Title: DNA Technology
1Chapter 20
2Potential uses for cloned genes
- to produce a protein product
- plasminogen activator
- to endow an organism with a metabolic capability
- engineered bacteria that degrade oil spills
- create more copies of the gene for further study
3Stages of Genetic Engineering
- 1. Isolate desired gene
- 2. Cleavage
- 3. Recombinant DNA
- 4. Clone
- 5. Screen
- 6. Harvest
4Isolate Desired Gene
- Isolate the desired gene from the genome
- the desired gene will be cut with restriction
endonucleases (enzymes)
- cut DNA of host with restriction endonucleases
(enzymes) - several hundred REs exist discovered 1960s
- produce sticky ends or blunt ends
6Cleavage, cont.
- sticky ends
- Escherichia coli RY13
- Eco RI
- blunt ends
- Haemophilus aegyptius
- Hae III
7Recombinant DNA
- splice desired gene into host DNA, DNA ligase
seals the strands -
- vector
- plasmid of bacteria (prok) or yeast (euk)
- viral DNA
- produce a cell line in which all members have
identical copies of a particular gene
- Choose cells that carry desired gene
- eliminate those cells that do not carry desired
10Harvest or Isolate
- harvest protein
- harvest gene
11Harvest protein
- allow culture to produce the gene product
- then collect the polypeptide
12Harvest gene
- remove multiple copies of desired gene from
culture - desired gene is then inserted into recipient
13Sources of genes for cloning
- Directly from an organism
- complementary DNA (cDNA)
- made from mRNA template through reverse
14Alternatives to using Vectors
- Seminatural methods
- protoplast fusion
- electric current technique (electroportation)
- tungsten bullet, DNA gun
- microinjection
15 Recombinant-DNA Technology examples
- Interferon
- formerly acquired from live donors
- insulin
- first approved (1982)
- formerly acquired from pancreas slaughtered swine
and cattle
16 Recombinant-DNA Technology examples cont.
- glowing tobacco plant
- plant with firefly glowing gene
- pesticide-resistant crops
- wheat, tomatoes, tobacco, soybeans
17Recombinant-DNA Technology examples, cont.
- bovine somatotropin (growth hormone)
- injected into dairy cattle
- injected into beef cattle
- Snomax?
- snow freezes at higher temp.
18Recombinant-DNA Technology examples, cont.
- human growth hormone
- 2nd approved
- used to treat stunted growth
- vaccines
- genetically engineered produce
- potato, onion
19Human Genome Project
- Collaborative effort to map and sequence entire
human genome - 4 approaches
- genetic (linkage) mapping
- physical mapping
- sequencing
- analyzing the genomes of other species
20genetic (linkage) mapping of the human genome
- to locate at least 3000 genetic markers spaced
evenly throughout the chromosomes -
- to make it easier to find other loci
21physical mapping of the human genome
- cutting chromosomes into identifiable fragments
then determining their order on the chromosome
22sequencing the human genome
- determining the exact nucleotide pairs
- haploid set of human chromosomes contains
approximately 3 billion nucleotide pairs - most time-consuming part
23analyzing the genomes of other species
- Analyze genomes of other important species to
genetic engineering - E.coli, yeast, mouse, Arabadopsis (a little weed
helping botanist answer questions about plant
24Ethical Issues
- Should we engineer new genotypes to individuals
with anomalies? - diabetes, CF, immune deficiencies, MD, stunted
growth - sickle-cell disease, myopia, altering
personalities, increase length of life
25- Should we engineer human germ cells?
- If they are carrying abnormal genes
- eugenics - deliberate effort to control the
genetic makeup of human populations