Title: Achieving School Improvement with the Three Rs:
1Achieving School Improvement with the Three Rs
- Rigor, Relevance, and RelationshipsMay 7th, 2009
2School Population
- 83 Free and reduced lunch
- 1/3 African American
- 1/3 Caucasian
- 1/3 Hispanic
3Coaching Model
- Work with students
- Push in intervention groups
- Ketchup room
- Guided study groups
- Provide demonstration lessons/ coverage while
staff observe each other - Resource gathering
- Professional development for staff
- Support for staff
- Child studies
- Data analysis
- Research of best practices
4School Improvement Team
- Cheryl Gedraitis
- Danielle Letter
- Gayle Matoy
- Patty McCallum
- Karen OBrien
- Julie Tolfree
- Rae Ann Cronk
- Chuck Lesser
5- If special education is the only significant
intervention tool available in a school, it is
inevitable that the school will come to rely upon
that intervention too frequently. A school with
a multi-step system of interventions arms itself
with a variety of tools for meeting the needs of
its students and thus is more likely to find the
appropriate strategy - - Taken from Whatever it takes How a
professional learning community responds when
kids dont learn
6Academic Intervention Pyramid 07-09
Child Studies
- 4,5,6
- Teacher referral
Teacher Referral
- I,2,3
- DRAs (below level)
- Report Cards
- Teacher Referral
Grades 3,4,5,6 Incomplete assignments
Inclusion is utilized in 5th and 6th grades 08
7Academic Intervention Pyramid 09 - 10
Inclusion is utilized in 5th and 6th grades.
Possible 4th grade inclusion classroom.
8Success Stories
- A number of students have made significant
improvement and no longer need special education
services. - This is attributed to the skills of instructors,
interventions, and inclusion.
9Behavior Intervention Pyramid 07 - 09
10Behavior Intervention Pyramid 09 - 10
11Saginaw ISD CoT Series
- Ron Ritchhart Project Zero, Harvard
Intellectual Character - Dr. Rod Rock and Geralyn Myczkowiak Thinking
12Book Studies 08 09 Titles
- The Daily 5 Fostering Literacy Independence in
the Elementary Grades - 50 Problem Solving Lessons
- Teaching the Qualities of Writing
- 6 1 Traits of Writing
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16Supporting the Under Supported
- Identify needs
- Define goals
- Create intervention
- Non-negotiables
- Defining the system
- Identify discussions
- Identify Roles
- Develop timeline
- Define two cycles of success
- Public Relations
- Add to Pyramid of Interventions
- Taken from Gayle Karhanek 2007
- http//www.solutiontree.com/Public/ProfDev.aspx?no
17Future Goals
- Book Studies with Choice
- Parent View Online Grades/Attendance
- Standards Based Learning
- Continue Cultures of Thinking
- Analyze Data/Articles
- Common Planning Time
- DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., Karhanek, G.
(2004). Whatever it takes How a professional
learning community responds when kids dont
learn. Bloomington, IN Solution Tree (formerly
National Educational Service - Eaker, R., DuFour, R., DuFour, R. (2002).
Getting started Reculturing schools to become
professional learning communities. Bloomington,
IN Solution Tree (formerly National Educational
Service). - Ritchhart, Ron (2002) Intellectual Character
What it is, Why it Matters, and How to Get it.
San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass - DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R (1998)
Professional Learning Communities at Work Best
practices for enhancing student achievement.
Bloomington, IN Solution Tree - DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., Many, T.
(2006) Learning by Doing. Bloomington, IN
Solution Tree (formerly National Educational
Service - Reeves, D. (2004) Accountability for Learning
How teachers and school leaders can take charge.
Alexandria, VA ASCD