Title: Integrity for Activated Content
1Integrity for Activated Content
Data Integrity in an Active Content
System Active Middleware Workshop Hilarie
Orman Volera, Inc. August 6, 2001
2Trends in Web Content Activity
- Complex pages
- Multiple business interests
- Mechanisms
- Server side includes
- Edge Side includes
- Ad hoc markers
- URL naming tricks
- Efficiency Issue
- Minimize traffic, maximize cacheability
3Data Integrity It all depends
- Traditional Model
- Header, some fields immutable
- Content, immutable modulo accidents
- IP packets
- Packets might get to their destination but
shouldnt be delivered anyplace else - Security was TBD and emerged in IPsec
- Awkward and slow standardization
- Anything else End-to-End
4Basic Page Options
- Prevailing semantic put a picture here
DOGTOWN NEWS Dog Days Fidelius Canine A
noontime high of 100 has local residents
remembering the dog days of 1894, when
temperatures were pegged at over the century mark
for 45 consecutive days.
Dayslt/HEADLINEgt ltBYLINEgtFidelius
Caninelt/BYLINEgt ltREGIONAL_AD h640
w480gt ltSTORYgt.lt/STORYgt
SALE at FIDO FOODS Beef Dinners 65 cents all week
5The OPES Data Flow
Content Transformations
Client Requests
Server Requests
Server Response
Client Response
Rule Engine
A Caching Proxy
Administrative Controller
6(No Transcript)
7Complex Content Compositionand Validation
Content and Modification Descriptions insert
ad wap transcoder refresh 10 min
Recipient Ponders Integrity
Original Content
Modified Content
8Hash-based Editing
- Document has a part index and content
- Index summarizes document by hash of each part
- Each part index entry has editing permissions
- Modification audit trail achieved by attaching
verifier for each editing action - Recipient verifies the message by comparing the
received message to the action list
9 Signatures for Original and Modified Content
gxry mod q
10Goals of Active Data Integrity
- Publisher defines document and modification
permissions - Delegates can modify the document
- Anyone can validate the modified document
- Document can be cached anywhere
- Even with partial modifications
- Recipient can delegate modifications on his
behalf - Recipient can validate document
11The Verifiable Editing Language
- Delete
- Add
- Replaces
- (Delete and Add)
- Delegate
- If-Else, Select
- Boolean combinations
- Replicate
- Append
- Refresh
- Permute
- Cache control
- Exec
- Enduser Policy
- Enforcement delegation
12Message Structure
- Publishers index of content and permissions
- Signature of Publisher on index
- Editors indices of actions, delegations
- Signature of each editor on own index
- Optional intermediate validation signatures
(this message was valid when at ibm.com)
13Example delete
- Index
- Part1, hash value xxx, none
- Part 2, hash value yyy, delete
- Part 3, hash value zzz, none
- Content
- This is part 1
- This is part 2
- This is part 3
- Signature hash(Index)
- Index
- Part1, hash value xxx, none
- Part 2, hash value yyy, delete
- Part 3, hash value zzz, none
- Content
- This is part 1
- This is part 3
- Signature aaa
- Delete Signature AAA, part2, delete
- Verify Index Sig
- hash(part 1) xxx
- hash(part 2) zzz
14Example replace
- Index
- Part1, hash value xxx, none
- Part 2, hash value yyy, replace
- Part 3, hash value zzz, none
- Content
- This is part 1
- This is part 2
- This is part 3
- Signature hash(Index)
- Index
- Part1, hash value xxx, none
- Part 2, hash value yyy, delete
- Part 3, hash value zzz, none
- Content
- This is part 1
- This is the new part 2
- This is part 3
- Signature aaa
- Replacers Signature AAA, part2, replace,
hashddd - Verify Index Sig on AAA
- hash(part 1) xxx
- hash(part 2) zzz
- Verify hash(part2)ddd
- Verify Replacers Sig
15Modification Index
Content Part 1 This is merely text for the heading
Index Group 1 Parts Part 1 hash xxx
Part 2 hash yyy Part 4 hash zzz
Permission none Signature xxx Group
2 Parts Part 3 hash aaaa Permission
Delete Subject JohnDDoe Signature cccc
Group 3 Parts Part 5 hash bbb
Permission Replace Type gif Size lt
20Kb Subject .all_languages.com Signature
dddd Index Signature eeee
Part 2 Start of the story and byline
Part 3 ltREGIONAL_ADgt
Part 4 Continuing onward our fearless hero ...
16Basis for Content Descriptors
- XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
- W3C Candidate Recommendation 19-April-2001
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/
17Standards Simple XML Example (Signature,
SignedInfo, Methods, and References)
- s01 ltSignature Id"MyFirstSignature
xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig"gt - s02 ltSignedInfogt
- s03 ltCanonicalizationMethod
20010315"/gt - s04 ltSignatureMethod
- Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig
dsa-sha1"/gt - s05 ltReference URI"http//www.w3.org/TR/2000/
REC-xhtml1-20000126/"gt - s11 lt/Referencegt
- s12 lt/SignedInfogt
- s13 ltSignatureValuegtMC0CFFrVLtRlk...lt/Signat
18A Reference and Digest
- Reference
- URI"http//www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-20000126
/"gt - Transforms
- Transform Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC
-xml-c14n-20010315"/ - DigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/
xmldsigsha1"/gt DigestValue j6lwx3rvEPO0vKtMup4Nbe
19- s01 ltSignature Id"MyFirstSignature
xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig"gt - s02 ltSignedInfogt
- s03 ltCanonicalizationMethod
20010315"/gt - s04 ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.
org/2000/09/xmldsigdsa-sha1"/gt - s05 ltReference URI"http//www.w3.org/TR/2000/
REC-xhtml1-20000126/"gt - s06 ltTransformsgt
- s07 ltTransform Algorithm"http//www.w3.o
rg/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/gt - s08 lt/Transformsgt
- s09 ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.o
rg/2000/09/xmldsigsha1"/gt - s10 ltDigestValuegtj6lwx3rvEPO0vKtMup4NbeVu8nk
lt/DigestValuegt - s11 lt/Referencegt
- s12 lt/SignedInfogt
- s13 ltSignatureValuegtMC0CFFrVLtRlk...lt/Signatu
reValuegt - s14 ltKeyInfogt
- s15a ltKeyValuegt
- s15b ltDSAKeyValuegt
- s15c ltPgt...lt/PgtltQgt...lt/QgtltGgt...lt/GgtltYgt...
lt/Ygt s15d lt/DSAKeyValuegt - s15e lt/KeyValuegt s16 lt/KeyInfogt
- s17 lt/Signaturegt
20Trust Model for Mutable Content
- Subjects Author, Editors, Enduser Delegates
- Objects Content and content subparts
- Author (aka Publisher) creates
- Content
- Modification Policy
- Signature on Entirety
- Modification policy based on content structure
- Non-modifiable parts require separate signature
- Content modifiers (e.g. OPES)
- Append signed actions to message
- Change original message
- Recipient validates content wrt index, mods
21Modification Permissions
- Delete
- Replace
- Restrictions
- Content type
- Size
- Append/Prepend
- Restrictions same type size
- Delegate (monotonicity)
- Allowable subjects
- Execute
22Modification Index
- Part identifier
- Reference or
- Digest
- Action pairs
- Subjects
- Namespace, name
- Public key
- Cert
- Privilege
- Limitations
23Modifiers Actions
- Entity performing the modification must sign a
modification notification - Original messages index hash
- Modification index entry
- Modifiers ID
- Hash of new value (none if Delete)
- Example Reference 5, Delete
- Modifier removes part 5 from message body
- Modification manifest unchanged
- Modifier attaches notification to message
24Recipient Validation
- Optional
- Get message index
- Valid each part against permission and signature
- Simple case Delete
- Author name and signature
- Modifier case check permission subject and
modifier signature - Complex case follow delegation chain
25Dynamic Content
- New permission refresh
- Applies only to a message part
- Included content, not referenced
- Permission can require both modifier and location
identifier - Stockquotes only from Nasdaq.com
- User profile info refresh every 30 minutes
- Etc.
26Conditional Modifications cf Edge Side
Includes, www.edge-side.com
- Simple conditionals
- If URL URL can be fetched without error
- Else
- Another URL
- Endif
- Modification Index
- Part reference for embedded conditional
- Subreferences for options
- Modifier signs reference and selection
- Removes embedded conditional
- Inserts selected option (e.g. URL)
- Signs Notification including hash of selection
27Authenticated Includes
- Signed message
- If URL else Other_URL by cdn.cnn.com
- Signature
- Appended data
- Original message hash, byte offset of
- If URL else Other_URL by cdn.cnn.com
- Signature of cdn.cnn.com
28Dynamic and Active Content
- A distributed computing model
- Definition of end-to-end integrity
- Allows complex content composition
- Merges local and remote concepts
- Based on known technologies
29Active Content
- Permission type execute
- Additional parameters locality
- who can execute it, where they are
- Arguments message parts and environment info
- Output replaces the message part
- Notification same as replace
- but includes location signature over message
hash, part hash, output
30Executable Content
- Two parts
- Input
- Program
- Modifier certifies to performing the replacement,
- Execution agent certifies to executing the
program on the content - Output replaces the message part
31Further Delegation
- Modification Index may be extended by message
editors - Add ModIndex part
- Sign Original Message (hash AAA)
- and Hash of New ModIndex
- Their permissions cannot exceed permissions
granted to them - Downstream recipients must verify permissions
before exercising delegation
32Modifications based on Recipient Policy
- Recipient policies
- Content type, size, origin, freshness, price
- Delegates modification rights
- Delete, replace, select, translate, etc.
- Delete .badplace.com/.gif
- Translate .ru content-type/text to English
- Redelegation to partner ISP, for example
- Might ban certain content parts
- Never, always
33Rights Delegated from Recipients
- Enterprise policy, ISP service
- Generic policy delegation
- Enduser -gt ISP,
- http, content-type/html, delete
.badstuff.com/.gif - enduser signs hash of policy
- Might result in deletion of entire message part
- ISP would delete part and add signed addendum
- includes hash of policy authorizing the action
- NB No request integrity definition
34Complex Policy
- Reordering
- Restrictions (not valid in Indiana)
- If part 4 is deleted then add a delegation to
modify part 7 - Refresh times, parameters
- Reuse of individual parts
- over 18 only
- 3 uses only
- Billing
- Audit
35Policy Resolution
- Publisher do not delete
- Enduser delete this junk
- Enduser delegate delete or not?
- SLAs with publishers
- SLAs with publisher agents (CDNs)
- Contract with endusers
- SEP (Douglas Adams)
36? msg, policy Data Integrity(m,p)
- Even for complex composition systems, there is a
verifiably meaning to data integrity - Overhead appears tolerable
- Caching is enhanced
- Scalable, layer 6 policy and mechanisms
- Consistent with emerging standards