Predicate Logic or FOL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Predicate Logic or FOL


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Predicate Logic or FOL

Predicate Logic or FOL
  • Chapter 8

  • See text for formal rules.
  • All of propositional quantifiers, predicates,
    functions, and constants.
  • Variables can take on values of constants or
  • Term reference to object
  • Variables not allowed to be predicates.
  • thats 2nd order logic
  • Notation unlike Prolog, variables are lower
    case, etc.

  • A term with no variables is a ground term.
  • Composite Objection function of terms or
  • Convenience we dont want to give names to all
  • e.g. nounphrase(det(the),adj(tall),noun(tree)).
  • E.g. LeftLeg(John).
  • Successor of 1 may be s(1), but we write 2.
  • Successor of 2 s(s(1)), but we write 3.

Goldbachs Conjecture
  • For all n, if integer(n), even(n), greater(n,2)
    then there exists p1, p2, integer(p1),
    integer(p2), prime(p1),prime(p2), and
  • Quantifiers for all, there exists
  • Predicates integer, greater, prime, even,
  • Constants 2
  • Functions sum.

  • Validity true in every model and every
  • Interpretation mapping of constants,
    predicates, functions into objects, relations,
    and functions.
  • For Goldbach wrt to standard integer model
    interpretation mapping n to an even integer.

Representing World in FOL
  • All kings are persons.
  • for all x, King(x) gt Person(x). OK.
  • for all x, King(x) Person(x). Not OK.
  • this says every object is a king and a person.
  • In Prolog person(X) - king(X).
  • Everyone Likes icecream.
  • for all x, Likes(x, icecream).

Negating Quantifiers
  • there exist x, P(x)
  • for all x, P(x)
  • For all x, Likes(x,Icecream)
  • No one likes liver.
  • For all x, not Likes(x,Liver)
  • For all x, P(x)
  • There exists x, P(x)
  • There does not exist an x, not Likes(x,Icecream)
  • Not there exists x, Iikes(x,Liver).

More Translations
  • Everyone loves someone.
  • There is someone that everyone loves.
  • Everyone loves their father.
  • See text.
  • For all x, there is a y such that Loves(x,y).
  • There is an M such that for all y, Loves(x,M).
  • M is skolem constant
  • For all x, Loves(x,Father(x)).
  • Father(x) is skolem function.

Inference almost complete
  • Propositionalization Grounding out the variables
  • For x, King(x) and Greedy(x) gt Evil(x).
  • King(John). Greedy(John).
  • Replace all variables by given constants gt
  • Evil(John) and replace fully instantiate
    predicates by propositional variables.
  • If process finite, then propositional
    completeness gt predicate completeness.
  • Function symbols yield infinite number of terms,
    but theorem almost true.
  • Semidecidable. If entailed, eventually find a
    proof, but if not entailed, proof search is

  • If p and q are logical expressions, then
    Unify(p,q) Substitution List S if using S makes
    p and q identical or fail.
  • Standardize apart before unifying, make sure
    that p and q contain different variable names.

Most General Unifier (MGU)
  • f(X,g(Y)) unifies with f(g(Z),U) with
    substitutions X/g(a), Y/b, U/gb).
  • But also if X/g(Z), U/g(Y).
  • The MGU is unique up to renaming of variables.
  • All other unifiers are unify with the MGU.
  • Use Prolog with for unification.

Occurs Checking
  • When unifying a variable against a complex term,
    the complex term should not contain the same
    variable, else non-match.
  • Prolog doesnt check this.
  • Ex. f(X,X) and f(Y,g(Y)) should not unify.

Modeling with Definite Clauses one positive
  • 1. It is a crime for an american to sell weapons
    to a hostile country.
  • 1. American(x)Weapons(y)Hostile(z)
    Sell(x,y,z) gt Criminal (x).
  • 2. The country Nono has some missiles.
  • There exists x Owns(Nono,x)Missile(x).
  • 2. Missile(M1). Constant introduction
  • 2. Owns(Nono,M1).

Prove West is a criminal
  • 3. All of its missiles where sold to it by
    Colonel West.
  • 3. Missile(x)Owns(Nono,x) gt Sells(West,x,Nono).
  • 4. Missile(x) gt Weapon(x). .. common sense
  • 5. Enemy(x,America) gt Hostile(x).
  • 6. American(West).
  • 7. Enemy(Nono,American).

Forward Chaining
  • Start with facts and apply rules until no new
    facts appear. Apply means use substitutions.
  • Iteration 1 using facts.
  • Missile(M1),American(West), Owns(Nono,M1),
  • Derive Hostile(Nono), Weapon(M1),
  • Next Iteration Criminal(West).
  • Forward chaining ok if few facts and rules, but
    it is undirected.

Resolution gives forward chaining
  • Enemy(x,America) gtHostile(x)
  • Enemy(Nono,America)
  • - Hostile(Nono)
  • Not Enemy(x,America) or Hostile(x)
  • Enemy(Nono,America)
  • Resolve by x/Nono
  • To Hostile(Nono)

Backward Chaining
  • Start with goal, Criminal(West) and set up
    subgoals. This ends when all subgoals are
  • Iteration 1 subgoals American(x), Weapons(y) and
  • Etc. Eventually all subgoals unify with facts.

Resolution yeilds Backward Chaining
  • A(x) W(y)H(z) S(x,y,z) gtC(x)
  • -A(x) or W(y) or
  • H(z) or S(x,y,z) or C(x).
  • Add goal C(West).
  • Yields A(West) or
  • -W(y) or H(z) or
  • -S(West,y,z). Etc.

Resolution is non-directional
  • Both a power (inference representation) and a
    weakness (no guidance in search)
  • -a or b or c or d or e equals
  • a,b,c gtd or e and
  • a,b,c, -d gt e etc.
  • Prolog forces directionality and results in an
    incomplete theorem prover.

FOL -gt Conjuctive Normal Form
  • Similar to process for propositional logic, but
  • Use negations rules for quantifiers
  • Standarize variables apart
  • Universal quantification is implicit.
  • Skolemization introduction of constants and
    functions to remove existential quantifiers.

  • Introduction of constants or functions when
    removing existential quantifier.
  • There exists an x such that P(x) becomes P(A)
    for some new constant symbol A.
  • Everyone has someone who loves him
  • For all x, Loves(F(x),x) where F(x) is a new

Resolution in CNF
  • Just like propositional case, but now
    complimentary first order literals unify.
  • Theorem (skipping proof)FOL with resolution is
    refutation complete, i.e. if S is a set of
    unsatisfiable clauses, then a contradiction
    arises after a finite number of resolutions.
  • Lets take in on faith!

  • Proof of theorems in
  • Lattice Theory
  • Group theory
  • Logic
  • But didnt generate the theorem.
  • Lenats phd thesis AM generated mathematical
    theorems, but none of interest.

  • 2nd order What is the relationship between Bush
    and Clinton?
  • Brittle If knowledge base has contradiction,
    then anything derivable. (false P)
  • Scaleability
  • Expensive to compute
  • Difficult to write down large number of
    statements that are logically correct.
  • Changing World (monotoncity) what was true, is
    not longer.
  • Likelihoods What is likelihood that patient has
    appendicitis given high temp.
  • Combining Evidence

  • Unluckily, the pilots plane caught on fire.
  • Luckily, he jumped out with his parachute.
  • Unluckily the parachute didnt work.
  • Luckily he landed in a swimming pool.
  • Unluckily it had no water.
  • Luckily is was all a dream.

Situation Calculus/Planning
  • The world changes and actions change it.
  • What to do?
  • Early approach Define Actions via
  • Preconditions conjunctions of predicates
  • Effects changes to world if operator applied
  • Delete conditions predicates to delete
  • Add conditions predicates to add

Blocks World Example
  • Action Move(b,x,y)move b from x to y
  • Preconditions
  • On(b,x)Clear(y)Block(b) Clear(b)
  • Careful and b \ y else problems ( b to b)
  • Postconditions
  • On(b,y) Clear(x) not On(b,x) not Clear(y)
  • Similar for other operators/actions.
  • Now search better plan searchers possible.

More Extensions
  • Special axioms for time, space, events,
    processes, beliefs, goals
  • Try to do any simple story, e.g. Goldilocks and
    three bears.
  • How would you know you did it?
  • Problems
  • Represent whats in story
  • Represent whats not in story but relevant.
  • Inferencing

Example Questions
  • Was Goldilocks hungry?
  • Was Goldilocks tired?
  • Why did the bed break?
  • Could the baby bear say Papa, dont talk unless
    you are spoken too.

Expert Systems Engineering Approach
  • We can keep the representation language of FOL,
    but do not adopt the semantics.
  • Attach to each fact and rule a belief ()
  • Provide an ad hoc calculus for combining beliefs.
  • Now multiple proofs valuable since they will add
  • This worked, if domain picked carefully. The hard
    part getting the rules or knowledge.

Mycin by Shortliffe
  • First rule based system that performed better
    than average physician at blood disease
  • Required 500 rules that were painful to capture.
    (Knowledge Acquisition)
  • Used ad hoc calculus to combine confidences in
    rules and facts.

Soy Bean Disease Diagnosis
  • Expert diagnostician built a rule-based expert
    system for the task.
  • System worked, but not as good as he was.
  • Some knowledge was not captured.
  • Using Machine Learning, rules were create from a
    large data base.
  • The ML rules did better than the expert rules,
    but did not perform as well as the expert.
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