluate
- Verify, Validate
- Learn
- Current, Emergent
- Theorize
- Conceptualize and generalize findings
20Identify a need
- Find a deficiency in current systems
- Do field studies of problems in the field
- After a problem is found perform a thorough
search of previous research on the topic - If previous research does not address the problem
and it is interesting - gt go to next step
- Design the system
- Use good software engineering principles
- Get the best tools and reuse everything that You
can - Define the measures of success
- gt Just do it!
22Evaluation of Design Research
- Analysis of the built systems
- Trials in laboratory
- Field trials
- Commercial success
- Measure of success should be defined before the
implementation - Systems should be evaluated against the defined
23Evaluation (Hevner et al., 2004)
24Evaluation Chen et al.
- The purpose is to study an important phenomenon
in areas of information systems through system
building - The results make a significant contribution to
the domain - The system is testable against all the stated
objectives and requirements - The new system can provide better solutions to IS
problems than the existing systems and design
expertise gained from building the system can be
generalized for future use.
25Evaluation Sein, Purao, Rossi - 1
- Internal criteria
- Match between the artifact and the abstract
idea. How well does the artifact embody the
abstract idea that is being researched? - Match with generally accepted principles of
designed artifacts - Is the artifact a good system as defined by the
field (good interfaces, easy to use etc.)
26Evaluation Sein, Purao, Rossi - 2
- External
- Advancement of design theory
- Is the abstracted idea generalisable to other
contexts or at least advance our understanding of
other design contexts? - Are the ideas, if not the elements of the
artifact, reusable? - Advancement of information systems discipline
- Does the artifact behave in / influences/improves
the environment/context in which it is intended
to be used?
27Examples of measures
- How well the proposed algorithm performs in real
life situations - The speed of systems development using the
constructed system - The market share won
- Lukka Kasanens weak strong market test
28Learn and theorize
- Reflect on the process and product
- Try to generalize findings
- Try to confirm or reject the original assumptions
- gt Start a new cycle, which analyzes the system in
use - lt Start from the beginning...
29Design Research Guidelines
30Reporting a building project
- Introduction
- explain the problem
- Identify the related research
- Research method
- what type of approach used?
- Nunamakerian, Marchian or Hevnerian?
- Identify the system properly
- What problem it solves?
- What is the new idea behind the system and is
indeed new - State the approach
- explain logical design,
- some idea about the physical/platform aspects,
- explain the implementation project
- The product evaluation
- Measure against the "success" criteria
- In Discussion Specify lessons learnt and theorize
31Further reading
- March, S., Hevner, A. and Ram, S. (2000).
"Research Commentary An Agenda for Information
Technology Research in Heterogeneous and
Distributed Environments." Information Systems
Research 11(4) 327-341. - Hevner, A., March, S., Park, J. and Ram, S.
(2004). "Design Science in Information Systems
Research." MIS Quarterly 28(1) 75-105. - Purao, S. (2002). Design Research in the
Technology of Information Systems Truth or
Dare. GSU Department of CIS Working Paper.
Atlanta. - Brooks, F. (1996). "The Computer Scientist as
Toolsmith II." Communications of the ACM 39(3)
61-68. - Link http//www.isworld.org/Researchdesign/drisIS
33Proactive Research Approaches Action Research
34Action Research Definition
- Action research simultaneously assists in
practical problem-solving and expands scientific
knowledge, as well as enhances the competencies
of the respective actors, being performed
collaboratively in an immediate situation using
data feedback in a cyclical process aiming at an
increased understanding of change processes in
social systems and undertaken within a mutually
acceptable ethical framework.Hult Lennung,
35Action research premises
- Ontology
- Information systems are Social systems with
technical implications or Technical systems with
social implications - Epistemology
- Knowledge for action
- Knowledge for critical reflection
- Reflective science or Philosophy
- Methodology
- Active intervention in organizational contexts
- Qualitative and exploratory way of thinking
- Axiology
- Relevance is vital prime goal is problem solving
36Action research basics
- Assumptions
- Social settings cannot be reduced for study
- Action (i.e. intervention) brings understanding
- Action research is performed collaboratively
Researchers and practitioners are partners - Action research is building/testing theory within
context of solving an immediate practical problem
in real setting - Thus it combines theory and practice, researchers
and practitioners, and intervention and
reflection - Action research is not consulting it is action,
but still research
37Action Research process
Susman Evered, 1978
38Action Research process
- Diagnosing a problem
- develop a theoretical premise
- Action planning
- guided by theoretical framework
- Action taking
- intervention, introducing change
- Evaluating, reflecting
- effects of change, theoretical premises
- Specifying learning
- double loop
- feed next iteration
- theorise
39Action Case
- Focus on method development and evaluation
- Action - from action research
- Understanding of context from case studies
- experimental approach - from field experiment
- Features
- projects with short duration
- intervention in real time
- emphasis on quasi-experiments
- reducing complexity - one issue at a time
- focus on changes in small scale
40Canonical Action Research Criteria (Adapted from Davison, R. M., Martinsons, M. G., and Kock, N. Principles of Canonical Action Research, Information Systems Journal (141), 2004, pp. 65-86.) Canonical Action Research Criteria (Adapted from Davison, R. M., Martinsons, M. G., and Kock, N. Principles of Canonical Action Research, Information Systems Journal (141), 2004, pp. 65-86.)
Criterion Description
1. Principle of Researcher-Client Agreement (RCA) The RCA provides the basis for mutual commitment and role expectations.
2. Principle of Cyclical Process Model (CMP) The CPM consists of the stages diagnosing, action planning, action taking, evaluating, and specifying learning.
3. The Principle of Theory Theory must play a central role in action research.
4. The Principle of Change Through Action Action and change are indivisible research elements related through intervention focused on producing change.
5. The Principle of Learning Through Reflection Considered reflection and learning allow a researcher to make both a practical and theoretical contribution.
41Further reading
- Baskerville, R. "Investigating information
systems with action research", (paper) (A
tutorial on how to do action research) - Braa, K. "Priority workshops Springboard for
user participation in redesign activities",
Proceedings of the Conference on Organisational
Computing, ACMSIGOIS, California, 1995, 90-112. - Hult, M. and Lennung, S-A. (1980). Towards a
definition of action research A note and
bibliography, Journal of Management Studies, May,
pp. 241-250.
43Proactive Research Approaches Mapping AR DR
44Commonalities between AR and DR
- Ontology the phenomenon of interest does not
remain static through the research process. - Epistemology knowledge is created through
intervening to effect change, and reflecting on
this intervention. - Axiology both value the relevance of the
research problem, and emphasise practical utility
and theoretical knowledge
45A Common Paradigm Pragmatism
- Applying the tenets of pragmatism (that
characterize AR) to DR - Consequences defining concepts In DR, there is a
need to establish the purpose of the resultant
artefact. - Practical outcome embodying truth The focus of
DR is practical action, which ensures that the
notion of truth lies in the utility of the
produced artefact. - Logic of controlled inquiry The essence of DR is
that designing must inform theory in that the
produced artefact should embody a theoretical
premise or a new idea, which can be evaluated
by evaluating the artefact. - Social context of action In DR, the act of
designing is socially and organizationally
situated, specifically in our conceptualization.
46AR-DR Cross-Fertilization
- Adding Reflection to Augment Learning from DR
- Interjecting an AR cycle at the last stage of the
DR process - A DR project may be framed as an AR project if an
organizational problem needs to be solved, and
the action involves building a system - Concretizing Learning from AR by Adding Build
- Frame the output of AR as a DR artefact, such as
prototypes, frameworks, or models - Enhancing the AR action taking phase by including
the building of a design artefact. - Envisioning an AR-DR Integrated Research Process
Action Design
47AR-DR Cross-Fertilization
Diagnosing a problem
Action planning
Action taking
Start a DR process -gt
Evaluating, reflecting
Specifying learning
48Mapping AR and DR processes
- Design Research
- DR1 - Identifying a need
- DR2 - Building
- DR3 - Evaluating
- DR4 - Learning
- DR5 - Theorizing
- Action Research
- AR1 - Diagnosing a problem
- AR2 - Action planning
- AR3 - Action taking
- AR4 - Evaluating, reflecting
- AR5 - Specifying learning
Mapping Map 1 - DR1 -gt AR1 Map 2 - DR2 -gt AR2
AR3 Map 3 - DR3 -gt AR4 Map 4 - DR4 DR5 -gt AR5
49Action Design
Problem Definition
DR1 - Identifying a need
AR1 - Diagnosing a problem
Building and Intervention
DR2 - Building
AR2 - Action planning
AR3 - Action taking
DR3 - Evaluating
AR4 - Evaluating, reflecting
Reflection and Learning
DR4 - Learning
DR5 - Theorizing
AR5 - Specifying learning
50Principles of Action Design - 1
- Principle of utility
- truth in knowledge is determined by the utility
of the developed artifact (based on pragmatism,
Baskerville and Myers 2004) - Principle of artifact
- The product of the AR-DR synthesized approach is
an artifact (Hevner et al., Järvinen, DR core) - Principle of knowledge through building,
intervention and reflection - The epistemology of our research subscribes to
51Principles of Action Design - 2
- Principle of evaluation in an organizational
context (March Smith, AR core) - Principle of mutual learning and informing
- Theory-to-practice and practice-to-theory (CAR
core) - Principle of purposeful action (CAR core)
52Map 1 (Problem definition)
- DR1 AR1
- Both start with diagnosing the problem, but
- Question is the level of abstraction of problem
articulation abstract at the beginning of the
research process or at the end? - in DR, abstraction a priori is an important
concern - in AR, it is debatable
- ideal to define it at a higher level of
abstraction - often it is defined in a contextual manner
53Map 2 (Building and Intervention)
- DR2 AR2 AR3
- Design and action are both intervening into
reality to improve or support existing
organizational activities/processes, but - In DR the idea of intervention is not clearly
planned i.e. it does not involve a clear set of
steps - In AR, planning and acting are distinct steps
54Map 3 (Evaluation)
- DR3 AR4
- Both approaches stress problem solving
- For DR, evaluation involves additionally
- Internal criteria
- Match between the artifact and the abstract
idea - Match with generally accepted principles of
designed artifacts - External criteria
- Advancement of design theory
- Advancement of information systems discipline
55Map 4 (Reflection and Learning)
- DR4 DR5 AR5
- Both depend on reflection and generalization to
theoretical concepts and other contexts - In AR, what the practitioner members of the
research team learn is vital
56DR-AR Mapping Some Issues
- Role of theory
- AR community is divided on whether a priori
theory is necessary - In DR, a theoretical stance is not a prerequisite
to starting the research process theoretical
stance often emerges during design. - Role of the user
- In AR, there is always a user (practitioners)
- In DR, a user is either present (systems designed
for specific organizational context), or assumed - Iteration
- In DR, iterations are more frequent than in AR
- Continual modification element of play
- Design research involves play in DR, the idea
of intervention is true though it is not clearly
planned i.e. it does not involve a clear set of
57Further reading
- Cole, R., Purao, R., Rossi, M. and Sein. M.K.
(2005). Being Proactive Where Action Research
meets Design Research, Proceedings of ICIS
2005, Las Vegas, USA, Dec 2005 - Järvinen, P. (2005). Action Research as an
Approach in Design Science, presented in THE
EURAM (European Academy of Management)
Conference, Munich, May 4-7, 2005
59Contact Information
- Matti Rossi
- Helsinki School of Economics
- P.O. Box 1210
- FIN-00101 Helsinki
- Finland
- Email mrossi_at_hkkk.fi
- Phone 358-9-43138996
- Fax 358-9-43138777
- http//www.hkkk.fi/mrossi