Formative Assessment Institute - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Formative Assessment Institute


Formative Assessment Institute – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Formative Assessment Institute

Formative Assessment Institute
FAI Survey Results February 2008
Please identify your position
Choice Count Percentage of Total Sample
Teacher 28 40.6
Instructional Facilitator 21 30.4
Administrator 15 21.7
Other 5 7.2
District Name
Choice Count Percentage of Total Sample
Campbell 1 0 0.0
Carbon 1 2 2.9
Fremont 1 13 18.8
Fremont 14 2 2.9
Laramie 1 0 0.0
Natrona 1 1 1.4
Washakie 1 2 2.9
Big Horn 4 0 0.0
Converse 1 0 0.0
Fremont 24 2 2.9
Fremont 25 5 7.2
District Name
Choice Count Percentage of Total Sample
Johnson 1 1 1.4
Lincoln 1 1 1.4
Lincoln 2 1 1.4
Park 1 10 14.5
Park 6 7 10.1
Platte 2 2 2.9
Sheridan 2 3 4.3
Sublette 1 1 1.4
Sweetwater 2 6 8.7
Weston 1 2 2.9
Sheridan 1 7 10.1
Topic Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree NA
The strategies used by the presenters were appropriate in helping me attain the goals(s) and/or outcomes of this professional development experience. 9 55 3 1 1
This professional development offered sufficient and appropriate opportunity for networking. 21 42 4 0 2
I gained knowledge and skills to implement this professional development into my job. 15 47 3 1 3
The level of difficulty of the content was appropriate. 12 51 4 1 1
The presenters were knowledgeable and effective. 15 50 2 1 1
The handouts and materials were adequate and useful. 17 46 2 0 4
The Formative Assessment Institute Wikispace (website) is useful to me. 15 36 4 0 14
Keynote Speakers
Topic Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree NA
Jim Pophams presentation was beneficial to me as a participant of the Formative Assessment Institute. 14 31 9 4 11
Scott Marions presentation was beneficial to me as a participant of the Formative Assessment Institute. 12 33 14 9 1
I would like to have additional keynote speakers for next years Formative Assessment Institute. 18 33 9 4 5
Please list any suggestions you might have for
additional keynote speakers.
  • I have no suggestions, as I don't feel keynotes
    are important (I disagreed above)
  • None at this time (This was stated many times)
  • I would like to explore the research and
    information on brain research as it applies to
    timely assessment and re-teaching.
  • Rick Stiggins or possibly the DuFour's on PLC's
  • My suggestion would be to eliminate the keynote
    speaker and give us more time to work with our
    teams and the content.
  • Must be type of speaker that will encourage our
    group to participate and really get involved.
    Not one that fights for words to get his/her
    point across.
  • How much money do you have? Is Stiggins
    available, or any of the other authors of the
    book we are using for the institute? Our
    district also read the book "Checking for
    Understanding." What about one of those authors
    - Douglas Fisher or Nancy Frey? Is there anyone
    for ASCD that can address formative assessments?
  • If we have keynote speakers, they need to be at
    our level of work...we were at a practical level
    and Scott was at a theoretical level causing
    cognitive dissonance.
  • Mary Thrasher, Janie Pollock
  • Someone more charismatic.

Please list any suggestions you might have for
additional keynote speakers.
  • I would like to have keynote speakers that are
    actually engaging.
  • I would be OK w/another speaker, but not for 3
    1/2 hours. I felt that this time could have been
    better used.
  • Make sure the views of the speaker don't conflict
    with what we have been doing.
  • Marzano? Wiggins? McTighe?
  • Bob Marzano.
  • Just not as long
  • Four hours of a keynote speaker is too long. I
    would like a keynote speaker, but only if it is
  • It would be beneficial to have someone come in to
    instruct us on writing good formative assessments
    in a variety of areas and levels.
  • Stiggins
  • How about John Metcalfe, FCSD1 Curriculum
    Assessment Director?
  • The superintendent from Alaska who now does
    Reinventing Schools on setting learning goals
    with student and stakeholder input from the
  • Stiggins Reeves Gusky Marzano Schmoker
    Schlechty Jacobs.
  • Jane E. Pollack/Marzano

Please list any suggestions you might have for
additional keynote speakers.
  • Scott really created a lot of turmoil for me. He
    did not have any answers and really confused the
  • Rick Stiggins
  • Give us a better understanding of what direction
    the state is headed.
  • Marzano . . . Daggett . . . any brain-based
  • Having real administrators, instructional
    facilitators, and teachers who are effectively
    using FA would be great. There was just a Public
    Education and Business Coalition conference in
    Denver where participants met with collaborative
    teams from real schools who were fully engaged in
    formative assessment and integrated instruction.
    It was great having the leading researchers
    present the theory, now I would like to hear from
    people who are actually "doing" FA.
  • Scott's hands-on group activity and part of his
    information was helpful and useful however, some
    of it seemed hyper academic and intended to
    impress us with his research. I could have done
    with less of than.
  • I have mixed feelings about having keynote
    speakers. One maybe to get us going might be
    good and one later on to help get the drive back
    but many times the keynote speakers come, talk,
    and leave without making that much impact on the
    group. Assistance with what we will be
    undertaking will have more impact and better
    results than keynote speakers.

Please list any suggestions you might have for
additional keynote speakers.
  • Scott Marion's message was useful - but he needs
    to beef up his presentation. What he said was
    impressive, but the presentation was blah. Hard
    to listen to.
  • Is it possible to get Rick Stiggins or Ken
  • Someone from the PLC/Solution Tree group.
  • Relate your material to the classroom, not just
  • Classroom Management Speakers for IF peer help
  • Better sound system
  • Please list any suggestions you might have for
    additional keynote speakers. I don't have any
  • Motivational

If you are an administrator, please tell us the
most important thing you would like to get out of
the session with your colleagues.
  • How to wrap up the four conferences and how to
    incorporate. How other districts are doing and
    their recommendations. I personally like new
    things like the story skeleton.
  • I would like to know how formative assessment
    will look in the teacher's classroom.
  • State Review of District Proficiencies
    (BOE)-April 2009
  • implementation strategies in our buildings
  • I am very interested in learning more about the
    BOE and formative assessments.
  • Finding out what others are doing in their
  • The importance of the Instructional facilitator,
    and to be used by most teachers.
  • How administrators can support the work of
    teachers and instructional facilitators in
    formative assessment. Our role...
  • I would like to continue with the planning and
    dialog about how we will begin to train the rest
    of our staff where what we have learned will fit
    into our needs and basically how we make the
    most use of our new knowledge.

If you are an administrator, please tell us the
most important thing you would like to get out of
the session with your colleagues.
  • The most important thing I would like to get out
    of the session with my colleagues is a common
    understanding of how we must proceed with the
    assessment plan, targets, and formative
    assessments in our district.
  • A better understanding of our building plan for
    next years staff development.
  • Your advisory panel determined needs of the
    group. I would like to be included in this
  • Strategies on how to implement the Formative
    Assessment into the day to day teachers
  • How do administrators plan to implement what they
    Dave learned FAI in their districts. Big
  • I would like to have a discussion/sharing time to
    see how other principals are implementing the
    different pieces of the institute within their
    buildings, identifying which pieces are a higher
    priority than others.

If you are an administrator, please tell us the
most important thing you would like to get out of
the session with your colleagues.
  • The time to visit with other administrators about
    how they are implementing formative assessment in
    their buildings is invaluable. Having adequate
    time budgeted for networking is important.
  • Implementation strategies and ideas from all. I
    think we need to look at how we are all working
    on alignment, assessments, and time for staff to
    do this work without getting drained. There
    really is a lot on their plates and it seems that
    we need to find ways to help them so they do not
    get so frustrated.

If you are an Instructional Facilitator, please
tell us the most important thing you would like
to get out of the session with your colleagues.
  • How to encourage teachers the importance of
    continual formative assessments.
  • I image that something needs to be here too.
  • How are other IF's working with admin teachers
    on formative assessment?
  • More tool box strategies to share with my
    faculty. Learning to assess every day to direct
    our instruction is very useful to facilitate
    change in our school.
  • I would like to gain adequate knowledge so that I
    might be able to assist my teachers when we
    return to our district.
  • How to help teachers develop useable, effective
    formative assessments.
  • A "laundry List" of formative assessment
  • How are IF's helping teachers with formative
    assessments? Does your district have formative
    assessments already made in a curricular area?
  • Ideas on how to effectively share the information
    with my staff in "shorter" sessions.
  • I would love to know what the other IF's are
    doing in their districts and how their
    administrators are using them to help their
    districts grow.

If you are an Instructional Facilitator, please
tell us the most important thing you would like
to get out of the session with your colleagues.
  • Accountability working and continue a
    instructional awareness
  • To gain information on progress monitoring using
    a variety of formative assessments...maybe create
    a bank of formative assessments in our break out
  • I would like to be able to plan and/or design
    where we will go from here as a district. In
    order to do that I think we need some specifics
    about what we will be working on in FAI in March
    and next year so we can bring the necessary
    materials to make a doable and worthwhile plan.
  • How does a BOE affect middle school students? Is
    it coming for 6-8 grades?
  • Ideas and examples of what good formative
    assessment looks like. What forms of
    assessment they are using to progress monitor in
    their Districts and how they help teachers
    implement them.
  • Complete understanding of the steps that we need
    to take to develop formative assessments.
  • I would like to know how to help teachers unpack

If you are an Instructional Facilitator, please
tell us the most important thing you would like
to get out of the session with your colleagues.
  • Practical and tried formative assessments to
    share with our teachers on all levels primary -
    high school.
  • How are instructional facilitators across the
    state measuring their effectiveness? Do any of
    them have evaluation forms and/or formal job
    descriptions? Do the IF's keep logs of their work
    with teachers? How are they spending their time?
    Related to assessment How do they promote good
    assessment practices in their work with teachers?
  • I would like to discuss/develop a clearer picture
    of what the role of an instructional facilitator
    should be in the formative assessment scheme of
    things for our district. Right now, it feels as
    though we have not had a conversation in which we
    all know exactly what our goals are, and
    consequently, we do not seem to have a clear idea
    of what our roles should be.
  • I would love to really identify our district
    action plan and my role in that plan as a
  • See what others are doing.
  • Knowing good assessments when I see it, and
    helping teachers build learning targets.
  • Just having people share what they are doing and
    how it is working in their district would be

If you are an Teacher, please tell us the most
important thing you would like to get out of the
session with your colleagues.
  • I would like to see actual formative assessment
    tools, especially a management system to keep
    records for individual students.
  • Unpacking standards so we are consistent around
    the state.
  • How to best integrate formative assessment in the
    classroom regularly.
  • Time to work on implementation and bringing the
    ideas back to the rest of our building.
  • Work on pre and post assessments for
  • Just the talking and sharing are tremendous help.
    What are others doing, where do they struggle,
    where are their successes?
  • Ideas for learning targets.
  • I would like to get a good, clear, and concise
    wrap up of each of the components of formative
    assessment. A quick multiple-choice response
    with some discussion afterwards would be great.
    Things become a bit muddled, and I'm pretty sure
    that I know more than I think I know. It would
    be interesting to see how much we really do know
    and have learned (of course, in a non-threatening
    fun way!).
  • Mainly how to successfully implement these
    strategies in my school.
  • More toolbox strategies. A potential lining out
    of assessments for each grade level. What works

If you are an Teacher, please tell us the most
important thing you would like to get out of the
session with your colleagues.
  • I would like to see actual examples of how other
    teachers break down their standards or use
    formative assessments.
  • I would like to look at samples of good formative
    assessments so we can make the transition to
    writing our own assessments a little less
    painful. It would be helpful to have them at all
    areas and levels. (k-12)
  • Networking and sharing the ideas with other
    districts then coming together with ours was
    really an eye-opener and educational.
  • Assessment accountability
  • Examples of effective formative assessments we
    saw some examples in individual school handouts
    that did not look like the represent what we are
    learning am I correct? Did any of the
    presenters look at those materials?
  • We are going to plan our staff development for
    next year we already have discussed what we are
    going to do when we are there.
  • Practice matching learning goals to test
    questions or evaluating tests to see if they
    match learning goals. I am struggling with that
  • If I were teaching, I would want to know where I
    was in teaching students with effective teaching
    practices and what I needed to do. Questions to
    be asking myself when planning good instruction.

If you are an Teacher, please tell us the most
important thing you would like to get out of the
session with your colleagues.
  • How, why and when to use formative assessments
    and the value of them.
  • Some samples of formative assessments teachers
    are currently using and how they are fitting them
    in around all the summative assessments we have
    to complete. I would like something to bring
    back to the other teachers to share with them.
  • Ideas of formative assessments they have used
    with success.
  • More practice with the activities
  • I enjoy seeing how other districts are handling
    the state's body of evidence with common
    assessments and some of their specific formative
    teaching tools.
  • I would like to do more work on actually
    unpacking the standards and understanding what
    learning targets are.

If you are an Teacher, please tell us the most
important thing you would like to get out of the
session with your colleagues.
  • How to actually implement some of this stuff or
    share it with my fellow teachers.
  • How are other districts using formative
    assessment with writing? I would like examples of
    how these assessments are implemented.
  • Formative assessment strategies that are content
    specific or maybe grade level specific (elem, ms,
  • Useful ideas I can implement ASAP.
  • Working with my group. It is much more valuable
    than listening to the same information being
    repeated over and over again.
  • Immediate classroom usage of material.

Do you feel it would be beneficial to have a
short presentation on BOE requirements.
Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute (training room, food, breaks,
  • It was great being back at the Inn in Lander.
  • The logistics were fine. If I was cold, I
    dressed warmer. The food was sufficient, and if
    it wasn't to my taste, I will bring my own.
  • The Inn at Lander is the best place to be. We
    are saddened that we have to return to the hard
    chairs at the community center. It's nice to be
    able to be comfortable for 2 days, especially for
    those of us with physical health issues.
  • The Institute is very comfortable now. All of
    our needs are met and the group size is great.
    Keep up the good work!!!
  • The Best Western was Awesome! I wish we could
    all meet there. The sound system was much better
    at the convention center this time.
  • In March, could we spend 1/2 of the time at the
    community center and 1/2 of the time at the Inn?
  • The February session was just fine. Do not
    change anything.
  • The training room at the hotel is great. The
    food was excellent as usual.
  • Bringing lunch to the Community Center on the
    second day was great!

Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute (training room, food, breaks,
  • Good environment
  • Need more Diet Pepsi at the community center and
    a few more snacks.
  • Everything is going well.
  • It would be nice if you could provide food for
    the folks at the Community Center so we don't
    have to drive back and forth.
  • People seemed to get up and take breaks whenever
    they needed them. there should be more of a
    variety of food/snacks so that those with food
    allergies can find something they can eat
  • The community center is not the best. It is hard
    to see and hear. The food is very good. The
    breaks are sufficient.
  • It was much better with internet at the center.
  • Much better! However, the extra long day was very
    difficult. It was beneficial due to the weather,
    but I'm not so sure I want to do it again.
  • I think all of the logistics are great. I am
    pleased that we have been broken into two
    different groups, it is much better this way.

Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute (training room, food, breaks,
  • Please and fruit if possible.
  • As professionals, I think we're there to learn
    rather than to be provided with every comfort.
    It was fine. We could see and hear and had some
    elbow room, and that was great. No one was cold
    and hungry to my knowledge.
  • Both places are good, but it would be nice to at
    least have some muffins/doughnuts/fruit for
    breakfast at the Community Center for those who
    do not wish to stop at the other building.
  • Maybe shorter breaks and longer breakout sessions
  • Hard to travel for lunch and breakfast back and
  • Great! The hotel staff feeds us very well.
  • The community center is a horrible place to meet.
    It is dark, difficult to hear, and cold. I did
    not get anything out of the time there because I
    couldn't see or hear. The hotel is a much better
    place to meet.
  • The food as always been awesome! You have done a
    great job of fixing all of the other logistical
    problems since the first meeting.
  • All good

Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute (training room, food, breaks,
  • Great!!
  • Nice to be in the Lander Inn rather than the
    community center with it's poor acoustics and
    uncomfortable chairs and the bathroom so close to
    the tables (ppphhhew) We do wonder though what
    the larger school district are doing? Are there
    ideas that the other group should hear?
  • Keep doing what you are doing.
  • IT went nicely this complaints
  • The food has been great. You might want to think
    about when you allow districts collaboration time
    as often times if we have collaboration time at
    the end of the day team members leave and we do
    not use the time as effectively as we could if it
    were scheduled differently.
  • I think you have it down!!
  • It was very nice in the Inn with the fewer number
    of people. The breaks, the food, everything was
    very nice.
  • Everything was great this time.

Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute
  • You are doing an amazing job with the number of
  • Fine
  • The facility at the Inn is much more conducive to
    large group presentation along with small group
  • Food great but I always go for protein like the
    eggs and bacon. I liked having just drinks or
    fruit for breaks. The room was comfortable and
    the sound good.
  • I really like the atmosphere at the hotel better
    than the convention center. The food has been
  • Just fine.
  • The Inn at Lander is wonderful! I do not like
    the room at the community center. It's not a
    good room to conduct a meeting in all day long.
    Chairs are really uncomfortable and it's hard to
    see and hear presenters.
  • Fine
  • I do not like going to the community center. Not
    enough restrooms for the women. The Lander Inn is
    great. Food is always good.
  • Community center chairs are uncomfortable and
    sound system lacking. Food is great! Can we get
    Diet Coke? Cold cans better than that soda

Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute.
  • It is fine
  • Great Chef! She deserves a huge round of
    applause! Thanks for the wireless Internet at
    the Community Center.
  • Overall it is okay.
  • The hotel is significantly better than the
    community center. The lighting, sound,
    temperature, and chairs are much more conducive
    to learning. Personally, I'd rather be crowded in
    a good learning environment than spread out in a
    poor facility.
  • You are doing well with handling a large group.
    I appreciated the effort to allow some thinking
    and interaction time with those of other
    districts. The training room rotations seemed
    fair and workable. The breakfast mixed fruit was
    disappointingly soft and seemed unfresh. Running
    out of pop in the dispenser might have been
  • I have been fine with all the logistics.
  • I really felt that everything was very nice and
    Lander is doing a great job of finding ways to
    make this a success for all attending. My hat is
    off to Paige, John, and the others for all they
    have done. As for the question about the BOE
    work, I think people need to know where it fits
    in with what we are doing here and it does. I
    think knowing the direction both are heading and
    how this will compliment that process would be
    worth the time. I would not spend a large amount
    of time on it at this time.

Please give us some feedback about the logistics
of the Institute
  • No environmental concerns.
  • The host facility has done a good job
    accommodating the many needs of the institute
  • Everything was really great, especially the boxed
  • I absolutely LOVED being at the Hotel and not
    having to travel anywhere throughout the day.
  • The Hotel site was much better than the lodge.
  • I prefer to have our sessions meet at the Inn (of
    course), and it seems to me that it would be
    better if meals could be served at the venues
    where our teams are working (instead of traveling
    to the Inn from the community center).
  • Since we are breaking in to two groups I feel the
    logistics are fine.
  • Worked well
  • Split up again
  • The Best Western does an awesome job.
  • The motel is so much more conducive to learning
    than the center.
  • The community center and overall schedule worked
    well for our team, and as always, the food was
  • Need water during every session and small snack.

What area offered you the greatest learning
  • Writing Learning Targets
  • I experienced the greatest learning opportunity
    during the FEBRUARY (not November) FAI training
    during the networking of other districts during
    the sharing of our homework.
  • I think this is supposed to say February FAI
    training, the time to work as a district on our
  • Creating learning targets.
  • Time to work with the concepts presented so that
    we could internalize them for use back in our
  • The five kinds of learning targets.
  • Unpacking standards.
  • Conversations with other administrators and
    instructional facilitators
  • Unpacking standards
  • Learning targets Unpacking the standards
  • Time to work/discuss with colleagues.
  • Networking
  • Sharing information with colleagues on where
    everyone was and what they were doing.
  • Time to work in our team on our implementation

What area offered you the greatest learning
  • In February, I especially found the assessment
    breakdown beneficial.
  • I really enjoyed listening to Scott Marion. It
    was also beneficial to work with the standards
    and the learning targets.
  • Back to November? If this is a typo, and if you
    are asking about February, I would say that the
    keynote speaker gave me the greatest learning
    opportunity. The speaker was encouraging as he
    expressed that there are different opinions even
    among experts about several areas regarding
    formative assessment - even down to the basic
    definition. He was easy to listen to and he made
    sense. He offered some basic knowledge and
    addressed some concerns/issues that I was feeling
    in regard to the whole area. I especially
    enjoyed his comments about embracing the
  • Do you mean February? Looking at our own
    assessments with someone there to talk to.
  • Break out sessions
  • The toolbox strategies.
  • Do you mean January? It was so helpful sharing
    our "homework." I needed more time. Also, it
    was very helpful meeting with the other
    instructional facilitators.

What area offered you the greatest learning
  • Unpacking standards
  • I enjoyed being able to learn from people in
    other districts as well as share ideas with
    people in my own district.
  • Assessment value and testing curriculum
  • Working in groups
  • The separate break out sessions were more
    beneficial than the group. Feb. training was
    great...I liked it the best.
  • Team working time after the presentation
  • Descriptive feedback.
  • Descriptive feedback.
  • February's meeting left me confused. It did not
    have the clarity and focus that the other
    meetings had. Scott may have been the cause of
  • Actual time to talk to people in our own
    District. I really like the big sheets with the
    Dist. Classroom and building level. They are
    very helpful and help us to focus.
  • Chance to work together as a team.
  • Networking
  • Looking at our district-wide assessments and
    setting up a plan.
  • Breaking into groups

What area offered you the greatest learning
  • Networking with other districts.
  • The understanding of unpacking standards
  • I appreciated the work on assessments and the
    sharing opportunity (homework) with other
  • The greatest learning opportunity in February was
    the collaborative group times both in mixed
    groups and with colleagues. Unfortunately, both
    groups were extremely rushed which limited the
  • Time to visit and interact with people outside
    our own district to learn what and how they do
  • I was able to learn and work in the rooms we were
  • If so the assessment work was great and the
    feedback meeting with all the different Districts
    was great.
  • Unpacking standards Target learning
  • Work on teacher assessments.
  • In the February training the best part was the
    sharing of the homework activities. We learned
    so much from each other.
  • At the February training it was so helpful to
    look at our own students' work and analyze the
    learning targets. The discussion generated
    helped teachers better understand the connection
    between learning targets and assessment. It also
    helped them understand the role of formative
    assessment in guiding instruction.

What area offered you the greatest learning
  • Time for team collaboration with specific tasks
    in mind.
  • The time spent with our group looking at learning
  • Community sharing with other districts.
  • To see what others were doing.
  • If so I enjoyed the break out session were I was
    able to here how different districts are
    utilizing the FAI training.
  • Discussing similar concerns with other districts
    and finding we have common issues.
  • Learning Target Information
  • It was great being able to see what is being
    implemented in different districts, so I would
    say the homework sharing time.

If you could change one thing what would it be?
  • Not being able to work with our team, but this
    was remedied in the Feb. training.
  • The FEBRUARY training was fine as was.
  • Nothing, the February training was a great
  • The Learning Target Analysis remains confusing to
    me. I need more practice looking at student
  • More time to work within our own school groups.
  • Not have Scott Marion there
  • More breaks in the morning.
  • Get better chairs at the convention center!
  • I know Scott Marion knows his stuff, but it was
    way too long.
  • I wonder if we could put the smaller schools
    together and see if they could make a plan to get
    together with their staffs to unpack the
    standards instead of working by themselves to
    reinvent the wheel...maybe in the summer.
  • Weather!)
  • The first day was really long, but I understand
    the guidelines and the required of hours.
  • Perhaps breakout sessions with a defined
    assignment in our district teams.
  • The guest speaker was long and boring.

If you could change one thing what would it be?
  • I would have the keynote speaker keep talking and
    to a QA time with him.
  • After we have looked at our assessments, give us
    time to have a table/panel look at them with us
    to give ideas for what looks good, what needs
    improvements, etc.--a fresh face. We need more
    time to do this.
  • Nothing (this was listed several times)
  • Worked for me.
  • More hands-on activities and more practical tools
    and models for formative evaluation in the
    classroom. Many of our team felt disappointed
    with the level of theory and lack of applications
    that we could use now.
  • I would not like to meet at the community center
  • The keynote speaker, Scott Marion, was hard to
    track. Thank you for arranging the meeting
    times to accommodate us who had to drive a
    farther distance. It really helped to get out
    earlier on Tuesday in order to drive in the
  • All ok
  • Jim Popham was a poor speaker and was not funny!
  • I thought it went well this time around.
  • I have no suggestions for improvement.
  • The one keynote speaker seemed a bit wanting too
    many atta boys.

If you could change one thing what would it be?
  • The guest speaker needs to address the issues of
    formative assessments and work towards those
    goals. I felt his presentation was about
    something totally different.
  • Location...the Community Center was not the best
    environment. It was very difficult to hear and
    it was cold.
  • Collaborative time was limited and very rushed,
    which limited the effectiveness. I haven't really
    gained much from the presenters because it is all
    in the book. Personally, I can read it and
    comprehend it, but I want to learn how to
    implement it in real schools. I feel we are
    receiving information presented by professional-
    professional developers not necessarily teachers
    or educational leaders who have effectively
    implemented Formative Assessment in their
  • It would be helpful to bring in people who have
    used FA "in the trenches." Experiences of others
    and anecdotal observations that could expedite
    the process would be very helpful. I think the
    TIE ladies are friendly, personable, and
    professional, but I don't feel I am learning
    nearly as much as I anticipated from this
    Academy. The format will definitely need to
    change in order for me to participate in 08-09.
    Ten days is a long time to be gone from a
    building for marginal professional development.
    Maybe ! we could look at compacting the
    curriculum into a 2-3 day intensive session next
  • I found it very difficult to follow Scott
    Marion's speech. I would leave it out.
  • It was just fine
  • Too much too fast

If you could change one thing what would it be?
  • I am not sure I would change much of anything.
    Maybe more time with the other Districts when we
    had the trading of ideas.
  • Would have liked to work more with Scott M. on
    the hands on use of data and not just taking
    about data.
  • More energized keynote address. During the
    actual class present better useful materials and
    ideas. We need to take useful easy options back
    to our district and teachers, for them to make
    this a part of their instructional practices.
  • If I could change one thing about the February
    training it would be the breaks. Our group is a
    large group and every time we're given time to
    discuss as a team, we always run out of time!
    This discussion has been particularly beneficial
    to our group and I think if discussion time was
    followed by breaks, those with smaller groups
    could be excused, while those of us needing more
    time, could spill into the break period.
  • I would suggest to break up groups by
    position/job so the administration, teachers and
    instructional facilitators could all participate
    within their role in the professional development
    process. I do like to see what teachers are
    doing but to move a school in a new direction
    needs to have PD just for an administrator.

  • Survey created and administered by Technology and
    Innovation in Education
  • For further questions, please contact Pam Lange
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