Title: EBSCO for Science Research
1 The Intelligent Alternative
Research in Nursing
2 This tutorial will cover the basics in using
the online resources at Holman Library
- Major Topics Covered
- WebFeat
- Database List
- EBSCO Research in Nursing
- Locating a Specific E-journal
- Nursing Resources WebPage
- APA Style the Basics
- Tutorials
3Holman Library WebPages act as an Information
- Menu to resources and services
- Subscriptions to over 60 electronic databases
- Most full text resources
- Proxy server for off campus access
- Databases available 24 / 7
- Guides to resources by division, major program
- Online forms for requesting reference help,
interlibrary loan, instruction other services
4Off Campus Access
- Must have a McKendree username and password to
access Library resources - Contact 537-6445 or helpdesk_at_mckendree.edu with
support webpages at http//support.mckendree.edu
- Proxy server
- Authenticates McKendree affiliation
- Compliance with licensing agreements
- Allows access from anywhere on the web
5WebFeat, a federated search engine
Youll find it listed as Find Books Journal
Articles, the first link under Finding
Information. WebFeat searches multiple databases
at the same time.
6 WebFeat SearchingSelect the options available
7 WebFeat Searching or review the options
available by DATABASE
8 WebFeat Searching Interpreting Search Results
9Improve Your Search Techniques Boolean operators
and, or, not can
always be used to limit searches
And Combines search terms so that results
contain all of the search words.
i.e. healthcare and China nursing and
leadership and profession and
- Or Combines search terms so that results
contain at least one of the search words.
i.e. adolescent or teenager
ADD or attention deficit disorder
- Not Excludes terms that are not desired.
i.e. book not review experiment
not human
10You can expand search results by using Wildcards
and Truncation
Truncation represented by the asterisk (). Use
the to replace the end of a word. For
example type nurs to find citations containing
the words nurse, nurses, nursing, etc.
Wildcards represented by the question mark (?).
Use the ? for unknown characters For example,
type wom?n to find citations containing woman,
women, or womyn.
11 WebFeat Searching Interpreting Search Results
Full Text?
Because of WebFeats extensive hyperlinking, the
service will always supply the full text or the
CLOSEST MATCH to the requested item. VIEW will
generally provide the best results. Results will
vary greatly, especially at first.
12You may still search the individual databases one
by one or in groups without using WebFeat
Try the Database List
13Precise, definitive searches are best
accomplished within the individual database
search engines
For instance, select the EBSCO Databases for
research in nursing
14Academic Search Premier is your best source for
FT, scholarly research articles
But, you may select as many EBSCO databases as
you think appropriate
15Nursing Subscription Databases
- Academic Search Premier
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Health Source Nursing/Academic
- LexisNexis Academic
- Physician's Desk Reference
- pre-CINAHL
- PsycINFO
- WilsonSelectPlus
- EBSCO databases
- This is why you want to select the EBSCO
databases FIRST
16EBSCO Database Descriptions
- Academic Search Premier - multi-disciplinary
database with full text for nearly 4,650 serials,
including full text for more than 3,600
peer-reviewed titles along with citations and
abstracts to another 5000 journals - CINAHL Plus with FT world's most comprehensive
source of full text for nursing allied health
journals, providing full text for more than 560
journals, nearly 400 have cover-to-cover indexing
in CINAHL. - Health Source/Nursing Academic - 550 scholarly
full text journals focusing on many medical
disciplines. Health Source Nursing/Academic
Edition also features abstracts and indexing for
nearly 850 journals.
17Database Descriptions (continued)
- MEDLINE with FT - world's most comprehensive
source of full text for medical journals,
providing full text for nearly 1,200 journals
indexed in MEDLINE. Of those, more than 1,000
have cover-to-cover indexing in MEDLINE. With
more than 1,400,000 full-text articles dating
back to 1965 - Pre-CINAHL - A companion database to CINAHL,
Pre-CINAHL is intended to provide current
awareness of new journal articles, and includes a
rotating file of limited bibliographic
information (no subject searching), which are
available to searchers only for the time when
these articles are being assigned additional
18Click on the title of an article to see the
abstract, the subject headings assigned, the
bibliographic information, and links to the full
text article (when available)
Search Terms are Highlighted
19Refining the Search
Review the Appropriate Options i.e. Date /
Journal Title / Scholarly / FT
20Explore Your Options
- Review the buttons on the toolbar
- Basic and Advanced Search features
- Subject terms, thesauri and indexes
- Browse for subjects that begin with or contain
the term to be searched - Add the term to the search screen using the ADD
button in the browse section - Add additional terms if desired using the boolean
operators in the pull down menu next to the add
button - Search by publication (a table of contents for
browsing a journal or finding subject specific
articles) - Can put articles in folders for later evaluation
and selection
21The Result List
Varieties of Full Text OptionsHTML, PDF
Linked Full Text
22Varieties of Full Text PDFs include EVERYTHING
the author intended
PDFs include all primary source charts,
graphs, tables, photographs and words
included by the writer
23Each citation or article includesPrint, Email
and Save Options
24Email Options are Secure Easy to Use
25 Looking for a Specific eJournal?
26If there is no full text link to an article,
what should I do?
- First, click on the McK button
- It will check our subscription lists
- Email Liz VogtPublic Services Librarian (618)
537-6950E-mail ljvogt_at_mckendree.edu - Request Articles
- Online forms or in-library paper forms
- Received via fax, electronically, by mail or
courier - Time needed varies / planning required
- Interlibrary Loan Services and Policies
- Interlibrary Loan Request Form
- Choose Borrow from another library
- Complete request form and submit
- Article will come to library and be sent to you
- Each request needs your name, contact information
and the last date -
27Introducing SMART Imagebase
2810,000 high quality medical scientific
illustrations / animations
29Easy to Search Useful
30 Information Literacy Defined
- Within the context of lifelong learning and
the broad information continuum which ranges
from data to knowledge to wisdom, information
literacy competency focuses on five broad
abilities - to recognize the need for information
- to know how to access information
- to understand how to evaluate information
- to know how to synthesize information
- to be able to communicate information
- to be able to ethically use
information -
31Cite Your Sources Properly
- Let the reader know whose thoughts are being
used to make the point and provide the
appropriate documentation - Avoid plagiarism
- Do not copy someone elses work. Its fraud!
- No person shall submit as his own to an
instructor any work which contains ideas or
materials taken from another without full
acknowledgment of the author the source.
McKendrees Academic Integrity Policy
32Using APA Style
- Use the APA Style Manual to let the reader know
where to locate the information referenced - Copies are also on reserve in the library
- Guides are online
- http//www.mckendree.edu/academics/APA.aspx
- http//www.lib.duke.edu/libguide/cite/works_ci
33Bibliographic Style Aids - APA
34Resources by Discipline - Nursing
Represents some of the best sources of
information from the Librarys subscription
services the Internet
Tutorials are available any time and cover almost
every one of our databases
36- Please visit, call or email
- Rebecca Bostian 537-6951
- Director
- Bill Harroff 537-6952
- Reference Information Technologies Librarian
- Debbie Houk 537-6953
- Technical Services Librarian
- Liz Vogt 537-6950
- Public Services Librarian