Title: Shang-Ping Xie, Dept of Meteorology
1Shang-Ping Xie, Dept of Meteorology
IPRC Research interest Climate variability and
change, Oceans role in climate Major funding
sources NASA, NOAA NSF Major
collaborators US JPL, Univ Maryland, Oregon
AOML Japan JAMSTEC, Univ Tokyo, Hokkaido Univ,
Tsukuba Univ, Tokyo Univ Marine Sci Tech China
Ocean Univ of China, Chinese Academy of Sci,
Nanjing Inst Meteorology Germany Univ Kiel
2Research highlights
- Global warming dynamics
- Satellite observations
- Climate modeling
- Regional climate
- growing needs for dynamical approach
3Tropical Indian Ocean Canary of the Global
Warming?! Yan Du and Shang-Ping Xie (IPRC/UH Met)
The tropical Indian Ocean emerges as a region of
the most robust warming of the global ocean, a
trend captured by all IPCC AR4 models.
Indian Ocean temp in AR4 models
Trend/interannual s
4Satellite Discoveries Vast oceans are poorly
observed by in-situ methods
Mapping High Sea Winds from Space T. Sampe and
S.-P. Xie (BAMS, 2007 Dec)
Frequency of QuikSCAT high winds (gt20 m/s color
of time) and SST (C contours) during
winter months (DJF).
5Satellite Obs and Modeling Synthesis
OFES captures Kuroshio Extensions decadal
oscillation B Taguchi1,2, S-P Xie1, N Schneider1,
M Nonaka2, H Sasaki2, Y Sasai2 1. IPRC/UH Met 2.
Met student
OFES Ocean GCM for Earth Simulator (0.1o x 0.1o,
54 levels)
Satellite Altimeter (T/P)
The advent of satellite altimetry and the Earth
Simulator made it possible to study variability
of narrow jets like KE for the first time
6IPRC Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Model (iROAM) on
Earth Simulator S-P Xie, Y Wang, H Xu, S de
Szoeke, J Small, K Richards (IPRC), T Miyama, T
Mochizuki, T Awaji (FRCGC)
- ? Full-physics coupled model that successfully
keeps the ITCZ north of the equator. - To become portable to other regions for climate
downscaling and process studies.
Precipitation, surface temperature wind
7Regional Climate
Long Cloud Trails Lee of Hawaii Model and Ship
Yang et al. (J Climate) Yang et al. (GRL)
Surface wind temperature
Summer Cloud Amount at 1400 HST
Surface winds Pennants, full barbs, and half
barbs represent 5, 1, and 0.5 m s-¹,
First in-situ survey on SOEST Student Cruise
December 2006
R/V Kilo Moana
8Summer stratus deck
Baiu rain band, Storm tracks (oceans role?)
Subtropical WP variability (local vs. remote
Atlantic influence
IOD Basin warming
El Nino
Maritime Continent convection (multi-scale
diurnal, ISV, )
Dynamics of global warming Satellite
observation Regional climate Paleoclimate dynamics
Looking into the future
9- Visiting Students Program with Japanese
Universities - Hokkaido University President Initiative 10,000
for FY 2007. - Team up with MEXTs Centers of Excellence (two
Hokkaido-supported students visited already) - JAMSTEC support explore JSPS/NSF in the future
- Dual (masters) degree program