Dennett and Fodor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dennett and Fodor


Every mental phenomenaon of folk psych is characterizable in terms of intentional ... in between the fish stereotype and the pet stereotype (carp vs. cat/dog) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dennett and Fodor

Dennett and Fodor
  • Nyelv és elme, 2007 tavasz

Three Kinds of Intentional Psychology
  • Folk psychology
  • Intentional system theory
  • Sub-personal cognitive psychology

Intentional reduction
  • Church Dennett
  • Effective folk psych
  • procedure
  • Turing machine Intentional system
  • Every mental phenomenaon of folk psych is
    characterizable in terms of intentional systems.

  • The final step of reduction is that of folk
    psychology to intentional system theory.
  • Microrealization is diverse and no particular
    type of it is the mark of the mental.

  • Intentional stance the predictions it gives rise
    to are more heuristic, more prone to error
  • (The design stance is better at prediction the
    physical stance is the best) ? IF we can handle
    it. But we cannot run a chess program in our
    head it is not feasible
  • Intentional interpretation is more economical and
    more heuristic, still it is fairly powerful in
    its predictions.

The ultimate nature of intentionality
  • (1) We attribute intentional states to other
    people and some systems.
  • (2) This is all there is to intentionality if a
    systems behavior is sufficiently powerfully
    predicted by taking the intentional stance by
    attributing to it beliefs, etc. then that
    system is an intentional system ? moreover, to be
    an intentional system is to have beliefs.
  • Two examples (1) The light-searching vehicle ?
    at a maximum, an extremely simple intentional
    system (the design stance may be good enough to
    explain its behavior)
  • (2) A volcano feared by some native people
    despite possible animistic projections it is not
    an intentional system (eruptions not well
    predicted by belief-attribution).

Is this notion of intentionality vacuous?
  • Skinners behaviourism every use of the
    intentional stance is in reality a use of the
    design stance. That is powerful enough to predict
  • Dennett Holistic logical behaviourism the
    intentional stance is real and needed. Skinners
    success was due to such a simplification of the
    system and environment that the design stance
    became useful (rats pressing levers, etc.)
  • Another example of the ineliminability of
    intentional talk

The two black boxes
? ?
? ? red ? ? green Cut the wire ? no light goes
  • On pushing either button, a very complex signal
    (10000 bits long) went through the wire.
  • Scientists opened box B a supercomputer was
    inside. Input stings were processed by a program
    and resulted in the corresponding light going on.
  • Every sting sent by A was either a red or a green

  • However, changing any such string virtually
    always resulted in the amber light going on.
  • The overwhelming majority of the strings were
    amber. (Still there were lots of red and green
    strings, and A output only such strings.)
  • There appeared no systematicity in which string
    was in which category.

  • Open box A ? another supercomputer which
    generated the strings according to a complex
  • The programmers interviewed what unified the red
    strings was that they were binary versions of
    true English sentences typed in ASCII code.
    (Green false sentences. Amber neither of the

Dennetts suggestion
  • Intentional idioms immediately helped to reveal
    the regularity in the systems behavior. Now
    nothing was easier than to generate red and green
    strings, whereas before, nothing was more
  • The regularity captured by the semantic notion
    gives rise to a causal regularity it is not
    epiphenomenal, says Dennett.

Propositional Attitudes
  • Constraints on a theory of PAs
  • I. PAs are relations.
  • Reasons to believe
  • (i) Intuitive plausibility
  • (ii) Existential generalization (John believes
    its raining ? there is something John believes)
  • (iii) Taking believes-that-p an atomic predicate
    is an implausible view.

  • II. Account for opacity
  • (Substitution of coreferentials plus substitution
    of logical equivalents is not allowed in the
    scope pf PAs. A theory of PAs should explain this
  • III. The objects of PAs have logical form. Mental
    states have to be compositional, if they are to
    explain behaviour in an effective way.
  • IV. The account of PAs should mesh with empirical
    accounts of mental processes.

  • Carnaps theory PAs are relations between people
    and sentences.
  • I. is satisfied.
  • II. Freges condition the opacity of belief is a
    spacial case of the opacity of quotation.
  • III. Logical form of the objects of PAs no
    problem ? the sentence is the object of the
    belief the sentence has logical form done.
  • IV. This is the interesting part. Some evidence
    cited that even on this count Carnaps theory
    does quite well.

  • Fodor has objections.
  • 1. The identity condition of beliefs differs from
    that of sentences (Bill bit Mary Mary was
    bitten by Bill. 148-9 different sentences same
  • 2. Belief and language (X believes that its
    raining X can believe this even if he does not
    speak English) (Belief in non-linguistic animals?)

  • 3. When the correlation between sentence
    complexity and processing costs breaks down, that
    is evidence against the objects of PAs being
  • Color codability experiment ? English and Dani.
  • In fact this is a poor example. Color recall and
    recognition is likely mediated by perceptual
    categorization, and not by descriptions
    formulated in mentalese. (Both are independent of
    ones natural language.)
  • Text comprehension and subsequent sentence
    recognition is better evidence for an underlying
    propositional representation (Sachs, 1967) Fodor,
    (1975) has more cases in point.

  • 4. First language acquisition has to be based on
    an already existing representational system.
  • Fodors alternative sentences in an internal
    representatin system are the objects of PAs.
  • This answers the above objections, and also meets
    the constraints.
  • Mentalese is innate and compositional.

Contrasts between Fodor and Dennett
  • (1) Whats in the head how are PAs realized?
  • Fodor via mentalese formulas in the head.
  • Dennett diverse realization in subpersonal
    mechanisms. Not a ground for generalization (?
    Martians might have beliefs as well)

  • (2) The nature of mental content
  • Both are externalist
  • Fodor indicator theory (atomistic)
    nomological locking
  • Dennett semantic properties are not just
    relational, but superrelational, the relation
    a particular vehicle must bear in order ot have
    content is a relation between the token and the
    whole life.
  • ? A holistic view.

Fodor against holism
  • Earlier Fodor used to hold an inferential-role
    view of content.
  • His reason for abandoning it was that it could
    not avoid holism.
  • If the content of a representational vehicle R is
    determined by Rs inferential/computational
    relations to other representations, then either
  • A) we determine a subclass of other MRs which
    play a role in fixing Rs content
  • B) We say that it is the whole computational
    system with all of its representations and
    processes which determines Rs content.

  • Strategy A would need an analytic/synthetic
    distinction which, according to Fodor, cannot be
  • - Concepts cannot be defined in terms of other
  • - Correspondingly, it does not seem possible to
    outline a subset of MRs which determines Rs
    content (via being inferentially/computationally
    related to R).
  • Strategy B very plausibly, in no two people will
    R bear all the same relations to other MRs. Thus,
    in no two people will R mean the same thing.
    Which means, intentional generalizations cannot
    be made.
  • This is the price of holism and the reason for
    rejecting it.

Another line of argument
  • Atomism about concepts and the semantics of MR is
    favorable, according to Fodor, because the
    combination of concepts is very hard to
    understand if we assume that concepts are complex
    entities with constituent structure.
  • Fodor stereotypes dont combine. Therefore
    concepts cannot be stereotypes.
  • The pet fish probem The pet fish stereotype
    should be somewhere in between the fish
    stereotype and the pet stereotype (carp vs.
    cat/dog). But the pet fish stereotype is goldfish
    not anything like a weighted combination of the
    constituent stereotypes.

  • NOT A CAT if this is a concept, it has no
  • PURPLE APPLE presumably it is derived from
    PURPLE and APPLE (hey, we want to explain
  • So in the APPLE stereotype, the prototypical
    color red is replaced by purple.
  • BUT this also means that, in the PURPLE APPLE
    stereotype, the color has a much higher weight
    than in the APPLE stereotype.
  • (There cannot be non-purple purple apples,
    although there can be non-purple apples.)
  • So, when we combine the elements we also change
    them (the weight change in the property list is
    something over and above mere combination).

  • Fodor the structure of the stereotypes
    determines their inferential (computational)
    roles they play in the system.
  • Thus the fact that stereotypes do not compose
    shows that inferential/computational roles dont
    compose either.
  • This is Fodors other reason to abandon
    inferential role semantics (and, with it, the
    notion of narrow content).

  • (3) Reduction
  • Fodor inner mechanisms, computational entities
  • Dennett intentional systems abstract theories

Fodors critique of Dennetts instrumentalism
  • Dennett it is possible to be realist about
    intentional states without being committed to the
    reality of MRs.
  • Fodor at the abstract level of intentional
    systems there is no way to explain why the
    intentional strategy works.
  • Moreover, Fodor does have a positive account the
    compositionality (hence productivity and
    systematicity) of MRs.
  • There is a relation of isomorphism between mental
    syntax and mental semantics syntax maps
    semantic relations.
  • The source of this picture is classical AI

Dennetts argument against LOT
  • Attributing propositional attitudes to a system
    can be helpful in predicting its behaviour even
    when the system obviously does not have any such
    states (example a chess computer).
  • Our automatic behaviors are similar e.g., my
    being hungry and reaching for food this act
    need not be mediated by PAs, inference, etc. Yet
    saying He wants to eat of me does help the
    interpreter to predict my behaviour.
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