Title: Multi-criteria evaluation
1Multi-criteria evaluation
Geography 570 B. Klinkenberg
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MEC
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example
- Land is a scarce resource
- essential to make best possible use
- identifying suitability for
- agriculture
- forestry
- recreation
- housing
- etc.
4Sieve mapping
- Early methods
- Ian McHarg (1969) Design with Nature
- tracing paper overlays
- landscape architecture and facilities location
- Bibby Mackney (1969) Land use capability
classification - tracing paper overlays
- optimal agricultural land use mapping
5GIS approaches
- Sieve mapping using
- polygon overlay (Boolean logic)
- cartographic modelling
- Example uses
- nuclear waste disposal site location
- highway routing
- land suitability mapping
- etc.
6Sieve mapping / boolean overlay
- The easiest way to do sieve mapping to use
Boolean logic to find combinations of layers that
are defined by using logical operators AND for
intersection, OR for union, and NOT for exclusion
of areas (Jones, 1997). In this approach, the
criterion is either true or false. Areas are
designated by a simple binary number, 1,
including, or 0, excluding them from being
suitable for consideration (Eastman, 1999).
7Boolean example
- Within 500m from Shepshed
- Within 450m from roads
- Slope between 0 and 2.5
- Land grade III
- Suitable land, min 2.5 ha
- What problems or limitations are there with the
sieve mapping approach?
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MCE
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example MOLA
- Decision a choice between alternatives
- Decision frame the set of all possible
alternatives - Parks Forestry
- Candidate set the set of all locations pixels
that are being considered - all Crown lands
- Decision set the areas assigned to a decision
(one alternative) - all pixels identified as Park
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MCE
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- ExampleMOLA
- Criterion some basis for a decision. Two main
classes - Factors enhance or detract from the suitability
of a land use alternative (OIR) e.g., distance
from a road - Constraints limit the alternatives (N) e.g.,
crown/private lands boolean - Can be a continuum from crisp decision rules
(constraints) to fuzzy decision rules (factors) - Goal or target some characteristic that the
solution must possess (a positive constraint) - E.g., 12 of the land base identified as park
- Decision rule the procedure by which criteria
are combined to make a decision. Can be - Functions numerical, exact decision rules
- Heuristics approximate procedures for finding
solutions that are good enough - Objective the measure by which the decision rule
operates (e.g., identify potential parks) - Evaluation the actual process of applying the
decision rule
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MCE
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example MOLA
15Kinds of evaluations
- Single-criterion evaluation (e.g., do I have
enough money to see a movie?) - Multi-criteria evaluation to meet one objective,
several criteria must be considered (e.g., do I
have enough to see a movie, do I want to see an
action flick or a horror movie, which theatre is
closest?) - Multi-objective evaluations
- Complementary objectives non-conflicting
objectives (e.g., extensive grazing and
recreational hiking) - Conflicting objectives both cannot exist at the
same place, same time (e.g., ecological reserves
and timber licenses)
16Multi-criteria evaluation
- Basic MCE theory
- Investigate a number of choice possibilities in
the light of multiple criteria and conflicting
objectives (Voogd, 1983) - Generate rankings of choice alternatives
- Two basic methodologies
- Boolean overlays (polygon-based methods) A
- Weighted linear combinations (WLC) (raster-based
methods) B
17Multi-criteria evaluation
- Multicriteria analysis appeared in the 1960s as a
decision-making tool. It is used to make a
comparative assessment of alternative projects or
heterogeneous measures. With this technique,
several criteria can be taken into account
simultaneously in a complex situation. The method
is designed to help decision-makers to integrate
the different options, reflecting the opinions of
the actors concerned, into a prospective or
retrospective framework. Participation of the
decision-makers in the process is a central part
of the approach. The results are usually directed
at providing operational advice or
recommendations for future activities.
18Multi-criteria evaluation
- Multicriteria evaluation be organised with a view
to producing a single synthetic conclusion at the
end of the evaluation or, on the contrary, with a
view to producing conclusions adapted to the
preferences and priorities of several different
partners. - Multi-criteria analysis is a tool for comparison
in which several points of view are taken into
account, and therefore is particularly useful
during the formulation of a judgement on complex
problems. The analysis can be used with
contradictory judgement criteria (for example,
comparing jobs with the environment) or when a
choice between the criteria is difficult.
- Non-monetary decision making tool
- Developed for complex problems,where uncertainty
can arise if a logical, well-structured
decision-making process is not followed - Reaching consensus in a (multidisciplinary) group
is difficult to achieve.
20MCE techniques
- Many techniques (decision rules)
- Most developed for evaluating small problem sets
(few criteria, limited candidate sets) - Some are suitable for large (GIS) matrices
- layers criteria
- cells or polygons choice alternatives
- Incorporation of levels of importance (weights
WLC methods) - Incorporation of constraints (binary maps)
21MCE pros and cons
- Cons
- Dynamic problems strongly simplified into a
linear model - Static, lacks the time dimension
- Controversial method too subjective?
- Pros
- Gives a structured and traceable analysis
- Possibility to use different evaluation factors
makes it a good tool for discussion - Copes with large amounts of information
- It works!
22MCE pros and cons
- MCE is not perfectquick and dirty-option,
unattractive for real analysts - but what are the alternatives? - system
dynamics modelling impossible for huge
socio-technical problems - BOGSATT is not
satisfactory (Bunch of Old Guys/Gals Sitting
Around a Table Talking) - MCE is good for complex spatial problems
- Emphasis on selecting good criteria, data
collection and sensitivity analysis
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example
24Principles of MCE
- Methodology
- Determine criteria (factors / constraints) to be
included - Standardization (normalization) of factors /
criterion scores - Determining the weights for each factor
- Evaluation using MCE algorithms
- Sensitivity analysis of results
25Determine the criteria to be included
- Oversimplification of the decision problem could
lead to too few criteria being used - Using a large number of criteria reduces the
influence of any one criteria - They should be comprehensive, measurable,
operational, non-redundant, and minimal - Often proxies must be used since the criteria of
interest may not be determinable (e.g., slope
is used to represent slope stability) - A multistep, iterative process that considers the
literature, analytical studies and, possibly,
26Factor normalization
- Standardization of the criteria to a common scale
(commensuration) - Need to compare apples to apples, not apples to
oranges to walnuts. For example - Distance from a road (km)
- Slope ()
- Wind speed
- Consider
- Range (convert all
- to a common range)
- Meaning
- (which end of the
- scale good)
27Fuzzy membership functions
Used to standardize the criterion
scores Linguistic concepts are inherently
fuzzy (hot/cold short/tall)
Graphs of the Fuzzy Memberships within
IDRISI (Based on Eastman 1999)
28Factor normalization example
Cholera Health Risk Prediction in Southern
Africathe relation between temperature and risk
Below 28.5 there is no risk, above 37.5 it cant
29Determine the weights
- By normalizing the factors we make the choice of
the weights an explicit process. - A decision is the result of a comparison of one
or more alternatives with respect to one or more
criteria that we consider relevant for the task
at hand. Among the relevant criteria we consider
some as more important and some as less
important this is equivalent to assigning
weights to the criterion according to their
relative importance.
30Determine the weights
- Multiple criteria typically have varying
importance. To illustrate this, each criterion
can be assigned a specific weight that reflects
it importance relative to other criteria under
consideration. The weight value is not only
dependent the importance of any criterion, it is
also dependent on the possible range of the
criterion values. A criterion with variability
will contribute more to the outcome of the
alternative and should consequently be regarded
as more important than criteria with no or little
changes in their range.
31Determine the weights
- Weights are usually normalised to sum up to 1, so
that in a set of weights (w1, w2, ., wn) 1. - There are several methods for deriving weights,
among them (Malczewski, 1999) - Ranking
- Rating
- Pairwise Comparison (AHP)
- Trade-off
- The simplest way is straight ranking (in order of
preference 1most important, 2second most
important, etc.). Then the ranking is converted
into numerical weights on a scale from 0 to 1, so
that they sum up to 1.
32Analytical hierarchy process
- One of the more commonly-used methods to
calculate the weights.
Refer to description of ArcGIS extension ext_ahp.
33Analytical hierarchy process
- IDRISI features a weight routine to calculate
weights, based on the pairwise comparison method,
developed by Saaty (1980). A matrix is
constructed, where each criterion is compared
with the other criteria, relative to its
importance, on a scale from 1 to 9. Then, a
weight estimate is calculated and used to derive
a consistency ratio (CR) of the pairwise
comparisons. - If CR gt 0.10, then some pairwise values need to
be reconsidered and the process is repeated till
the desired value of CR lt 0.10 is reached.
34MCE Algorithms
- The most commonly used decision rule is the
weighted linear combination - where
- S is the composite suitability score
- x factor scores (cells)
- w weights assigned to each factor
- c constraints (or boolean factors)
- ? -- sum of weighted factors
- ? -- product of constraints (1-suitable,
S ?wixi x ?cj
- A major difference between boolean (sieve
methods) and MCE is that for boolean and
methods every condition must be met before an
area is included in the decision set. There is
no distinction between those areas that fully
meet the criteria and those that are at the
edges of the criteria. - There is also no room for weighting the factors
36Example weighted linear summation
37Sensitivity analysis
- Choice for criteria (e.g., why included?)
- Reliability data
- Choice for weighing factors is subjective
- Will the overall solution change if you use other
weighing factors? - How stable is the final conclusion?
- sensitivity analysis vary the scores / weights
of the factors to determine the sensitivity of
the solution to minor changes
38Sensitivity analysis
- Only addresses one of the sources of uncertainty
involved in making a decision (i.e., the validity
of the information used) - A second source of uncertainty concerns future
events that might lead to differentially
preferred outcomes for a particular decision
alternative. - Decision rule uncertainty should also be
considered (? MCE itself)
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MCE
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example MOLA
40Fuzzy Expert Systems and GIS for Cholera Health
Risk Prediction in Southern Africa
- Gavin Fleming, Marna van der Merwe, Graeme
McFerren, Kerry Murphy - CSIR, South Africa
41Vibrio cholerae
- Untreated death within 24h from loss of fluid
- Transmission ingest contaminated material
- Treatment fluid replacement and antibiotics
- Origins in the Orient
- Now endemic in many places
42The complex nature of cholera
43Hierarchical approach
44(No Transcript)
45GIS and Fuzzy LogicArcInfo raster, AML
46Model variables
47(No Transcript)
48MCE _at_ Shepshed
- 100m lt Shepshed lt1000m
- Between 50m and 600m to roads
- Slope between 1 and 5
- Land grade III and grade IV
- Varying suitability, min 2.5 ha
Bright areas have highest suitability
49Comparison of results
- The Boolean constrains leave no room for
prioritisation, all suitable areas are of equal
value, regardless of their position in reference
to their factors. - Minimal fuzzy membership the minimum suitability
value from each factor at that location is chosen
from as the "worst case" suitability. This can
result in larger areas, with highly suitable
areas. - Probabilistic fuzzy intersection fewer suitable
areas than the minimal fuzzy operation. This is
due to the fact that this effectively is a
multiplication. Multiplying suitability factors
of 0.9 and 0.9 at one location yields an overall
suitability of 0.81, whereas the fuzzy approach
results in 0.9. Thus, it can be argued that the
probabilistic operation is counterproductive when
using fuzzy variables (Fisher, 1994). When using
suitability values larger than 1 this does of
course not occur. - Weighted Overlay produces many more areas. This
shows all possible solutions, regardless whether
all factors apply or not, as long as at least one
factor is valid for that area. This is so,
because even if one factor is null, the other
factors still sum up to a value. This also shows
areas that are outside of the initial
- An integrative approach is effective for
modelling complex problems - Non-linear simulation modelling
- Expert systems
- AI integration (fuzzy logic)
- Established a framework and working model
51Wind Farm Siting
- Dennis Scanlin
- (Department of Technology)
- Xingong Li
- Chris Larson
- (Department of Geography Planning)
- Appalachian State University
52Spatial Analytical Hierarchy Process
- Wind farm siting
- Find the best wind farm sites based on siting
factors - Alternatives
- Locationinfinite
- Divide the space into squares/cells (200m 200m)
- Evaluate each cell based on the siting factors
53Preliminary Siting Factors
- Accessibility to roads
- Distance to primary roads
- Distance to secondary roads
- Distance to rural roads
- Accessibility to transmission lines
- Distance to 100K lines
- Distance to 250K lines
- Distance to above250K lines
- Wind power (or wind speed)
- Visibility
- Viewshed size
- of people in viewshed
54Siting Steps (MCE)
- Factor generation
- Distance calculation
- Visibility calculation
- Factor standardization (0 100)
- Each factor is a map layer
- Factor weights determination by AHP
- Final score
- Weighted combination of factors
- Exclusion areas
56Factor Layers
57Wind Turbine visibility--Viewshed
58Wind Turbine Viewshed Size
- Red505km2
- Greed--805km2
- Blue--365km2
- Software tool developed to calculate viewshed
size for each cell
59Visibility FactorViewshed Size
- Computational expensive
- About 700,000 cells
- Each cell requires 10 seconds
- About 76 days
- Parallel computing
- 12 computers
- Each computer runs two counties
- About 55000 cells
- 6 days
- Succeed with 3000 cells but failed with 55,000
60Visibility Factor-- of People in Viewshed
61Final Score Layer
62Candidate Sites
63Constraints (binary)
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MCE
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example
66Multi-objective land allocation
- Basic MOLA theory
- procedure for solving multi-objective land
allocation problems for cases with conflicting
objectives - based on information from set of suitability maps
- one map for each objective
- relative weights assigned to objectives
- amount of area to be assigned to each land use
- determines compromise solution that attempts to
maximize suitability of lands for each objective
given weights assigned
67Principles of MOLA
- Methodology
- construct ranked suitability maps for each
objective using MCE - decide on relative objective weights and area
tolerances - evaluate conflict demands on limited land via
iterative process
68MOLA decision space
Non-conflicting choices
Conflicting choices
Objective 2
Non-conflicting choices
Unsuitable choices
Objective 1
- Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE)
- Principles of MCE
- Example MCE
- Multi-objective land allocation (MOLA)
- Example MOLA
70Carpet and agriculture in Kathmandu
- MOLA, Conflicting objectives Protecting 6000 ha
of agricultural land while leaving 1500 ha for
industrial development -
- Step 1 Standardised factors
- Proximity to water
- Proximity to power
- Proximity to roads
- Proximity to market
- Slope
71Carpet and agriculture in Kathmandu
- Step 2 Suitability for each objective
- Agriculture
- Carpet industry
- Best 6000 ha for agriculture
- Best 1500 ha for carpet industry
- Conflict area
- In the Boolean Intersection all criteria are
assumed to be constraints. Suitability in one
constraint will not compensate for
non-suitability in any other constraint. This
procedure also seems to carry the lowest possible
uncertainty since only areas considered suitable
in all criteria are entered into the result.
However, this method requires crisp entities as
criteria, a requirement that may be hard to meet.
The advantage of the Boolean Intersection is that
is straightforward and easy to apply. A
disadvantage is that it might exclude or include
areas that are not truly representative. Boolean
Intersection is best applied either as a crude
estimation or when all factors are of equal
weight and when it can be assumed that the
factors are of equal importance in any of the
area they cover. - Weighted Linear Combination allows each factor to
display its potential because of the factor
weights. Factor weights are very important in WLC
because they determine how individual factors
will aggregate. Thus, deciding on the correct
weighting becomes essential. The advantage of
this method is that all factors contribute to the
solution based on their importance. The
aggregation of individual weights is prone to be
very subjective, even when pairwise comparison is
used for ensuring consistent weights. - Multi Objective Land Allocation blends
priorities, whereas WLC favors one over the
other, creating zones that do not overlap. MOLA
is therefore preferable for solving conflicts
that arise when multiple conflicting objectives
exist and where an incorrect decision might be
highly damaging.
- Few GIS packages provide MCE functionality (e.g.
Idrisi) - Most GIS provide facilities for building MCE
analyses (e.g. ArcGIS modelbuilder) - Important method for
- Site and route selection
- land suitability modelling