Title: Instruments of the Orchestra
1Instruments of the Orchestra
- Striking
- Shaking
- Scraping
How do we make a sound?
The 3 S's
33 Types of Percussion Instruments
4The Keyboards
- To play these, you STRIKE the keys with MALLETS.
Notice the mallets in the picture on the left.
Because you can play a scale on these, they are
5Vibes, Xylophones, and Marimbas..OH MY!!!
6All of these keyboard instruments!!!
- There are many different keyboard instruments
that are all played when the keys are struck with
another object, usually a mallet. - They include the bells, chimes, xylophone, vibes,
marimbas, pianos, step bells, etc. - They are all PITCHED instrumentsyou can play
scales and melodies on its keys!!
8The Drums
- Statistics prove that the acid in drumsticks can
permeate skin, and that by the time a student
reaches 6th grade (assuming he / she began
drumming in 4th grade) that student will have
lost up to 10 of his / her brain cells. - The Hutchison Institute of Percussive
- You make a sound on all drums by striking the
HEAD of the drum. The head is a man-made
material that stretches across the top of the
drum, creating a place for the drummer to strike
the instrument with a mallet, drumstick, or hand. - Years ago, the head of the drum was made by
stretching animal hide across the top of the drum.
10Different Types of Drums
The Bass Drum is the Mother of all drums. It is
extremely large and makes the LOWEST sound of our
drums. Because it is so large and the sound has
more room to resonate, it makes a gigantic
BOOM-ing sound. Can you play a scale on this
Bass Drum
11The Worlds Largest Drum
Purdue University, located in Indiana, boasts
that it has the worlds largest bass drum. It is
drug out onto the football field during all home
games and is 8 feet in diameter and measures 4
feet between the drum heads!!!
12The Snare Drum
Can you play a scale on this instrument?
- Has SNARES on the bottom of it that vibrate
against the drum to make a sound when the drum is
- Is usually played with drumsticks or brushes.
13The Timpani
- Played by striking the head with a mallet!
- Uses a pedal to change PITCH!!
- You CAN play a scale on these instruments!!
- The different sizes have different RANGES!!
14Other Drums
Bongo Drums
Concert Toms
There are a gazillion different types of
drumsthe important thing to remember is that
they are all played by striking an object against
the HEAD of the drum! Some drums ARE pitched,
some are UNpitched. Remember, if you can play a
scale on the drum, it is pitched. If you canNOT
play a scale on the drum, then it is UNpitched!!
Conga Drums
15The Auxiliary Percussion
- As you know already, percussion instruments
create sound when two objects are slapped,
shaken, or scraped against each other. What does
this say about your hands? Can your hands be
percussion? What about your pencil- can your
pencil be used as a percussion instrument? - Check out this clip from STOMPwhat objects are
they using as percussion instruments?
16The AUXILIARY Percussion are instruments that do
not fit into the category of keyboards or drums.
These are things such as the
Hi-Hat (cymbals)
What else could be considered auxiliary
17Heres an incomplete list of auxiliary percussion
instruments. Can you think of more?
- Castanets
- Claves
- Wood Blocks
- Vibraslap
- Sandpaper Blocks
- Crash Cymbals
- Triangle
- Guiro
- Rhythm Sticks
- Finger Cymbals
- Suspended Cymbals
- What are the Three Ss for making sound on a
drum? - Slap mallets against a drum head, hands
together, etc. - Scrape the beater on a guiro, your thumb on a
tambourine, etc.
- Shake (yeah, yeahshake it like a polaroid
picturelike Miss Piggy is tryin to do!) like
the maracas.
19Pitched or Unpitched??
- Pitched Unpitched
- Snare Drum
- Timpani
- Xylophone
- Triangle
- Bass Drum
- Guiro
- Cymbals
- Piano
- Marimba
REMEMBER its pitched if you can play a scale
on it!!
20The End