Title: Killdeer
1Killdeer Two bands on neck Has knees Shorebird N
ests on ground Yellowish legs
2Mourning Dove Pigeon like body Coffee brown with
speckles Long tail / black eye
3Red-tailed Hawk Yellow Talons Hooked beak Rusty
red tail Raptor/bird of prey
4American Crow Large black bird Thick beak Black
feathers, eyes, beak, legs
5European Starling ALIEN Yellow beak Dark
eye Legs/ orange or yellow Males less spots than
females Shiny black
6Common Grackle Black/iridescent Like oil spill on
feathers YELLOW EYE Black beak Dark legs
7Brown-headed Cowbird Brown head Male black
body, beak, eye Parasitic nester
8Red-winged blackbird Male- red/yellow patch on
top of wings Black beak/legs/eye
9American Robin Orange breast Grey back and
darker face Chin has whitish stripes
10American Cardinal Pointy head Thick beak Black
mask/chin Male - RED
11Northern Flicker Large woodpecker brown w/
spots Yellow shafted feathers under tail Black
spot on upper chest Red under beak X feet for
gripping bark - LONG pointy bill
12Downy Woodpecker Red spot on back of head Black
and white back White breast Feet in X shape for
woodpeckers to grasp side of trees
13Canada Goose Black/white head Grey back White
14Blue Jay- Crest on head Long black beak Blue
back/white breast Ring on neck
15Tufted Titmouse Smaller than Jay Grey back Rusty
under wing Pointy head
16White-Breasted Nuthatch Black cap/white around
eye Often upside down Slate grey back White breast
17Carolina Chickadee Black cap and chin Black
covers EYE Grey back White breast Small beak
18House sparrow (ALIEN) Black chin/mask Brown-stripe
y back Grey/brown breast Short thick beak
19House Finch Male- reddish upper chest and
face Striped breast Small bird
20Goldfinch Male- YELLOW and black Small beak/but